A lot of people would consider 6pooling as a strat that everyone can perform.
That might be true. Not everyone can macro, but everyone can build a pool on 200 minerals.
Everyone can attack-move the lings into the enemies base too.
The question is, can they win with it? Sure, from time to time they will take a map only to idle in bronze-gold with 6pooling every single game; sounds like fun.
This is where I come in. My friends said that it isn’t possible to get into Masters League with only 6pooling, so I bet against them and said I could get into Grandmasters League just by 6pooling and dronerushing (We also included 7pooling later on).
Knowing how the game works and by making my own variants of early rushes (Some even say my ZvZ build is imbalanced) combined with my decent micro I gathered from wc3 I got started on the work ahead of me.
I’ve played a ton of 6pools up until now, and I fell in love with the strat. I really enjoy when people flame me and pretend I’m the BM guy just because I played 6pool (how does that make sense? O_O)
I went into Grandmasters League in NA last season. Everyone who doubted me just said things like "uhh NA sucks, there are no good player its like being platinum in Europe."
I didn’t play to much anymore, only teamgames with some friends basically and had almost forgotten about the bet then. I was pissed because my hard word didn’t count for [insert bad word]. Blizzard made one patch after another, maps getting bigger and bigger and I guess you guys know what it means for 6pools when close positions is disabled -_-
Still recently my good friend actionjesuz was in a tournament and I was watching him play against some other zerg. He got raped pretty bad on the first map. After the match I explained my strat very quick and told him what to take care of, etc., and he ended up winning 2-1. I also got my motivation back, and I started to play more serious (serious 6pool YEY!) again.
Now I hope those [bad word again] accept once and for all that I won my bet. I had a good run on Europe since then. When the ladder reset happened I soon showed up to be #1 with 200 points leading the 2nd place in my division and was easily in the top 30 in Europe.
When GM started I had close to 900 points and was searching for a game, found a cute little Terran (nfteam.breach), whom I have beaten quite often with 6pools so I decided to go for the imbalanced dronerush! Even Whitera said "too strong zerg drones" so how would there be a chance that my poor Terran opponent would win this game? Said and done. 15 SCVs aren’t able to beat 12 drones and I quickly saw the screen "blabla congratulations, your in grandmaster blabla"
thats the game: http://drop.sc/54901
I’m going to upload a few new replays (if requested) today or the next few days.
Point is, I won my bet even though it took me quite a time.
It’s sad that everyone can 3rax and 4gate into gm so there’s no new task ahead of me
"zerg probes to strong"
when the most known cheeser himself gets cheesed
when the most known cheeser himself gets cheesed for the second time
simple basics you need to know against every race:
Drone stacking:
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Only mine from the closest mineral fields as it will allow you to pool 2-3 seconds earlier which is big when you early pool.
Mineral slide:
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You need to be aware that when you click on a mineral patch your worker paths through everything but buildings. This is required in a lot of scenarios.
hold posi micro:
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Be aware when you fight against other workers. Example: if you fight 5 workers vs 5 workers, what would you do? 99% of you would say to move the red worker back, but that’s WRONG. You actually lose a lot of damage output when doing this and I don’y do it to often. Only if you need to change their positions do you do it, like when you’re fighting between the CC and minerals you micro normal (with mineral pathing) because a lot of workers are stuck behind your front line with full health. However, when you have a line fight, you need the hold position micro. Basically, hold position drops the threat level of that worker so they aren’t attacked by the enemy. Right after you hold position, you attack move again so you don’t sit idle without doing damage for too long.
agressive hold posi micro:
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If the opponent defends with a cannon, he will probably place the worker around it and hit hold position. Your units will try to attack the tower and just run against the workers surrounding it and do no damage if you a-move, so just hold position yourself and micro your units close to the enemy workers so they attack. Don’t forget to push hold position every time you move your units though.
building blocking:
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This is another very important thing. You have to deny any wall-in you can of both Protoss and Terrans in order to take the win home. This means blocking the building as long as possible and not taking too much damage on the blocker. You should walk in circles, leave the space where he wants to close the choke, and then walk in again when you think he’ll put his building down. You can win important seconds like this but NEVER lose a worker while blocking. While you’re blocking the choke your aim is not to deal direct damage, it is to buy yourself more time.
Just know and be aware that to play this type of strat sucessfully you have to play almost perfect; it’s very unforgiving (unlike Protoss or Terran :D). This might be a "simple" strat but you have to perform it perfect and can’t allow simple mistakes that you can get away with in a normal macro game.
The Vetos:
-Shakuras (to long way, only good in zvz)
-tal darim
-Meta (overlordscout will gain to much info to early so it sucks in zvz close by air positions)
The actual strategies:
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- Build your pool at 200 minerals ASAP (aim for 37 seconds), then make 2 additional drones.
- At 90 seconds (1:30), send your first drone scout to the closest possible spawn. - At 100 minerals you send the 2nd drone to the same direction.
