51334 Posts
On October 09 2010 16:00 FuRong wrote: The guy who beat Jinro only needs one more win to qualify, so at least it looks like he didn't lose to some random diamond scrub. I hope Haypro and Loner can make it from B1~
jinro has had horrible luck with brackets, last gsl he faced eternalprime and now he lost to that cellecelle guy
‘Idra’ 그렉 필즈가 64강 본선 진출에 성공했다.
Greg 'Idra' Fields succeeded in moving onto the Ro64.
9일, 신도림 테크노마트 7층 인텔 e스타디움에서 펼쳐진 스타크래프트2 오픈 시즌2 예선에서 그렉 필즈는 안세광과의 결승전에서 승리를 거두며 64강에 올랐다.
On the 9th at the Intel e-stadium in Shindorim Techno-mart Greg Fields defeated Anh Se-Gwang in the finals in the Starcraft II Open Season 2.
다음은 그렉 필즈와의 일문일답.
Following is a interview with Greg Fields.
- 본선 진출에 성공한 소감은 ▲ 64강에 진출에서 대단히 기쁘고, 지난 시즌에 실망적인 플레이를 했기 때문에 이번에는 제대로 보여줄 수 있는 기회를 만들고 싶다.
You feelings after moving onto the main rounds?
I am very happy I qualified for Ro64. Since I played disappointingly in the last season, I want to redeem myself this time.
- 오늘 힘든 경기는 없었나 ▲ 4강에서 상대방이 처음 보는 밤까마귀를 선보여서 당황했는데, 그래도 대처를 적절히 하고 이겨서 다행이다.
Tough games today?
In the semis my opponents used ravens in a way I never saw before, but I didn't panic and responded appropriately, and fortunately, won.
- 지난 시즌 16강 탈락 후 아쉬움이 컸을 것 같은데 ▲ 내 자신에게 굉장히 실망스러웠다. 패배의 이유가 다른 것이 아닌 내 실수 때문인 것 같아서 더 크게 실망했었다.
When you lost in last season you must have felt lament (T/N I NEED A BETTER WORD for 아쉬움!)
I was disappointed with myself. Since it was my inadequacy that led to my defeat, it was even worse.
- 밸런스 문제로 어려움을 겪지는 않았나 ▲ 밸런스에 문제가 있다고는 생각하지만, 오늘은 그런 점이 별로 중요하지 않았다.
Any difficulty relating to the balance?
I believe there are balance issues, but it wasn't important in today's outcomes.
- 1.2 패치에 대한 기대감은 어느 정도인지 ▲ 기대를 많이 하고 있다. 저그 대 테란전에서 특히 도움이 많이 될 것 같고, 프로토스전에서는 잘 모르겠지만 도움이 되는 쪽이기를 바란다.
Do you have any expectations for patch 1.12?
I am anticipating quite a bit. It will help especially in ZvT, but I don't know how it will affect ZvP. I hope it tips towards us.
- 이번 시즌2에 임하는 목표는 ▲ 누구를 만나더라도 이기는 것이 목표다.
Goal for Season 2?
To best anyone that I face.
- 현재 미국의 EG팀 소속인데, 한국팀에 입단할 생각은 없나 ▲ 현재는 없다. EG는 다양한 종목의 게임을 다루고 있고, 많은 스폰을 받고 있는 팀인데다가 계약서도 쓴 상태이기 때문에 팀을 옮길 생각은 전혀 하지 않고 있다.
You are currently part of EG, an American team. Any thoughts on moving to a Korean one?
No right now. EG covers many different genres, receives many sponsorships and I have a contract. No thought at all.
- 마지막으로 더 하고 싶은 말은 ▲ 앞으로도 팬들의 더 많은 응원을 바라고, 팬들을 위해 더 나은 성적과 좋은 경기를 보여주고 싶다.
Last words?
I wish my fans would continuously cheer me on, and I will do my best to pay back with games and wins.
