Dear Jinro, you alcoholic -_^ last year you came to my stream during my fundraising event for my wheelchair where i played husky, huk, and sheth. you said, and i quote"he has better micro then me". the catch is im paralyzed quadriplegic and i play with sticks strapped to my hands, lololol. i never forgot or will for get it., Thankyou for inspiring me, and i hope you continue to inspire others, because you do it very well. -Spectral
P.S. FIND A FEMALE NOW THAT YOU HAVE TIME! gl with everything Jinro.
On August 09 2012 23:50 Spectralx wrote: Dear Jinro, you alcoholic -_^ last year you came to my stream during my fundraising event for my wheelchair where i played husky, huk, and sheth. you said, and i quote"he has better micro then me". the catch is im paralyzed quadriplegic and i play with sticks strapped to my hands, lololol. i never forgot or will for get it., Thankyou for inspiring me, and i hope you continue to inspire others, because you do it very well. -Spectral
P.S. FIND A FEMALE NOW THAT YOU HAVE TIME! gl with everything Jinro.
Hey, I think I remember seeing a Spectral in a small news report some time ago. Was that you?
Also, mad props for Jinro for everything he has done for the community on Team Liquid. It just won't be the same without him.
You were one of mine and my wife's favourite players. One of the few that we had blind faith in. No matter who you were against, we were rooting for you and whole-hearted believed you would win, no matter the odds. You were also a favourite for being such a good competitor. Even when losing a knockout game, you still responded with things like "good luck against so-and-so", and that is such a rare quality to have in a competitive environment.
It's also great to see you willing to move on when you're no longer enjoying it. I was a competitive athlete for a lot of years and kept subjecting myself to training and competing after I lost my passion for it because I felt like there wouldn't be anything to fill the void. In hindsight, I now see how that was really just the beginning of a new chapter. For a competitor as driven and talented as you are, opportunities will always exist. There will always be a next chapter as long as you're ready to turn the page.
GL HF wherever life takes you!
You were the one pulling my and my friends attention towards watching competitive SC2 in the beginning, even though we all hated Terran back then ^^. Competing with those crazy Koreans back in the day is a feat you should really be proud of. Your matches always were the highlight for us in the first GSL seasons.
All the best and good luck with everything you want to achieve!
Thanks for the great games and memories you gave us. I wish you all the best!
can we get a tldr please...
User was warned for this post
This doesn't feel like a goodbye but a see you later.
When I first got into following professional Starcraft 2, you the first Terran player I became a fan of, still remember reading the article on how you took Dallas, and was amazed you made it far into the GSL, you were the first "foreigner hope" and I dont think anyone could or should forget that. Good luck with everything Gorilla Terran!
You were and always have been a source of inspiration for me. Good luck in the future, Jonathan.
Ah that's too bad, best of luck in the future Jinro!
Bye Jinro~
Good luck with your future endeavours!
Liquid'Horseface GL HF whatever the future brings.
;_;. Sadness.... Good Luck! Please keep moderating the forum
+1 for honesty. Always be a fan <3 Favorite Terran player. "Time to Move on" GLHF
Ah... good luck Jinro! We will miss you!
mhh.. sad new... but best of luck for everything you'll do !!!!!