![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1McOd.jpg) ESEA SC2 Season 11 Lower Round 3Thursday, July 5 01:00 GMT (+00:00) ESEA 4Last Recap ArticleBracket
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/HZh0p.png) ![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/c/c2/ItsGosu_logo.png) ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/pHNkJ.png) Casted By Samuel "SamSC2" KasperekThis is a great match coming up, and it will of course be exciting because we've got LighT who ALWAYS seems to go to ACE. I feel that either way we will be seeing a 3-2 victory for GoSu or LighT. The two teams played each other back in late May, with GoSu coming up on top 3-1. My gut feeling here is telling me to go with It's Gosu again, although LighT is definitely a contender and I feel would have the advantage in ACE with a player like Golden. If the match does go to ACE, I could definitely foresee an ostojiy vs Golden match. Either team could take this match though, so it will be exciting to see who comes out on top! The winner of this match will go on to face CheckSix Gaming (#2) in the Loser's Finals. Be sure to tune in on the stream! SamSC2 + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler +Poll: Who will win?It's Gosu eSports (4) 50% LighT eSports (4) 50% 8 total votes Your vote: Who will win? (Vote): It's Gosu eSports (Vote): LighT eSports
Poll: Most Anticipated Match?KawaiiLighT vs GoSuDDE (3) 33% GoldenLighT vs GoSuSTX (3) 33% CaliberLighT vs GoSuostojiy (2) 22% binskiLighT vs GoSuHwangSin (1) 11% 9 total votes Your vote: Most Anticipated Match? (Vote): KawaiiLighT vs GoSuDDE (Vote): binskiLighT vs GoSuHwangSin (Vote): GoldenLighT vs GoSuSTX (Vote): CaliberLighT vs GoSuostojiy
This should be an amazing match to cast!
3-2 to be honest, I think Ostojiy and Hwangsin are going to feel comfortable, I'm not too familiar with KR's TvT, but I'm confident he can take it.
It's going to be close @__@ though!
Hrmm I think 3-2 win for GoSu + Show Spoiler [prediction] +KR < DDE Binski > Hwangsin Golden > STX Caliber < Ostojiy followed by some amazing ace match
Anyhow, looking forward to watching some DDE
Interesting predictions for + Show Spoiler +KR < DDE and Binski > HwangSin , I would predict those might be flipped. Who do you think will be ACE on both sides? Also Torte 3-2 for which team ;p
On July 04 2012 12:44 Superiorwolf wrote:Interesting predictions for + Show Spoiler +KR < DDE and Binski > HwangSin , I would predict those might be flipped. Who do you think will be ACE on both sides? Also Torte 3-2 for which team ;p
Okok perhaps I made those predictions with a little bit of player bias  I think the aces are going to be Golden and Ostojiy :o
I'm really thinking it's going to come down to an ace match between the both of them. They are showing just amazing skill in all of their matchups
Also @Jerky your tag at the bottom is hilarious and it's amazing how I didn't notice that before!
On July 04 2012 12:44 Superiorwolf wrote:Interesting predictions for + Show Spoiler +KR < DDE and Binski > HwangSin , I would predict those might be flipped. Who do you think will be ACE on both sides? Also Torte 3-2 for which team ;p ' LighT
Prediction KR > dde Binski < Hwangsin Golden > STX Caliber < Ostojiy Ace: Golden > Hwangsin
I'm guessing KR < DDE Binski < Hwangsin Golden > STX Caliber < Ostojiy
This is being played tonight! Be sure to tune in!
Yeah I can't wait to go live! These games are going to be epic!
predictions: kawaiirice will take dde even tho dde can provide with some really good games so ( kawaii > dde ) binski vs hwangsin well i think hwangsin has this for sure binski is good and underrated but hwangsin is the favor here imo. hwangsin > binski golden > stx i'll leave it to that caliber vs ostojiy i think osto has this one. Caliber is good but i feel that osto is better?
Starting in just over 30 minutes! Hope you guys all tune in to see how it goes!
On July 05 2012 14:20 NMxhendralisk wrote: I'm guessing KR < DDE Binski < Hwangsin Golden > STX Caliber < Ostojiy Henry getting all the correct guesses.