On August 20 2013 12:01 Nibbler89 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2013 09:55 vaderseven wrote:On August 20 2013 01:58 Prime Directive wrote:On August 17 2013 09:14 vaderseven wrote:On August 17 2013 08:43 U_G_L_Y wrote: QUESTION:
The guide mentions getting two widow mines after the first 6 hellions. Then what? Are people generally making their starport on the factory's reactor or do they continue making constant widow mines? Does anyone have strong opinions on this or is it just a style choice? I had been trying both before this guide and I really don't know which is better...
What are your thoughts? It varries a lot. Some use the factory to make add one for raxes and others slam out more mines. I'll include more info on that in the first update. Very good question. I'd also like to understand this more. I struggle with how many mines should be incorporated into the 11:30 push and whether I should be churning them out of the factory after the hellions or waiting a bit while I get other tech up. Anyone want to share their experiences? A simple answer is that very few are needed during the pre 2/2 phase. Marines are the most important to mass at that time. Keep in mind keeping the alive is extremely important too. Keeping them alive is why you have meds and mines at that time. yeah I was actually a bit confused that it always stated 2 widow mines after 6 hellions. The way I learned it from vods was after 6 hellion you lift factory and make another reactor while adding 2 more rax (onto the new open reactor and the other next to where you are making your next reactor. After that the factory makes another reactor which is when you put down your starport, then another reactor to start making widow mine. Maybe those were older matches though, If you don't make those 2 widow mines your first push with medivacs wont have them so I guess thats why.
What you described is fairly standard play by Innovation. What I outlined in the guide is probably slightly outdated for high level professional tournament play but very ladder friendly. In plain terms, it is not as greedy as what you outlined but the safety bought by those 2 mines in the bo1 non-pro atmosphere of ladder is huge.
I think I would be doing people a favor if I included some more of the variations on how to do the transition there. There seems to be more than a few questions based on that portion.
On August 20 2013 13:04 Nightsz wrote: wtf....it says to do a 11:30 1/1 timing, but by then I have like 10 marines.. WTF? Am I doing something wrong
Post a replay. You are doing something hugely wrong.
nice writeup.. also would be nice if you wrote also smth about late game.. link bling ultra, or vs those ugly swarm hosts
Great Guide! have finally found a replacement for Bomber's 3CC before marine! I do have questions about how to deal with hive tech and ultra late game. It would seem that if the game stabilizes on even footing with zerg completing their tech tree, Terran needs to add another letter to their arsenal... I've seen Pros make the switch to Battle Cruiser, and Ravens especially on either defensive maps (akilon) or big maps (whirlwind). I know every game is situational, but in general what are the specific transitions and units to add in late game?
On August 22 2013 10:01 Doc Brawler wrote: Great Guide! have finally found a replacement for Bomber's 3CC before marine! I do have questions about how to deal with hive tech and ultra late game. It would seem that if the game stabilizes on even footing with zerg completing their tech tree, Terran needs to add another letter to their arsenal... I've seen Pros make the switch to Battle Cruiser, and Ravens especially on either defensive maps (akilon) or big maps (whirlwind). I know every game is situational, but in general what are the specific transitions and units to add in late game?
Add 3 starport + vikings if he switches to broodlords. 4rax techlab + marauders if he switches to ultralisks.
From the guide:
After the Zerg moves to hive tech, you need to establish if he is going for brood lords or for ultras. Ultras are by far the most common but you cannot assume. Against both ultras and brood lords, you need to begin dropping as much as possible. You require a heavy marauder count vs ultras and (at least) a second starport vs broods. Try to maximize the cost effectiveness of every engagement and keep up on your production. It is rare to need to go to a fifth base but do not let yourself be caught mining out your natural and third with no fifth established. On either four or five bases, you have the option to begin a transition to ravens/BCs/vikings (not necessarily all three, usually either BC/viking or raven/viking at first). Be careful in doing so as it does leave you a bit weaker until you have reached a certain critical mass. If you feel that you have a slight lead but his defense is too strong for you to kill him, you might be in an ideal situation to transition like this.
Now I know you might want more, and one day I would like to flesh that out too, but I want to nail other topics first.
This guide's advice on roach/hydra attacks has been so helpful! I am winning 50% more in my TvZ after having read this. The 2base and fake third base allin defense has helped me stay calm when I'm defending. It's so good.
