The people, such as myself, who voted but "shouldn't have" are actually doing the town a favour.
Assuming the lists have no missing people, you'd be right, but since they do, you're wrong. TL Mafia 2 [GG] - Page 2
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Canada4732 Posts
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Canada4732 Posts
i think next game should be invite only by people who were active Yes and no. Some people are active, then drop off for a few days. Others simply can't deal with the incredibly volume of posts then say something of worth. I'd suggest that people stop spamming the thread and only post content if they have something significant to say. Between showtime and shallow, we literally added somewhere close to 500 posts to this thread. In my specific instance, after reading something like that, I'd just be to tired to think of anything 'new' to put into the discussion, and i'd be out of time as well, seeing as i've got a life and all. Edit: blonde = albino one of my friends has an albino brother, and his hair is white, not blonde. Mr. White makes more sense in the hair department. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
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Canada4732 Posts
Heroes cannot add properly. The 12 clue would be a pretty solid find, I suppose, but sadly it doesn't exist. None of the number combinations add to 12 unless you make a mistake. If our jack comes back and you want to waste one of his dt turns, feel free to ask him if the knives/number/cottonmouth in general is related to me. And knifes, throwing, and nails have nothing to do with me. Blades, sharp objects, throwing can all be linked to a variety of people, and yet not to me. Even the cottonmouth moniker is geographically distinct from me. Agkistrodon piscivorus is a venomous pitviper species found in the eastern United States. Sidewinder is a snake which inhabits the US. Queasy was from the US. Are snakes geographically sensitive? Taipan snake says no, Queasy says yes. Maybe not all snakes are geographically sensitive, but if cottonmouth is, it can't be me. Taipan snake's 'clue' seems more to be this: A taipan is a large, fast, highly venomous Australian snake. One species, the inland taipan, has the most toxic venom of any land species worldwide, although it is not the most deadly. . Basically its a hint that he's the most 'deadly' of the mafia, being a suicide bomber and all. In that respect, snakes could hold clues, but morphologic clues as well as geographic clues. Either way, cottonmouth doesn't fit me. I'm so certain of this that I'll link you to both cottonmouth pages on wikipedia so that you can see for yourself. PS. I'm sorry I actually did work and found clues on Ghar while 3/4ths of the town was deadset convinced he was a mafia member. I guess activity is bad news when you try and make it productive. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
And are you suggesting that a monkey or chicken would cut phone wires? | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On April 11 2008 00:44 LTT wrote: I think there might be a problem with the 12 idea. We only have 2 occurances and the first one was miscounted. There are a total of 15 knives on Day 2. 2 + 4 + 6 + 3 = 15 There were 3 knives in EACH of his legs, for a total of 6 knives in his legs. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On April 11 2008 01:01 LTT wrote: If that is the case, then Day 4 doesn't add up to 12. Adding all the nails, you get 5 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 16 Adding just the numbers, you get 5 + 6 + 3 = 14 I'm starting to think 12 is really a stretch. You never disproved this :/. Honestly, you forget to count the second group of 3 knives in the legs, and your workaround makes 12 dissapear from the other post. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
He dodge three more nails flying at him and got out to the hallway The number you skipped is staring you in the face. If you add the a nail being one, now the number is 15. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
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Canada4732 Posts
Wow. Case closed, you're retarded. Again, go ahead and try to link cottonmouth, knives, throwing weapons, nails or any other action besides your retardedly contrived number invention. If they don't fit, I cant be cottonmouth. Then again, you have animals cutting through power cables, so I'm not sure if you're trying to troll me. If so, well done. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
If L is mafia how do fuck do you make clues towards him then? Posting behavior, blog posts, name, anything's up for grabs. No quote, name mean nothing Additionally, chuiu uses wikipedia for quite a few of his clues, so looking at the history of the letter L in wikipedia shows The letter L is derived ultimately from the Semitic crook or goad which stood for /l/. This originally may have been based on an Egyptian hieroglyph that was adapted by Semites for alphabetic purposes. The Greek letter Lambda Λ (upper case) or λ (lower case), as well as the equivalent Etruscan and Latin letters, represent the same sound as the Semitic letter. In reference, it is spelled el or ell. Crook, Lambda, excessive el, or ell sounds would all point to me. From Crook you can go to shepards/crime. From lambda you can go to wavelength or something similar. You could also use when I joined, where i live, etc. We've already been over those, Cottonmouth doesn't connect to me on any ground besides some made up number game. Again, i'll flat out ask that the jack check me. If you really think i'm mafia, that's cool. I'd just rather not have the town go and lynch another innocent member because you're trying your best to 'spice things up', as you put it. Edit: Shallow looks innocent now ![]() | ||
Canada4732 Posts
Your inability to count properly and your continued accusations after your evidence has been proven false kinda make you suspicious too, but mafia's a game of suspicions, so i suppose that's normal. I really do need to get back to studying, so don't expect much from me until tomorrow. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