EDIT: a little polish. Must be funny to Idra because this is a re-translation...
Looks like Jungle Basin and Shakuras are in the official map pool for gsl2:
+ Show Spoiler + Views: 485| Posted Date: Oct. 08, 2010
For STARCRAFTⅡ Open Season 2 there will be two new maps included in the map pool starting from Ro64.
Kulas Ravine and Desert Oasis, which were originally among the official maps for the tournament, have been removed from the map pool due to the release of the patch. Starting from Ro64 Jungle Basin and Shakuras Plateau will be added to the map pool to fill their space. As a result there will be 9 official maps for Season 2, including the newly added maps, which are as followed.
Scrap Station
Xel’Naga Caverns
Blistering Sands
Steppes of War
Lost Temple
Delta Quadrant
Jungle Basin
Shakuras Plateau
The official maps for the preliminary rounds stay the same as Season 1 which are Metalopolis, Scrap Station and Xel’Naga Caverns.
For Season 2 there is also a change in the number of maps that the players can eliminate out of the 9 maps for each round. In Season 1 players were allowed to eliminate 2 maps for each round through Ro64 ~ Semifinals and 1 map for the Finals. For Season 2 the players will be allowed to eliminate 2 maps for each round through Ro64 ~ Ro32, but only be allowed to eliminate 1 map through Ro16 ~ Ro8. The players will not have any authority to eliminate maps in the Semifinals and in the Finals. Please take note to these changes will enjoying the upcoming Season 2.
We always thank you for all your support and will continue to put effort into providing you with better service.
GOMtv.net http://www.gomtv.net/2010gslopens1/news/225
United States12546 Posts
On October 09 2010 16:03 GTR wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 16:00 FuRong wrote: The guy who beat Jinro only needs one more win to qualify, so at least it looks like he didn't lose to some random diamond scrub. I hope Haypro and Loner can make it from B1~ jinro has had horrible luck with brackets, last gsl he faced eternalprime and now he lost to that cellecelle guy it's not horrible luck. Jinro should have won but didn't. When you are #30 in blizz rank and your opponent is unranked and you don't win then something is wrong.
On October 09 2010 16:04 Wala.Revolution wrote:+ Show Spoiler +‘Idra’ 그렉 필즈가 64강 본선 진출에 성공했다.
Greg 'Idra' Fields succeeded in moving onto the Ro64.
9일, 신도림 테크노마트 7층 인텔 e스타디움에서 펼쳐진 스타크래프트2 오픈 시즌2 예선에서 그렉 필즈는 안세광과의 결승전에서 승리를 거두며 64강에 올랐다.
On the 9th at the Intel e-stadium in Shindorim Techno-mart Greg Fields defeated Anh Se-Gwang in the finals in the Starcraft II Open Season 2.
다음은 그렉 필즈와의 일문일답.
Following is a interview with Greg Fields.
- 본선 진출에 성공한 소감은 ▲ 64강에 진출에서 대단히 기쁘고, 지난 시즌에 실망적인 플레이를 했기 때문에 이번에는 제대로 보여줄 수 있는 기회를 만들고 싶다.
You feelings after moving onto the main rounds?
I am very happy I qualified for Ro64. Since I played disappointingly in the last season, I want to redeem myself this time.
- 오늘 힘든 경기는 없었나 ▲ 4강에서 상대방이 처음 보는 밤까마귀를 선보여서 당황했는데, 그래도 대처를 적절히 하고 이겨서 다행이다.
Tough games today?
In the semis my opponents used ravens in a way I never saw before, but I didn't panic and responded appropriately, and fortunately, won.
- 지난 시즌 16강 탈락 후 아쉬움이 컸을 것 같은데 ▲ 내 자신에게 굉장히 실망스러웠다. 패배의 이유가 다른 것이 아닌 내 실수 때문인 것 같아서 더 크게 실망했었다.