Also, vaderseven, this is not even close to your real gift to terrans. I speak of course of the focused approach to perfecting mechanics. At top play, it's the terrans you see showing their mechanics in games. This is your TvZ gift, but the better gift was already given!
On August 25 2013 08:43 Danglars wrote:This guide's advice on roach/hydra attacks has been so helpful! I am winning 50% more in my TvZ after having read this. The 2base and fake third base allin defense has helped me stay calm when I'm defending. It's so good. Also, vaderseven, this is not even close to your real gift to terrans. I speak of course of the focused approach to perfecting mechanics. At top play, it's the terrans you see showing their mechanics in games. This is your TvZ gift, but the better gift was already given!
That guide was more on teaching people how to learn and was me writting out the ideas that a friend of mine had used to perfect his own mechanics. It can help ANY race.
This thread is my Terran love.
On August 16 2013 23:20 Sogetsu wrote: TBH, even if the guide is aweseome (wich it is), I don't like it, because as Terran I would prefer a new build or something more else, not the most-used mix on the entire metagame, from pros to noobs on Ladder.
Anyway good guide, but please try to do others more useful about builds or mixes that are harder to play, require more skill, or at least are different from the bread and butter on TvZ nowadays =/
There was no real content on TvZ in HotS and there is many Terran's out there that had no idea of how to play TvZ at all. It is also the single newest standard to the Terran race since WoL. Every other matchup has remained largely unchanged in terms of general strategy and timings.
Also the next article will be more pleasing to you. With this guide now posted I am a bit more free to look at very specific styles and players and compare their take on 4M and TvZ to the standard.
On August 17 2013 10:29 KingofGods wrote: Games are rarely won from the terran side before terran hits 3/3. By the time terran hits 3/3 the zerg better be not too far behind with their own 3/3 or they will lose more often then not. That's also the time when zerg start getting ultras + infestors.
Yes terrans can get advantages from a 2/2 attack when they are generally maxed but if you don't outright kill zerg off you will still have to deal with infestors and ultras unless the zerg stubbornly stays on lair tech which we see quite a bit. In fact a lot of times terran are simply trying to survive until they get 3/3. A midgame advantage could lead to something like quicker 3/3 upgrades and better econ for the late game, but you still have to beat that army where your control cannot afford to slip up.
You are completely wrong but you helped me to realize that I need clarify one thing for the future. I need to explain exactly the way you should be using a macro 4M style to win. This guide is a great explanation of how to macro up the correct forces, production, and tech. It also is a great guide for explaining the various timings that are created (on both sides of the matchup) and wha can happen at various stages of the game. It lacks the decision making elements and goals needed to understand how to use the builds and units in a way designed to win specific games. The next TvZ article is underway and I will be expanding greatly upon the concept of using 4M to win games by taking a look a specific flavor of 4M that one player loves to use.
In the future, please do not post statements as if they are facts of the matchup when they are very clearly based upon your own personal play and experience. Saying:
"Games are rarely won from the terran side before terran hits 3/3. By the time terran hits 3/3 the zerg better be not too far behind with their own 3/3 or they will lose more often then not. That's also the time when zerg start getting ultras + infestors."
comes off as a clear reference to your own games on ladder or in practice. I am going to have to request that you back any and every statement about how the matchup works with a professional replay or vod and a link to said reference. I am more than willing to entertain debate and re-look at things but I can't begin to understand how you can something like that and think that anyone that studies and watches alot of pro games will do anything shake their head.
I went ahead and bolded something that you should personally take to heart and relook at some pro games and think about hard.
If what you say is true then would it not be valid to make it a goal to control their ability to go Hive and 3/3? I am sure you have seen and heard of the "constant rally" that is used in this style. On many maps the real purpose of the constant rally is to force the Zerg to contantly remake gas heavy lair units in order to fight off wave after wave of 4m. By the time you have 3/3 you should have been trading marines constantly vs banes and mutas and never allowing either side to really max out so that your rally never has a pause and they never stop spending gas. Muta/Ling/Bling can only really break through a Terran if you allow them to max out on it so they can push you very far back. Some Terrans favor a modification of this play and go heavier tax count and try to trade right as maxing. Even these Terrans do not sit at max and they still committ to moves that secure the win by forcing the zerg tospend gas on units during themed which stunts their ability to get hive tech out. See Bomber vs Jeadogn for an example.
