On January 03 2012 17:02 Kiett wrote:Couple of typos: in Jaedong's, his loss was to Best, not free. And for Bisu's, it says PvZ, not PvP when talking about his game against Stork. I admire your hard work and all the consternation you must have suffered through to get this done. Agree with all rankings, although surprised that baby is so high. He certainly has been impressive though, so I can live with it. Poor khan tosses though... Before the last 2 weeks, I was so sure they'd both be top 5. Also, is there no way to integrate the comments from here onto the actual PR? It looks sad and lonely without lots of comments  Don't think integration works ;;
Also I can't edit this because it's not my OP it's the "TL ESPORTS" -__-
On January 03 2012 16:43 Secret05 wrote: yay flash!
My sentiments exactly.
My second was "Yay Stats". As a KTRolster supporter I'm very happy with the top 2.
"no chin, no problem" Dead.
Good PR, agree with almost all of it.
Nice to see PR back on track, even more so with the king himself being on top
What the hell. I seriously do not see why stats should be number 2 and number three as fantasy. There is no way they should be that high.
On January 03 2012 18:03 Troxior wrote: What the hell. I seriously do not see why stats should be number 2 and number three as fantasy. There is no way they should be that high. who should be there then?
United States23455 Posts
On January 03 2012 18:03 Troxior wrote: What the hell. I seriously do not see why stats should be number 2 and number three as fantasy. There is no way they should be that high.
There hasn't been a singles tournament in months. The only thing to go off is Proleague.
Stats is 5-1 in Proleague, only losing one close game to Sea and playing lights out against top players in the other five. Totally deserved.
On January 03 2012 18:03 Troxior wrote: What the hell. I seriously do not see why stats should be number 2 and number three as fantasy. There is no way they should be that high. Would you mind providing a counterargument then? Obviously people are going to have different opinions, though the difference between mine and yours is that I spent a thousand words explaining/justifying mine.
wen is sc2 power ranks going to b introduced
nice to see flash balling along )
This month has been hard to judge because so many players have been looking phenomenal. With that in mind I would say that you have done a pretty amazing job of making a PR that makes sense. Maybe it's because i'm a Bisu anti-fan or maybe it's because i'm a fan of Jangerella from the Osl, but I think Jangbi deserve spots over Bisu with Hydra being 10th. I'm also not completely sold on Fantasy being so high, but again that might be influenced from a mix of fanboyism, anti-fanboyism and so many players doing well.
JvZ will be back, you'll see! <3 Power Rank!
I just want to post my appreciation to flamewheel for taking all the time to write this power-rank (a hard one, at a time when most people are fairly busy with the holidays).
Bogus did not blind counter Bisu, he scouted his expansion probe going out with an scv. Bisu did it anyway, and died, and did not look pretty doing so. Soulkey's midgame ZvT is very suspect. Stork has had the second best ZvP in the world for something like his whole carrier. But yeah he's Stork. And reavers shot are not completely random, he also has good micro/positionning. Jaedong ZvP game sense seems completely off. He's also the only player I feel his ranking is slightly not deserved, I would definitely put him under Stork. Good call on EffOrt, he's not playing that well. His game against Iris was actually not very well played at all, but entertaining. Thank you very much for the ranking, and happy new year !
KT rulez... KT need the another player to cushion for Flash and Stat if something went wrong
Yay flash and KT pretty balling love these power rankings, legit as allways
i do blame jaedong's losses on the greedy builds he's been using in zvp. I believe he can do so much better if he doesn't use that cursed early 4th. I can say the same about his zvz. How many games of his were 12 hatch vs 9 pool? he needs to be more unpredictable
<3 Powerrank! Where is the petition I need to sign to get it back on the sidebar?!
pr needs to be back on the sidebar!!! good read
Really hope stats can start to do well in the individual leagues too