TL Mafia 2 [GG] - Page 184
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3470 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
I said it. Let's lynch the fucker. | ||
Hungary4843 Posts
On April 04 2008 05:44 Empyrean wrote: I don't think this is game affecting: It's very possible that the detective deaths were a result of mostly chance. The mafia had to have known that I was a detective, or at least being protected, since they probably tried to kill me on previous nights. That being said, I wonder if I'm allowed to post my number one suspect? I doubt it, though, so I won't. Why "probably" ? You would know that you were targetted, if you were. Or did I misread something again at the rules section? Besides, don't answer this please, as it'd be against the rules, but still. If you didn't know you were attacked while having protection, then you weren't attacked (afaik). I'm waiting on what Ace has to say now. | ||
Shakuras1095 Posts
On April 04 2008 08:06 Chuiu wrote: The thread is dead! I half-expected this with the several day delay. Let everyone know day 4 is up so we can get the game going again. /bump I think it is dead because we are all waiting to hear from Ace. If you'd like more posts, I can make a night post, the aftermath of the poisoned cookies. :D | ||
Afghanistan1715 Posts
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United States3637 Posts
Araav, I think it's time for you to explain yourself. How did you find it, why did you go there, what did you see there? And why did two detectives die last night? | ||
Afghanistan1715 Posts
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United States5625 Posts
So, unless we get more information from Ace, I think aarav should be our first target. | ||
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Eddie stood in front of them, gun pointing to Chuiu, ready to shoot at a moments notice. "We don't like the way you're running things, and its time for change, either you submit and follow my leadership or you get to taste lead for dinner". Solemn but seeing a promising future the two returned to the room where Eddie and Joe were starting to lay out plans. Eddie, the fourth man, defended him and sprinted toward Yogurt expecting an easy fight. He was surprised to find that, although quite drunk, Yogurt had only lost the capacity to feel pain. With each attack Yogurt made a crazy and elaborate counter. Eddie made a lucky kick knocking Yogurt to the ground and went back to Black Mamba to get some help. Yogurt was just getting started as he approached Black Mamba and Eddie. He kicked Eddie aside as he was helping Black Mamba recover from the stone that struck his face and stumbled but still managed to make an easy round house kick to knock Black Mamba back down. He moved toward Eddie readying himself for another fight but was tripped by Black Mambas flailing legs. Eddie was up at that point, however, and began kicking Yogurt in the gut. Black Mamba felt his way up and began kicking Yogurt in the back to compliment Eddies assault. They both took their turns dealing with Yogurt but when Eddie noticed Yogurt manage to pull some sort of switch out of his pocket he yelled at Black Mamba to back off. They backed away from Yogurt and watched in anticipation expecting him to set off a bomb attached to his chest. He hit the switch and an explosion sent shock waves from across town. Eddie half-panicked and shot Yogurt in the face as he motioned everyone to retreat. As if the last couple events weren't out of the blue enough for him Frenh_Toast found himself being dragged to the nearest window. Eddie smashed the glass of the window and Taipan Snake grabbed French_Toast's head and they both used the remaining broken glass in the window pane to stab his neck with. It wasn't until they threw him through the window and he landed on his neighbors lawn darts did French_Toast die though. Eddie and Taipan Snake walked around the corner. "Oh I see you have friends" said Empyrean, now realized how screwed he was. "Yeah they're pretty cool guys, always ready to help" - Seems to be the leader of the group - No preferred method of killing (darts/glass and kicking so far) (- One of four horsemen of the apocalypse?) + Show Spoiler [sidewinder] + Grabbing Sidewinders arm, he flung him towards the group ahead of him. Sidewinder stumbled forward trying to stop the inevitable. Great, DapperDan thought, as Sidewinder knocked over Mr. Red and Mr. Black. Fortunately only four men stood in their path and OneBlueAugust made a drunken move toward a sickly