Server: US Server TL ID: Rubyiris B.Net ID: Rubyiris.noobyiris Rating: 1327 League: Copper Rank: 6 Race: Random Other: I really want to get alot better. I was a UMS/Fast map noob throughout SC1, but after watching pro games from 08~on, I wanted to play SC2 at a more competitive level. I frequent the forums, though I just made this account recently to post, and I watch pro matches on a daily basis, I'm still atrocious.
Server: US Server TL ID: Bibbit B.Net ID: Fallacy.Fallacy Rating: 1100~ League: Gold Rank: 30~ Race: Zerg Other: Just really need to focus one map/match-up at a time so that I can improve faster.
Server: US Server TL ID: Jokero B.Net ID: Aldibo.Joker Rating: 1050 League: Bronze Rank: 60 Race: Protoss Other: I haven't played many games yet. I was put into Silver after my placements, but I recently got demoted to Bronze. So I'm looking to get some help to get back into Silver. I'm looking for a 2v2 partner, but we can just practice too, of course. :D Thanks.
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: erickeK B.Net ID: keK.erickek Rank: Gold Race: Protoss Other: Hey, I'm a competitive gamer from the MGO CrackClan; I currently play QuakeLIVE for the organization and looking to get into Starcraft 2 competitively. I've never played SC1 but I'm catching on really quick to SC2 and doing pretty well.
I'm looking for a few practice partners at the moment, possibly people to pickup for cc// SC2 Division.
I'm pretty good PvZ, decent at PvP, but need some work on PvT.
I'd like someone higher than me to possibly contact me to be a practice partner so I can learn from my mistakes and try to develop good habits before bad ones settle in.
Thank you for reading, I promise you I won't waste your time if you don't waste mine.
Server: US server TL ID: derpaderp B.Net ID: rauss.derp Rating: 1400 League: Gold Rank: 1 Race: Random Other: I main toss, but i did the 50 wins with random, so i can play pretty much any matchup. I'm really into safe and smart play, and i hate losing to build order wins. i feel its my gamesense that is most lacking
Server:US TL ID: Warrior Madness B.Net ID: Warriormad.warriormad Rating: 1017 League: Silver rank: 15 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for an actual practice partner to play, test, analyze with. I think focused practice with the aim of improving/understanding is the best way to get better period. Laddering all day will help your mechanics, but nothing beats a good practice partner. Compare two of the following: 25 laddered ZvPs played versus 7 with a practice partner. After 25 random games you may not have improved your understanding of the game, but say, with your partner he 2 gates you all 7 games. You try 1 base roaches to counter, fast expand, it eventually works, then he figures out a nice transition into voidrays etc. You've learned certain timings, and counters in that little session.
Server: US Server TL ID: Zage B.Net ID: Rating: 1150 League: Platinum Rank: ~45 Race: Protoss (open to playing Terran) Other: Looking for an experienced Platinum Zerg, Terran, or Protoss team mate that knows how to scout and can atleast adapt with the information. I know and have played all races. I want to get better at Terran if I have a good Protoss partner.I play in the evenings roughly 7pm CST - Midnight. I'll update post until I find someone.
Server: EU Server TL ID: MaYuu B.Net ID: Mayuu.vanity Rating: 1450 League: Gold Rank: 4 Race: Terran Other: Looking for constructive players who likes to discuss their play. I'm up for all the Terran match ups. You can get a hold of me on or on mIRC. #lal.sc2 @ quakenet
Server: EU TL ID: megastarcraft20 ID: robin.ogg Rating: 1300 League: Platinum Rank: 5 Race: Zerg Other: Wants to run 1s and 2s with some good people
Server: US Server TL ID: Icetrain B.Net ID: Icetrain.irichard Rating: 1400 League: Copper Rank: 4 Race: Zerg Other: Played SC1 back in the day. Never played much bnet. Mostly played with real life friends. After getting into watching high level replays of SC2 games I decided that I wanted to play SC2 competitively (or at least attempt to). Right now I'm looking for people around my skill level or slightly better to play against. But more than that I want people who I can talk strategy with and improve with. Any matchup is fine. I just want to play starcraft and associate with others that want to play it as well.
Server: US Server TL ID: Dorkpunk B.Net ID: Dokrpunk.oipik League: Silver Rank: ~20 Race: Protoss Other: I've Been jumping from bronze(top), up to silver top / bottom Gold. Havn't had a chance to work on building back up, hoping to get some serious time in before the end of the week. Looking for fun play, and maybe some people with a vent to hop on. 2v2 fan over 1v1. I misspelled my name after last reset...
Server: US Server TL ID: deph B.Net ID: Deph.likesramen League: Platinum Rank: 1 Race: Terran Other: I'm not actually good I'm just in a crappy division lol.
Server: EU Server TL ID: ChApFoU B.Net ID: ChApFoU.zegosu League: Platinum Rank: 70 Race: Terran Other: I'm not really Platinum lvl so I welcome practice with Gold and Silver players. I try to learn zerg a bit too. See you on bnet guys !
Server: US Server TL ID: CosmicZ B.Net ID: CosmicZ.eee League: Gold Rank: 35 Race: Terran Other: Looking for Gold league Protoss or Terran player to play against. I would like to add that I'm a pretty impressive gamer, but my Stracraft skills are not up to my own standards. Just looking for some practice vs Protoss or Terran.
Server: EU server TL ID: Shammythefox B.Net ID: shammythefox.beefeta Rating: 1450 League: Platinum Rank: 51 Race: Protoss Other: Never played BW and only just got the beta a month ago so i've been forced to practicing strats and different builds on the ladder which i feel has hurt my ranking a little bit, I was up at rank 20ish before when all I did was go robo cause i didn't want to experiment yet :D Also i hate 6 poolers :@
Server: US Server TL ID: omgCRAZY B.Net ID: Grin.grin Rating: 1308 League: Gold Rank: 12 Race: Protoss Other: I am probably good enough to get into low-mid level Plat, I just have not played enough games since the reset. If anyone wants to hit me up I would love to play some games.
Server: US Server TL ID: ashburn B.Net ID: ashburn Rating: just got in... League: Silver Rank: 1 Race: Random Other: Was in the Asia server... just got into US Server
Server: US Server TL ID: reit B.Net ID: fcnz.eightonenine Rating: 1200 League: Silver Rank: 25ish Race: Zerg Other: looking to mass game with a user either as good or better than I am
Server: EU server TL ID: Skvid B.Net ID: FoDalite.skvid Rating: 1474 League: Silver Rank: 1 Race: Terran Other: Just looking for a person to mass games with and learn a thing or two.