Server: US Server TL ID: Dorian.Gray B.Net ID: Release.theKraken League: Silver Rank: 6 Race: Random Other: Looking for anyone to play with. I can play a bit of everyrace so if your looking for someone to practise a certain match up thats cool too. I don't mind getting thrashed on by pros either, just love to play the game. Add me on battlenet and pm me, I'm on most of the day providing school lets me.hehe.
Server: US Server TL ID: Celestial B.Net ID: Celestial.magic Rating: League: Gold Rank: 38 Race: Zerg Other: Have skype, willing to practice to get good fundamentals and strategies. Currently playing 1v1s, 2v2s and experimenting around in races.
Server: EU TL ID: Rickf30 B.Net ID: Ungren.rick Rating: 1045 League: Silver Rank: 43 Race: Zerg Other: After any likeminded people to play with and have a laugh. Not really competetive but always happy to improve my game. Happy to help anyone lower if they want.
TL ID: NyktaX Server: EU server B.Net ID: Nykta.nykta League: Silver Rank: 60 Race: Terran Other: Hi, I started like 2 weeks ago with Starcraft 2 but I've played a lot of Warcraft III TFT before. Therefore i want to get into the Platinium league I could need some help =). So if anyone want to help me improve my gameplay/strategies i would be realy thankful! Thanks in advance.
Server: US Server TL ID: Achillean B.Net ID: Achillean.pwns Rating: 1300 League: Copper Rank: 18 Race: Protoss Other: I'm only in copper because of the initial learning curve, most people that play me tell me I'm about silver in actual skill and I win a lot- I don't know why I haven't been bumped up a league yet. I'm on the TL vent a lot.
Server: US Server TL ID: Lucy1nTheSky B.Net ID: Lucy.inthesky Rating: 1310 League: Gold Rank: 14 Race: Protoss and Zerg Other: I'm happy to practice any matchup involving Protoss and Zerg. I would eventually very much like to establish a solid "standard" opening for each P&Z matchup.
Server: EU TL ID: ZulFury B.Net ID: ZulFury.Fury Rating: 1529 League: Silver Rank: ~1-5 Race: Random Other: looking for gold / high silver players. want to learn and practice anything. I mostly play spontaneously as oppose to having fixed build orders, but I do want to improve Build orders \ counters & timings as much as possible.
Server: US TL ID: Darksp33d B.Net2 ID: darkspeed.viwo Rating: 1450-ish League: Bronze Rank: 1 Race: Terran Other: looking for some 1v1 practice, with some 2v2 for fun. Played SC1 on ICCUP, was a solid D player
Server: US Server TL ID: Karnivool B.Net ID: Karnivool.gregoris League: Silver (I should be in Gold soon) Rank: 1 Race: Protoss/Zerg I'm really learning them all so Random eventually Other: Looking for a friendly and competetive 2v2 partner. Voice chat a must. I play a lot now that I have beta, EST time zone most hours of the day.
Server: US TL ID: blahzay B.Net ID: BLAHZAY.blahzay Rating: 1208 League: Platinum Rank: 35 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for any match up. Prefer players that like to harass early as well as cheese. Including reaper rush, 6-10 pool void ray rush etc.
Server: US Server TL ID: danbel1005 B.Net ID: AmautaDaN Rating: 128 League: Platinum Rank: 18 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for any match up and any player who just wants to get better.
Server: US Server TL ID: potchip B.Net ID: Potchip.kettle Rating: ~1300 League: Platinium Rank: ~30 Race: Terran Other: Looking for protoss practice partners.
Server: US Server (playing from australia) TL ID: krool B.Net ID: krool.kpoo Rating: 1040 League: Silver Rank: 50 Race: Protoss Other: Playing from aest late night (which is early morning PDT 6am onwards etc). Just want to perfect all the build orders and practice playing other races. I think i am a higher rank than i should be. 1v1 and/or 2v2 .
Server: EU Server TL ID: Demolisher31 B.Net ID: Demolisher.demolisher Rating: 1261 League: Gold Rank: 14 Race: Terran Other: I'm usually online around, 15:30-16:00 GMT until 18-19GMT. Mostly looking for someone to practice with.
Server: US Server TL ID: Jonanin B.Net ID: Jonanin.jonanin Rating: 1181 League: Gold Rank: 25 Race: Random Other: Just looking for any partners to practice and develop strategy with. AIM: Jonanin MSN: jonanin012@hotmail.com
Server: US Server TL ID: teamsolid B.Net ID: bisu.skt Rating: 1750 League: Platinum Rank: 2 Race: Z Other: Looking for people to practice customs against (esp. other Z). PM me if interested.
Server: US server TL ID: Yoh B.Net ID: Yoh.yoh League: Copper? (none, just started pretty much) Rank: None (0) Race: Zerg Other: Haven't had my beta key all that long, mostly using the editor, want to play, but too damn timid to do so. Looking for someone to kick my ass so I can get used to losing. Tad masochistic. Artist. Have vent, and death cookies.
Server: US Server TL ID: Tundera B.Net ID: Tundera.Tundera Rating: 1448 League: Silver Rank: 2 Race: Random. I was leaning to toss at first, but after seeing how powerful terran can be I have decided to switch my focus to terran as my main race. Other: I'm silver because before I got this beta (which was like 2(ish) weeks ago) I had never played an RTS before. Very active competitive league gamer though and I'm looking for a partner who has the same motives, to be successful in SC2 so we could focus a little more on the finer points of matches. Preferrably someone who could play all 3 races so I could practice all my MU's, but it doesn't really matter what race you are :3
Just add me in-game, or throw me a PM here on TL
Server: US Server TL ID: Zamkis B.Net ID: Zamkis.Zamkis Rating: 1300 League: Platinum Rank: 30 Race: Zerg Other: Annoyed of getting cheesed every game, looking for players to play macro games/practice build orders, mostly Terrans and Protoss. Usually online around 9pm est.