Thanks. Someone definitely should save it and load it to youtube. For some reason, I can't ever view twitch on the twitch site itself (has to be embedded >.<).
Guys Guys !!! Its all coming back now, memories from the past! And I know the solution to all yours and mine boredom:
I know that esports is young and being angry!!! and complaining won't help - I don't even mind the mistakes. But if they ar trying to project esports, online gaming, streaming as becoming serious business and mainstream, - surely an extra day to rehearse isn't impossible, is it?? WTF you know?
It's hilarious but it makes me embarassed as a gamer to see this kind of shit.
On November 17 2012 11:59 bluQ wrote: I know some company which dropped the ball on organizing and executing an event. Starts with B. Start guessing guys!
Is there no sound on any of the streams right now?
It sounds like based on the comments there isn't, but last time I was watching on twitch I'd occasionally lose sound for no apparent reason and then have to refresh to get it back.
On November 17 2012 12:01 shineq wrote: Kinda wish this was made by Dreamhack, their production is always stellar.
Screw this, I'm going to bed, it's 3am.
Thought so too ... EU Finals > Global Finals would be ... soooo sad.
It was always going to happen, you're not gonna top WCS EU with the event being in china.
Why does it being in China matter? If they had some great content to add to the beginning like the LoL finals did, a really nice stadium, great player intros and premade content along with good games... it could easily be better than WCS EU. As it stands, it just seems like they didn't put in much effort and aren't very good at putting on a good show, but I don't see how being in China is the reason why. By all means, inform me. I'm not saying you are wrong.
Chinese broadcast times are bad for the main audience of sc2 ( being the EU )
of course it can be a good event for those watching, but it was never going to be bigger and more watched than wcs eu.