Mafia VII - GG
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United States3165 Posts
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United States3165 Posts
On April 20 2009 13:21 Caller wrote: Guys, I'm a Detective and I cluechecked this clue: Does this clue point to Ace? Answer: Yes. I vote for Ace. Psh cluechecks don't work like that any more! (The change will be posted when BC comes back.) Therefore Caller is lying! I vote for Caller | ||
United States3165 Posts
From: Caller Subject: Re: hmm Date: 4/20/09 13:39 shit they're on to me brb ded ----------------------------------------- Original Message: ah so I'm the contract killer? Cool! (I'm black in your post) FakeSteve[TPR] | ||
United States3165 Posts
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United States3165 Posts
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United States3165 Posts
![]() He really means Qatol for mayor! Ok official campaign post time! First, my credentials: 1. This is my 5th real mafia game (I don't count caller's aborted game, I DO count Chuiu's 1 day game because I played a significant role in it) so one would hope that I'm decently experienced. 2. My biggest strength is my planning abilities and my knowledge of the rules. This has affected more games than you might think. Games I have majorly influenced: a) BC's first game. Working behind the scenes as the only DT, I basically kept the town going. I almost pulled the town into a win from a really bad situation I might add. b) Chuiu's 1 day game. I worked with Dyno and LTT to coordinate the "mafia claiming towny" plan. This WAS a plan by design and it worked like a charm. c) Last game. I was very active behind the scenes working with BC, Ver, and MBH. You will notice that I was #1 on the incarceration list that BC sent in. This is because I was basically the "power behind the throne". I was hoping to draw a medic, but alas. 3. I am super active. I know this is probably a given for anyone who tries to be a candidate, but we learned how obnoxious it is to have a leader who is not around so much with Dyno. Early plans: 1. Detectives: day 1 you should be checking if things are clues. Do NOT try to connect a clue to a person on day 1. Day 1 clues are much harder than they are on any other day, so you will likely be wasting your check if you try to connect a suspected clue to a person. 2. Paramedics: I will be putting together a list of people that are probably nice protection targets each day. This is a similar idea to Ace's Zodiac Brave list, except I'm thinking I will make the list smaller. Please stick to protecting people on these lists unless you KNOW you are protecting a blue/confirmed innocent. The point of such a list is that if the mafia avoid it, the town gets to keep a very dangerous player. 3. Vigilantes: You don't have a hit until night 2, right now just try to blend in. We will deal with how to use you once we get some targets. 4. Veterans/Townies: Be active! Activity has been a serious problem in previous games, especially around day 4 or 5. That is when you are needed the most! Even if you don't think you are any good at clue analysis, you might give us a good idea every now and then. Try to contribute in any way that you can. 5. Bodyguards: When you get your role, I don't want to know about it! Don't tell me! Hit-related items: 1. As I said earlier, just because someone claims they took a hit and someone else claims to be a medic does not mean they can be confirmed. However, you should still say you took a hit regardless (this includes veterans as well). The mafia has this information, and it might help us put the pieces together at a later date. Do not say if you are a vet or were medic protected however. 2. Medics, once you have made a save, tell that person who you are! Even if the mafia try to pretend to be a medic, they are trading one of them for a blue role that is only sometimes effective. This is not a cost effective trade for the mafia. Where my lynch will go: I'm hoping someone will give themselves away to a reasonable degree before my lynch. If not, I will be targeting an inactive. Other things to note: 1. I started running before roles were sent out. I think people can see that I want to help the town and am interested in staying around a while (which likely wouldn't happen unless I have protection). 2. Caller is from chicago. Chicago mayors have a history of corruption. Don't vote for Caller! ![]() | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 22 2009 08:56 Malongo wrote: Boring. The idea of the role is that people finds you not that they contact you via mail. Also this could be mafia looking for blues. Or a vigi looking for mafia. Are you aware that mods can ip check your account dont you? for the fairness of the game ill ask an unrelated mod to do this because there are mods playing this time. This. Everybody ignore him. At best, he is trying to trick you. At worst, he is actively cheating. | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 22 2009 10:47 BWdero wrote: From the voting thread. Please don't. If you are going to vote for someone please do so because you believe that they are the best choice for the role. Not because it is the popular thing to do. Bandwagons harm the town in many ways, like giving mafia an easy way to hide and avoid