Here we go again. This weekend is about good games and good fun. Don't rain on that parade. Play nice guys. Here's the very standard and friendly:
- NO Balance Whine. - NO Player Bashing. - NO Caster Bashing. - NO BM whatsoever.
Breaking these rules (from pg 166 forward) will be met with severe punishment. |
On November 21 2011 06:42 YodaGoneMad wrote: Who is FXOLeenock? Has he ever come to MLG before?
Gonna be funny/sad if some random dude comes into the championship and takes the 50K over all the other plays who came to every MLG.
FXOLeenock has been a Code S player since like...open season 3. He fell of a bit, but at the moment he's the only zerg remaining in the Code S ro8. He's also a really young guy, still in school...and it's easy to see he's got a lot of potential. He's kinda like the korean Stephano, only cuter :p
HayprO getting dat cash, gj !
On November 21 2011 06:43 Todevod wrote:Show nested quote +On November 21 2011 06:42 SeaSwift wrote:On November 21 2011 06:39 Todevod wrote: Why did MC wait til his Nexus was dead to attack into Mvp's army? He wouldn't have had to rebuild that Nexus and he would have lost the same army. I really think that would have made such a HUGE difference. Because he didn't have enough units. He was waiting for the Archons. Without the Archons, his army would have died. His real mistake there was not anticipating an all-in close air spawns on Metalopolis, tbh. His archons were done lol
Really? I thought his first one was morphing and he was warping in 2 HTs while MVP was shelling his expo.
Anyway. I'm too tired now. I'll end up going on about balance and get banned, so see you tomorrow.
Good luck Naniwa.
On November 21 2011 06:38 superjoppe wrote:Show nested quote +On November 21 2011 06:34 Zarahtra wrote:On November 21 2011 06:30 windsupernova wrote: Lol are people for real? MVP didn't pull a Bitbybit, lol. He just pulled a few SCV for repars and containing.
But oh well, whiners gonna whine Well he did allin It was a timing attack. Please learn the difference. Well he did not finish any upgrade, get any new units or hit before any crucial tech was out. He hit before an unknown 3rd did take true effect, but that was more a luck of the draw than recognizing a timing when the opponent is weak. Ontop of that pulling 30-40% of his workers... I'd classify that as an allin... I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but it's imo silly to try to say it was some special timing rather than just a straight up allin(allin being, if you dont do significant dmg, you are behind).
On November 21 2011 06:30 SolidMoose wrote:Show nested quote +On November 21 2011 06:29 ZeromuS wrote:On November 21 2011 06:28 Shellshock1122 wrote: 3-0d wow mvp so good He is good but these marine tank pushes are pretty stale to watch every time  You prefer terran to lose with MMM? I don't get it. Apparently some people like to watch bioballs and deathballs derp around the map and spam EMP/storm at each other until someone fucks up and loses.
TvP is the one matchup where I prefer to see someone all-in and get it over with quickly so we don't have to watch the most retarded macro games in the universe unfold.
hopefully one of these players win, open bracket power!
On November 21 2011 06:42 YodaGoneMad wrote: Who is FXOLeenock? Has he ever come to MLG before?
Gonna be funny/sad if some random dude comes into the championship and takes the 50K over all the other plays who came to every MLG.
One of the better zergs in Korea. Code S ro8 this season. Definitely no randomer.
On November 21 2011 06:43 StarStruck wrote:Show nested quote +On November 21 2011 06:42 Zanno wrote:On November 21 2011 06:39 K3Nyy wrote:On November 21 2011 06:33 SniXSniPe wrote:On November 21 2011 06:32 K3Nyy wrote:On November 21 2011 06:29 WhurreOdu wrote: Yeah, MC is always 2 base all-inning, only he does it ... MVP has allined a lot more in TvP and TvT on 1 base, yet everyone only remembers MC's allins. MC allin - damn cheeser! MVP allin - wow AWESOME timing attack! Sigh.. MVP is the one playing 20+ sets this tournament. How many did MC have to play? 4. What does that have to do with anything? MVP always 1-1-1s TvP and occasionally 1 bases vs Terran. Nobody gives him crap for that. what mvp almost never 1-1-1s those games weren't even really 1-1-1 allins, they were just marine-tank pushes the third 1 involves a starport, you know Yup, he was clearly playing against the builds he knows MC loves. If anything, it was a counter to what he expected from MC to do. It's called smart play.
