Poker... Interesting game, a game where the MOST important skill is to know what your opponent would do in certain situation depending on what HE thinks you have, a good starcraft player is going to have a big headstart compared to the average. In poker its extremely important not to be apatethic about things. The article written is a little bit dark and apatethic, this doesnt work in poker, because in poker you are going to win or lose all the time and you have to be able to handle it in a good way, thats a part of the game. I also suggest, hopefully you read this that you DONT use "the hud" while playing poker, its far better to study your opponents on the side, and if you want to get better at poker, stats from the HUD is not the best way to go, you will become very stat oriented and not game oriented.
Another thing thats talked about in the article is when things dont become interesting anymore, a big factor of this is that theres just not enough randomness anymore, you do the same thing over and over again. This is a massive problem for some poker players, they just dont find the game interesting anymore, and quite frankly when you play theese players they just do the same thing over and over again, theres no innovation no creation, just ABC nothing new.. when you talk to some other players that actually are interested, theyre on a different level, they are very innovative very creative and not ABC at all. because they got randomness involved in their game, its not so stiff...
Anyway, im not sure if this will get read 
from a BIG winner in poker...
Hell yeah its about time!
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Chinro you are the best man, you were there at beginning of SC2 and I got some good memories just watching your run in that GSL! Do what you love man, that's the only thing we should be doing with our lives!! Always Fighting
Sad, but a mature decision, when u are in the seek of happiness, better to take the decision than to go with the flow.
I'm so sad to see you go, but good things have to end eventually. I still vividly remember your awesome runs in GSL and when you destroyed that MLG. Keep that memories in your heart as a infinite resource for your "hwaiting spirit". Good luck with you future career and hope to see you on tv soon.
Love you man!
Wish you the best Jinro and thank you for everything you gave to us players and swedes
Beautiful post, I completely understand your decision. Good luck in the future!
I wonder if training in Korea and only focusing on GSL burned him out and if he would be in a similar situation to Idra today if he had maybe trained somewhere else.
Thanks for the games Take care mate!
Hey, I am so sad for your retirement but you gotta do what is best for you. Good luck in the future. Will there be some kind of farewell stream maybe with other TL guys. Some FFA, monobattles, 4v4 just for fun. Hero, Nazgul, TLO and Jinro vs Ret, Taeja, Nony and Sheth would be great.
GL with the rest of your life. We'll miss you TvPing against MC with mech :D
Wow, I'm rather sad to see this, I've always been a big supporter of you Jinro, from both the big stage of GSL to your streams I loved tuning into, for both playstyle and music. I hope you find greater happiness and continued success in poker or whatever you go on to do.
Man I loved Jinro. Sad to see him go, but it would have been even sadder to see him force himself to play this game.
GG Jinro.
This is soooo sad =(. Thank you for all the great games in the GSL and elsewhere Jinro. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say you were a true inspiration in the foreigner scene. Best of luck in future endeavors.
Truely, one of the special players, brought unparallelled excitement to the GSL coupled with IdrA it made for a good GSL
I remember faking sick to watch Idra v Jinro Ro8
thanks for the memories
jinro hwaiting!
ses på pokerborden
I wont forget the GorillaTerran. Ur a part of E-Sports History now and if u think about all the results and stuff that could have gone better, plz just think about the message u brought the people.
THX und Auf Wiedersehen :D
Out of nowhere...Good luck in the future!