giving justifications for their actions. So please, don't bandwagon, think for yourself. Very true. Please vote for me if you: 1. agree with my plans 2. think I'm likely to be innocent 3. want to keep me alive as a mayor Do not do it because everyone else is voting for me. That is flawed logic. For all you know the list of people voting for me are all mafia and you are following a mafia bandwagon. | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 22 2009 12:37 Chuiu wrote: I think we should leave clue analysis till tomorrow when we might get a point of comparison. I somewhat agree with this sentiment. One thing we SHOULD do is figure out what the clues ARE. Or at least figure out guesses. We need to put together something for the DTs to check, and linking clues to players night 1 just isn't going to happen. Therefore we HAVE to use the other ability or just waste a night's worth of DT abilities. | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 22 2009 14:22 Tricode wrote: Qatol, what do you plan to do about this contractor? You talked about the other special roles, but this role was neglected in your speech while running for mayor. This person can really screw with both sides, join us, or be our enemy. Pending who has this role they can, 1. Really confuse us by hitting townies and mafia so it will be hard to know who they are. 2. Join mafia and just kill people and team with them (could do this by telling mafia or not telling mafia) 3. Join us and well help (though should be security obviously, or else mafia kills the person. To add they might just not tell anyone who they are to keep themselves safe, thus they could accidentally be killed by mafia or townie lynching). So any thought out plan for this type of person? I think the others running for mayor should consider this factor as well. Tricode, Honestly, I don't see much we CAN do with the contract killer. 1. This doesn't actually matter. We don't know what the KP is anyways. He might get in the way of clue analysis, but we can't do a thing about it. 2. We can't help this either. If he finds the mafia and decides to help him, we can't stop him. He basically becomes an extra mafia that might help us in the future. We treat him as a suspect. He gives clues, so accuse him. 3. He would have to contact someone trusted. Nice boon for us, but also this cannot be controlled. Basically, we have to treat him as a mafia unless he proves willing to be otherwise. As for how to get him to join us, he has to approach one of us. The only way we can do anything else is get a lucky rolecheck. | ||
United States3165 Posts
The real answer is that they just can't use their power without making a contract. Yes they can be a chaotic liability. We can't do anything about that. I realize that I'm being pretty harsh towards the CK. I just don't see any way to ensure he won't go crazy on the town. If he wants to help the town, he needs to find a DT/medic or someone with a good enough position (no lynch guarantee) to give him a contract. Approaching a towny early helps him however. | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 22 2009 15:09 Ace wrote: I'm a green townie, so the CK can approach me ^_^ Greens are actually very bad for the CK to approach. All they have to offer is their role. The CK MUST approach someone with something to offer | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 22 2009 15:32 semioldguy wrote: I don't think anyone should be suggesting what to do with the Contract Killer or what that role's best courses of action could be until we can determine whether or not that the Contract Killer siding with the town is his role's best bet in riding to his own victory. If we are offering all these options and advice about the role and it turns out that he determines that he would be better off not siding with us, that would suck. I have some ideas about how to get the Contract Killer on the town's side, but I don't want to post them if his win condition doesn't go along with that because then I'd basically be telling him what not to do. Can we not talk about what we want to do with the Contract Killer, but instead what the Contract Killer would want to do with us and if it fits his victory condition? He isn't necessarily playing for the town to win, he is playing for himself to win. So let's make sure we can put those both on the same path before speculating about what to do about the Contract Killer role. Does this make sense? I think sog has the right idea here. We can't really know what to offer the killer without him telling us what he wants. If he can offer us something, we can make a deal. Either way, he has to approach one of us before anything can be done. We can probably be flexible since anything he has to give us (either kills or rolecheck info) is useful. | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 22 2009 15:59 Malongo wrote: Please BC answer this: upon rolecheck on a mafia mayor the answer is? Mayor. It is in green bold letters at the top of the role listing | ||
United States3165 Posts