I go in depth into this exact idea in the next article but I wanted to address what you bring up as I do not want others to assume things based on your assumptions made from, most likely, your own experience and play.
On August 17 2013 02:30 Destructicon wrote: Awesome guide, very detailed and in depth, I already had somewhat of a good grasp on TvZ but this filled in a lot of the holes I still had and I'm very thankful for this.
I think I have one thing to point out though, it would be appreciated if you add another subtopic in the "Aggressive play" section about 2 base Muta rush. It should be relatively easy to deal with if you add turrets and place mines in strategic locations but it would probably help a lot of people out to know this and know when it is safe to land and secure their 3rd against this option.
Got ya covered. Next TL Strat T item will be a follow up article to this guide and that is one style that is making its way into that article.
On August 22 2013 10:01 Doc Brawler wrote: Great Guide! have finally found a replacement for Bomber's 3CC before marine! I do have questions about how to deal with hive tech and ultra late game. It would seem that if the game stabilizes on even footing with zerg completing their tech tree, Terran needs to add another letter to their arsenal... I've seen Pros make the switch to Battle Cruiser, and Ravens especially on either defensive maps (akilon) or big maps (whirlwind). I know every game is situational, but in general what are the specific transitions and units to add in late game?
This is another post that made me realize I did not talk about how to win enough in the guide. I will address this in the next article. Dealing with Hive and a transition to Ultras when they went for a standard ling/muta/bling mid game is about how you pick and choose where your army is and the tempo of the fights.
You also ask about Raven/BC. Well, I'll repeat what I said to another person!
Got ya covered. Next TL Strat T item will be a follow up article to this guide and that is one style that is making its way into that article.
For the Terrans that care, I am personally planning on doing two more TvZ articles with the next one already underway. After that I want to do a TvT guide. From there, I will maybe do one TvZ or TvT article and then a TvP guide.
If we are lucky I should have managed to start a Terran bible that covers every matchup by the sometime in late winter or early spring.
Hi, on IMBABuilds they give the following benchmarks for Innovation build (CC first): Benchmark: When you start Stimpack Research (@6:35ish), you should have 30 SCVs, 2 Marines, and 2 Hellions Benchmark: When your first Medivacs pop (@10:30ish), you should have around 65 SCVs, 13 Marines, 6 Hellions, 2 Medivacs, Stim, and +1/+1.
The first one is easy, but to me is seems the second is impossible, I think I am doing something wrong between 20 and 30 supply, on Imbabuilds the build goes like: 24 – Supply Depot 28 – @400 Mins, start 3rd Command Center, swap Factory onto Reactor, start constant Hellion production, and start Tech lab on Barracks But I got about 500 floating minerals already at 24, am I doing something wrong?
You should be using those extra minerals after your 3rd cc is started to complete your natural wall asap. This is to defend early speedling attacks, but also allows you to spend all your resources on your infrastructure after your 3rd cc is completed.
On August 28 2013 23:42 BBLN wrote: Hi, on IMBABuilds they give the following benchmarks for Innovation build (CC first): Benchmark: When you start Stimpack Research (@6:35ish), you should have 30 SCVs, 2 Marines, and 2 Hellions Benchmark: When your first Medivacs pop (@10:30ish), you should have around 65 SCVs, 13 Marines, 6 Hellions, 2 Medivacs, Stim, and +1/+1.
The first one is easy, but to me is seems the second is impossible, I think I am doing something wrong between 20 and 30 supply, on Imbabuilds the build goes like: 24 – Supply Depot 28 – @400 Mins, start 3rd Command Center, swap Factory onto Reactor, start constant Hellion production, and start Tech lab on Barracks But I got about 500 floating minerals already at 24, am I doing something wrong?
If you post a replay I will tell you what is going on to hold you back.
Alright! Excited for more articles!
On August 29 2013 06:07 vaderseven wrote:Show nested quote +On August 28 2013 23:42 BBLN wrote: Hi, on IMBABuilds they give the following benchmarks for Innovation build (CC first): Benchmark: When you start Stimpack Research (@6:35ish), you should have 30 SCVs, 2 Marines, and 2 Hellions Benchmark: When your first Medivacs pop (@10:30ish), you should have around 65 SCVs, 13 Marines, 6 Hellions, 2 Medivacs, Stim, and +1/+1.
