On September 07 2011 21:17 KimJongChill wrote: Alright, I'm predicting 20 terran, 7 zerg, 5 protoss for October Code S.
This.... is sad... I enjoy my occasional TvT, but we've already had such an insane amount of it that people are dying from the OD... Atleast when we had alot of PvP's it was over quickly
On September 07 2011 21:18 pAzand wrote: Ghost > Infestor > HT. By far!
I dont know if ghosts are better than infestors, but both are waaaaay better than HTs.
I don't know about this. All of the units have different roles.
Both ghosts and infestors almost always do their full damage, and have energy-upgrades AND more speed. Also ghost, pretty good fighting unit on their own. HT's? Not so much, slow, only does full damage if you don't move your army and does nowhere near the same damage as ghost(especially)/infestor does vs P. Which role suits the HT better than the others? Defending drops? Maybe.
On September 07 2011 21:23 parazice wrote: it's very easy to help MC get his Code-S spot back OGS-TL just need to fly him to next MLG (it's much easier than Up&Down -"-)
Yes, much easier. He will just have to face players like Puma, Bomber and 2 Code S invites....
Code S invites can't win Code S, so MC would just need to rank top 3 above any other non Code S, which should be pretty simple for him
Quite clear that you can't get Code S if you already are Code S :p
But I really fail to see how beating better players than he has to at the up and downs is easier. Even reaching top 3 will be really hard for him considering his current shape.
On September 07 2011 21:18 pAzand wrote: Ghost > Infestor > HT. By far!
I dont know if ghosts are better than infestors, but both are waaaaay better than HTs.
I don't know about this. All of the units have different roles.
Both ghosts and infestors almost always do their full damage, and have energy-upgrades AND more speed. Also ghost, pretty good fighting unit on their own. HT's? Not so much, slow, only does full damage if you don't move your army and does nowhere near the same damage as ghost(especially)/infestor does vs P. Which role suits the HT better than the others? Defending drops? Maybe.
On September 07 2011 21:16 Corrik wrote: Do not take this the wrong way... but it seems certain Protoss really nose dived after the 4 gate was weakened.
Those who 4gated a lot less seem to be those doing the best now.
Ban this poster for this bull shit, please.
Hong-un is still in Code S and you seriously think that it's 4-gaters falling down to lower ranks?
the only time hongun 4 gated was vs mc.
the rest of hongun pvp games were pretty much a variation of 3g stargate/ 3g robo
+ blink stalkers^^
Watch some older matches from Hong-un. He's a notorious 4-gater.
dude, get your facts right. hongun was 0-6 in pvp before he played against mc. in those 6 games hongun lost, he had not 4 gated.
do some reseach if you want.
Eh they never said that they were talking about PvP actually.
He 4 gates a whole lot especially in PvT and PvZ. Not sure why you think 4 gate is (was) only limited to PvP. He had a lot of variants as well. 4 gate + voidrays. 4 gate blink. 4 gate 1 gas , 2 gas.