looking fellow known as Sidewinder. He struck him down with ease and met gaze with Mr. Pink right away but wasn't prepared for the punch to the face soon after. Sidewinder was still on the ground but Mr. Pink had found a weapon to use against OneBlueAugust. In downtown Liquidia early in the morning LucasWoJ was sitting in his white van about to head into work when he noticed someone walking past him with an obvious hangover. He handed Sidewinder a drug to help him recover and started back to his van but Sidewinder reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a note. "LucasWoJ" was written on it and he quickly chased him and tackled him to the ground. LucasWoJ tried to fight back but was overwhelmed by the stench on the mans coat and became sick all over the sidewalk while Sidewinder was beating him. He recovered from being sick and pulled an anesthetic out of his pocket and stabbed Sidewinder with it, putting him to sleep. He figured the man was still drunk and cleaned himself up to get ready to leave but stopped as he noticed someone driving down the road obviously looking for someone. LucasWoJ waved him down and Joe got out of the car. "Is this your friend?" LucasWoJ asked as he pointed to Sidewinder, lying next to a pool of vomit. "Yeah thats him alright, always drinking a little too much" said Joe as he pulled Sidewinder into the back of the car with the help of LucasWoJ. -> recurring theme of sickness -> Sickness might be a result of heavy drinking (clue) - Periods of extreme skill and extreme unease (ie alternating in talent) (- One of four horsemen of the apocalypse?) This mafia was Queasy + Show Spoiler [Joe] + "Just let us go, you can run things however you please once we're gone" he said, and with that turned to the nearest exit. A few paces and he thought he was home free but Joe called out "Stop him! You heard Eddie, either you're with us or you're permanently not, make your choice now!". DapperDan flinched at the thought, he gauged the distance to the door and what he would need to do to get there. Solemn but seeing a promising future the two returned to the room where Eddie and Joe were starting to lay out plans. He figured the man was still drunk and cleaned himself up to get ready to leave but stopped as he noticed someone driving down the road obviously looking for someone. LucasWoJ waved him down and Joe got out of the car. "Is this your friend?" LucasWoJ asked as he pointed to Sidewinder, lying next to a pool of vomit. "Yeah thats him alright, always drinking a little too much" said Joe as he pulled Sidewinder into the back of the car with the help of LucasWoJ. "Well thanks for the help, but I'm afraid my friend was supposed to give you something" said Joe as he turned to face LucasWoj. He was confused in his response and didn't really want anything to do with the two anymore so he decided to be short and walk back toward his van. But Joe pulled out a gun and shot LucasWoJ dead saying "he was supposed to kill you". - Used a gun to kill LucasWoJ - Perhaps a team player (supportive) - Perhaps a connection to a Car? (vehicles used in recent clue) + Show Spoiler [Mr Blonde] + He jumped through the opening towards the door and was almost home free when he was cut off by Mr. Blonde, coming out of nowhere it seemed. He rammed into DapperDan knocking him to the ground. He almost made it out until finally someone pumped DapperDan's back full of lead. With great care he crept into the room and searched for the lamp. It was moved onto the table in the center of the room. He switched it on to reveal the man known as Mr. Blonde. Mr. Blonde had braced himself on the ceiling and swooped down from above diving strait into Mynock. As they fell to the ground Mynock struggled to get away, he bashed Mr. Blonde in the face with his elbow as he turned to the right and climbed up only to meet gaze with Mr. Brown. He panicked as he realized his only line of defense against two men was gone and he just about surrendered as Mr. Blonde appeared in the room with the shotgun, Mr. Brown just behind him. He dived toward Mr. Blonde in effort to tackle him but Mynock's attack was cut short as he ate a mouthful of buckshot. - Comes from nowhere (dark -> light) (- Possibly connected to a smiley face) - Shotgun user (possibly killing DD on day1) + Show Spoiler [King Brown Snake] + King Brown Snake stepped up to him as DapperDan started getting up. He met him face to face halfway and pushed King Brown Snake out of the way as he proceeded to the door again. New104 was cringing in pain but he