On March 22 2014 19:30 YoTcA wrote:
1.4 Control Group 1 : Control group 1 is reserved for hatcheries. Adding to CG1: This is done by ALT+J, because ALT is also used to create screen locations (SL) and you normally want to create a SL for each hatchery. Sequence: Select newly build hatch, hold down ALT, press J for adding to CG 1, press SL-key for creating SL, release ALT.
This confused me more than anything. I am not sure how you can create or add to a control group by creating a screen location. Before I thought I was starting to get it, however now I am more lost than ever.
I am starting to think you need to have played starcraft 2 multiplayer for quite a while to be able to implement these core options.
Thanks for the info. I only wanted to express, that hatcheries are added to CG1 with ALT instead of CTRL, because you also want to create a SL for the hatch in the next step. And as SL are created via the ALT+key, it is easy to also add the hatch to the CG1 by pressing ALT+J. So you have the same modifier for both task. I hope this explains it a bit better, and I will try to rework my first text ^^.
edt: Ok, I hope it is a bit easier to understand now.
And to answer your second question: The points I mentioned in my post, are just gimmicks you can use (and eventually will use, when you have some experience in SC2). If you are completely new to the multiplayer you do not have to use everything right away. It would be good practice to use as much of it as possible, but first of: Play some games, have some fun and then start thinking about a better execution. Those are tools that can help you play better, but are not necessary to play. I think, if you just use TheCore and play some games, you will start to use those gimmicks automatically. But sometimes you start wondering, why is this hotkey set to this key and not that key? Then I hope my post can help you to understand some reasoning behind TheCore.
Ok the more I read here, the more lost I am getting. I am starting to feel incredibly stupid.
I am trying to understand what YoTcA is talking about by checking out this:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YW666uC.jpg)
I thought control shift and the key creates a group. Why is it then that to access the group I have to press shift and that key (p) to access this group? Wouldn't just (p) be easier?
Why is it that for the 1st control group the keys to add or create it are different than the rest on the picture? Also the keys for the first control group are p, j, and h at the same time? Which one of these is it? Every other control group has one key, why are there 3 different keys here?
Why are the hatcheries and the queen both bound to p?
If someone could help me out with this, or put me out of my misery it would be greatly appreciated.
Note YoTcA I am new, but not that new. I've played about 40 games so far, but now I'm more lost than ever. Also the fact that I don't know how to use the core currently, but love the feel of it more than the last binds I had....means that I'm sitting here for the last 2 hours reading the information here over and over and not being able to accomplish anything nor play.
If anyone is online that could help me my code is 417.
The spread sheet is a bit confusing, especially for CG 1 and 2. Those CGs are special, because they both use the same key (P). But if you only press P, you select CG1. To select CG2 you have to also press SHIFT -> SHIFT+P to select CG2. CG2 is called a “layered CG”, because you have to press another key to access it. This layering leads to other problems, how do you add units to a CG if another CG is using the same key? CG2 uses the normal setup with CTRL for adding and CTRL+SHIFT for creating the CG2. But that leaves no options for CG1. Therefore CG1 uses different keys for this tasks (H and J). To create the CG1 you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+H. CTRL+SHIFT like in the normal creating of CGs, but as CTRL+SHIFT+P is already taken for creating CG2, H is used instead. (H maybe, because it is easy to remember, H=Hatch?? I do not know) But you will not use this key combination often. Most of the time you will only add hatcheries to the CG1 by pressing ALT+J. The reason for this is again, because CTRL+P is already taken by CG2. And also it enables you to add new build hatcheries to CG and set a Screen Location for the hatch right away. Try it in game. Start a game against no opponent and build a new hatch. Now select it and press ALT+J, keep holding down ALT and press L. The hatch is now bind to CG1 and you can select it by pressing P. Now move your screen away and press SHIFT+L. Your camera will jump back to your newly build hatchery. And maybe you felt it is pretty easy and fast to just hold down ALT and press two buttons (J and L).
It is a known problem with windows. Check out TheCore FAQ on the 1st page:
2. My Ctrl+Shift+0 doesn't work / I can’t create my Control Group. How do I fix this?
Ok yet another question. What keys am I supposed to be using to set all of the camera locations at the beginning of the game?
Every time I press alt I jump back to the first base. Was I supposed to create free camera locations for those points, and if so why give me a list of suggested camera points if I can't set them in the very beginning?
Yeah I had seen that video and the part where it tells me to note the key combination for creating a new camera location, which is alt+___(different keys here)
Unfortunately when I go to create those locations (I thought I hit up everything this video told me to do), the camera jumped back to the first hatchery and I was unable to create any new camera locations.
The order of the actions is very important, you have to do exactly as it says.
So I just downloaded QWERTY TRM and it looks like there's a mistake maybe?
Ghost's snipe hotkey is tilde which is waay out in the middle of nowhere. Also tank siege is correct but unsiege is tilde.
What do?
edit: Okay I know this has to be a bug now. Build basic building is tilde as well. I assume all of these are supposed to be mapped elsewhere?
edit2: Err. Upgrade ship weapons is E. That's probably also a bug?
edit3: Unit production keys seem fantastic.
edit4: Remapping snipe, build, and unsiege to ' (per the interactive core intro app) has fixed most of the issues.
edit5: Agh. Build command center was also tilde. I don't even.
Hey Abbott, I would like to fix this issue so it doesn't happen again.
What keyboard are you using?
What country did you buy it in?
Do you have the US QWERTY or UK QWERTY layout downloaded?
I have been reading that having queens for creep spread is also a good idea. What control group would you recommend for this, or is it not that important?
Note I've never made queens just for creep spread before.
Having a creep queen can be good. I like mine on [. However I don't have a specific recommendation for it.
The keys in the reference spreadsheet for random seem wrong. Even for RRM the control group keys are on the left side of the keyboard.
JakaTak: I am using a Saitek Eclipse. I definitely intended to download US Qwerty. How can I double check?
filename: TheCore TRM .SC2Hotkeys size: 25.7 KB (26,412 bytes)
The TLDR of my big post is that it looks like everything that was suppose to bind to ' went to ` instead. I said tilde in my original post, but I mean the grave that shares a button with tilde: `
Then there was at least one outlier which is upgrade vehicle armor. Set to E for some reason.
@JaKaTaK: Anything else I could do to help you troubleshoot?
It was really discouraging as a totally new user. Could potentially turn folks off.
On March 23 2014 03:15 Silentce wrote: Yeah I had seen that video and the part where it tells me to note the key combination for creating a new camera location, which is alt+___(different keys here)
Unfortunately when I go to create those locations (I thought I hit up everything this video told me to do), the camera jumped back to the first hatchery and I was unable to create any new camera locations.
Silentce you aren't holding the buttons. Do not let go of alt.
Any word back from Silentce? Everything all set?
Yeah I've been practicing and slowly getting better with it. I'm at around 40 apm right now holding.
I only feel so awkward in the beginning getting drones building at the same time as using alt to move around and set map hotkeys.
I'm wondering if it wouldn't be easier to just bind these to my extra mouse buttons. Queen inject is also kind of awkward for me.
Right now I'm pressing shift(bound changed one of my mouse keys to shift to make it easier) P, O, and then hitting the keys for all the different hatches and injecting them