On November 25 2010 15:37 Kraz.Del wrote: Hey guys just a tip. Press Cntrl + A to make the gom player stay on top so you can browse TL and watch at the same time.
Mind blown. Thank you so much.
Seconded. Awesomeness as this helps to type in this LR thread! :D thanks again
i seriously dont know wtf is going on in this video
well either the other guy has poor micro or moon is awesome x infinity...
and if u r being serious that u dont no what is going on.,. he is picking up the archers on low hp so they dont die and then dropping them when the enemy auto targets another unit.. shawing
Also he picks up extremely low hp units when the projectile is in mid air to hit them. If the projectile reaches them, then the unit will certainly die. He's basically using a bunch of ultra low hp units to kill an army that was mostly on full hp.