On November 20 2012 21:18 MrCon wrote: Why does MKP spend his whole TvT games outside of his base, dying to every single drop or banshee or anything because he's in the middle of nowhere doing nothing ><
Because MKP is still in early 2012 bio mindset where he should ALWAYS have map presence etc. He plays overly aggressive in just about every matchup and every time he loses late in GSL it's partially because of that.
On November 20 2012 21:08 Taipoka wrote: People are expecting the perfect (turtle, deathball, gg) Well. This was a well played and funny game
Too used to one battle one win. This is how Starcraft is suppose to be: multitask, skirmishes, tactical decisions; and limiting the amount of mistakes. Not perfect play, but making less mistakens than your opponent. If you want perfect play, go play WC3
Too true.
That game showed some big mistakes from both players that shouldn't have happened, but it's still VASTLY closer to the top level play we should be seeing. That was "mediocre" top level play as opposed to the "perfect" shitty play we see so much right now. Anyone can make zero mistakes if they're doing nothing but turtle against someone else who's just turtling, and that's what people need to keep in mind when they see "bad" play in an action packed game and think it somehow means the players are worse.
Flash vs Jaedong in finals was one of prime examples of bad play. So many mistakes ;D
On November 20 2012 21:18 Adreme wrote: For the life of me I never understood the one turret style. I always put 2 so that my SCVs were 100% safe against banshees and it always seems to pay for itself.
at the highest level of play you cut corners to get the most out of a build 1 turret is plenty for pros as long as their is a viking or a few marines.
On November 20 2012 21:17 Giku wrote: WHY do terrans in the GSL CODE fucking S STILL cloak their banshee's before they're in danger?! I don't get it, I mean, it's not the biggest deal in the world, but it's such a rookie mistake.
They do it because then they can focus on doing something somewhere else and get that few extra seconds where they don't need to babysit their banshees.
On November 20 2012 21:08 Taipoka wrote: People are expecting the perfect (turtle, deathball, gg) Well. This was a well played and funny game
Too used to one battle one win. This is how Starcraft is suppose to be: multitask, skirmishes, tactical decisions; and limiting the amount of mistakes. Not perfect play, but making less mistakens than your opponent. If you want perfect play, go play WC3
Too true.
That game showed some big mistakes from both players that shouldn't have happened, but it's still VASTLY closer to the top level play we should be seeing. That was "mediocre" top level play as opposed to the "perfect" shitty play we see so much right now. Anyone can make zero mistakes if they're doing nothing but turtle against someone else who's just turtling, and that's what people need to keep in mind when they see "bad" play in an action packed game and think it somehow means the players are worse.
Flash vs Jaedong in finals was one of prime examples of bad play. So many mistakes ;D
don't 4 pool twice, don't let power outage happen.
5.00 Ryung spawning as the red Terran in the 11 o'clock position. MarineKing spawning as the blue Terran in the 5 o'clock position.
Ryung going gas and Barracks. MKP only going Barracks.
MKp getting CC next, on the low-ground. Factory for Ryung. Second gas taken.
Starport and tech lab on the factory for Ryung.
MKP getting another Barracks, taking both gas and adding ona Factory.
10.00 Cloak and Banshees for Ryung. MKP starting a Starport. CC started for Ryung.
MKP keeping his Marines in his main, expecting something like Banshees.
Combat Shields started by MKP, Hellion moving across the map, taking the middle tower. First Banshee moving into MKP's natural.
Engineering Bay for MKP, Medivac was produced first. banshee not able to do much, gets a couple SCVs, but saves it as it runs out of energy. Stim and +1 attack for MKp.
Siege tech finishes for Ryung. Two scans used to take out the second Banshee.
Ryung taking a gas in his natural. MKP adding on another Barracks.
Stim started just now for Ryung. MKP tries to drop into the main, but Ryung has two Vikings defending. Banshee from Ryung going into the main of MKP again, trying to do some damage.
15.00 Siege tech started for MKP. 1/1 started for Ryung, stim finishes. +1 armor started for MKP.
Banshee from Ryung still being annoying. Ryung starting his third CC, MKP moving out again.
MKp takes second gas on his natural, scouts around with Marines for hidden base. Ryung goes for a drop along the left side of the map.
Double Armory coming in from Ryung. Ryung is waterproof in his main.
MKP getting another Engineering Bay and an Armory. Drop from Ryung takes out a handful SCVs anda siege tank before it's cleaned up. MKP getting his third now.