knew he had to defend himself, he started getting up but met gaze with a strange man on his way up. King Brown Snake slapped him back to the ground and started beating him as he lay there. New104 wasn't anywhere near dead at this point, but his adrenaline was flowing and he used the sudden surge in strength to knock King Brown Snake to the ground and get up himself - Blockade - Thematic meeting of faces/gazes - Gets pushed out of the way regualarly + Show Spoiler [Cottonmouth] + Snake Charmer came in with a sword in hand and they saw Cottonmouth with a belt of knives and half a moment later Mr. White came in and closed the door. NeaX didn't care anymore, he started going to the front door when two knives met his hand as he reached for the handle. He braced himself against the wall as he pulled them out with his good hand. He chucked them back at Cottonmouth and went to open the door again but one by one four more knived embraced his good arm. NeaX managed to get the door open and was crawling out while they were distracted by goldenkrnboi but Cottonmouth quickly picked up his target once more and finished him off throwing three knives into each of his legs and three in his back. He got up to go get some coffee himself when he noticed five nails on the ground, he walked slowly over to them to investigate. As he was bending over to take a closer look Cottonmouth approached from behind and stabbed a nail into his back. He fell to the ground and Cottonmouth used the opportunity to stab six more nails into him. Cottonmouth was in the hallway now and was about to throw another nail at New104 - Throws sharp objects (knives/nails) - Delays killing for a long time - Notice the repetition of numbers; 2-4-3-3-5-6-1 What could this sequence be alluding to? + Show Spoiler [Snake Charmer] + Snake Charmer came in with a sword in hand and they saw Cottonmouth with a belt of knives and half a moment later Mr. White came in and closed the door. Snake Charmer wasn't just standing idle though as he slashed away at goldenkrnboi giving him one gruesome gash after another. He was just about dead when Mr. White stomped goldenkrnboi's head in finishing him off. - Uses swords (- Possible kill bill reference) (- Not present in opening night) + Show Spoiler [Mr White] + Snake Charmer came in with a sword in hand and they saw Cottonmouth with a belt of knives and half a moment later Mr. White came in and closed the door. He was just about dead when Mr. White stomped goldenkrnboi's head in finishing him off. - Stomped a head + Show Spoiler [The Wolf] + The Wolf and Taipan Snake had followed his near suicidal jump and were on him quick. Taipan Snake automatically knocked him to the ground and proceeded to kick him, being unarmed at the time. The Wolf approached "Sorry Chuiu, I gotta do this I hope you understand" as he pulled out a gun and made his mark on Chuiu's head. The Wolf interrupted him. "You just need to hit the right spot" he said as he threw the nail down the hallway, it landed square in the back of New104's head and he convulsed as he dropped to the ground, dying less then a minute later. - One shot kill - targets the head + Show Spoiler [Black Mamba] + Yogurt had thrown a rock that struck Black Mamba in the face with much ease. Eddie made a lucky kick knocking Yogurt to the ground and went back to Black Mamba to get some help. Yogurt was just getting started as he approached Black Mamba and Eddie. He kicked Eddie aside as he was helping Black Mamba recover from the stone that struck his face and stumbled but still managed to make an easy round house kick to knock Black Mamba back down. He moved toward Eddie readying himself for another fight but was tripped by Black Mambas flailing legs. Eddie was up at that point, however, and began kicking Yogurt in the gut. Black Mamba felt his way up and began kicking Yogurt in the back to compliment Eddies assault. They both took their turns dealing with Yogurt but when Eddie noticed Yogurt manage to pull some sort of switch out of his pocket he yelled at Black Mamba to back off. - Works closely with Eddie, possibly direct underling - Uses his legs to kill - Hit in the face with a rock (- Not present in opening night) (- Potentially associated with 4 horsemen of the apocalypse) + Show Spoiler [Mr Brown] + As they fell to the ground Mynock struggled to get away, he bashed Mr. Blonde in the face with his elbow as he turned to the right and climbed up only to meet gaze with Mr. Brown. They traded glares and Mynock dodged to the left and headed up his stairs not clearly