- At 125 minerals send every drone (return cargo first) in the direction of your opponent.
- You have 150 minerals now and almost right after you send your last drone the pool will finish, and make 3 lings and rally them to the enemies base.
- When the 1st drone arrives you instant attack the worker who is building the rax. He will pull some workers, but doesn’t know yet (it’s an unorthodox scout timing) that more workers are on the way and he probably only sent 1-2 workers out in the beginning. If you outnumber him you can pick an open fight.
Take care that he cant place down a depot to finish the wall-in though. If he pulls a bunch of workers just back off and only block the depot by popping in and then backing off. If your lings are already close you can stay to fight even if outnumbered. Just make sure that he cannot close the ramp.
- If there’s like a 2vs2 worker thingy and he’s still building the rax, try to snipe the worker building the rax in order to get some extra time before the rax finishes. You can be in a lot of different situations now. He might have put down the depot (u cannot block it 100%) but its on low health. You have to know that there are 2 different formations of your lings when attacking a depot. Most of the time only 2 lings will be able to attack the depot, but if you single micro them to the right place 3 lings can actually attack the depot at once and can kill it faster than an scv can build it and you will eventually break through.
- Another situation is if the rax finishes (most of the time) and your lings are in his base with your workers. If his workers want to fight, let them. If not, attack the rax; you can kill it before the marine pops out. Most Terrans will react though and fight you with their SCVs even though the marine is only 50 % done. In this case, you will win the fight and can snipe the marines easily. He can also fight in reversed positions, where you are in his base and he is down the choke with the marine in the back. This is where you use the minerals at natural to mineral path some workers (2-3) on his marine and attack-move the rest with a little micro.
- Another scenario is when the rax doesn’t finish in time. Kill it anyways because Terrans can basically close the wall-in and fly out, and then you’re inside his base and once the wall can be repaired there’s no way to break it and you will end up losing the match. READ: Always kill the rax!
- There’s another style some Terrans do where the rax has enough time to get out 1 marine even though you focus attacked it. Some Terrans try to get up a bunker too. You have to know the timing of the marine. Stop focusing the rax before the marine pops out and block the way to the minerals (where the bunker might be eventually) surround that "50 minerals cheap imbalanced shitface" and kill it, then finish the rax.
- If Terran goes for 11/11 rax with a depot on the choke the wallin will be done before your drone even arrives and the Terran has won if he reacts right. You should then just idle your worker out of sight unless it’s your first scouting drone. Harass the worker that’s building the rax. Eventually he will lower the depot and send some workers out to fight your drone. Walk in quickly on the depot (it’s not that easy let me tell ya) and move in all your drones. Also be aware Terran can fly away with their buildings, usually behind rocks.
ZvP with Forge opening
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- Build a pool on 200 minerals (aim for 37 seconds!) then build one additional drone.
- Send a scouting drone on 65 (1:05) seconds in the game to the closest position. If you dont meet the scouting probe of your opponent on the middle of the way instantly turn around and go for the crossed position.
- Once your pool finishes make 3 lings. Get an additional ling once you have the larva for it. Right before another larva spawns you take the gas and you make another pair of lings. Do it again with the next larva but don’t forget to cancel your gas right after you started the lings!
-Build an overlord and spam lings all the time. While doing this there will be different scenarios. If the Protoss hasn’t scouted you yet you can be sure he hasn’t placed down a pylon near his minerals yet. Just kill the forge and the game will be won. If he scouted you (99% of the time) you go up the choke, trying to kill as many probes as possible. If he’s backing up or you see any chance to kill the cannon in time, focus it. You most likely wont kill it, so back off and kill the pylon and the forge on the lower ground. Build additional lings but hide them. Your opponent wont make more than 1 cannon (usually) so deny scouting probes from then on!
- Once you have like 16 supply you will have enough money for a queen. Spend it and get additional larva; now it’s up to your reading skills, whenever you think you can take on the worker+cannon+eventually zealot go for it!
- A tip is to try to block the cannon for a while with your drone, do not lose it and move it back to work, also for sure block the choke open on some maps they can close with 1 forge and 2 gateways. Do not let that happen
ZvP with gate opening
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- Build a pool on 200 minerals (aim for 37 seconds!) then build one additional drone.
- Send a scouting drone on 65 (1:05) seconds in the game to the closest position. If you don’t meet the scouting probe of your opponent on the middle of the way instantly turn around and go for the crossed position.
- Once your pool finishes make 3 lings. Get an additional ling once you have the larva for it. Right before another larva spawns you take the gas and you make another pair of lings. Do it again with the next larva but don’t forget to cancel your gas right after you started the lings!
-Build an overlord and spam lings all the time.
