On August 31 2010 11:54 Niji87 wrote:
It's been about a week or two since I last played on this map, but it's also one of my favorite maps. There are a few problems, though. That's if you haven't changed them yet. I'm not sure.
The top gas on the left side expansion can not be turned into an assymilator. The right side gas on the bottom center expansion can also not be turned into an assymilator. I found no way to let it put me down an assymilator. I attempted to use Pylons and other things around the gas to maybe bug the game out and let me lay down an assymilator, but it refused to no matter what buildings or units I placed around it.
Besides that, this is one of my favorite maps as it does not attempt to force chokes and cliffs and other bullshit every five feet. You have no idea how thankful I am to see people using good sense in their map design.
i fixed this the next day lol