On July 30 2011 00:42 FunnyPicture wrote: I'm just saying they should have started the event a lot earlier during the day. If the games start at 10 am that actually gives both americans and europeans a sporting chance to catch the event live. Well 10am kills chances of a live audience, so they have to wait until people in Cali are off of work to start
On July 30 2011 00:33 tuho12345 wrote:Well what do Europeans want MLG to do? They will have full schedule all day for Saturday and Sunday. It's not like they can move the schedule up 5 hrs to assure you could watch everything  Yea we know but only 2hours would have been a pretty big change.
On July 30 2011 00:42 FunnyPicture wrote: I'm just saying they should have started the event a lot earlier during the day. If the games start at 10 am that actually gives both americans and europeans a sporting chance to catch the event live.
Not sure what you mean, but 10 AM on a Friday is a terrible time for Americans to catch the event. We're all at work.
Why isn't there a national friday holiday because of MLG. Friday is hurting E-sports!
This is probably the worst time possible for us in the UK... literally 1 to 8 in the morning. I hope its better on Sat/Sun
1am to 8am Oh damn, not looking good for my sleep schedule.
there wont be any restreams, right ?
On July 30 2011 00:57 HALFKNOT wrote: there wont be any restreams, right ?
When the actual event is live? I don't think so.
5:30? Noooooo that's such a long wait. T.T
Anyone know if the official MLG iPhone/android app let you watch the actual live stream?
To see vods do we need a pass?
On July 30 2011 01:00 NoddyUK wrote: To see vods do we need a pass? Yeah I'm wondering this as well. Last time it wasn't but they gave free HQ I think so I'm not sure.
Does anyone have a link to the brackets? I cannot find them on the MLG site.
On July 30 2011 01:20 Logros wrote:Yeah I'm wondering this as well. Last time it wasn't but they gave free HQ I think so I'm not sure.
If vods are pass only I'd be pretty upset.
On July 30 2011 01:20 Absaroka wrote: Does anyone have a link to the brackets? I cannot find them on the MLG site.
They won't have open bracket until just before the tourney begins, after player check in. Until they know who shows up they can't fill in the bracket.
You can't expect an American event to run at EU times, do what I did and book the Monday off work and you're sorted to watch the whole thing provided you have stamina.
On July 29 2011 15:38 Steveling wrote: How many hours from now will it start? I'm a shitload of timezones away, so somebody tell me plz. approx 8 hours from my post
On July 30 2011 01:39 lunchforthesky wrote: You can't expect an American event to run at EU times, do what I did and book the Monday off work and you're sorted to watch the whole thing provided you have stamina. Last time they had free vods, NASL had restreams. Hope they figure something out this time too for us, poor europeans
On July 30 2011 01:39 lunchforthesky wrote: You can't expect an American event to run at EU times, do what I did and book the Monday off work and you're sorted to watch the whole thing provided you have stamina.
I just feel a bit of consideration could have been given. Taking a day off for a tournament to watch on the internet isn't viable for everyone. I hate to be that guy, but I feel if eSports wants to be huge then timezones must be considered.
Im sure i saw this thing scheduled to start in 10 minutes, goddamn i have so long to wait now