deciphering the yells that came from behind him or caring. Mr. Blonde appeared in the room with the shotgun, Mr. Brown just behind him. Mr. Pink and Mr. Brown were standing just in front of his phone and as he glanced at it Mr. Brown picked it up and said "oh you want this?" and smashed it on the table breaking it in two. "Sorry we can't have you doing that, allow me to introduce myself I'm Mr. Brown and my quiet friend here is Mr. Pink. We're here to kill you." said Mr. Brown as he pulled a gun out of his coat. Fishball was stricken with fear, he got on his knees and begged for their mercy. Mr. Pink said something to Mr. Brown and instead of shooting Fishball, they viciously beat him till he fell unconscious. Fishball died a few hours later to internal bleeding. - Possibly yells alot -> Thematic talking - Armed with weapons, used his fists however + Show Spoiler [Taipan Snake] + He quickly ran through the yard towards his car parked out front but The Wolf and Taipan Snake had followed his near suicidal jump and were on him quick. Taipan Snake automatically knocked him to the ground and proceeded to kick him, being unarmed at the time. They both stood up in a haste and Neax went to call the police. The phone line was dead. goldenkrnboi pulled out his cell phone and began dialing when it began glitching on him. He kept trying but dropped the phone and gave up when he noticed the rest of the electronics in the house going haywire. They both grouped up in the room and decided to head out to investigate, possibly even try a neighbors phone when they noticed a Taipan Snake operating what dawned on them must be some sort of electronic jamming device Next door French_Toast was grabbing a midnight snack. He was headed to his computer room to check his email one last time before going to bed when he noticed all the batteries to some of his electronics have been removed and tossed on the floor. He bent down to pick them up and was just about done when Taipan Snake charged into him and knocked him to the ground. As if the last couple events weren't out of the blue enough for him French_Toast found himself being dragged to the nearest window. Eddie smashed the glass of the window and Taipan Snake grabbed French_Toast's head and they both used the remaining broken glass in the window pane to stab his neck with. It wasn't until they threw him through the window and he landed on his neighbors lawn darts did French_Toast die though. Eddie and Taipan Snake walked around the corner. "Oh I see you have friends" said Empyrean, now realized how screwed he was. "Yeah they're pretty cool guys, always ready to help" said Enigma and with that he and Eddie charged at Empyrean and proceeded to hold him to the ground. Taipan Snake walked up slowly and with a strange device fired out a direct current of electricity which proceeded to fry every inch of Empyrean. - Seems to be unarmed (not associated with weapons) -> Used broken glass recently -> Used a taser like device - Electronics connection -> Thematic disabling of electronics -> Thematic use of electricity (DC?) + Show Spoiler [Mr Red] + Great, DapperDan thought, as Sidewinder knocked over Mr. Red and Mr. Black. Hitting the door opener and holding the garage door tightly shut to buy himself some time he noticed the fourth man who was outside earlier assaulting his house. Mr. Red charged toward Dinmsab at the same time Dinmsab let go of the door and started running out the garage. Dinsamb smashed into Mr. Red and knocked him off guard but almost lost balance himself. As he began picking up speed he heard something singing behind him. He peered over his shoulder to see that California Mountain Snake had thrown something at him. - Second time he has been knocked over + Show Spoiler [Mr Black] + Copperhead and Mr. Black were the first to act as they broke into the home of JeeJee. But as they broke the glass of one of his windows JeeJee woke up and grabbed his trusty baseball bat and headed down the stairs to meet them. He crept down slowly and peered around the corner to see Copperhead standing in wait for Mr. Black as he climbed in through the window. JeeJee didn't waste anytime waiting and charged at Copperhead with the bat but Mr. Black caught it with his hand and yanked it from JeeJee. JeeJee grabbed it and tried getting it back from him only to find it was stuck to his hand now. Mr. Black wouldn't let him pass though, standing in front of the door, so JeeJee decided to put his new weapon to good use, he thrusted down hard toward Mr. Black's face but Mr. Black