The first one is easy, but to me is seems the second is impossible, I think I am doing something wrong between 20 and 30 supply, on Imbabuilds the build goes like: 24 – Supply Depot 28 – @400 Mins, start 3rd Command Center, swap Factory onto Reactor, start constant Hellion production, and start Tech lab on Barracks But I got about 500 floating minerals already at 24, am I doing something wrong? If you post a replay I will tell you what is going on to hold you back.
Replay vs Easy A.I: here I think that was my best game: 13 marines, 6 helions, +1/+1 ready at like 10:35, and almost combat shield, and yet I was like 5 scvs behind. Maxed on 13:20.
I watched the replay but I haven't found the cause
Edit: Played game on ladder, killed 50 drones but lost REPLAY How should I handle his attack with the whole army on my base? Scan a lot and move with mines?
Thank you for the help and amazing guide!
Ty for this guide, been looking forward to a good one ever since i saw terran crush zerg time and again with this build. Imo zerg is playing it wrong going for ling bling muta. The muta specifically is terrible imo in this situation, as they get owned by both marines and mines and not to sure about the lings/banes either as the mine is a verry hard counter to anny melee unit. In wol you had marine tank and there the most important reason for having mutas was to be able to clean tanks, now the tank is replaced by the widdow mine and the mine not only can shoot back at the mutas,where the tank could not, it also is quiet efficient in this task.Imo zerg should do something different, pros have tried everything probably and i dont want to claim to have found the answer but i think the strongest reaction to mmmm is mass hydra and only hydra (no roaches added, though maybe complimented with ling bling , and infestor to counter the medivac healing) I think the hydra is better at everything then the muta in this situation, It is way better at dealing with mines because it outranges them, and it is also way more efficient in fighting marines then the muta.The only thing it would be worse then the muta would be against drops and harras but drops are not the reason zerg is loosing, and i never see zerg using their mutas to harras annyway, as they all are needed to barely survive the next terran push. Zerg is loosing to the endless parade of terran units because zerg trades with a slight disadvantage and is only defending. What does op think of zerg going mass hydra in this situation? would mmmm still be viable (i think it wouldnt) or would terran need to techswitch (for example tanks) to deal with the hydras and not get a disadvantage?
On August 30 2013 02:58 BBLN wrote:Show nested quote +On August 29 2013 06:07 vaderseven wrote:On August 28 2013 23:42 BBLN wrote: Hi, on IMBABuilds they give the following benchmarks for Innovation build (CC first): Benchmark: When you start Stimpack Research (@6:35ish), you should have 30 SCVs, 2 Marines, and 2 Hellions Benchmark: When your first Medivacs pop (@10:30ish), you should have around 65 SCVs, 13 Marines, 6 Hellions, 2 Medivacs, Stim, and +1/+1.
The first one is easy, but to me is seems the second is impossible, I think I am doing something wrong between 20 and 30 supply, on Imbabuilds the build goes like: 24 – Supply Depot 28 – @400 Mins, start 3rd Command Center, swap Factory onto Reactor, start constant Hellion production, and start Tech lab on Barracks But I got about 500 floating minerals already at 24, am I doing something wrong? If you post a replay I will tell you what is going on to hold you back. Replay vs Easy A.I: hereI think that was my best game: 13 marines, 6 helions, +1/+1 ready at like 10:35, and almost combat shield, and yet I was like 5 scvs behind. Maxed on 13:20. I watched the replay but I haven't found the cause Edit:Played game on ladder, killed 50 drones but lost REPLAYHow should I handle his attack with the whole army on my base? Scan a lot and move with mines? Thank you for the help and amazing guide!
Ok you are doing the exact form outlined in the guide to a T and you are hitting the timings as such. That form of the mid game is a bit unit light and a bit quicker upgrades.
As for the small SCV difference the benchmark imba builds gives is for a CC on low ground version. Combo that with like maybe 10 seconds of total idle CC time and you can explain that.
You could actually have a bit more units because you are not using the factory to get mines. If you are going to do that, lift the factory up and build one of the 2nd and 3rd barracks on that reactor and have the factory build the reactor for the other of that set of two.
That will make your 2nd and 3rd Rax be reactored ALOT faster.
You arent really making macro mistakes to such a degree that you need to worry about it as your #1 concern.
Ill watch the ladder game later tonight.
