On March 29 2013 04:52 TheFish7 wrote:Are you looking specifically for 1v1 maps? There are two new desert ladder maps; Graystone Ravine and Sands of Strife. Then there is also Akilon Wastes for 1v1... Phaeton is the new desert tileset. For beaches, you'll just have to create one yourself or hope someone around here gets creative. ESV Iron Hills is kinda beach/desert-ish. Eh? Iron Hills is Zerus tileset... that's a jungle.
Yea I know but its the closest thing to a desert/beach map I could think of
Hi how do i show enemys minerals,vespene and supply in my melee map?
alright, thanks for your speedy reply. Seems I will just have to wait for the next beach map. If I were a mapmaker, Id consider making a beach-themed map right now, seeing how loved they were in WoL, and there is a lack of them in HoTS atm : ) .
United States12224 Posts
On March 28 2013 06:41 angelomar13 wrote: where to get the LINK for the starcraft 2 broodwar Mod ???. plz
Search "SC2BW" maps in Arcade. They're all published straight to Battle.net.
On March 25 2013 01:32 KingCorwin wrote:so im getting this funky texture glitch where its creating little lined segments when i use the "noise" tool... anyone know what the problem is? is it just because its an outdated texture im attempting to use or is there another problem? heres a screenshot. This look similar to the problem a while ago with some of the textures like mar sara sand which was later fixed. The problem produced a similar lined pattern and had to do with the bump map "hiding" certain areas of the texture making it seem like it wasn't fully applied. Before the textures were fixed, the way to correct the aberrant behavior was to set the slider at the bottom of the brush pane to something above zero. (I forget what it was called and it's not in the editor now.)
So, not sure how to fix this since the "jiggle the handle" won't work anymore since the handle is missing.
I got the answer to the previous issue in a post in this thread, actually. I'll try to find it for your reference.
[edit] oh right it was called "height blend", here's my post from before
I want to make a map in which you can contol your enemy to try out some cheese builds against your own buildorder. For that i need to see the "enemies" minerals,vespene and supply to know when i can spend his resources.
Something like that would be enough:
Any ideas?
*Edit okay got it working but i dont want to spend the enemies resources to build my own units just to build the enemies units. e.g at the beginning of the game : enemies minerals: 50 my minerals : 50 and i can build an overlord because they get added to 100. Is there a way to limit the resource sharing to just be able to spend enemies resources for enemy units/buildings?
Is there anything exclusive in the HotS beta files? It's taking up 8 GB (which isn't a big deal in terms of space but in terms of scanning speed, it does slow things down a bit), not sure if I want to delete or not.
Know if the HotS beta files are hosted somewhere (in case it does have some exclusive stuff)?
Most of the space actually comes from wings of liberty files apparently (at least the labels all point to WoL). I guess I'll delete those.
Edit - The SC2 wikia says certain removed units (some assets) like from the SC2 missile launcher (the unit Blizzard said that had an extremely long range that was used to clear siege tank lines) is in the HotS beta files? Is it true for the HotS release version too?
Not sure if this is the right thread to post this, but is there not a BO Tester in HoTS on the EU server? Am I the only one missing something like this? I'm going crazy having to restart games against a computer all the time...
Canada2720 Posts
Anyone know how to save games vs the AI in HOTS?
If I'm practicing a build it's nice to be able to save at like 2 minutes, then just keep reloading to that spot. Unfortunately I can't find anyway on Bnet to do this. Anyone know what I'm missing??
On April 01 2013 21:07 Radfield wrote: Anyone know how to save games vs the AI in HOTS?
If I'm practicing a build it's nice to be able to save at like 2 minutes, then just keep reloading to that spot. Unfortunately I can't find anyway on Bnet to do this. Anyone know what I'm missing?? One thing you could do is leave the game at 2 minutes and then resume from the replay, you'd have to reload the map every time you did it though.
Canada2720 Posts
Thanks StillRooney. I had seen that before though, and unfortunately that takes 30-60 seconds instead of 3-6 seconds to reload.
Very strange that they removed save and load functionality.
I loved the intuitiveness of the SC1 Editor, found the War3 Editor a bit complicated but still intuitive and liked it's possibilities, but with the Galaxy Editor, I'm completely overwhelmed with it's lack of intuitiveness. I can't do a single thing and the few times I tried to do something it didn't work. As a casual Editor user that just wants to do simple custom maps, I've come to be absolutely frustrated the galaxy editor.
Given that, I'd like to either create a simple mod that can be used on different maps or, if that's too complicated for me, on a single melee ladder map.
What I want to do: -Edit melee unit's stats, abilities, and building location. -Edit abilities -Be able to use these changes in UMS "melee" games.