- So your opponent, once 6pool is scouted, will place another gateway down since a forge would be destroyed to fast (if he does just focus it down as above) and a pylon to finish the wall-in. Focus the finished gateway until both gateways have around the same hp. Focus them down so that they will die at the same time. Usually the Protoss will kill of his own gate because he has one still producing. You have so many units though that you can pick a straight fight even though he uses his worker with only 1 zealot out. Take the fight and kill the gateway later on. There cannot be too many different situations. Sometimes they cancel their 2nd gate once the zealot is out and try to defend with the worker, so just wait for reinforcements, after your overlord is finished you will be able to build 6 additional lings (4 and 2 others like 2 seconds after the overlord is finished). This is when you pick the fight. If he does a wall-in again so only 1 zealot blocks, look for a timing to move your drones in, and use the mineral pathing to kill the zealot.
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have historically struggled 6pooling vs Zerg. Even bringing your drones you cannot win. He can just attack move you with his workers and win. He can beat you without losing a unit when he waits for his lings. This is why it took me quite a long time to come up with this build. I made it on my own and I’m very proud about it because it works so well and it really took me a ton of games to make it. This build is made to beat a 14/14 but you even can beat 13 pools with it. Hatch first you can win too if you just surround the eggs which produce lings so they will be surrounded right when they come out.
- To start, build a drone (YES I ACTUALLY BUILD DRONES BEFORE THE POOL!), then after that on 200 you build a pool now (there it ends QQ).
- Build another drone (YEAH ECO), and when your pool is like 90% finished and you didn’t find the zerg yet (met his overlord) you send a drone to the closest by ground position.
- When the pool finishes you build 3 sets of lings.
- Build an extractor and make another pair of lings, and send all your drones but one like 2 seconds before the first 6 lings finish. When you have 140 minerals build another extractor and make a ling. Cancel the gases, and if you don’t have 100 minerals now mine till you have 100 and then send your last 2 drones.
- When your lings are close to the enemies base, close enough to defend your spine crawler that you’re going to place, put it down (near the main so he wont have any free mineral patches to mine on). Don’t attack his workers until lings no. 7 and 8 arrive + 2 drones, at that point you can pick a fight. You for sure can pick a fight if he attacks your spine with 4 workers but once he attacks with everything, move back again. 2 things can happen.
- He stays aggressive, meaning he doesn’t commit and waits for his lings. Once his lings are up try to buy time for yourself by attacking and backing off before your spine finishes. When the spine finishes you can fight. If he runs to your base with his drones you know he’s going for the basetrade. After you killed his main you have to uproot or he will crush your army easily. Place your army around his larva than so that the units popping out will be trapped (this actually takes a lot of practice). If you fail doing this on some maps you still have the opportunity for a save tie. Just place your spine so that he doesn’t attack the main building but where it can cover the choke. Place your army around the choke and he can’t fight you (you can’t kill the gas he will build outside his base either^^)
ZvP Eco 7pool
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Here is an alternative 7pool strat what is in the rules (remember 6/7pooling only) i mixed in with some dronerushes to be not that 100% blind counterable because this strat, as stupid as it sounds, counters an early forge because you can keep your oponnent on 1 base for very long, same as it counters normal gateway play because u can do alot of damage while droning behind.
-build a drone
-build a pool on 200 minerlas (aim for 46 seconds, normal is like 49)
-build 3 drones (9/10)
-send a drone on 60 seconds to scout / block buildings.
-when pool finishes take 2 gasses and make 3 pair of lings (12/10)
-build an overlod
-build 3 drones whenever larva is available,
-build a queen
-build another drone
-set up ur expansion
-build a drone
-additional drones
from there on its a stylistic play, i like to play the gasless zerg for a very long time to take the 4 gasses at the same time in oder to tech for mutas if im not forced into roach play. sure it could be played out differently like mine 100 gas to get speed and play a normal game from now on. ill upload a replay so you can see how i mean this to be played out.
replay of the 7 eco pool: http://drop.sc/56328
-build a drone
-build a pool on 200 minerlas (aim for 46 seconds, normal is like 49)
-build 3 drones (9/10)
-send a drone on 60 seconds to scout / block buildings.
-when pool finishes take 2 gasses and make 3 pair of lings (12/10)
-build an overlod
-build 3 drones whenever larva is available,
-build a queen
-build another drone
-set up ur expansion
-build a drone
-additional drones
from there on its a stylistic play, i like to play the gasless zerg for a very long time to take the 4 gasses at the same time in oder to tech for mutas if im not forced into roach play. sure it could be played out differently like mine 100 gas to get speed and play a normal game from now on. ill upload a replay so you can see how i mean this to be played out.
replay of the 7 eco pool: http://drop.sc/56328
Another replay of this eco 7pool vs WHITERA played on the 11.11.11 threw the game away but well. shows how to react well from whitera, and how to transition as zerg
this is whiteras analysis to the 7pool
Useful tools to deal with this early allins.
