On March 29 2011 22:48 Reasonable wrote: So, everyone except for July managed to hide their primary strategies. That sucks for the world players so immensely that it cannot be overexaggerated
The REAL championship will unveil itself tomorrow! WhiteRa and Dimaga better not get relaxed as stakes considerably rise and Koreans still have most of their aces under sleeves.
A friend of mine pointed that out. He was like "Well, it looks like July is the sacrifice for Korea's honor. He's showing his actual important strategies before the main tournament to pull out wins."
He's July, though. He's had the same style for years and people haven't figured it out yet. Or people have figured it out but still lose to it.
july is what kobe bryant is for all star weekend. where as everyone else just doesn't care and just goes out to have fun, july seems to be that one guy who has the no nonsense attitude. koreans were going for carriers, motherships, and battlecruisers, and other fun strats while smiling and laughing on their benches, where as july played as if he were in the gsl finals or trying for a legit all-kill.
You really don't know how much the Koreans care.. To lose in Starcraft, which you play everyday as a professional, sacrificing your education, livelihood, friends, family and employment prospects, and in a country where gaming for a living still has a huge social stigma despite its esports scene, is a big deal. To lose against "foreigners", who are regarded in Koreas as chobos/noobs (some Koreans even believe "foreigners" are genetically worse), especially foreigners who train less and aren't fully professional (oh come on, most of them live with their mothers, have other jobs, have college, etc etc) is UTTER humiliation.
You never saw how hard ToSsGirL cried when she lost to IdrA. She didn't have an inflated view of herself as a progamer but IdrA was a "foreigner" and she felt she let the whole of Korea down.
You can bet that the first few losses would have been felt like humiliations in Korea, showmatch or not. Korea put out their all-star team, their best of the best, against a somewhat ragtag "World Team", one of whom is even married with a day job and a kid.
For MC, arrogant, confident, most successful SC2 progamer ever, to lose against White-Ra is almost like as if the US Dream Team lost to an over-age semi-pro basketball team from Ukraine.
Edit: that metaphor was not meant to demean White-Ra, protoss god that he is, but to explain what a Korean fan not following SC2 outside Korea may believe
You had me until the end. I think MC should know by now that White-Ra is good since he's also up against him in TSL. Not to mention, I think White-Ra MIGHT actually get a lot more training than most foreigners right now since it is 100% his job and profession (despite obviously having family commitments). If there was one person I'm GLAD MC lost to, it's White-Ra, the guy is damn good and MC will learn from this and get even better. I don't think you can say White-Ra is the better player from a BO1. We'll see from the upcoming bracket play and the TSL3 where I hope lag won't affect it too much.
On March 29 2011 22:10 Cranberries wrote: Best 8 Koreans (IMO):
Nestea MVP MC LosirA MMA July San Alicia
MVP MC LosirA MMA Alicia TheSTC Nestea AND............Bomber
TheSTC? when's the last time he did anything
Won and came in second place in the first two FXOpens (happened in these past 3 months) against a sea of good players. This last one, he was seeded first, but due to some internet problems, couldn't attend.
On March 29 2011 22:42 exterminatus wrote: Dimaga, White-Ra +1 Huk,Moonglade,Jinro -1
huk and moonglade have already -5 at least then :D :D funny that people continuing to put them inda their World Team. soooooo overhyped really Kas, GoOdy instead of this two would be a huge difference
*not trollin, srsly
Kas ok BUT GOODY??? He's not that good man... edit: How about Kas and sjow or sth
huk and moonglade represent their regions so no goody or kas instead, what you sugest, europe vs korea?
makes sense considering Europeans are the only good foreigners
Don't say that, you'll make all the Americans feel butt hurt since this seems to matter more to them than anyone else LOL. That being said though, Sen is Asian (and damn good too) haha.
On March 29 2011 22:34 Zorgaz wrote: Seriously 4 terrans in this. Not one of them won a single game.
Why does the terrans seem to falter in all the major tourneys?! Just check latest IEM or GSL...
The only place terrans seem to excel at is the top of the ladder xd.
Steady up Terrans. Show them the Metal Fist!
Sure i can enjoy ZvP, ZvZ and PvP, to some extent. But TvT is seriously the most entertaining mirror. And TvZ is my favorite matchup.
MVP almost won. The game wasn't 100% his but he had such a hold on the map and everything teched, upgraded, so much production that no matter what Dimaga would have thrown at him he'd have just outproduced in marines/marauders. Dimaga lost it with the lack of spire tbh. But yeah, when you have to risk it all in a BO1 terran seems to be behind, and the other races are a lot more entertaining all-inning.
That game was so obviously played for show, it's ridiculous (or both of them are actually THAT clueless about unit counters). Ghosts would have won Mvp the game long before a spire could do it for Dimaga - and then, Dimaga with a terrible move to ultras without infestor support, and Mvp just dicking around with planetaries. Neither player played with anything close to maximum efficiency - but who cares? It was a showmatch to entertain, and holy shit, it certainly did.
The only thing I don't like about the argument that Korea did not field their best team...
Well..so did the world? I mean no slights to the current players, and props to TT1 for demonstrating he can keep up with the best - but there are plenty of players who failed to qualify or probably rejected the invite to go to Korea - I mean North America was between PainUser and TT1.Also, despite the zergs (Dimaga and Sen) showing great plays, I can't help but assume it would have been beneficial for the world team to have qualified a couple more Terrans to even out the field and not have to resort to a ZvZ against Nestea.
On March 29 2011 22:42 exterminatus wrote: Dimaga, White-Ra +1 Huk,Moonglade,Jinro -1
huk and moonglade have already -5 at least then :D :D funny that people continuing to put them inda their World Team. soooooo overhyped really Kas, GoOdy instead of this two would be a huge difference
*not trollin, srsly
Kas ok BUT GOODY??? He's not that good man... edit: How about Kas and sjow or sth
huk and moonglade represent their regions so no goody or kas instead, what you sugest, europe vs korea?
makes sense considering Europeans are the only good foreigners
So some kind of showmatches between Korea and Europe sounds great, but this is a World championship so it has to be this way. Players from all regions suposed to be here regardless of their skill. Like in every other sport.
On March 29 2011 23:37 tomatriedes wrote: It's nice there are so many new starcraft fans but I do miss the days when it was possible to actually read through a whole live report thread.
yeah there should be some kind of a bookmark to jump to a certain game / page :D