defended with the baseball bat and the knife drove through it. Mr. Black disarmed JeeJee, twisting the bat to the side and bashed him over the head with it. As JeeJee lay stunned on the ground Mr. Black pulled the knife out and drove it through JeeJee's chest ending his life. - Very Strong - Fits a bouncer image - Brutal + Show Spoiler [Enigma] + Enigma ran his hand through his hair and said "So we're going to gut this town clean and take it over, eh? No more of this bullshit protection, thats grand!" The man on the far side introduced himself as Enigma and the closer man bowed with his hat in hand and referred to himself as California Mountain Snake. Well Dinmsab was getting really impatient at this point and demanded an explanation for what was going on. Enigma stood up and proclaimed "why we're here to rid the world of good, because we're the only ones who can". Empyrean got up from his desk, thirsty, went to the break room for a cup of coffee. Along the way he noticed Enigma writing a note, perhaps with the intention to replace Empyreans findings with false ones to throw the town off. Empyrean noted the features of the man and quickly linked him to a murder just the previous day. "Stop right there, you're under arrest for suspicion of murder" he called out, knowing he didn't really have the means to detain the man but would certainly try his best. Enigma grinned back at him and motioned someone to come to him. Eddie and Taipan Snake walked around the corner. "Oh I see you have friends" said Empyrean, now realized how screwed he was. "Yeah they're pretty cool guys, always ready to help" said Enigma and with that he and Eddie charged at Empyrean and proceeded to hold him to the ground. - Righteous - Eager to to what he sees is right --- Perhaps the clue changing relates to actions in the thread + Show Spoiler [Mr Pink] + "Yes, but lets not be hasty, we should take care when proceeding" commented Mr. Pink as he began going over the plans. Mr. Pink responded by reminding them that death was now a normal thing in Liquidia. As he held up the top portion of Mynocks head, the bottom on the ground a few feet away after falling apart from the buckshot, the two men became filled with shock. He struck him down with ease and met gaze with Mr. Pink right away but wasn't prepared for the punch to the face soon after OneBlueAugust was getting up ready to fight Mr. Pink but slipped on some gooey substance on the ground. Sidewinder was still on the ground but Mr. Pink had found a weapon to use against OneBlueAugust. Using the long hair as a handle and the head as a weight Mr. Pink smashed OneBlueAugust continually with Mynocks head. OneBlueAugust crawled past the substance he had slipped on and stumbled to his feet as Mr. Pink ditched Mynocks now misshaped and broken head to the side. Mr. Pink found the rest of the fight easy as OneBlueAugust struggled to defend himself against an able fighter. Blow after blow came and finally OneBlueAugust fell to the ground with no strength left to live. Mr. Pink and Mr. Brown were standing just in front of his phone and as he glanced at it Mr. Brown picked it up and said "oh you want this?" and smashed it on the table breaking it in two. "Sorry we can't have you doing that, allow me to introduce myself I'm Mr. Brown and my quiet friend here is Mr. Pink. We're here to kill you." said Mr. Brown as he pulled a gun out of his coat. Fishball was stricken with fear, he got on his knees and begged for their mercy. Mr. Pink said something to Mr. Brown and instead of shooting Fishball, they viciously beat him till he fell unconscious. Fishball died a few hours later to internal bleeding. - Quiet, well composed - Sadistic, violent - Able fighter -> Eager to fight (- Potentially one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse) + Show Spoiler [Mr Blue] + Mr. Blue got in the last word, before they finished up their little meeting, and said "Lets just hope the right mayor gets elected, that would speed things up as the town declares martial law." They all nodded in agreement, but no one knew how the elections tomorrow would turn out. - Concerned with who will be mayor - Last word + Show Spoiler [Copperhead] + Copperhead and Mr. Black were the first to act as they broke into the home of JeeJee. But as they broke the glass of one of his windows JeeJee woke up and grabbed his trusty baseball bat and headed down the stairs to meet them. He crept down slowly and peered around the corner to see Copperhead standing in wait for Mr. Black as he climbed in through the window. JeeJee