Defensive Drone Stacking
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When the zerglings and drones of your oponnent run into your base u select all your worker and use the move command on a mineralpatch that is in the middle of 2 other mineralpatches so theres not much space where the enemies army can attack. spam the move command (right click) on this mineralpatch so ur drones will be on exactly the same position. when the force of your oponnent now attacks make an attackmove out of this position, all your worker will hit then and kill 1 unit instantly. now move on the mineralfield again and keep calm. u cannot attack instanly again because the duration of the attacktime a drone has (weaponspeed 1,5) u need to know about this and when u think the drones can attack again move out with the attack command again and u will kill another unit. keep in mind if ur enemie stays passive thats good for you too. just NEVER build a queen, its waste of minerals and could be 6 zerglings. and dont care for the spinecrawler a spinecrawler works completely different than in a macro game. like in a macro game spinecrawler are known to deal alot of damage but tank a little. in this scenario the spinecrawler works completely backwords. i can tank alot of damage and needs 2 shots for a ling which is alot by the attackspeed of 1.85. always kill the army first before u attack the spinecrawler (unless he runs away, once he commits go for the army). Special thanks to mTL.Tt Gandi for making that replay with me, its much appreciated from my side and was a really great help.
Watch it
The Surrounded By Worker Unit Bust
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Sometimes terran who get out a single marine and still have some worker surround their marines so your drones would just bounce back on them unable to use the attack command. single microing your drones to attack a worker will take you alot of time to do and in this time the marine can deal alot of dmage, if the 2 scvs besides that one you are attacking will repair the scv there is no way to kill off that scv.
To get The kill on the marine as quick as possible i can give you a little tip. remember the droneslide? like when u click on minerals no worker, nor unit will block the way of the drones. in this scenario position your worker that the surrounded marine is right on the way to the mineralpatch you will rightclick on. now ur worker will slide right into the surrounded marine. if you click attackmove right when the are near the marine it will instnat kill the marine. every single drone will hit him because the worker of your opnnent are on hold position command. GG, game won (plz dont make me do a vod of it ^_^)
To get The kill on the marine as quick as possible i can give you a little tip. remember the droneslide? like when u click on minerals no worker, nor unit will block the way of the drones. in this scenario position your worker that the surrounded marine is right on the way to the mineralpatch you will rightclick on. now ur worker will slide right into the surrounded marine. if you click attackmove right when the are near the marine it will instnat kill the marine. every single drone will hit him because the worker of your opnnent are on hold position command. GG, game won (plz dont make me do a vod of it ^_^)
i hope u have a good enough information to make a fair opinion about my strats now. but plz leave the flames out of here.
see you guys in grandmaster soon ^_^ for questions feel free to pm me. dont forget there are a ton of replays uploaded. check them out
Replays ZvZ
Ret: http://drop.sc/148732
Stephano: http://drop.sc/54903
Stephano 2: http://drop.sc/33603
Alive offrace: http://drop.sc/54891
Catz: http://drop.sc/54892
Slush: http://drop.sc/54896
phoenix: http://drop.sc/54902
Darkforce: http://drop.sc/33583
Darkforce 2: http://drop.sc/33581
Replays ZvP
WhiteRa http://drop.sc/56357 (eco 7 pool)
Huk: http://drop.sc/54893
Hero: http://drop.sc/54897
Gosugatored: http://drop.sc/54894
desRow: http://drop.sc/54900
Adelscott: http://drop.sc/33580
Bischu: http://drop.sc/33582
Grubby: http://drop.sc/33588 (he unpaused the game before i was about to win, thatswhy offensive gg!)
Nightend: http://drop.sc/33598
Whitera: http://drop.sc/33606
Welmu: http://drop.sc/33585 (drones)
NaviBabyk: http://drop.sc/54906 (drones)
ToD http://drop.sc/33604
Replays ZvT
TLO: http://drop.sc/55424 (drones!!!)
TLO: http://drop.sc/33592
Lucifron: http://drop.sc/33593
Happy: http://drop.sc/33589
Strelok: http://drop.sc/54906
Beastyqt: http://drop.sc/39934 (take care, rage, better turn mature language filter on )
Cloud: http://drop.sc/39933
Satiini: http://drop.sc/33601 (after long friendship in wc3 not my friend anymore thanks to 6pool )
murderer: http://drop.sc/33605 (drones)
feel free to use those replays to make vods, casts or whatever, but dont forget to post me a link as PM ^_^
Infamous, The Best Rages:
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00:17 [All] FameToFlame: werent u that stupid kid i raped with toss?
00:33 [All] VTavilo: i don't even remember ur username
00:35 [All] FameToFlame: who wanned naked pics
00:35 [All] VTavilo: so ur prob trash righ
00:39 [All] VTavilo: wtf?
00:39 [All] FameToFlame: of that girl :D
00:46 [All] FameToFlame: its true dude
00:48 [All] VTavilo: of what girl
00:57 [All] FameToFlame: dont remmeber name
01:01 [All] VTavilo: what the hell
01:02 [All] VTavilo: are u talking about
01:05 [All] FameToFlame: only know
01:08 [All] FameToFlame: luna flamed you^^
01:13 [All] VTavilo: luna?
