On February 19 2012 14:24 Veldril wrote: Austin, no near yet so far away... I really wish the event will be held at Texas A&M University, College Station instead (so that I would be able to go T T).
Its important to note that this is yet another reason why UT>ATM.
Yes while you t-sips are setting up sc2 events the rest of us are actually studying and getting an education. Your sacrifice is dully noted.
I just hope Nony is not going to rely on gimmicky builds like he has in the past. I remember he was so solid in BW but he never seems comfortable doing solid/late game builds in SC2. Please practice for this event Nony and I will cheer for you
On February 18 2012 11:09 Jacobs Ladder wrote: Or it will be 20 degrees. Then 80 five minutes later.
confirmed....a few days ago it snowed, then the temp got up to 80 3 days later, and it currently been raining for the last 2 days. tomorrow it will prob be 105 degrees
It has not snowed in Austin this year...or even last year I don't think. It's been like 6 years since snow stuck on the ground for more than an hour.
On February 18 2012 00:50 Darigaz(L) wrote: This is absolutely sick. Really really exciting to see this! It makes me optimistic about the future. As a team owner I can say CSN is one of the best players in the scene right now. Go to twitter and follow these guys.
you mean csn is one of the best organizations or is my english too bad to understand this?
tournament in general sounds cool and seems to have a lot of really great sponsors involved but it makes me soooooo incredibly sad to see that tournament organizers still don't invite the best of the best players but instead some of the fan favourites that have no realistic chance of doing anything in this tournament (i'm talking about tyler obviously...)
On February 18 2012 08:18 Jetaap wrote: Texas esport association is doing it right . I would guess that Nony will play there, maybe it will be the lan were Nony makes his come back at the top of the esport scene.