When you lost in last season you must have felt lament (T/N I NEED A BETTER WORD for 아쉬움!)
I was disappointed with myself. Since it was my inadequacy that led to my defeat, it was even moreso.
- 밸런스 문제로 어려움을 겪지는 않았나 ▲ 밸런스에 문제가 있다고는 생각하지만, 오늘은 그런 점이 별로 중요하지 않았다.
Any difficulty relating to the balance?
I believe there are balance issues, but it wasn't important in today's outcomes.
- 1.2 패치에 대한 기대감은 어느 정도인지 ▲ 기대를 많이 하고 있다. 저그 대 테란전에서 특히 도움이 많이 될 것 같고, 프로토스전에서는 잘 모르겠지만 도움이 되는 쪽이기를 바란다.
Do you have any anticipation for patch 1.12?
I am anticipating quite a bit. It will help especially in ZvT, but I don't know how it will affect ZvP. I hope it tips towards us.
- 이번 시즌2에 임하는 목표는 ▲ 누구를 만나더라도 이기는 것이 목표다.
Goal for Season 2?
To best anyone that faces me.
- 현재 미국의 EG팀 소속인데, 한국팀에 입단할 생각은 없나 ▲ 현재는 없다. EG는 다양한 종목의 게임을 다루고 있고, 많은 스폰을 받고 있는 팀인데다가 계약서도 쓴 상태이기 때문에 팀을 옮길 생각은 전혀 하지 않고 있다.
You are currently part of EG, an American team. Any thoughts on moving to a Korean one?
No right now. EG covers many different genres, receives many sponsorships and I have a contract. No thought at all.
- 마지막으로 더 하고 싶은 말은 ▲ 앞으로도 팬들의 더 많은 응원을 바라고, 팬들을 위해 더 나은 성적과 좋은 경기를 보여주고 싶다.
Last words?
I wish my fans would continuously cheer me on, and I will do my best to pay back with games and wins. Thanks for the translation!<3
On October 09 2010 16:05 motbob wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 16:03 GTR wrote:On October 09 2010 16:00 FuRong wrote: The guy who beat Jinro only needs one more win to qualify, so at least it looks like he didn't lose to some random diamond scrub. I hope Haypro and Loner can make it from B1~ jinro has had horrible luck with brackets, last gsl he faced eternalprime and now he lost to that cellecelle guy it's not horrible luck. Jinro should have won but didn't. When you are #30 in blizz rank and your opponent is unranked and you don't win then something is wrong. Ladder doesn't tell the truth... Most of the people play just custom games all day long
+ Show Spoiler +On October 09 2010 16:04 Wala.Revolution wrote: ‘Idra’ 그렉 필즈가 64강 본선 진출에 성공했다.
Greg 'Idra' Fields succeeded in moving onto the Ro64.
9일, 신도림 테크노마트 7층 인텔 e스타디움에서 펼쳐진 스타크래프트2 오픈 시즌2 예선에서 그렉 필즈는 안세광과의 결승전에서 승리를 거두며 64강에 올랐다.
On the 9th at the Intel e-stadium in Shindorim Techno-mart Greg Fields defeated Anh Se-Gwang in the finals in the Starcraft II Open Season 2.
다음은 그렉 필즈와의 일문일답.
Following is a interview with Greg Fields.
- 본선 진출에 성공한 소감은 ▲ 64강에 진출에서 대단히 기쁘고, 지난 시즌에 실망적인 플레이를 했기 때문에 이번에는 제대로 보여줄 수 있는 기회를 만들고 싶다.
You feelings after moving onto the main rounds?
I am very happy I qualified for Ro64. Since I played disappointingly in the last season, I want to redeem myself this time.
- 오늘 힘든 경기는 없었나 ▲ 4강에서 상대방이 처음 보는 밤까마귀를 선보여서 당황했는데, 그래도 대처를 적절히 하고 이겨서 다행이다.