01:21 [All] FameToFlame: yup
01:25 [All] FameToFlame: dont play stupid boy
01:33 [All] VTavilo: wtF?
01:46 [All] VTavilo: u a hackeR?
01:49 [All] FameToFlame: yes
02:10 [All] VTavilo: LOL
02:14 [All] VTavilo: wow
02:35 [All] VTavilo: ...
02:37 [All] FameToFlame: gg
02:37 [All] FameToFlame: wp
02:38 [All] VTavilo: ur a fuckin hacker
02:39 [All] VTavilo: ...
02:39 [All] FameToFlame: patchterra
02:41 [All] VTavilo: u didn't even scout
02:45 [All] FameToFlame: no need
02:45 [All] FameToFlame: btw
02:47 [All] VTavilo: ....
02:48 [All] FameToFlame: its normal scout pathern
02:50 [All] FameToFlame: of crossed
Searching for next game:
00:03 [All] VTavilo: hey retard (very confident to win this time)
00:05 [All] VTavilo: not only do
00:06 [All] FameToFlame: ggl boy
00:07 [All] VTavilo: you hack
00:09 [All] VTavilo: ur an idiot
00:16 [All] FameToFlame: raging NA kid :D
00:17 [All] FameToFlame: fun
00:22 [All] VTavilo: a
00:26 [All] VTavilo: i don't know wtf you were talking abotu last game
00:26 [All] VTavilo: b 00:31
[All] VTavilo: 6 opoool? 00:32
[All] VTavilo: u bronze?
00:50 [All] VTavilo: u scouted a proxy location b4 even top
00:51 [All] VTavilo: that game
00:56 [All] VTavilo: ur an idio
01:32 [All] VTavilo: again?
01:45 [All] VTavilo: 'seriously>?
01:56 [All] VTavilo: wtf
01:59 [All] VTavilo: is ur problem
02:09 [All] VTavilo: seriously faggot
02:13 [All] FameToFlame: chalalala
02:16 [All] VTavilo: ....
03:14 [All] VTavilo: fuckin retard
03:36 [All] VTavilo: lol
04:00 [All] VTavilo: wow
04:04 [All] VTavilo: gj
04:06 [All] VTavilo: u really are a hacker
04:07 [All] VTavilo: '
04:50 [All] VTavilo: LOL
04:53 [All] VTavilo: such a faggot
00:33 [All] VTavilo: i don't even remember ur username
00:35 [All] FameToFlame: who wanned naked pics
00:35 [All] VTavilo: so ur prob trash righ
00:39 [All] VTavilo: wtf?
00:39 [All] FameToFlame: of that girl :D
00:46 [All] FameToFlame: its true dude
00:48 [All] VTavilo: of what girl
00:57 [All] FameToFlame: dont remmeber name
01:01 [All] VTavilo: what the hell
01:02 [All] VTavilo: are u talking about
01:05 [All] FameToFlame: only know
01:08 [All] FameToFlame: luna flamed you^^
01:13 [All] VTavilo: luna?
01:21 [All] FameToFlame: yup
01:25 [All] FameToFlame: dont play stupid boy
01:33 [All] VTavilo: wtF?
01:46 [All] VTavilo: u a hackeR?
01:49 [All] FameToFlame: yes
02:10 [All] VTavilo: LOL
02:14 [All] VTavilo: wow
02:35 [All] VTavilo: ...
02:37 [All] FameToFlame: gg
02:37 [All] FameToFlame: wp
02:38 [All] VTavilo: ur a fuckin hacker
02:39 [All] VTavilo: ...
02:39 [All] FameToFlame: patchterra
02:41 [All] VTavilo: u didn't even scout
02:45 [All] FameToFlame: no need
02:45 [All] FameToFlame: btw
02:47 [All] VTavilo: ....
02:48 [All] FameToFlame: its normal scout pathern
02:50 [All] FameToFlame: of crossed
Searching for next game:
00:03 [All] VTavilo: hey retard (very confident to win this time)
00:05 [All] VTavilo: not only do
00:06 [All] FameToFlame: ggl boy
00:07 [All] VTavilo: you hack
00:09 [All] VTavilo: ur an idiot
00:16 [All] FameToFlame: raging NA kid :D
00:17 [All] FameToFlame: fun
00:22 [All] VTavilo: a
00:26 [All] VTavilo: i don't know wtf you were talking abotu last game
00:26 [All] VTavilo: b 00:31
[All] VTavilo: 6 opoool? 00:32
[All] VTavilo: u bronze?
00:50 [All] VTavilo: u scouted a proxy location b4 even top
00:51 [All] VTavilo: that game
00:56 [All] VTavilo: ur an idio
01:32 [All] VTavilo: again?