On August 31 2013 02:38 Rassy wrote: Ty for this guide, been looking forward to a good one ever since i saw terran crush zerg time and again with this build. Imo zerg is playing it wrong going for ling bling muta. The muta specifically is terrible imo in this situation, as they get owned by both marines and mines and not to sure about the lings/banes either as the mine is a verry hard counter to anny melee unit. In wol you had marine tank and there the most important reason for having mutas was to be able to clean tanks, now the tank is replaced by the widdow mine and the mine not only can shoot back at the mutas,where the tank could not, it also is quiet efficient in this task.Imo zerg should do something different, pros have tried everything probably and i dont want to claim to have found the answer but i think the strongest reaction to mmmm is mass hydra and only hydra (no roaches added, though maybe complimented with ling bling , and infestor to counter the medivac healing) I think the hydra is better at everything then the muta in this situation, It is way better at dealing with mines because it outranges them, and it is also way more efficient in fighting marines then the muta.The only thing it would be worse then the muta would be against drops and harras but drops are not the reason zerg is loosing, and i never see zerg using their mutas to harras annyway, as they all are needed to barely survive the next terran push. Zerg is loosing to the endless parade of terran units because zerg trades with a slight disadvantage and is only defending. What does op think of zerg going mass hydra in this situation? would mmmm still be viable (i think it wouldnt) or would terran need to techswitch (for example tanks) to deal with the hydras and not get a disadvantage?
I havent fully decided if tanks are 100% needed vs hyrdas.
I tend to agree that muta/ling/bling is not a good answer. I think it is the bane that is the bad part of the answer though. Mutas serve a function just fine. Banes just are horriblely gas inefficient.
On September 01 2013 06:43 vaderseven wrote:Show nested quote +On August 30 2013 02:58 BBLN wrote:On August 29 2013 06:07 vaderseven wrote:On August 28 2013 23:42 BBLN wrote: Hi, on IMBABuilds they give the following benchmarks for Innovation build (CC first): Benchmark: When you start Stimpack Research (@6:35ish), you should have 30 SCVs, 2 Marines, and 2 Hellions Benchmark: When your first Medivacs pop (@10:30ish), you should have around 65 SCVs, 13 Marines, 6 Hellions, 2 Medivacs, Stim, and +1/+1.
The first one is easy, but to me is seems the second is impossible, I think I am doing something wrong between 20 and 30 supply, on Imbabuilds the build goes like: 24 – Supply Depot 28 – @400 Mins, start 3rd Command Center, swap Factory onto Reactor, start constant Hellion production, and start Tech lab on Barracks But I got about 500 floating minerals already at 24, am I doing something wrong? If you post a replay I will tell you what is going on to hold you back. Replay vs Easy A.I: hereI think that was my best game: 13 marines, 6 helions, +1/+1 ready at like 10:35, and almost combat shield, and yet I was like 5 scvs behind. Maxed on 13:20. I watched the replay but I haven't found the cause Edit:Played game on ladder, killed 50 drones but lost REPLAYHow should I handle his attack with the whole army on my base? Scan a lot and move with mines? Thank you for the help and amazing guide! Ok you are doing the exact form outlined in the guide to a T and you are hitting the timings as such. That form of the mid game is a bit unit light and a bit quicker upgrades. As for the small SCV difference the benchmark imba builds gives is for a CC on low ground version. Combo that with like maybe 10 seconds of total idle CC time and you can explain that. You could actually have a bit more units because you are not using the factory to get mines. If you are going to do that, lift the factory up and build one of the 2nd and 3rd barracks on that reactor and have the factory build the reactor for the other of that set of two. That will make your 2nd and 3rd Rax be reactored ALOT faster. You arent really making macro mistakes to such a degree that you need to worry about it as your #1 concern. Ill watch the ladder game later tonight. Okay, thank you!
Quick question, many zergs on ladder started doing a roach-ling-bling push at 9:30, with like 10 roaches, 20 lings and 10 blings. I scouted it with my helions and tried to delay it by going to his base and force a return, threw 2 bunkers but before they even finished he destroyed my wall. Do you recommend to send SCV after CC to scout instead of Innovation's no-scout-until-helion?
On September 01 2013 17:18 BBLN wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2013 06:43 vaderseven wrote:On August 30 2013 02:58 BBLN wrote:On August 29 2013 06:07 vaderseven wrote:On August 28 2013 23:42 BBLN wrote: Hi, on IMBABuilds they give the following benchmarks for Innovation build (CC first): Benchmark: When you start Stimpack Research (@6:35ish), you should have 30 SCVs, 2 Marines, and 2 Hellions Benchmark: When your first Medivacs pop (@10:30ish), you should have around 65 SCVs, 13 Marines, 6 Hellions, 2 Medivacs, Stim, and +1/+1.
