Server: US Server TL ID: uberdeluxe B.Net ID: Cutman.uber League: Gold Rank: 7 Race: Zerg Other: Hey! I'm a gold rank zerg, and I played SC1 on iccup. I wasn't very good though, only D. I've also played SC for almost 2 years, and I play about 1-2 hours a day. I like trying crazy builds, and playing greedy! I'm also a big fan of day[9], and really need a training partner, preferably zerg or terran because I already know a good toss to train with.
Server: US Servfer TL ID: sunsk B.Net ID: sunsk.vge League: Plat / Gold Rank: Plat 30 Gold 4 Race: Protoss Other: I am on everyday, I have headset and own a vent server. Im looking for people who are serious about getting better and want to train. My msn is sunsk@live.com
Server: US Server TL ID: ZacharyC B.Net ID: Zach.zjc League: Copper Rank: 31 Race: Random Other: I have just started the beta this week, and this is the first RTS game I have played, so there is much I need to learn. Haven't found a favorite out of the races, so have just been playing random so far. Just looking for a practice partner that has a little patience, but I'm sure it will pay off. I also have a headset so I can download skype/vent or whatever program accordingly.
Server: US Server TL ID: seriane B.Net ID: GeeKewL League: Bronze Rank: Race: Zerg Other: New to Starcraft 2. Looking for more people to play and learn from.
Edit: Name change in new ladder wipe.
Server: US Server TL ID: refraxion B.Net ID: refraxion.refraxion League: Platinum Rank: 17 Race: Terran Other: I'm usually on tuesdays and wednesdays, I'm a decent terran player but struggle in all match-ups lol :p. I find all match ups equally hard but have been finding the zerg one absolutely insane.
If interested shoot me a pm!
server: US server TL ID: Ibex B.Net ID: ibex.ibex League: Platinum Rank: 5 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for practice. Get my pro on
Server: US Server TL ID: Biochemist B.Net ID: Bio.teamliquid Rating: 1063 League: Gold Rank: 7 Race: Zerg Other: Brand new to SC2; I was C- zerg in BW but don't know any builds or strategies for SC2 yet. Would love for someone to beat me up a few times.
Server: US Server TL ID: Doriboi B.Net ID: doriboi.doriboi League: Platinum Rank: 37 Race: Terran Other: Howdy, just looking for a good group of practice partners to improve my game, but also your game as well. I don't care what race you play, as long as we learn and have fun.
Server: US Server TL ID: Sydero B.Net ID: Sydero.sydero Rating: N/A League: Copper Rank: 48 Race: Protoss Other: I have been playing random for the last few matches, but I'll start focusing on Protoss. I'm still trying to get a hang of the game i.e. I don't know autokeys yet. I'm available in the evening (EST time zone). I'm looking for practice and feedback.
Server: US Server TL ID: _rainier B.Net ID: rainier.tronc Rating: 1111 League: Platinum Rank: 62 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for practice.
Server: US Server TL ID: h8m B.Net ID: dicerchio.ftw Rating: ~1200 League: Silver Rank: 13 Race: Terran Other: Looking for decent, helpful silver-gold players to practice all terran matchups with. Have mic and ventrilo server. Active between 5pm EST and 11pm EST. Must be able to analyze games in respect of improving. PM me on TL or add me on BNET if interested
Server: US Server TL ID: Hydra8 B.Net ID: Joe League: Copper Rank: 8 Race: Protoss Other: Can't stop playing, wanna get better. Would Love if someone could help me with the whole keyboard thing lol. 12-4 in the morning est.most nights
Server: US Server TL ID: Norway B.Net ID: Sven.man Rating: ~1200 League: Gold Rank: 1 Race: Protoss Other: My PvP is awful - would like a pvp partner to work on timing pushes as well as strats.
Server: US Server TL ID: aka600 B.Net ID: Sastubbs.sstubbs League: Gold Rating: 1138 (Just promoted from silver Rank 1) Rank: 15 Race: Zerg Other: I'm on almost everynight around 9-10 pm EST. Till about 12-1 am EST. Looking for a similar skill level, no matter the race. Also looking for a few friends to play with, hit me up anytime in game or on here.
Server: US/NA TL ID: v3chr0 B.Net ID: vechro.heckno Rating: 2v2: 1100-1200. 1v1: ~1300 League: Platinum Rank: 20 (2's) 33 (1's) Race: Protoss Other: Fairly well with all races, definitely prefer Protoss and am best with toss. Also prefer 2v2 partners as I'm trying to improve under (to me) easier conditions. I'm a nice guy, laid back, have vent/skype/aim and am well rounded with micro/macro. Ton of meta-game experience, SC, BW, WC3, tons of MMO's, tons of other not-so-worthy RTS's. Feel free to add me, just throw in that you got my I.D from this thread. Thanks and I look forward to playing with some of you!
Edit: Got my own acct, so changed I.D's and don't have my old stats, same guy though.
TL ID: English B.Net ID: HowToEnglish.hte Rating: 1333 League: Gold Rank: 5 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for anyone willing to practice, any match up (1v1). I'm hoping to be a solid Platinum player by the time SC2b is over. I'm online regularly, feel free to contact me anytime.
Server: US Server TL ID: royal.cze B.Net ID: royal.cze League: Platinum Rank: ~15+ Race: Zerg Other: Any match up and I'm on pretty much at anytime during the day.
Server: US Server TL ID: Zeroes B.Net ID: Zeroes.Aznperson League: Platinum Rank: 10 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for good practice partners have skype, mumble and vent
Server: US TL ID: FantacY B.Net ID: fantacy.fantacy League: Platinum Rank: 30+ Race: Zerg Other: Looking for practice in any MU, mainly ZvP.
Server: US Server TL ID: leet_panda B.Net ID: leetpanda.inf Rating: ~1200 League: Platinum Rank: 35 Race: Zerg Other: would like to make friends and stuff.. im usually on around 2-10 pm PST. my e-mail is justinthomas1991@gmail.com if you want to contact me ^^ GL HF
EDIT: added my e-mail address