Server: US Server TL ID: Aeyr B.Net ID: Aeyr.tacos Rating: 1261 League: Gold Rank: 4 Race: Zerg Other: ZvP is my best match-up. I'd like to practice my ZvT or possibly ZvZ. All I do now on ZvT is baneling rush because I don't know what else to do lol. But if you wanna practice against baneling bust, I'll be happy to oblige
Server: US Server TL ID: ktffang B.Net ID: fang.fang League: Gold Rank: 20 Race: Terran Other: Just looking for a practice partner. My official rank is 80ish plat but I think I'm closer to top/mid gold in skill level. Mainly right now I'm looking to practice tvp but I'm up to all races. School is almost out so I can play whenever. SC2 is fun, lets play it together!
Server: US Server TL ID: Sigfodr B.Net ID: Sigfodr.aesir League: Bronze Rank: 11 Race: Terran/Zerg/working on Toss Other: Prefer 18+ players.
Server: US Server TL ID: Symphony B.Net ID: Symphony.infinite Rating: 1255 League: Platinum Rank: ~41 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for more people to practice builds and timings. PM me on TL if you want to play.
Server: US Server TL ID: Havaianas B.Net ID: Havaianas.hava Rating: 1333 League: Copper Rank: 3 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for people to practice everything and learn from. I'm new to RTS but not too bad.
Server: US Server TL ID: Tanc B.Net ID: Tanc.hello Rating: 1700 League: Platinum Rank: 2~ Race: Random Other: I've been trying to main in terran, though I can play any race fairly well. Looking for some good practice partners (high plat preferably), so I can stop destroying my ladder rank by doing dumb strategies in ladder games. Also really looking to practice ZvT, any good player will do though.
Server: US Server TL ID: Malark B.Net ID: Malark.Malark Rating: 1500 League:Silver Rank:10-1 (varies on multiple factors) Race: Terran Other: i practice with anyone just trying to improve against anything also if you want to practice a build i will gladly do it as long as you could be willing to do in return
Server: US Server B.Net ID: BeyOndReal Rating: 1252 League: Gold Rank: 2~ Race: Protoss Other: I use protoss 99% of the time, and I am willing to practice with anyone.
Server: US Server TL ID: tzenes B.Net ID: tzenes.jxtz Rating: 1003 League: platinum Rank: 77 Race: Zerg Other: My rank is not at all an accurate assessment of my skills as I'm a high silver/mid gold at best. I need a fair amount of practice to help pick up my game.
Server: US Server TL ID: Bucck B.Net ID: Bucck.bucck Rating: 1300ish League: silver Rank: 4th Race: Protoss- I also would like to learn other races. Other: Looking for a practice partner, also we can play 2v2s. just looking for someone to play the game with, dont want someone who stresses out over losing either. Just contact me on starcraft or my AIM is wowaddict3192.
Server: US Server TL ID: Aphelion B.Net ID: Aphelion.teamliquid. Rating: 1200 League: Gold Rank: 50 Race: Protoss Other: I have an account on EU server too.
Server: US Server TL ID: JFe4R B.Net ID: RednalPR.rednal Rating: 1114 League: Platinum Rank: 17 Race: Terran Other: ~ also like to play Zerg. I'm new to the game and the community. Just started playing the beta and it would be sweet to find people around my skill level to practice with. (i'm around 50-65 apm in SC2)
so I'm platinum now, how do I update?
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: Drow B.Net ID: Logic.beets Rating: 1524 League: Platinum Rank: 34 Race: Terran Other: I would like to find someone that can play several games in a row with me and help me develop solid play.
Server: US TL ID: MStumm B.Net ID: IFormVoltron.karosaki League: Copper Rank: 2 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for a practice partner on EST evenings. I didn't play any RTS since Age of Empires, so I still have a lot of room for improvement. Does not really matter which race you use. I have a mic. I'd like to work on my macro, scouting and build orders.
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: Nidema.tommexp B.Net ID: Nidema.tommexp Rating: 1250 League: Bronze Rank: 10 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for practice partner. I want to get better, tired of constantly losing. Don't matter what you play just want to get better.
Server Eu B.NET ID ion.bomba Rating 1330 League Platinium Rank 10 Race Protoss Other Looking for practice partner every match up.
Server: US Server TL ID: Scypher B.Net ID: Scypher.scypher Rating: 1093 League: Bronze Rank: 56 Race: Zerg Other: Hey, looking for partners for 1v1 or 2v2, any race. Though I'm a low ranking player, I understand the mechanics pretty well, I just need the practice to make it work! Consistent Macro as Zerg is my weakness right now. I have Vent and Skype. I'm on PST though you may find me playing any time of day.
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: Jugan B.Net ID: Lecaf.jugan Rating: 1500 League: Platinum Rank: 20 Race: Terran Other: My aim SN is Mooseof08, I'm looking for any platinum level players to practice against.
Server: Eu Server TL ID: Lonee B.Net ID: Lonee.lonee Rating: 1178 League: Silver Rank: 10 Race: Zerg Other:Well, i rly dont know how to play :D. And it would be nice if i got a 2V2 partner