MLG replays to steal PvZ
MC 1 gate expo into 3 gate stargate
▪ expo on 35, or while 3rd sentry is building
▪ Gateway by your low ground pylon (the 30 food one) 35 food
▪ 37 food or after starting your 4th sentry add another gateway totaling 3
▪ 37 food stargate (note slight probe cut)
▪ 42 food or when you have 5 sentries make a forge (4 made 1 warped)
▪ 2 chrono boost on voidray
▪ 53 food or at ~34 probes add 2 extra gas at natural
▪ at around 10 minutes make a robo, assuming that you make 5+ units out of sg to snipe the zerg third base.
Picture of the sim city
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Notice the placement of the Gate/pylon/zealot and also the pylon to the south, MC’s sim is an essential part to this build because as you can see he is not vulnerable to anything right now.
This build is a great build because it allows for not only a quicker nexus but also an easy defense from a roach ling all in. This replay demonstrates how well mc’s build is timed out. As you can see the void ray popped right when the roaches got to his base, which is what I call ehon timing. It is important to note that he saved chrono to get the void ray out fast and then rallied to his natural, which shows he knows this timing quite well.
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I chose this replay because as I mentioned earlier it allows for you to get a quicker nexus (5:20) and still be safe against timing attacks meant to break your expansion.
For this replay go to then click losers bracket, then MC vs. wemadefox_Moon while the whole set is good, I really recommend the metalopolis game.
Next up for my builds I stole, I have Naniwa vs. Moon on Shakuras Plateau
I chose this replay because Naniwa not only shows a good opener but he shows the importance of positioning vs. a zerg opponent. While the opener is a standard forge expand Naniwa really shows that he has his building placement and build order down to a T. His forge expand interested me because instead of doing like a 5-7 wg timing or a void ray to kill the third Naniwa opened 4 gate and sold a 6wg all in by moving out on the map. This make Moon react by pumping roaches and lings.
MLG replays to steal PvZ Naniwa’s nexus first into 4wg robo
• 15 nexus
• 15 forge
• 17 gateway
• 18 pylon
• 18 second gateway (cancels when the first gateway finishes, simply used to prevent a ling run by) replaced by a cyber.
• 17-18 gas depending on if your scouting probe dies or not
• 23-24 second gas
• When core finishes start warp gate research before sentry, start sentry when you have your next 100 gas (between 31-33 supply)
• ~35 supply drop gates 2, 3 and 4
• you should be able to make 3 sentries before wg finishes.
• Here Naniwa kills his forge and remakes it and starts a robo and +1 when the forge finishes, ultimately this is where I stop doing this by food because it is really dumb… (to go by food because obviously every player has their own style). Just keep in mind that you want to get a relatively fast robo (Naniwa gets it around 8:25 ish in this game).
Basically from here Naniwa plays standard but there are some really keynotes of brilliance in this game.
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Yes while this may be standard I think it can serve to be beneficial for people looking to refine their building placement.
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Do you see what Moon sees; yes gateways finishing. This should lead Moon to become suspicious because he does not know if there are any more gateways, so what does Naniwa do… He sells it, and he does it so well.
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Look at how smart Naniwa is, him pulling the probe and the units moving out really sells a 6wg timing, and if you look at the production tab he is really forcing a response. Without the probe it would look as if he was just trying to secure map control, but in most circumstances the probe signifies a warp gate all in. Very well done Naniwa =D.
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Naniwa’s perfect observer positioning lets him get set up to fight in an area where he can get the positional advantage.
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This is just the positioning Naniwa needed as you can see he cuts off the roaches and takes care of the banelings. This is important because it shows how big of a role positioning plays on major battles. Not only positioning but also how he uses the information in the picture with the observer to choose a location in which to engage without losing. Naniwa never ceases to amaze.
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These pictures all happen at around the same time (17:31). Basically it shows Naniwa not only denying an expansion of zerg, and taking map control but expanding as well. Naniwa’s excellent obs positioning allows him to do this poke because he knows that if the zerg is to attack into his excellent positioning he is fine and he also knows that the zerg will not counter attack. But to be honest that expansion kill is simply a bonus, what he was trying to do was gain map control so he can take his 4th with out any real risk.
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This scene right here is what made me do this replay in the first place. It starts off with Naniwa poking through by the watch tower and ultimately denying the zergs expansion, but then when he engages he uses the choke and force fields to his advantage. It really is a great move by Naniwa, while even though he really doesn’t have the best arch and the colossi are taking heavy fire he still managed to isolate around 30-40% of the zergs roaches. Without those force fields this fight would have been extremely different.
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Through out that whole battle Naniwa was not focusing corrupters, and it is now clear why. By not focusing corrupters Naniwa has left Moon with 20 useless supply in corrupters when Naniwa is deciding to make a tech switch into templar immortal. This is “bad news bears” for Moon who is already behind in supply so surely 20 useless supply won’t help him.
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They engage once again but this time Moon decides to attack off creep with hydras and some ovys with banes. He ends up losing most of his corrupters so Naniwa responds by building 2 colossi. Naniwa knows that Moon sees that he has no colossi so it is very unlikely that he will re max with corrupters so Naniwa does an intelligent play by making 2 colossi.
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Naniwa kills Moon’s expo uncontested…. That really hurts, essentially Naniwa has taken position at this base and unless Moon wants to get stormed to death he won’t walk down that choke.
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Where once a zerg army stood. Naniwa played exceptionally well and ends up winning the game shortly after this play.
To find this replay go to then click on the Naniwa Moon section and it is the game on Shakuras.
I hope you enjoyed this blog, i am considering doing one for pvt matches from MLG. In particular i was thinking about Tyler's 1-1 6 gate and Maybe some of Naniwa's or MC's games. Please note that this was just me taking notes and then thinking hey i could post this on Team Liquid, but either way i hope you enjoyed it. =D