Other matters to discuss: Barring a HUGE shift in voting at the last second, I will be mayor. As I promised in my earlier post, I will be lynching an inactive that I think shouldn't be inactive. I AM trying to avoid someone who claims they are busy with exams. I kept off people who had even made 1 moderately long post. Here is the list of inactives: 8.JeeJee 11. RebirthOfLeGend 13. Mandalor 15. nemY 19. Hyperbola 25. Camlito 26. Mynock 28. Versatile 29. 3 Lions 31. fusionsdf 32. truthbringer 35. Quickstriker 36. Rage 37. Motbob 39. Blue_Arrow 40. Inertinept 41. 0cz3c 43. Amber[light] 45. Aznvaliance 46. Laxercannon 48. ILoveKtf 49. T_co 50. scamp 51. goodwill 52. CompX 53. coolcrimefighter 54. YDG 56. Vivi57 List of those people who did not post in day 1 thread, just voted for mayor: 31. fusionsdf 32. truthbringer 35. Quickstriker - trolled the voting thread 46. Laxercannon 49. T_co 50. scamp 51. goodwill 53. coolcrimefighter 54. YDG List of people with 1 one-liner post, but posted SOMETHING: 27. LordWeird - "Let the wild accusations begin!" and then a crazy accusation post 44. Zapling - "vote me for mayor wooo ill be a good one" 55. Mista - “Still taking my own sweet time ..” List of people I consider to be exceptions due to school: 7.Fishball - “I would not have access to TL from Thursday to Sunday (Back on Sunday).” 10. Ver - "Due to an intense finals period I won't be on until a brief bit friday, and then I will probably go do research and will be tied up until mon/tues." 24. Mikeymoo - "mikeymoo and I are going to be inactive for about 24 hours due to an upcoming final. Sorry" (monoxide posted this) 47. Monoxide - “mikeymoo and I are going to be inactive for about 24 hours due to an upcoming final. Sorry” Names that stand out to me from the list: 25. Camlito - he hasn't talked at all. surprising for a veteran player 26. Mynock - he is usually a pretty logical guy who is active 28. Versatile - VERY active during the election in Ace's Mafia World. Logical posts last game. Was pretty active. 36. Rage - come on man. You're TL staff. Gotta be held to a higher standard activity-wise. If anyone has a better idea of who I should be targeting, please post it in the thread or PM me. Remember, the theory is that we should be targeting people who are uncharacteristically silent. | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 23 2009 09:30 Pyrrhuloxia wrote: I don't know where you're going with this. Unless you mean people avoiding voting for Qatol? Also, I PMed this to lucaswoj and then realized it probably should have just been a post: "showtime! is a tank that's all i know of, haven't checked thoroughly also Under Siege is a movie and a video game (or two maybe) I kinda don't think this is a clue though it isn't as awkwardly worded as some of the other phrases and BC hasn't used unit icons as clues before def. wouldn't on day 1 unless it was with someone with no profile, hard name, no pic, no quote, no nothing, so if it is a clue i dont think it links to a unit icon." Actually he told me he used a unit icon 1 time as a clue last game. However it was for a player who doesn't post much, so there was 0 chance their icon would change. | ||
United States3165 Posts
Do you WANT me to lynch you or something? Why the heck would you make a post like that? | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 23 2009 11:21 inertinept wrote: I vote for 0cz3c Notice that both were players I called out from that list. Inertinept still hasn't posted in the thread | ||
United States3165 Posts
On April 23 2009 12:47 Malongo wrote: I know this is a little early but i cant pass this. Im builiding a case against Quickstriker. It is never too early to start discussing suspects. Dialogue and activity are important to keeping the game going. I encourage you to talk any and all of the people who have come forward. The three that stand out to me currently are coolcrimefighter, Quickstriker, and inertinept. 0cz3c has potential as well. Keep the dialogue going! | ||
United States3165 Posts
Honestly, I don't feel too good about our leads at the moment. That being said, I think he is the strongest of them. 1. He is obviously on TL and is probably reading the thread since he voted RIGHT after I put up that post mentioning his inactivity. 1a. He has also posted in other places on this site since the game started. In this thread:¤tpage=19 he posts. This is ~8 hours after roles have been sent out. 2. His vote is completely random. This looks like desperation to me. He doesn't want us analyzing him. He likely has something to hide. 3. Even after being accused, he isn't talking in the thraed. I think is because the last time he did that, he just dug himself into even deeper trouble (see chuiu's 1-day long mafia game). I have chosen NOT to lynch quickstriker not because I don't think he is a legitimate candidate, but because I think he is more likely to be a townie than inertinept. His arguments, while totally gross, do indicate that he can be rather impulsive at times. I don't want to make a mistake similar to the condemnation of Scaramanga by Ver and myself from last game. We probably jumped the gun a little on that a little and I remember thinking at the time that it didn't completely add up. This isn't to say that he isn't mafia. I think the decision to lynch him bears further analysis/discussion. Another candidate I thought about was coolcrimefighter. I have chosen not to lynch him because I honestly haven't been able to figure him out. I urge the town to watch him carefully as well. | ||
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