Tough games today?
In the semis my opponents used ravens in a way I never saw before, but I didn't panic and responded appropriately, and fortunately, won.
- 지난 시즌 16강 탈락 후 아쉬움이 컸을 것 같은데 ▲ 내 자신에게 굉장히 실망스러웠다. 패배의 이유가 다른 것이 아닌 내 실수 때문인 것 같아서 더 크게 실망했었다.
When you lost in last season you must have felt lament (T/N I NEED A BETTER WORD for 아쉬움!)
I was disappointed with myself. Since it was my inadequacy that led to my defeat, it was even moreso.
- 밸런스 문제로 어려움을 겪지는 않았나 ▲ 밸런스에 문제가 있다고는 생각하지만, 오늘은 그런 점이 별로 중요하지 않았다.
Any difficulty relating to the balance?
I believe there are balance issues, but it wasn't important in today's outcomes.
- 1.2 패치에 대한 기대감은 어느 정도인지 ▲ 기대를 많이 하고 있다. 저그 대 테란전에서 특히 도움이 많이 될 것 같고, 프로토스전에서는 잘 모르겠지만 도움이 되는 쪽이기를 바란다.
Do you have any anticipation for patch 1.12?
I am anticipating quite a bit. It will help especially in ZvT, but I don't know how it will affect ZvP. I hope it tips towards us.
- 이번 시즌2에 임하는 목표는 ▲ 누구를 만나더라도 이기는 것이 목표다.
Goal for Season 2?
To best anyone that faces me.
- 현재 미국의 EG팀 소속인데, 한국팀에 입단할 생각은 없나 ▲ 현재는 없다. EG는 다양한 종목의 게임을 다루고 있고, 많은 스폰을 받고 있는 팀인데다가 계약서도 쓴 상태이기 때문에 팀을 옮길 생각은 전혀 하지 않고 있다.
You are currently part of EG, an American team. Any thoughts on moving to a Korean one?
No right now. EG covers many different genres, receives many sponsorships and I have a contract. No thought at all.
- 마지막으로 더 하고 싶은 말은 ▲ 앞으로도 팬들의 더 많은 응원을 바라고, 팬들을 위해 더 나은 성적과 좋은 경기를 보여주고 싶다.
Last words?
I wish my fans would continuously cheer me on, and I will do my best to pay back with games and wins.
Thanks you for the interview translation!
How many brackets are being played tonight?
On October 09 2010 15:40 Xkalibert wrote:is this taken at GSL2? did wemadefox allow them to play sc2? what about kespa?
We Made Fox warcraft 3 division is unrelated to kespa so doesn't have restrictions against them playing starcraft 2.
Thanks for the translation and hopefully we see IdrA advancing further this time.
Hope FA can make it next time. Jinro Hwaiting!! Dont be let down. You can do it.
Looks like Loner is gonna qualify. His gimmick play style will add much surprise to the tourney
On October 09 2010 16:12 tertle wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 15:40 Xkalibert wrote:On October 09 2010 15:38 GTR wrote:Half of the WMF players are there today. ![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/photo/1286606061_1.jpg) is this taken at GSL2? did wemadefox allow them to play sc2? what about kespa? We Made Fox warcraft 3 division is unrelated to kespa so doesn't have restrictions against them playing starcraft 2.
Yes, but why not simply join the We Made Fox Warcraft 3 division?
United States7481 Posts
United States7481 Posts
yes, but he's reappeared in c-1
Is nada on one of those new brackets or does he play monday?
On October 09 2010 15:13 jiabung wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 15:11 Antoine wrote:so we have A-1 and A-2 complete, advancing players are:  Idra (EG)  Choya (fOu)  PhoenixWeRRa (WeRRa)  JangMinChul (oGs) NO TERRAN!!...
Really upsetting,.....
Gah I cant go to sleep now. Artosis Fighting!