On July 30 2011 09:14 epik640x wrote: lol $5,000 to the winner mlg what?
Yeah i noticed and immediately wondered why so many fly over when the price money is so low? Is it to get a better seed for future tournaments with more money?
On July 30 2011 09:42 pezit wrote:Yeah i noticed and immediately wondered why so many fly over when the price money is so low? Is it to get a better seed for future tournaments with more money?
I assume they're in it more for the circuit points for the grandmaster finals which the prize pool is $50,000. Imagine $50,000 + all the littler earnings you made on the way?
i just payed, on my profile it says i have silver membership, cant put the video on hq, WTF
yeah whats going on? i bought silver and cant watch hq ..
Is it me or is high/ultra quality the same as mid quality?
Crazy ammounts of lag on the blue stream. Or in general I guess.
Streams keep going black for me forcing refreshes.
Once again the biggest problem with MLG is the delay in between games, I wish they'd somehow just Obs someones (players) screen.
I've entered my redeem code like 10 times but I still keep getting the stupid commercials...
Why can't the redeem code be connected to my account? Every time i write it in on 1 stream I get commercials on the second one and vice-versa even on low quality.
Im not even getting commercials, when they go to breaks my screen just goes black
Adblock have any effect on it now?
Basically the only way I can view the stream is by NOT using my redeem code, as soon as I enter it i start getting lag on all settings (from low to ultra)... Their system is great...
I paid and didn't get my code emailed? Anyone else got this problem?
It should just stay with the account name and you wouldn't even have to enter it... Like on GOMtv...
MLG site is so confusing. I've had to google for the red and blue stream cuz i couldnt find them on the mlg site.
I've searched for about an hour now wether there's vods anywhere. I find some when i start the red/blue stream and choose vod:s there, but they're all mixed up in wrong order and some of them have wrong names and such. I have a silver membership and that should give me HQ vods right? but i cant choose quality on the vods i found.
Its all very confusing and wierd. They should learn from GSL
It would be awesome if there was just one long video for the whole day from both blue and red stream for us that couldnt watch live. If i pay for this, that should be the least to expect really.
On July 30 2011 19:33 elspajko wrote:MLG site is so confusing. I've had to google for the red and blue stream cuz i couldnt find them on the mlg site. I've searched for about an hour now wether there's vods anywhere. I find some when i start the red/blue stream and choose vod:s there, but they're all mixed up in wrong order and some of them have wrong names and such. I have a silver membership and that should give me HQ vods right? but i cant choose quality on the vods i found. Its all very confusing and wierd. They should learn from GSL 
Go to mlgpro.com. There is a video playing automatically on the front page, and there are tabs above that to change between the different streams. I don't know how much more straightforward it could be.
Does anyone have a rough idea of how many viewers both the blue and red streams combined are getting?
Whats the point of having 2 streams when the two streams are never up at the same time. I am really really frustrated that I am unable to watch other great games that are going on. All they have up right now is Boxer Rain. I want to see Ret Ganzi, Naniwa Idra Huk Sjow. However none of these matches are being casted. Dream hack did a much better job having 5 streams running at once. Almost all the matches were covered. MLG could really learn something from the past dream hack that huk won.
Yes, for me this MLG is again a fail, you get used to it after a while, so many good players playing and they show on both streams a TVT . Dreamhack has no competition, the professionalism seen there is unequal.
I am so glad i decided not to pay because again i would just throw the money out the window.