01:45 [All] VTavilo: 'seriously>?
01:56 [All] VTavilo: wtf
01:59 [All] VTavilo: is ur problem
02:09 [All] VTavilo: seriously faggot
02:13 [All] FameToFlame: chalalala
02:16 [All] VTavilo: ....
03:14 [All] VTavilo: fuckin retard
03:36 [All] VTavilo: lol
04:00 [All] VTavilo: wow
04:04 [All] VTavilo: gj
04:06 [All] VTavilo: u really are a hacker
04:07 [All] VTavilo: '
04:50 [All] VTavilo: LOL
04:53 [All] VTavilo: such a faggot
+ Show Spoiler +
00:09 [All] sTaGaming: streaming?
00:12 [All] Beastyqt: no
00:39 [All] sTaGaming: ggl
00:42 [All] Beastyqt: glhf
02:11 [All] Beastyqt: really?
02:14 [All] sTaGaming: yup
02:30 [All] Beastyqt: u should
02:33 [All] Beastyqt: kill yourself
02:35 [All] sTaGaming: u qq?
02:37 [All] Beastyqt: fucking cunt
02:39 [All] sTaGaming: beasty QQ?
03:04 [All] Beastyqt: fucking loser
03:06 [All] sTaGaming: nice manner
03:15 [All] Beastyqt: what you gonna do
03:16 [All] sTaGaming: less qq more pew pew
03:18 [All] Beastyqt: post on TL
03:20 [All] sTaGaming: yes
03:22 [All] Beastyqt: you are fucking piece of shit
03:24 [All] Beastyqt: go post it
03:27 [All] sTaGaming: i won the mighty beastyqt
03:32 [All] Beastyqt: you won my dick
03:32 [All] sTaGaming: nice manner
03:38 [All] Beastyqt: i'll deliver it
03:42 [All] sTaGaming: i would rage 2
03:46 [All] sTaGaming: when i would lose with patchterran :/
04:00 [All] Beastyqt: patchterran?
04:01 [All] Beastyqt: wat
04:07 [All] sTaGaming: nothing special
04:12 [All] sTaGaming: only means u wouldnt have won a single game by now
04:15 [All] sTaGaming: if you would pick another race
04:24 [All] Beastyqt: i beat kas with offraces taht i dont even play
04:28 [All] Beastyqt: hard to S+D and click fungal
04:28 [All] Beastyqt: rofl
04:35 [All] sTaGaming: and i win you with funstrats :/
04:43 [All] Beastyqt: ye because you cant win real game
04:45 [All] sTaGaming: good world
04:45 [All] Beastyqt: coz you are terrible
04:48 [All] Beastyqt: what are you
04:49 [All] sTaGaming: Q__Q
04:50 [All] Beastyqt: low masters?
04:52 [All] sTaGaming: dont hurt me brah
04:54 [All] sTaGaming: yes
04:57 [All] Beastyqt: ye avoid answer you know its true
05:04 [All] sTaGaming: i like u russians
05:09 [All] sTaGaming: the once that doesnt hack
05:10 [All] sTaGaming: flame
05:19 [All] Beastyqt: you are so fucking stupid im not russian
05:24 [All] sTaGaming: well
05:24 [All] Beastyqt: u are so bad
05:25 [All] Beastyqt: and stupid
05:27 [All] sTaGaming: its the same :/
06:42 [All] sTaGaming: beastyQQ
06:45 [All] sTaGaming: will be my next acc
06:51 [All] Beastyqt: kk
07:03 [All] Beastyqt: Tardgaming will be my smurf
07:04 [All] Beastyqt: in bronze
07:09 [All] Beastyqt: so ppl wouldnt suspect
08:11 [All] sTaGaming: macro
08:12 [All] sTaGaming: good
08:13 [All] sTaGaming: <3
08:20 [All] sTaGaming: #
08:22 [All] sTaGaming: oh wait
08:26 [All] sTaGaming: u cant do anything else than 2 base allins
08:32 [All] Beastyqt: lol
08:35 [All] Beastyqt: wait i have to ask
08:38 [All] Beastyqt: how old are you?
08:40 [All] sTaGaming: 12
08:41 [All] sTaGaming: you?
08:50 [All] Beastyqt: i dont understand people like you
08:52 [All] sTaGaming: ur mummey didnt teach u manner? :/
08:59 [All] sTaGaming: neither do i understnad whiner/flamer
09:01 [All] sTaGaming: like you
09:02 [All] Beastyqt: are you that jealous of progamers that you have to do this and then talk bullshit?
09:08 [All] Beastyqt: coz u are terrible?
09:11 [All] sTaGaming: i was profesional wc3 player
09:13 [All] sTaGaming: for ages
09:15 [All] sTaGaming: im tired of it
09:19 [All] Beastyqt: tell me your PRO wc3 name pls
09:20 [All] sTaGaming: and getting like 200 a month, like you do
09:21 [All] Beastyqt: i'll ask grubby
09:30 [All] sTaGaming: well
09:31 [All] Beastyqt: well you got 200/month coz u are shit probably (mirror, you!!)