didn't waste anytime waiting and charged at Copperhead with the bat but Mr. Black caught it with his hand and yanked it from JeeJee. JeeJee grabbed it and tried getting it back from him only to find it was stuck to his hand now. He backed up and Copperhead pulled a knife from his left pocket and said "well look here now, we've come to kill ya but yer gunna get a choice on how ya die, you can choose this here knife or whatevers in my right pocket". JeeJee saw his right pocket was bulging with something too large for it and motioned at the knife as he was backing into his kitchen to get a knife of his own to fight back with. Copperhead groaned "there no fun in that but I can't really argue, we gotta get this here done quick" so he ran towards JeeJee slashing with the knife. JeeJee not yet armed himself grabbed a towel next to him and wrapped it around Copperheads arm, he smashed it in the side of the wall and knocked the knife out of his hand. He grabbed the knife and pushed Copperhead aside as he ran towards the door to escape. - Has an accent (possibly southern USA) - Likes to torment/taunt his victims + Show Spoiler [California Mountain Snake] + the closer man bowed with his hat in hand and referred to himself as California Mountain Snake. He peered over his shoulder to see that California Mountain Snake had thrown something at him. Unfortunately Dinmsab had no time to react as his head was sliced clean off by the object and he fell to the ground dead. - Respectful - Accurate to an insane degree (- Possibly asian) + Show Spoiler [Mr Orange] + But as he was dialing he noticed the phone line had been cut. Mr. Orange came down with a pair of wire clippers in hand and bashed Dinmsab on the back with them. Dinmsab used the momentum to dive forward instead of fall and regained his balance after a roll, he was standing right beside his garage door and took the opportunity to escape by going out it. Hitting the door opener and holding the garage door tightly shut to buy himself some time he noticed the fourth man who was outside earlier assaulting his house. - Cuts phonelines Total mafia count: 19 (one dead but unknown) | ||
Aotearoa39261 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [Cottonmouth] + Snake Charmer came in with a sword in hand and they saw Cottonmouth with a belt of knives and half a moment later Mr. White came in and closed the door. NeaX didn't care anymore, he started going to the front door when two knives met his hand as he reached for the handle. He braced himself against the wall as he pulled them out with his good hand. He chucked them back at Cottonmouth and went to open the door again but one by one four more knived embraced his good arm. NeaX managed to get the door open and was crawling out while they were distracted by goldenkrnboi but Cottonmouth quickly picked up his target once more and finished him off throwing three knives into each of his legs and three in his back. He got up to go get some coffee himself when he noticed five nails on the ground, he walked slowly over to them to investigate. As he was bending over to take a closer look Cottonmouth approached from behind and stabbed a nail into his back. He fell to the ground and Cottonmouth used the opportunity to stab six more nails into him. Cottonmouth was in the hallway now and was about to throw another nail at New104 - Throws sharp objects (knives/nails) - Delays killing for a long time - Notice the repetition of numbers; 2-4-3-3-5-6-1 What could this sequence be alluding to? Theres obviously Ninja4ever that could relate to this. However, i feel that this clue doesn't quite fit correctly. However, the repetition of these numbers has got me thinking. Of all the people in this game fanatacist has the most numbers in his profile. Also his name pertains quite well to the character of Cottonmouth Fanatic: Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea Therefore i have arrived at the conclusion that cottonmouth = fanatacist for the time being + Show Spoiler [Snake Charmer] + Snake Charmer came in with a sword in hand and they saw Cottonmouth with a belt of knives and half a moment later Mr. White came in and closed the door. Snake Charmer wasn't just standing idle though as he slashed away at goldenkrnboi giving him one gruesome gash after another. He was just about dead when Mr. White stomped goldenkrnboi's head in finishing him off. - Uses swords Given the mass of hate towards aarav recently, i mayaswell state here that if he is going to be mafia he will be snake charmer. His picture