On January 28 2012 17:02 carloselcoco wrote: Usually I would agree with the decision to send SuperNova for an Ace, but this time not at all. Extreme has proved to all of us that he is extremely good at PvT. Specially that last game where he basically lost to ForGG, yet somehow won!!! 0.o
SuperNova has to take it to an extreme!
ForGG was way behind in upgrades/economy in that game. He kinda floated his cc into the main. Extreme didnt capitalise on his lead and let ForGG stay that long in the game.
Inca is really good against T if he can get to the late game (tremendous macro), but he always insists on doing extremely risky builds in order to get there. He really should've been sent out against Extreme after TheStC.
On January 28 2012 17:00 Scrandom wrote: Wonder how long Artosis will take to switch this to his new favorite and best protoss
He generally only hypes players who execute things well; I don't think he'd be a fan of Extreme, who basically got a big build order lead and then almost managed to lose it.
I agree with you and don't think Artosis would like Extreme all that much. His play is very un-standard and he puts himself in a lot of situations that could be turning out badly and takes risks in spots where he doesn't need to. It's VERY flashy and fun to watch, but idk how he would perform against a less aggressive terran who just 1 rax cc into double ebay with a very fast 3rd. My liquibet wants Supernova to do something like this, my heart wants to see some crazy storm first ultra-aggression.
On January 28 2012 17:04 carloselcoco wrote: I think this extreme situation is comparable to the QXC all kill last GSTL :D
No, it's nothing like that. qxc's all-kill was the greatest moment of 2011 and a massive morale boost for the foreign scene. This is just some Protoss guy who is really good.
thewind might be the worst coach in the teamleague like seriously 4 terrans? i wouldve sent out herO or zenio before nada or fin frustrating that one of my favorite teams is gonna lose just by bad coaching decisions
On January 28 2012 17:02 carloselcoco wrote: Usually I would agree with the decision to send SuperNova for an Ace, but this time not at all. Extreme has proved to all of us that he is extremely good at PvT. Specially that last game where he basically lost to ForGG, yet somehow won!!! 0.o
SuperNova has to take it to an extreme!
extreme is ahead in upgrade the whole game vs forGG, in anyway possible, bases, upgrades army. when he finish 3-3 forgg only have 1-0 upgrade and 2-1 on the way.
If Extreme can beat supernovas mech play, than I will jump on the hype wagon. This is a big test since supernova is one of the best terran players with solid mech play, I just don't see extreme winning.
On January 28 2012 17:03 GodOfWar wrote: SuperNoVa has owned MC in GSL, this will be a major rape
To be fair its very different when team mates play each other 50% of that ownage was due to pure mind games and trickery. SuperNova played great and is an awesome Terran player, but that result isn't really reliable to point too.
TheWind has to be one of the worst coaches in picking players to go out. Three Terrans fall to treme, and now he sends in a fourth. Yes, Supernova is the best Terran on oGs by far, but come on. He should have played Hero or maybe Zenio after treme killed TheSTC. Even Inca would have been fine. Has he ever heard of sniping?
The loss of MC really hurt oGs's depth. Their only good players are Terran, now. Kind of like SlayerS's situation before they got people like Puzzle and CoCa.
On January 28 2012 17:03 Brian333 wrote: Man, I wish MC did not leave. oGs has such a good team if they can just develop a zerg or two. STC, Fin, MC, Hero, and Supernova is such a good best 5 and they still have some depth behind that.
On January 28 2012 17:04 carloselcoco wrote: I think this extreme situation is comparable to the QXC all kill last GSTL :D
No, it's nothing like that. qxc's all-kill was the greatest moment of 2011 and a massive morale boost for the foreign scene. This is just some Protoss guy who is really good.
On January 28 2012 17:03 GodOfWar wrote: SuperNoVa has owned MC in GSL, this will be a major rape
To be fair its very different when team mates play each other 50% of that ownage was due to pure mind games and trickery. SuperNova played great and is an awesome Terran player, but that result isn't really reliable to point too.