09:34 [All] sTaGaming: i wouldnt call that profesional
09:40 [All] Beastyqt: no tell me
09:45 [All] Beastyqt: whats your WC3 name Mr. pro low masters
09:52 [All] Beastyqt: exactly what i thought
09:58 [All] Beastyqt: u are newbie thats jealous of sc2 pros and you do this
09:59 [All] sTaGaming: grubby knows who i am
10:01 [All] sTaGaming: im madfrog
10:02 [All] Beastyqt: you probably tell your buddies as well?
10:03 [All] sTaGaming: haha
10:11 [All] Beastyqt: madfrog quit long time ago
10:18 [All] Beastyqt: so ya
10:21 [All] Beastyqt: dont talk shit
10:21 [All] Beastyqt: kid
10:23 [All] sTaGaming: have a nice day
10:25 [All] sTaGaming: patchterra
10:28 [All] Beastyqt: with your mother.
00:08 [All] sTaGaming: ggl
00:11 [All] Beastyqt: glhf
00:16 [All] Beastyqt: we played before?
00:19 [All] sTaGaming: no rage today plz
00:20 [All] sTaGaming: yes
00:22 [All] Beastyqt: k
00:26 [All] sTaGaming: i 6pooled you
00:31 [All] Beastyqt: ah the loser
00:38 [All] sTaGaming: yeah u raged like 2 hours last time :/
00:43 [All] Beastyqt: from?
00:48 [All] sTaGaming: korea
00:52 [All] Beastyqt: then its NA
00:54 [All] Beastyqt: thought so
01:02 [All] sTaGaming: germany
01:06 [All] Beastyqt: fo sho (fascho? or for sure?)
02:44 [All] Beastyqt: gg
03:05 [All] sTaGaming:
04:27 [All] sTaGaming: damn that was expensive
04:36 [All] sTaGaming: lucky i outclass you so i can come back
04:42 [All] Beastyqt: u are shit
04:43 [All] Beastyqt: retard
04:49 [All] sTaGaming: rage agian
04:51 [All] sTaGaming: ^^
04:58 [All] Beastyqt: fucking 2 year old
04:59 [All] Beastyqt: nerd
05:02 [All] sTaGaming: 2 year
05:04 [All] sTaGaming: wow good flame
05:05 [All] sTaGaming: keep going
08:05 [All] Beastyqt: lol cancel (after canceling a creep tumour :D)
08:06 [All] Beastyqt: noob
08:11 [All] sTaGaming: ^^
08:31 [All] sTaGaming: "lol terran noob"
09:13 [All] Beastyqt: gg faggot
00:12 [All] Beastyqt: no
00:39 [All] sTaGaming: ggl
00:42 [All] Beastyqt: glhf
02:11 [All] Beastyqt: really?
02:14 [All] sTaGaming: yup
02:30 [All] Beastyqt: u should
02:33 [All] Beastyqt: kill yourself
02:35 [All] sTaGaming: u qq?
02:37 [All] Beastyqt: fucking cunt
02:39 [All] sTaGaming: beasty QQ?
03:04 [All] Beastyqt: fucking loser
03:06 [All] sTaGaming: nice manner
03:15 [All] Beastyqt: what you gonna do
03:16 [All] sTaGaming: less qq more pew pew
03:18 [All] Beastyqt: post on TL
03:20 [All] sTaGaming: yes
03:22 [All] Beastyqt: you are fucking piece of shit
03:24 [All] Beastyqt: go post it
03:27 [All] sTaGaming: i won the mighty beastyqt
03:32 [All] Beastyqt: you won my dick
03:32 [All] sTaGaming: nice manner
03:38 [All] Beastyqt: i'll deliver it
03:42 [All] sTaGaming: i would rage 2
03:46 [All] sTaGaming: when i would lose with patchterran :/
04:00 [All] Beastyqt: patchterran?
04:01 [All] Beastyqt: wat
04:07 [All] sTaGaming: nothing special
04:12 [All] sTaGaming: only means u wouldnt have won a single game by now
04:15 [All] sTaGaming: if you would pick another race
04:24 [All] Beastyqt: i beat kas with offraces taht i dont even play
04:28 [All] Beastyqt: hard to S+D and click fungal
04:28 [All] Beastyqt: rofl
04:35 [All] sTaGaming: and i win you with funstrats :/
04:43 [All] Beastyqt: ye because you cant win real game
04:45 [All] sTaGaming: good world
04:45 [All] Beastyqt: coz you are terrible
04:48 [All] Beastyqt: what are you
04:49 [All] sTaGaming: Q__Q
04:50 [All] Beastyqt: low masters?