The first one is easy, but to me is seems the second is impossible, I think I am doing something wrong between 20 and 30 supply, on Imbabuilds the build goes like: 24 – Supply Depot 28 – @400 Mins, start 3rd Command Center, swap Factory onto Reactor, start constant Hellion production, and start Tech lab on Barracks But I got about 500 floating minerals already at 24, am I doing something wrong? If you post a replay I will tell you what is going on to hold you back. Replay vs Easy A.I: hereI think that was my best game: 13 marines, 6 helions, +1/+1 ready at like 10:35, and almost combat shield, and yet I was like 5 scvs behind. Maxed on 13:20. I watched the replay but I haven't found the cause Edit:Played game on ladder, killed 50 drones but lost REPLAYHow should I handle his attack with the whole army on my base? Scan a lot and move with mines? Thank you for the help and amazing guide! Ok you are doing the exact form outlined in the guide to a T and you are hitting the timings as such. That form of the mid game is a bit unit light and a bit quicker upgrades. As for the small SCV difference the benchmark imba builds gives is for a CC on low ground version. Combo that with like maybe 10 seconds of total idle CC time and you can explain that. You could actually have a bit more units because you are not using the factory to get mines. If you are going to do that, lift the factory up and build one of the 2nd and 3rd barracks on that reactor and have the factory build the reactor for the other of that set of two. That will make your 2nd and 3rd Rax be reactored ALOT faster. You arent really making macro mistakes to such a degree that you need to worry about it as your #1 concern. Ill watch the ladder game later tonight. Okay, thank you! Quick question, many zergs on ladder started doing a roach-ling-bling push at 9:30, with like 10 roaches, 20 lings and 10 blings. I scouted it with my helions and tried to delay it by going to his base and force a return, threw 2 bunkers but before they even finished he destroyed my wall. Do you recommend to send SCV after CC to scout instead of Innovation's no-scout-until-helion?
I like to scout after my gas starts in a CC first opening just so I can see the initial ordering of buildings from Zerg (hatch/pool/gas timings) and to check for fast 3rd base. Getting that inforamtion will let me know what corners to cut or what things are safe to blind prepare for*.
Keep in mind the biggest single warning flag of aggression you can possibly see is a Zerg gathering more than 100 gas before Zergling speed is done. Any sign of that usually means some kind of Hatch level aggression is coming.
Also, that particular attack is a brutal one. Two extra bunkers is not enough. I like to have five+ total bunkers.
Safe to Blind Prepare- If you see Hatch Gas Pool out of Zerg it can be a good read to assume that there is aggression coming. When I see this out of a ladder Zerg I will often ensure my wall is up by 6:00 and then I will get a 2nd bunker near my Natural CC. Is this for sure a good move that is going to pay off directly? No! He could get speed and pull out of gas and macro HARD out of that. I just have played enough ladder to know that when I see X that Y has a decent chance to show up. I really encourage you to play around and find small reactions like that that help you to win a great deal more games vs all ins.
Some possible ways to play safer than normal:
2nd Bunker after 6:30 Barracks #2 and #3 before Eng Bays Only 4 Hellions before Mines (great vs non ling based play) 8+ Hellions before Mines (great vs ling based play) Fast Marauder while hellions making (great vs Roach, many do this vs any fast gas Zerg)
These are very common safety measures I see. When ever you lose to an aggressive play or take more dmg than you should, watch the replay after wards and pause at every moment that you see something of the enemy (when you scout or when he shows units or pokes). REALLY consider what you see. Mentally note that what happens in the replay next can happen in future games that have similar looks.
It takes alot of games but these kind of reactions do start to become 2nd nature and will make you feel ALOT better about your macro play.
On August 20 2013 20:08 DjayEl wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2013 13:08 AyaaLa wrote:I still only have 50% winrate in TvZ what am i dong wrong Use your second hand. Btw, this guide is a blessing for all Zerg players by making "official" the strongest form of Terran play, as it is clear it will only make the incoming WM nerf quicker, so thank you very much for this. It's hilarious how much you can get away with as long as you are complaining about Terran lol. Any of the posts like this in the protoss 2 base pvt thread were temp banned at the speed of warp ins.