edit: I too wish Zero was on there, STX masters should count some (they're WL-lite, now with 0% chance for mistakes).
Power Rank 09/14/2010 - Page 5
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12605 Posts
edit: I too wish Zero was on there, STX masters should count some (they're WL-lite, now with 0% chance for mistakes). | ||
Canada3509 Posts
Sea all the way, no matter where he is in the rankings lol. A nice read - even though the style has changed. ![]() | ||
United States2015 Posts
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United States2250 Posts
Then again, Wax is the one who knows Korean, not me. I was under the impression from what other Korean-speakers on this site have been saying that most everyone there is calling him the Fifth Bonjwa now, though. I thought that was kind of exciting. | ||
4542 Posts
Regarding the placement, I pretty much agree with everything. Though I think Sea is too high. And I do think that Flash didn't get enough praising in this PR. Watch him break 5000 on Kespa ranking next month. | ||
United States47024 Posts
JK, I agree with the PR, and it indeed is a difficult job to do a ranking with such a limited pool of games to work with. | ||
GreEny K
Germany7312 Posts
On September 14 2010 15:37 Assymptotic wrote: Don't worry, Bisu will return once he remembers to not headbutt tank lines. Doubt he'll ever be back. | ||
United States22 Posts
Stork forever! | ||
France5777 Posts
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United States1566 Posts
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Canada2480 Posts
On September 14 2010 19:22 sixfour wrote: WTF no Zero, not even in CBNC? 2-0 vs Action, beating Jaedong, Hiya, Effort, Snow, Light in Stars' great STX Masters run where he all-killed Oz. One bad loss in ZvZ (can't really call 2-1 vs Fantasy and 2-0 vs free bad) and that warrants no mention? STARS FANS ARE ANGRY WAX apart from lack of zero good ranking, don't worry about the Flash fanboys who wanted you to explicitly say that Flash was incredibly better then Jaedong, new Bonjwa etc. plus a 20 paragraph on how awesome Flash is... I think they are just disapointed the new PR writer is not a Flash fanboy too | ||
United States5018 Posts
First of all: This power rank by thenew writer is total garbage. Because..umm...yeah the ranks are perfect, yes, but the explanations. Well, they are very good, too, but ... YOU KNOW. TOTAL GARBAGE ![]() | ||
United States3714 Posts
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United States556 Posts
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United States1524 Posts
On September 15 2010 10:56 Garaman wrote: i thought boxer was the first player to win both msl and osl? Nope Nada. | ||
United States8841 Posts
On September 15 2010 10:56 Garaman wrote: i thought boxer was the first player to win both msl and osl? Not in the same season. | ||
China13814 Posts
![]() Hopefully it stays this way! | ||
United States8198 Posts
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United States2503 Posts
EDIT: For those people that say there is no precedent for PR getting incredibly over-the-top for a player I give you the write-up for 4/4/2010: + Show Spoiler + One of the most memorable Savior moments for me was the Superfight Ace Match Tournament. For those of you too young to remember it, it was simply an event where each team sent out their Ace to do battle and the winner progressed into the next round. Before the tournament, everyone expected Savior to destroy it. Indeed, CJ sent out Savior in all three rounds and won with relative ease. It was not just the expectation that Savior would win, it was the Savior did actually win, and he won no matter what anyone threw at him. Jump back into 2010, and that's what happened last night. The WL Finals was the perfect venue for Flash to demonstrate that he is a cut above everyone else at the moment and indeed the expectation was that Flash would deliver. MBC threw everything they could at him - Sea, DT cheese, Carrier cheese - it all failed. Flash was indestructible and now KT finally have a gold medal for the Team Leagues. The domination Flash is showcasing at the moment is surreal. It really is. Not since Savior have I felt the same way I do about Flash now. Flash just will not stop winning and even when he is at a huge disadvantage he somehow finds a way back into the game and wins. It's down right sickening. Flash is accomplishing what Jaedong could not - he is removing any doubt what so ever that he is the best. Flash stands alone at the top of a very tall mountain with no other Progamer in sight. The future of Brood War is being dictated by Flash's every move and where he goes, we go with him. I'm not saying that he deserves just as much this month, but there is most certainly precedent for giving some crazy praise when it's due. And some people just feel that after an amazing run like this it might have warranted a bit more. However, understandable being a first post and having to use up half the writeup to explain the new criteria. It was just a weird intersection between new writer and cool event and a long wait for PR due to OSL. | ||
United States8841 Posts
On September 14 2010 16:35 Waxangel wrote: I have to save something for the OSL write-up you know :o Daww, couldn't mete out just a little more awesome to the PR? :p Speaking of write ups, you may know something about this, but there was no writeup for the results of the PL finals. Anyone else notice this or is it just a hardcore KT fan's problem? =( | ||
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