I'm an MC fan and i'll have to agree with this. He simply outplayed MC strategically and knew how to counter MC's playstyle perfectly.
On November 21 2011 06:41 Jayjay54 wrote: I will never understand the music playlist in MLG downtime. Repeating guitar rifts which probably even annoy those who like this kind of musik after the 200th time.
Why not make a mixed playlist with different genres, some OST of games and so. The viewers normally like guessing the tracks and can expand their horizon.
Or even pay a guy like 50 bucks a day to select tracks from chat.
It's not expensive and would be a "quick win" improvement.
I like it ^^ Corny as it is, it has become generic MLG break music to me, associated with a lots of viewing fun and historic e-sports moments.
On November 21 2011 06:42 chatuka wrote:Show nested quote +On November 21 2011 06:41 Ryka wrote:On November 21 2011 06:39 Zarahtra wrote:On November 21 2011 06:37 Jetaap wrote:On November 21 2011 06:33 MorroW wrote: watching mvp makes me laff this guy is so underrated and underappricated I don't understand this, he is without any doubt the best player in sc2 so far, 3 gsl wins+ 1 final + blizzcon + an MLG ... I can't understand how people don't recognise it >_<. Well I guess people saying he's the best terran in the world is now not recognizing his skill, especially considering how beastly korean terrans are... Yeah I don't get it. Pretty much everyone agrees that he's one of, if not the strongest terran in the world. How is that underrated? I won't cheer for him personally unless he has a huge slump and becomes the underdog! I think MVP is right now considered the best SC2 player as of now. That can not be really debated. I do have to excuse MMA for not being properly allowed to heat up and turn to beast mode like he can be.. MMA at his best can not be beaten IMO. only BW players could probably take down MMA. (MVP was a BW player .........)
Didn't people want more tanks in TvP? XD
"MVP went for very quick two-base Collosus, and MVP was able to get a great surround with his Bio to take the game. #MLG " MVP is just so good, idra cant beat himself, but MVP sure can
LOL, dual sight, 1-0 incoming for leenocktopus.
On November 21 2011 06:42 JohnMatrix wrote:Show nested quote +On November 21 2011 06:41 JustPassingBy wrote: please, don't remind me of the haypro mvp series... that third game... so close... thrown away... <.< haypro clearly lost that due to either his fatigue or his nerves. you could says that to nestea aswell
this is a very good point.
On November 21 2011 06:43 Weemoed wrote:Show nested quote +On November 21 2011 06:41 StarStruck wrote:On November 21 2011 06:41 Worldatlarge wrote:On November 21 2011 06:40 Bengui wrote:On November 21 2011 06:38 getSome[703] wrote: I just read haypro won the 7th/8th place match over idra by DQ. Does anyone know anything about this? Did Idra ever showed up for a consolation match at MLG ? For 750 bucks, I would think he'd show up. Maybe you would, but he doesn't need the 750. Of course not, he's the richest person in the world and has a hatred for money due to its imbalanced spread across the global population.
He's salaried and has won a bunch of stuff lately. He probably doesn't think he can perform well in a consolation match and it's not worth risking a possibly demoralizing loss for a low dollar amount.
On November 21 2011 06:43 Legend` wrote: Was it a timing attack? Yes. MVP saw MC's double upgrades and fast third and HT tech and decided that the best time to attack was before all of it kicks in -> timing attack.
Was it also an all-in? Yes. If MVP didn't win or do significant damage with that attack then he would have close to no chance at coming back considering the amount of SCV's he pulled -> all-in.
It's an allin timing attack, discussion ended. True true, but it wasn't blind and MVP was pretty certain it would work. Signs of a good player, knowing when an all in will work 100% requires skill.
On November 21 2011 06:31 HowardRoark wrote: How come MVP doesn't have any fans? Being the best player in the world ought to count for something, and earn him some fans? If MKP or Huk would have been the best, they would have tons of fans. It is a bit weird, he is always well-spoken, doesn't cheat and don't cheese, he is pure talent, but still, as he said himself, he doesn't have many fans.
EDIT: Could it be because he is just too good, that no one equal him and people like to root for underdogs and for players that actually have a decent chance of losing? What? 2 out of these 3 games were pure abuse. That's like a protoss winning only with 4gt. I have no respect for that. Sorry.
the only 2 players to beat the banjo facing of in an epic battle game 1 between leenock and mvp starting now