Valhalla18444 Posts
Close, but No Cigar
Zero: Zero is, in my eyes, the next big zerg. He is incredible. However, he's only incredible sometimes, and that's a problem. It's becoming more frequent, but with hyvaa showing his stuff on a consistant, reliable basis in WL, there's a clear seperation between the two for the PR spot. Zero isn't capable of carrying his team yet, and hyvaa has done everything he can to drag eSTRO out of their permanent home at the bottom of the ranks. Make no mistake - if Zero can get his shit together on TV, we have a Starleague champion. He's not the first person in that situation, and he won't be the last, but god damn he's playing some badass starcraft some days.
Savior: Okay, Savior got to the round of 8 in MSL before being stopped ZvZ by a guy with the best Mutalisk control on the scene today. Not really an accurate barometer of what the Maestro is capable of in a series these days. Looks like we'll have to wait until next MSL, where he is already seeded. In the meantime he's been dropping games left and right in WL, and it makes me kinda sad.
by.hero: This guy, like Zero, is playing some BAD FUCKING ASS starcraft. The difference is that while Zero plays awful some days and loses, then plays well and slaughters.. by.hero plays at a consistant level, but it doesn't work. At the time of the Power Rank coming out, by.hero had only won 4 of his last 10 games - legitimate losses to superior players all. Then he was fortunate enough to draw the weak TvZ player fantasy, and Leta in freefall. He still couldn't beat fantasy, but Leta went 0-2 that day, and by.hero advances. Now, he's in a series against Hwasin in which the first game was a drastic one-sided affair, Ultralisks everywhere. by.hero is an enigma, but as of the writing of this month's Power Rank, there simply wasn't enough information available, and the information I could get didn't speak good things in total.
fOrGG: Lost 0-3 to Stork the other day. Too bad, he's a really good player. He'll be back, and if he wins a bunch of games, look for him on the Power Rank. He's definitely got the skills.
I find it exceedingly funny that for one singular MSL, fOrGG changed up his style to aggressive, unorthodox build orders coupled with timed transitions to huge macro play - and fucking obliterated everyone he came across, including Flash and Jaedong, the guys everyone thought were guaranteed finalists. After that MSL, fOrGG went straight back to his old ways of macroing like a something out of a Zerg player's nightmare, but throwing away everything he makes like a donkey. Maybe it just makes him happy.
free: free still sucks, get used to it.
Hiya: Hiya is cool as hell, but aggressive TvP builds against robotic Protoss morons in WL does not a PR placement make. Get into a league, win some more games against people who aren't complete idiots, maybe we'll see you in a month or two.
Iris: Iris is a guy who's made a career of doing those aggressive builds I just mentioned, but against all three races, with style, poise, and ferocity. He's 11-5 in Winner's League, playing pretty well. But, he was eliminated from MSL by Tempest, so get the fuck out of my Power Rank. P.S. - I love you
hey dawg i heard you like power rank so we did it again this month.... what did i do wrong?
United States37500 Posts
After game 5, the first thing Jaedong said in his interview was "I just got lucky, this series isn't over".
Pretty classy of JD to say that straight up. Game 5 was an utter disappointment. Was there translations for the post-game interview?
I never thought this could happen but..
I agree with everything. The ranking as it is is perfect for me and I wouldnt make any changes..
On March 04 2009 23:24 Darth Peter wrote: Great PR. with Hwasin over Light imo, but that isn`t such a big deal :D
On March 04 2009 23:15 NeoIllusions wrote: After game 5, the first thing Jaedong said in his interview was "I just got lucky, this series isn't over".
Pretty classy of JD to say that straight up. Game 5 was an utter disappointment. Was there translations for the post-game interview?
yes, Daniel Lee translated it as it was conducted.
This PR is satisfactory.
Oh Flash. 
I prayed to the KTF coaches to give you the proleague match off before your OSL game. Everything seemed to come crashing down with his game versus Upmagic. Before then, he had dominated the previous 3 games against Estro. Then he completely screwed up versus Upmagic, then Best like 2 hours later, and then Leta the next day.
why does hyvaa not have a picture of his glorious self?
hyvaa 70% wtf
great PR anyways
GREAT PR fakesteve, i really got supriesed by some of the choices but i really think you nailed it. Glad to finaly se Leta fall somewhat, he really was overrated no way id ever have put him above the trio of death (JD, Bisu, Flash).
very good PR, agree completely.
Valhalla18444 Posts
On March 04 2009 23:27 Jaeden wrote:with Hwasin over Light imo, but that isn`t such a big deal :D
I had definitely thought of this, the first few drafts this month had those two players in that order.
After sitting down and watching five wins each from both players, I just couldn't realistically say that Hwasin is playing better. OSL and MSL matter, but strength of play must reign supreme. At any rate, it's just the 8th and 9th spots
even though i havent exactly been watching every game (but i have been reading practically every review) i 100% agree with the PR
does this mean im just as awesome as FS?
Australia3316 Posts
hyvaa needs a pic nowww!!
Yay PR awesome job Fakesteve many thanks!!
Zero better be on CBNC.
Even though I would have placed Flash a little higher (since its really the team pressure that got to him), great PR nontheless.
I agree that game 5 of Bisu vs Jaedong was disappointing, but props to Bisu for having the guts to try a experimental 1 gate tech build he practiced for on the last set of the game.
The Top 7 looks solid , but after that players can change a bit :
Not only Light has looked good in WL out of the terrans also Hiya and iris and some other terrans have produced results . I probably would have switched Light with Hiya after OZ vs Khan . He beat JangBi on Andromeda and Stork on Medusa i know both JangBi and Stork didn't played the best of their abilitys , but Hiya played some fine starcraft and taking out those two an those maps is an amazing achievement i would say .
Hwasin's placement is fine definitely better then placing other players like Fantasy/Nada/ForGG for now .
Also i would replace hyvaa with by.hero , but thats my thought and personal pick . Hyvaa has been doing pretty good in WL and some of his games are top notch not to mention that he has been doing 3 kills and other stuff like that , but i think that by.hero is a better zerg then hyvaa . He is the only zerg who now has a winning record together with maybe Jaedong against Bisu in recent events . He is 3 - 0 against Bisu this past months and 3 - 1 overall ( he has 1 loss to Bisu in PL 2007 where on one knew him . ) . His most recent game against Bisu on Taucross he showed that he is a master of macro and control in ZvP and his play style is similar to July . Also i would note that in his ZvT games that weren't against mech and he wasn't bunker rushed (Fantasy ) he has looked pretty good i would say . I think he is a solid player in both ZvP and ZvT although i have to see more ZvTs from him to claim that statement . What i do know is that his ZvP is one be feared .
Other then that the PR is solid , people could argue that Zero can be added here but based only on his ZvZ .... that wouldn't be a good call . I'm also glad that you gave some less popular players like hyvaa and Light spots , and not the more common Best/Kal/Free choices .
Great work and Thank you ! I hope the CBNC comes out quick so that there is something to read :D .
Will there be a CBNC? If so, will it include Hiya, Zero and maybe by.hero?
United States10328 Posts
my CBNC... HiyA, by.hero, ZerO, free, iris?