L, called me a retard when I pointed out a clue towards EvilMonkey I called you a retard because you can't add. The fact that you thought that decaf was cutting wires specifically because of the thematic link to being an animal also didn't make sense. As for evilmonkey being mafia or not, I'm pretty sure everyone was operating on very few clues + the dt list, much like we all were when we voted for trancestorm. I didn't defend him at all, I just thought that your reasoning was kinda weak and totally didn't fit. Ie. Decaf shouldn't be under suspicion because of the animal/wire link, but that's kinda obvious now due to monkey being mafia, that's all. And yeah, i've been meaning to ask you. You post quite a bit, but you edit a large amount of your posts. I've seen a few of the uneditted versions, and they all seem to be like 20 line analysis which are fairly decent, but then i go to check where you go the information from, and the post is gone by the time i get back. More importantly, the timestamps on your edits are actually after successive posts, which means you posted something, double posted in certain cases, then went back and editted both posts for some reason. most specifically, pages 213 and 214, which comprise like your 7 most recent posts before the night post by chuiu. I'm not going to say this means you're mafia, because i'm pretty sure that dt evidence + clues are far more important, but like.. why would you edit such a massive amount of information out of your posts? | ||
Canada4732 Posts
Im never removing information from my edit : I have already pointed out in this thread that english isnt my first language, so my edit are mostly to correct grammar Edit : put thread instead of channel Well, i did see you take away a big chunk of information from one of the posts at least, no disputing that, but i guess the grammar issue is fine. I normally edit a lot of my posts for grammar too, but i didn't in this thread on purpose. There's a few in my last post that i didn't want to get rid of, for example. Thanks for clearing that up. As for snake charmer, I was going to suggest that the following set of thematics links to him: -Swords/blades/cutting in general (mentioned both as per his weaponry, and as per his gashes) -His attacks were relentless, so either he really like death, is a dark character, or he is motivated -His attacks were gruesome, so either his cuts were powerful, or they had a sinister 'dark' quality to them. MidnightGladius fits both sections (Dark + Sword), but the 'dark' really does connect with ieatkids. I guess another clue would help | ||
Canada4732 Posts
Dont forgot the word Idle, Im pretty sure its the most important word in all the sentence we have of Snake Charmer. Could be, but the phrase and his actions kinda point to the reverse: ie he was really active in his killing. Actually, i did some checking up, and I can't google a Volrath Ishnikar, but from my time playing magic I know of a Volrath who was the antagonist of the story for something like 5-6 years. Basically Volrath was a big magical black hero who dealt with shapeshifting and raising people from the dead, and he was incredibly cruel. The word gruesome really does describe him, and that's part of the comment midnight has for his profile. Also: his full comment is a quote, the contents of which are: "It's time to acknowledge the inevitable. Stifle your pride and embrace the glory of change." Basically it fits perfectly with the emphasis put on the fact that he isn't idle, because change is pretty much the opposite of staying still. More than that, the stifling of pride can tie into the way he just hacked his target to death. I dunno, just throwing ideas out because i'm bored of studying | ||
Canada4732 Posts | ||
Canada4732 Posts
I feel that the spoinka clue is a little too streched Intentional pun? If so, 5/5. For Mr Red, until we get more clues, there's only Dr.Dragoon due to falling = how dragoons deal damage in rpg games. And sonuvbob's retarded chocobo picture + the red blood of his nazgul pierced friend. Both seem pretty meh, but that's what I found while looking. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
And fusion, go download/google 'cave story deluxe' for a cute little time waster game. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On to the clues, i suppose: "We love what you've done here, but you're just as much a risk to us so you've got to go as well" said Mr. Black. Enigma had an ugly look on his face as he tackled decafchicken to the ground and Mr. Black followed up as they both started viciously beating him. They were just starting to get into it when Eddie cut their fun short by shooting decafchicken with his own gun and they all retreated quickly. Okay, so, love pops up here, might just be a consequence of decaf hitting KH, but the entire wording seems very snide. Something insincere about Mr, Black? Next: Enigma has an ugly look on his face? Does that mean he's ugly, or does his character have something to do with grimacing? Either way, Enigma seems to have some facial link to him. Third: Mr. Black and Enigma beat the shit out of decaf; is this important, or does it just mean they're violent people. Eddie, on the other hand, seems to be the most proffessional, having his own firearm and ending decaf's life asap. PS. Fuck, sorry midnight. Nearly every red herring possible pointed towards you, but i guess this means MTF is in trouble? Either way, this was really bad. PPS. Did decaf hit KH1031 on his own? Wouldn't him searching a vote list have done better? | ||
Canada4732 Posts
and they got 5/8 kills, which means the only wasted 3 on medics/veterans They got less than that. Decaf was a vig and hit a medic, i'm assuming, and I'm pretty sure blind wouldn't get hit by mafia, so they're actually at 3/8, which is pretty horrible. pretty lame Edit: He was a jack using vig power, it seems. | ||
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