On May 02 2011 15:15 JAJAJAGuy wrote: I have always wanted to know the answer to this question since I first saw similar things in pro brood war matches. (it is the same as far as I can tell in sc2)
I have seen pro players drop units from their medivac/overlords/etc in such a way that the medivac never stops moving. Like it goes in a straight line and units drop from it when its moving. And I have seen replays where this happened with multiple medivacs at the same time. I can't figure out the mechanics for doing this type of drop. I know you can press the units picture in the medivac and the unit will drop out, but it seems like that would be impossible to do with multiple dropships all at once. Any help? A clear step by step explanation would be cool!
When your medivacs are moving, Hit D, click on all your medivacs. The medivacs will carpet-bomb units down.
How do I use hotkey to turn on/off SCV auto-repair? I don't want to click on that bottom right bar
On May 02 2011 15:29 bankai wrote: Two questions for PvZ: (you mean three)
1) What is the best 'counter' or approach I should take against a Z who macros and double evo chambers? Is there a timing attack or something I should do? I take my 3rd a bit earlier, at about the 10 minute mark instead of the 12. You have to be active with your Hallucinations though, and keep track of his unit count. You could throw down a second Forge as well. 2) What is the best counter unti composition to zergling/infestor combinations as Protoss? I know this is probably situational but theoretically what should be my approach? Same as Roach Corruptor to me, but probably more focused on the FFs and positioning before you engage. Add in a Templar Archives for feedback and more gateways instead of the usual 2nd robo and stargate once you get your 4th. 3) I use a CSS unit composition against a roach/hydra build but always lose my sentries (which hurts my tech builds). How can I best protect my sentries from being sniped? Is it as simple as doing the FF, then backing them away behind my stalkers/colossus? Well most of the time you will lose almost all your sentries in a regular engagement. Good forcefields should result in minimal sentry loss, while bad ones will allow roaches in move in and snipe a few Sentries. Remember against Zerg you want the FFs to be blocking 95% of their army, unlike Terran where you cut it in half. Some players like to remacro back Sentries if they lose them, such as KiwiKaki.
On May 02 2011 15:31 TopPower wrote: How do I use hotkey to turn on/off SCV auto-repair? I don't want to click on that bottom right bar
Alt + R
I'm a gold level Zerg player. Due to lack of time I haven't played for a month, I'm looking for 3 buildorders for my matchups. I was thinking of using Spanisihwa's buildorders or should I use something else? They sound kinda "high level". Tyvm in advance.
On May 02 2011 23:47 Amestir wrote: Hey,
I'm a gold level Zerg player. Due to lack of time I haven't played for a month, I'm looking for 3 buildorders for my matchups. I was thinking of using Spanisihwa's buildorders or should I use something else? They sound kinda "high level". Tyvm in advance.
Heavy eco builds like Spanishiwa's build are reasonable. It can be especially instructive for lower-level zergs like yourself since it practically forces you into a strong economy into the mid-game which is typically the major failing point of most pre-diamond zergs.
I'm a plat Terran who recently decided to switch to random because I watch streams of all the races (and like them all ^_^). Do you think it's still a good idea for me to scout early against a Terran to harass his barracks scv or scout later in order to make him play in the dark?
hello i am a zerg player i am having trouble dealing late game with DTs i put down a spore + 2 crawlers per base and yet i loose a lot when my enemy sends 4-5 dts and snipe the spore pretty fast, how do you suggest i deal with that, is it cost efficient leaving overseer per base?
On May 03 2011 00:50 vojnik wrote: hello i am a zerg player i am having trouble dealing late game with DTs i put down a spore + 2 crawlers per base and yet i loose a lot when my enemy sends 4-5 dts and snipe the spore pretty fast, how do you suggest i deal with that, is it cost efficient leaving overseer per base?
Given how much gas is at a premium in the late game coupled with the large surplus of minerals that you will possess, it's more reasonable to make multiple spores per base (spaced out so that your spines can do maximum damage) rather than dump 100 gas per base on overseers.
Keep in mind if they're bum rushing 5 DTs at a time to your bases, that's 625 gas they're committing to shut down an expo. You should scale your defense at the bases that your army can't easily reach appropriately (i.e., more than spore + 2 spines).
(Also another note, if you need to make emergency detection because you have no spores or your spores get sniped, making an overseer is clearly the better option than praying another spore can be made in time.)
Is there a way to scout the difference between a 3gate FE and a 4gate as Zerg other than waiting to see if a nexus / fourth gate is build?
On May 03 2011 02:30 Poelie wrote: Is there a way to scout the difference between a 3gate FE and a 4gate as Zerg other than waiting to see if a nexus / fourth gate is build?
There is nothing definitive since 3 gate FE fake-out into 4 gate and 4 gate FE are both viable strategies for toss to execute. Like most scouting in sc2, reading 3 gate FE vs. 4 gate amounts to reading various tells that indicate one build or the other and then making a best-effort guess. These include:
+ (Obvious ones) Did the protoss put down a nexus? Did the protoss put down 4 gates? + When does protoss take their second gas? + How much chrono is saved up on the nexus? How much chrono is going into warp gate vs. probes? + Is there a scouting probe on the map that you haven't accounted for? + Is the second unit that comes out of the gate a sentry or a stalker?