Examples: -building in which the unit is built -requirements for the unit -speed/acceleration -model and collision size -damage/rate of fire/bonus damage/range -armor type, health points, regeneration rate -abilities (and edit the abilities, e.g. force field duration, replace immobilizing aspect of fungal growth, etc.) -shields (turn them into SC/BW-like shield that take different damage values from regular health) -etc.
(So, basically, I want to create my own SC2 and play it with friends.)
How difficult and time consuming are the above edits? Do you know some good/simple tutorials, explaining how to do them?
Edit: -First direct question: How do I modify the increase of attack- and movement speed for stimpacks? I found stimpacks but really can't do anything about its 50% increase in rate of fire/movement speed or how much HP is lost using it. The only thing I can find is it's duration. -Second: would giving the colossus a vertical (as opposed to horizontal) splash attack require a change in graphics or is this possible with just the data editor?
On April 03 2013 21:26 KULA_u wrote: -First direct question: How do I modify the increase of attack- and movement speed for stimpacks? I found stimpacks but really can't do anything about its 50% increase in rate of fire/movement speed or how much HP is lost using it. The only thing I can find is it's duration. -Second: would giving the colossus a vertical (as opposed to horizontal) splash attack require a change in graphics or is this possible with just the data editor?
Each of the things you are describing are not that hard to do on their own, it is really just a matter of learning the editor. IMO editing stats and abilities are amongst the easier things to do, until you start getting into creating custom spells and that sort of thing. Requirements are a pain in the ass but once you get the hang of them its mostly just trial and error with picking the right things, to me that is the only hard part. Most of those things are easily changeable by editing fields under Units, Actors, Weapons, and Abilities.
You're gonna want to check out some tutorials on sc2mapster, and if you want to learn more visually the best guy to check out is OneTwoSC on Youtube who is probably the sole reason I published a ums map in sc2.
1 - Under Behaviours in the data editor, search for Marine - Stimpack and find Basic - Behaviour Modification +. Click on the Movement tab and change the movement speed modifier. Under Combat change the attack speed multiplier. Then go back to the data editor and go to Abilities. Find the ability Marine - Stimpack and click Basic - Cost: Cost +. Scroll down to Vitals and find Life. You can change it to energy or whatevs.
2 - Dont know how, but this is definately doable with the data editor. Try the Weapons tab and the Effects tab for the Lance weapon.
On July 29 2010 04:52 aeoliant wrote: Hey guys I just want your opinion on how valid mineral blocks are on islands in SC2. Normally it's to prevent a terran from expanding just by floating a cc over. But now you can load up scvs in CCs or you could drop a mule on it. Is using mineral blocks still useful? Sure. You just have to have the correct amount of minerals. Let's think about this: a mule mines 30 minerals. If we were to have at least 31 minerals, then that would require terran to use TWO mules before expanding there. That's a significant delay, and means terran can't just go 14CC and insta-expand to island.
Now let's look at CC loading SCVs: a CC holds 5 SCVs. That means that if we have more than 25 minerals in the mineral block, then the CC will either have to make 2 trips, or have the neosteel upgrade. If the island is decently far from the main, making two trips will be a significant delay, and mining 100 gas for the neosteel upgrade and then waiting for it to finish is also a significant delay.
Bottom line: if the mineral block has more than 30 minerals, it is viable.
Is it just me or can you not use Terrazine as a custom resource anymore?
When I add Terrazine through triggers, for some reason, it gets switched to minerals and gas... (100% gets added to minerals, 33% gets to gas, instead of Terrazine being added).
I used it a lot as an alternative energy source for certain spells (along with the "Custom Resource" resource too) .
On April 04 2013 09:01 TheFish7 wrote: 1 - Under Behaviours in the data editor, search for Marine - Stimpack and find Basic - Behaviour Modification +. Click on the Movement tab and change the movement speed modifier. Under Combat change the attack speed multiplier. Then go back to the data editor and go to Abilities. Find the ability Marine - Stimpack and click Basic - Cost: Cost +. Scroll down to Vitals and find Life. You can change it to energy or whatevs.
Thanks, I was primarily confused because of a line like this: 0|0|1|0 instead of stats. Took me ages, but you talking of tabs made me realize this was because I had Table View and Combine Structure Values activated. Without these, it immediately looks a lot easier and i feel kind of stupid not seeing these buttons :D.
thanks a lot
NP I should've also mentioned to change the settings, whatever the default is is pretty much unreadable lol. No idea why Blizzard would set it up like that.
Is it possible to open a map that is published through the editor without downloading the file (from an external site), even if I did not publish it?
Are there any professional maps that use considerable amounts of unbuildable terrain? In Brood War maps this was reasonably common, but I haven't seen it before in sc2. I understand that you can't have full, or near full coverage, since it would impede protoss proxy pylons too much, but have people tried to put unbuildable terrain outside the naturals, to increase the defender's advantage in PvP or something of the kind?