Server: US Server TL ID: CynanMachae Email: mithrandir@qc-net.com B.Net ID: CynanMachae Rating: ~300 League: Diamond Rank: ~20 Race: Random Other: I was C/C- at BW, and I'm looking for people to play with and practice builds. I've got a lot of free time these days. Playing random, not decided on any race yet, so I can play any matchup. Just add me on SC2, PM me, or add me on MSN: mithrandir@qc-net.com
Server: US Server TL ID: IndecisivePenguin B.Net ID: Penguin.indecisive Rating: 1400~ League: Gold Rank: 1 Race: Random (Protoss) Other: I've had the beta for a week, decided to main Protoss, but now I'm going to go to Random in order to get a better feel and game-sense for the other races. I'm up for any MU, as I really just want to get a good handle on the game as a whole rather than concentrate solely on becoming a top platinum gamer (especially in the Beta stage). However, considerable improvement is among my goals. AIM is indecisvpenguin. I'm on pretty often. Feel free to hit me up!
Server: US TL ID: Iwbhs B.Net ID: Finesse.guile Rating:1117 League:Gold Rank: 1 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for anyone to play games with that wants to get in vent and talk about games after, go over replays etc. I'm on IRC all the time as Finesse in #teamliquid or message me in game. I just hit gold recently. I'm pretty sure I belong here though. Also, I'm switching to Random soon.
Server: US Server TL ID: gr0unded B.Net ID: Kayoh.amf League: Platinum Rank: 23 Race: Terran Other: Just trying to get better at my 1v1 especially TvZ, just hit me up I'm normally on 9 PM PST. Im also down to 2s as well haha
Server: US Server TL ID: DrakeSpirit B.Net ID: Nietz.sche Rating: 1040 League: Bronze Rank: 40 Race: Random Other: Not bad, but not great by any stretch, need to work on my timing and some of the finer points of macroing, as well as the basics of micro.
Server: US Server TL ID: groms B.Net ID: groms.groms Rating: 1090 League: platinum Rank: 48 Race: Protoss Other: Average player in every sense of the word. Micro probably better than macro as I never played sc1 but played lots of wc3/dota. Love to practice against anyone whether its toss/zerg/terran/random. Please add me in-game and if we match up(i.e. we're about the same skill level) then we can use vent/mumble as we play. :D
Server: EU Server TL ID: Sublimis B.Net ID: Lejoon.mindspank Rating: 1300 League: Gold Rank: 8 Race: Terran Other: D+/C- on ICCUP a year ago, quit and now playing SC2 Beta. I'd like to practice against any race. Contact me!
TL ID: abSTRAKt B.Net ID: abSTRAkt.kdubz Rating: N/A League: Platinum Rank: 25 Race: Terran Other: I'm looking to grind down on 1 matchup on 1 map. Looking for T Z and P, so hit me up if you're up for perfecting a build through multiple games
Server: US Server TL ID: Zekezagura B.Net ID: Dragon League: Gold Rank: 30 Race: Protoss Other: Now that I have a pretty good knowledge and handle on the game looking for a serious partner of any race to work on many different builds and other things. Just pm me on TL.
I'm no longer in Asia server...
Server: US Server TL ID: RealDeal Battle.Net ID: Realdeal.real League: Silver Rank: 11 Race: Terran Other: Hello, i am on morning to midday and late night. looking for anyone to 1v1 on silver/gold level.
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: Lolnoobinsanity B.Net ID: Hurp.durp Rating: 1100? League: Silver Rank: 22 Race: Protoss Other: Need to practice basics! Someone practice BOs with me.
Server: US Server TL ID: gattaca B.Net ID: Tassadank.tassadank Rating: 1231 League: Gold Rank: 45 Race: Protoss Other: Prefer playing w/ Terran, open to any. On mostly during afternoon and late night, eastern time.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Coffee B.Net ID: Afriica.jono League: Platinum Rank: 60 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for a 2v2 partner preferably with some sort of microphone, just to have some fun, win and practice .
Server: US TL ID: SeiKhor B.Net ID: SeiKhor.run Rating: 1275 League: Platinum Rank:10 Race: Protoss, probably random for the rest of the beta Other: I'm new to sc2, but I think my mechanics is very good. I would very like to find a practice partner that speak french, either from québec or europe. I want to compete in tournaments and improve with smart training.
Server: US Server TL ID: masas B.Net ID: spidarman.alex League: Silver Rank: 48 Race: Protoss Other: I played mostly ums/moneymap in scbw, trying to get into the real fun parts in sc2. willing to learn all i can including bo/macro/micro. have mic, generally available m-f 7pm~midnight, weekends are a crapshoot tho.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Zedd B.Net ID: Zedd.fll League: Gold(went there intentionally to practice zerg, was platinum three times before) Rank: 1-20(varies every day) Race: Terran, Protoss Other: I do want a practice buddy which would be interested not only in training, but also practicing new strategies. I dont want only to play, but also chat about strategies and analyze the games. Just PM me here or on Bnet and we can adjust some games/chat. Girls prefered! :D :D
Server: EU Server TL ID: Qualculus B.Net ID: IrCute League: Bronze Rank: 21 Race: Zerg/Protoss Other: Wanna practice a bit and have some fun.
delete this post plz, sorry and ty.
Server: US TL ID: Balor B.Net ID: Balor.gator Rating: 1600 League: Platinum Rank: 3 Race: Zerg Other: Looking to perfect BO's and strats. Looking for good players, any race.