Server: EU Server TL ID: Regrets B.Net ID: Regrets.redge League: Gold Rank: 1 Race: Protoss Other: Available a lot of the time, lots of free time right now so check if I'm online whenever. ANY matchup is good, I just need lots of practise in order to get over the gold barrier into plat. Need someone who is willing to discuss our games. You can't have knowledge on just your race, as I want to learn about what I can do better with your help, and I'm sure I can help you with your race too. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in game ^^
I'd like to update my information if possible. Currently, I am in the Silver Division playing as Terran on the US Server. I'd like to update it to...
Server: US Server TL ID: pokoclock B.Net ID: pokoclock.pokoclock Rating: ~1300 League: Gold Rank: 7 Race: Protoss Other: Just moved from Terran to Protoss as a main. I'm currently in Gold but play much like Top Tier Silver. I'm down for 1v1 and will love to play any race as long as you can help both of our games by analyzing replays.
edit: sorry, just read the first post! I apologize for any inconvenience.
Server: US Server TL ID: Rakasha ID: Rakasha.theonlyone League: Silver Rank:15 Race: Zerg Other: I am looking for a partner to practice different build and the defence of all race build. I am just looking to learn how to get better and see strat. I want to know how to spot other build with scouting and building to counter it. PS: I have a vent server we can use, just so you know, i speak french so my english is not perfect, i can communicate well, but not perfectly.
Server: US Server TL ID: Crabman123 B.Net ID: Crabman.bad Rating: forgot lol League: Gold Rank: 32 Race: Zerg Other: Really looking for someone to do 1v1 or 2v2. If its 2v2 a mic is required.
Server: EU Server TL ID: No1isperfect B.Net ID: Hazzerman.swe Rating: 1356 League: Platinum Rank: 9 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, i'm usually online Sunday - Wednesday 18:00 - 24:00 CET, I have mic and skype for easy communication ^^
Server: US Server TL ID: Killamane B.Net ID: Killaman.Killaman League: Gold Rank: 1 Race: Protoss Other: Hey, looking for practice parterners anywere from high gold to Mid-High Platinum. On daily, most of the day. Looking for as many people as i can get to practice with. Message me any time, add me please. Will talk about the games and try to help everyone as much as i can. (only about 60 games experience, will improve fast)
Server: US Server TL ID: eKg B.Net ID: eKg.ekg League: Gold/Platinum Rank: ~30/~50 Race: Zerg/Protoss Other: Frequently on TL, looking to sharpen some stuff up and tighten some loose ends in my gameplay. If i'm not on sc2, I'm in TL vent probably.
Server: ASIA Server TL ID: FuRong B.Net ID: FuRongJieJie.nzl Rating: 1250 League: Silver Rank: 19 Race: Random Other: I play random so I'm happy to practice any matchup, I only got my key at the beginning of May so I'm still learning a lot. TL Asia represent?
Server: US Server TL ID: Satallgeese B.Net ID: Satallgeese.thebanana Rating: 1150 League: Gold Rank: 26 Race: Terran Other: I just need someone that I can practice with, someone who can tell me the highs and lows of my playing. I often feel like I play well, but have small mistakes that hold me back. Looking forward to gaming with you guys!
Server: US Server TL ID: Southlight B.Net ID: Matsubara.southlight Rating: 1269 League: Platinum Rank: 16 Race: Terran Other: Due to my fortune with the matchmaking system, close to 95% of the games I've played have been TvT. As such, my TvT is actually close to a 90% win rate atm, but my TvP is like 1-5 and my TvZ is like 1-3, and my comfort with the matchups is as obvious. Desperately needing vP and vZ practice partners so I like, have a clue as to what I'm doing.
Server: US Server TL ID: Plyte B.Net ID: Plyte.exe Rating: 1280 League: Bronze Rank: 15 (at time of post) Race: Protoss Other: Hey, looking for a practice buddy, tired of being stuck in the bronze league. Right now I really need to work on my macro. I have vent(have a vent server), a mic, willing to get anything else needed to communicate better.
Server: US Server TL ID: Perfectflaw72 B.Net ID:Waffles.miguel League: Gold Rank: 1 Race: Protoss Other: Hate cheese i can handle it and usually counter if it fails im good at scouting and telling what there gonna do but protoss is my main race
Server: US Server TL ID: Kaza B.Net ID: Kaza.kaza Rating: 1400 League: Platinum Rank: 7 Race: Zerg Other: Just looking for a practice partner, or rather multiple ones so I can get good practice vs each race. Ideally looking for someone to help analyze strats and gameplay, go over replays and all that.
Server:US TL ID: Warrior Madness B.Net ID: Warriormad.warriormad Rating: n/a League: n/a rank: n/a Race: Zerg Other: I JUST got my beta key last night so I'm looking for other newbies to mass games with so we can experiment and figure this game out from the start. I'm available mostly in the evenings EST time.
Server: EU Server, From United Kingdom TL ID: Tommylew B.Net ID: Tommmylew.shawmae Rating: 1200 League: Gold Rank: Was 40 Race: Protoss Other: I dont play as much as I could, but id actually be about low plat and very high gold on ladder if I was playing, i want to practice to improve my game as I make too many mistakes to get to a higher level, such as not building enough gateways to produce when i expo etc... Iml ooking to play all races(pvp pvz pvt) and to talk about the game. why we lost? What could we both of done better? Im available normally on weekends and odd days in the week when the fiancee is in work. I am GMT uk time.
Server: EU TL ID: gurru. B.Net ID: gurru.gurru League: Platinum Rank: 20+ - Race: Protoss/Zerg Other: Hey everbody, i am just looking for some mannered pratice partners, to improve my gaming skilles,germany, student,ex. wc3 gamer, training Zerg atm. Voice and time available.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Solaris.playgu B.Net ID: Solaris.playgu Rating: 1039 League: Gold Rank: 55 Race: Terran Other: Haven't played much ladder 1v1, play mostly with a couple of rl friends. However, they are much more experienced rts-gamers than me, and have started to scale away. Looking for more practice partners to be able to keep up :D Edit: Need no more protoss partners, as of now only looking for terran and zerg players to practice with.
Server: EU Server TL ID: vic_gn B.Net ID: vic.gomuningen Rating: 1450 League: Platinum Rank: 12 Race: Zerg Other: I am looking for good Zerg to practice, because my ZvZ sucks but other races are also welcome.
Server: US Server TL ID: wanted B.Net ID: wanted.wanted Rating: 1400 League: Platinum Rank: 4 Race: zerg / random Other: Looking for a good 2v2 partner. pref toss or terran as zerg is my main race.