04:52 [All] sTaGaming: dont hurt me brah
04:54 [All] sTaGaming: yes
04:57 [All] Beastyqt: ye avoid answer you know its true
05:04 [All] sTaGaming: i like u russians
05:09 [All] sTaGaming: the once that doesnt hack
05:10 [All] sTaGaming: flame
05:19 [All] Beastyqt: you are so fucking stupid im not russian
05:24 [All] sTaGaming: well
05:24 [All] Beastyqt: u are so bad
05:25 [All] Beastyqt: and stupid
05:27 [All] sTaGaming: its the same :/
06:42 [All] sTaGaming: beastyQQ
06:45 [All] sTaGaming: will be my next acc
06:51 [All] Beastyqt: kk
07:03 [All] Beastyqt: Tardgaming will be my smurf
07:04 [All] Beastyqt: in bronze
07:09 [All] Beastyqt: so ppl wouldnt suspect
08:11 [All] sTaGaming: macro
08:12 [All] sTaGaming: good
08:13 [All] sTaGaming: <3
08:20 [All] sTaGaming: #
08:22 [All] sTaGaming: oh wait
08:26 [All] sTaGaming: u cant do anything else than 2 base allins
08:32 [All] Beastyqt: lol
08:35 [All] Beastyqt: wait i have to ask
08:38 [All] Beastyqt: how old are you?
08:40 [All] sTaGaming: 12
08:41 [All] sTaGaming: you?
08:50 [All] Beastyqt: i dont understand people like you
08:52 [All] sTaGaming: ur mummey didnt teach u manner? :/
08:59 [All] sTaGaming: neither do i understnad whiner/flamer
09:01 [All] sTaGaming: like you
09:02 [All] Beastyqt: are you that jealous of progamers that you have to do this and then talk bullshit?
09:08 [All] Beastyqt: coz u are terrible?
09:11 [All] sTaGaming: i was profesional wc3 player
09:13 [All] sTaGaming: for ages
09:15 [All] sTaGaming: im tired of it
09:19 [All] Beastyqt: tell me your PRO wc3 name pls
09:20 [All] sTaGaming: and getting like 200 a month, like you do
09:21 [All] Beastyqt: i'll ask grubby
09:30 [All] sTaGaming: well
09:31 [All] Beastyqt: well you got 200/month coz u are shit probably (mirror, you!!)
09:34 [All] sTaGaming: i wouldnt call that profesional
09:40 [All] Beastyqt: no tell me
09:45 [All] Beastyqt: whats your WC3 name Mr. pro low masters
09:52 [All] Beastyqt: exactly what i thought
09:58 [All] Beastyqt: u are newbie thats jealous of sc2 pros and you do this
09:59 [All] sTaGaming: grubby knows who i am
10:01 [All] sTaGaming: im madfrog
10:02 [All] Beastyqt: you probably tell your buddies as well?
10:03 [All] sTaGaming: haha
10:11 [All] Beastyqt: madfrog quit long time ago
10:18 [All] Beastyqt: so ya
10:21 [All] Beastyqt: dont talk shit
10:21 [All] Beastyqt: kid
10:23 [All] sTaGaming: have a nice day
10:25 [All] sTaGaming: patchterra
10:28 [All] Beastyqt: with your mother.
00:08 [All] sTaGaming: ggl
00:11 [All] Beastyqt: glhf
00:16 [All] Beastyqt: we played before?
00:19 [All] sTaGaming: no rage today plz
00:20 [All] sTaGaming: yes
00:22 [All] Beastyqt: k
00:26 [All] sTaGaming: i 6pooled you
00:31 [All] Beastyqt: ah the loser
00:38 [All] sTaGaming: yeah u raged like 2 hours last time :/
00:43 [All] Beastyqt: from?
00:48 [All] sTaGaming: korea
00:52 [All] Beastyqt: then its NA
00:54 [All] Beastyqt: thought so
01:02 [All] sTaGaming: germany
01:06 [All] Beastyqt: fo sho (fascho? or for sure?)
02:44 [All] Beastyqt: gg
03:05 [All] sTaGaming:
04:27 [All] sTaGaming: damn that was expensive
04:36 [All] sTaGaming: lucky i outclass you so i can come back
04:42 [All] Beastyqt: u are shit
04:43 [All] Beastyqt: retard
04:49 [All] sTaGaming: rage agian
04:51 [All] sTaGaming: ^^
04:58 [All] Beastyqt: fucking 2 year old
04:59 [All] Beastyqt: nerd
05:02 [All] sTaGaming: 2 year
05:04 [All] sTaGaming: wow good flame
05:05 [All] sTaGaming: keep going
08:05 [All] Beastyqt: lol cancel (after canceling a creep tumour :D)
08:06 [All] Beastyqt: noob
08:11 [All] sTaGaming: ^^
08:31 [All] sTaGaming: "lol terran noob"
09:13 [All] Beastyqt: gg faggot