Watch Mr. Bitter's coaching session with incontrol about 4 gate for more information.
How do I bind camera keys? Is it the same as regular binding?
On May 03 2011 04:53 Selkie wrote: How do I bind camera keys? Is it the same as regular binding?
Yes, via the same menu for race-specific hotkey bindings:
Menu -> Hotkeys -> Global -> Camera -> Create Location #/Jump to Location #
How do you adapt the baneling bust for use against P? I have been using the liquipedia ZvT build and i want to know how to execute it against protoss wall-ins. Which BOs does it work against? Should i have the speedlings go for the probe line or take out zealots/stalkers first? Thanks.
On May 03 2011 00:08 CrucialSC wrote: I'm a plat Terran who recently decided to switch to random because I watch streams of all the races (and like them all ^_^). Do you think it's still a good idea for me to scout early against a Terran to harass his barracks scv or scout later in order to make him play in the dark?
Unless the other player is terrible, you won't kill the building SCVs and even if you do you don't do much damage. It's much better to keep him in the dark.
I've actually been having problems with this since I open 1 Rax no gas FE against Zerg, 1 Rax Marauder FE against Protoss, and 1/1/1 into Cloaked Banshees against Terran. When I meet a random player, I usually can't scout them before my gas timing, so I just go 1 Rax no gas FE (I don't like it quite as much against Protoss, but it's still good) since I figure eh, 2/3 chances this is close to the build I wanted to go anyways. I then see that they're Terran and lose instantly to blue flame because I can't get anything out but Marines in time.
Calgary25963 Posts
On April 27 2011 13:40 Kambing wrote:Show nested quote +On April 27 2011 13:30 Belial88 wrote: Simple question!
Why do pro gamers always seem to move their infestors by casting fungal growth somewhere impossibly far (and then execute a move or some type of command to cancel it before it gets there)? Like for example if they want to move the infestor a screen away, they will fungal growth the edge of the screen and then execute a move command real quick so it isnt cast.
Does it make them move faster, or ignore being blocked by other units or something? It doesn't make them move faster or allow them to mineral walk or anything like that. Issuing a single fungal growth command to a group of infestors makes only one of them move forward to execute the command. What some folk do is issue a single fungal and then shift-click (i.e., queue) the group to move somewhere. The infestor that fungals will throw the fungal and then move to the clicked location; the rest of the infestors will immediately move to the clicked location. Show nested quote +On April 27 2011 13:31 svefnleysi wrote: I hear the term metagame thrown around a bit - what's the actual definition of the word? "The factors external to the game that affect the game itself": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetagamingFor example, anticipating that your opponent will go forge FE-void ray on Shakuras because you saw in his match history that has done it in his last 5 Shakuras games is an example of "playing the metagame". DING DING DING.
The standard strategy is not the "metagame". Anticipating the standard strategy and altering your build accordingly is part of playing the metagame. Preparing a build for a specific player would also be part of playing the metagame.
Do shields recharge when inside a vortex?
On May 03 2011 06:47 PeanutsNJam wrote: Do shields recharge when inside a vortex?
No. It appears that vortex counts as an adverse affect which is sufficient to stop shield regeneration and reset the time until regeneration starts again (~10s).
How do you efficiently counter a "Turtle play" by Terran as Zerg (Siege tank, PF) 2 basing.
I just lose so many units and end up with playing 40 minute games where I dry up my opponent and out-macro him. Very tiring, and I'm sure there are better ways.
On May 03 2011 07:05 Kaiwa wrote: How do you efficiently counter a "Turtle play" by Terran as Zerg (Siege tank, PF) 2 basing.
I just lose so many units and end up with playing 40 minute games where I dry up my opponent and out-macro him. Very tiring, and I'm sure there are better ways.
Not really, unfortunately. If you think about it in terms of the starcraft trifecta:
Economy / \ / \ / \ Tech ----- Army
Their 2-base play allows them to grow strong in tech and army but not economy, so that's what you need to emphasis to beat their play. There's lots of little things that you can do to make the game a 20 minute game versus a 40 minute game, though.
1) Keeping up good scouting of his army size and composition to avoid falling to a 2-base timing, (while you are) 2) Taking multiple bases and droning up (to a reasonable limit), 3) Staying on top of injects so that you can reinforce with multiple waves of units once the big engagement goes down, 4) Creating an overlord net around the map (in particular, around his base and your own) so that you can shut down his harassment which gives him the opportunity to get back into the game, 5) Constantly harassing (ideally multiple locations) with mutas, drops, and nydus play to punish the terran for being out of position, and 6) Avoiding being stagnant in your tech, i.e., making sure you aren't stuck on lair tech and instead progressing towards broods in a timely manner which will let you bust their fortified position.