On March 02 2011 03:08 Manatea wrote: More Korean responses translation from playxp.
- how is it possible protoss lost with 8 gas? - I understand now why Blizzard's patches are always awful after I watched ESL - idra became weaker since he left Korea.... lost one game?(vs morrow) what's wrong with you? - why no stream for Ace? - lol caster is saying Korean terms pong pong mode - I've waited for a long time to watch Ace's play... it sucks. - caster and commentator are so funny though play level is not high. - foreign players are rough gemstones. they have potentials and creative playstyles. - idra's thought; Damn, I just ran away from Korean but why they came here and put obstacles in my way... - come back, grack I miss you - why foreigners don't construct production buildings? He got two expo but only four gateways and one Robotics facility... terran has only four or five, too. even though he has over than 1000 mineral - Come on, foreign terran players! We need Terran nerf!
and dear playxp users. I know some of you guys criticized my post. I don't want Korean scene is isolated from the foreign scene like BW scene. You don't need to make fake good image of Korea. you're not judged by your nationality. We need more open communication, don't be afraid and be a citizen of the world. Good luck for some of you who post "damn I'm gonna learn English with Teamliquid" cause I'm doing the same things.
I'm gonna sleep now.
They're so full of themselves it makes me really upset tbh. A lot of the plays in GSL has been far from impressive as well and they're already claiming that they are lightyears ahead. Get a reality check, the level of play the korean netizens are seeing here are not as far away from their precious GSL.
I don't know why you are upset with fans. It not like the korean players saying that. Everyone think the players from their country is the best.
I've rarely, if ever, seen any foreigner come in and claim that the korean level of play is bad. Often foreigners (the fans so to say) applaud and encourage koreans blindly. Seeing the complete opposite from their side is kinda discouraging at least for me. I mean even though its "just the fans" it still reflects back upon how koreans generally view foreign starcraft 2 players.
Those quotes were picked by the guy who made that post. They don't in any way represent the entire Korean community. There were numerous positive posts about Idra(on his skill at least, lol)/Jinro/Huk in that same forum from what I remember.
On March 02 2011 15:58 Bizarro252 wrote: No vods from stream B??? What is up with that? Anyone know any place these are hosted?
Seriously frustrating, I buy a pass and can't even watch what I want....
srsly though I was literally about to buy a pass.. had the paypal screen up... then thought i had best wait and make sure the vods are up to standard (since the time difference is inconvenient for live)... no way i am paying to have 20% of the games in HD vods. I know it's just group stages, but this is unacceptable.. These are good important games. Morrow v Idra (rematch of last years finals) was not even casted on ANY stream.. how ridiculous is that?
If it's any consolation to SC2 fans, it looks like counterstrike vod coverage was even worse than SC2 for Day 1 though
Did any body else feel real awkward during the whole broadcast yesterday? Like the stage announcer chick, tlo's interviews... just to name a few moments... Had my skin crawling!!
No, you are the only one. TLO's interviews were amazing, none of that tip-toeing around players, just give them a good hard verbal smacking. He's such a manly man.