is a zealot, zealots have "swords" as we all know. The method of attacking is strikingly similar to a zealot. This could be enough to warrant a clue based lynching in support of the other evidence. + Show Spoiler [The Wolf] + The Wolf and Taipan Snake had followed his near suicidal jump and were on him quick. Taipan Snake automatically knocked him to the ground and proceeded to kick him, being unarmed at the time. The Wolf approached "Sorry Chuiu, I gotta do this I hope you understand" as he pulled out a gun and made his mark on Chuiu's head. The Wolf interrupted him. "You just need to hit the right spot" he said as he threw the nail down the hallway, it landed square in the back of New104's head and he convulsed as he dropped to the ground, dying less then a minute later. - One shot kill - targets the head HotZhot is my primary suspect here. Notably because he has such good aim and whatnot. However, i am hesitant to convict him at this stage because of this; ![]() His profile image looks like a wolf person - this means (imo) that he cannot be the character "The Wolf" with such a strong connection to the name. Up to the town i guess! + Show Spoiler [Taipan Snake] + He quickly ran through the yard towards his car parked out front but The Wolf and Taipan Snake had followed his near suicidal jump and were on him quick. Taipan Snake automatically knocked him to the ground and proceeded to kick him, being unarmed at the time. They both stood up in a haste and Neax went to call the police. The phone line was dead. goldenkrnboi pulled out his cell phone and began dialing when it began glitching on him. He kept trying but dropped the phone and gave up when he noticed the rest of the electronics in the house going haywire. They both grouped up in the room and decided to head out to investigate, possibly even try a neighbors phone when they noticed a Taipan Snake operating what dawned on them must be some sort of electronic jamming device Next door French_Toast was grabbing a midnight snack. He was headed to his computer room to check his email one last time before going to bed when he noticed all the batteries to some of his electronics have been removed and tossed on the floor. He bent down to pick them up and was just about done when Taipan Snake charged into him and knocked him to the ground. As if the last couple events weren't out of the blue enough for him French_Toast found himself being dragged to the nearest window. Eddie smashed the glass of the window and Taipan Snake grabbed French_Toast's head and they both used the remaining broken glass in the window pane to stab his neck with. It wasn't until they threw him through the window and he landed on his neighbors lawn darts did French_Toast die though. Eddie and Taipan Snake walked around the corner. "Oh I see you have friends" said Empyrean, now realized how screwed he was. "Yeah they're pretty cool guys, always ready to help" said Enigma and with that he and Eddie charged at Empyrean and proceeded to hold him to the ground. Taipan Snake walked up slowly and with a strange device fired out a direct current of electricity which proceeded to fry every inch of Empyrean. - Seems to be unarmed (not associated with weapons) -> Used broken glass recently -> Used a taser like device - Electronics connection -> Thematic disabling of electronics -> Thematic use of electricity (DC?) Now, this is a clue which i am almost 100% certain is correct given the death of queasy. ![]() This image is going to convict someone of being Taipan Snake. You see, Taipan Snake always uses some form of DC electricity. Last night it fired out a "direct current", the night before he removed batteries (from a DC circuit afaik) and the night before he was jamming electricity. There is a strong connection between the image and Taipan. There are no other characters which this could possibly be (str maybe, but he doesn't explain night 4) therefore; Taipan Snake is d.arkive Note that his quote about the refrigerator applied to night two clue of electronics in the house going haywire. Note also that the "mysterious device" refers to that weird thing that the creature is holding + Show Spoiler [Enigma] + Enigma ran his hand through his hair and said "So we're going to gut this town clean and take it over, eh? No more of this bullshit protection, thats grand!" The man on the far side introduced himself as Enigma and the closer man bowed with his hat in hand and referred to himself as California Mountain Snake. Well Dinmsab was getting really impatient at this point and demanded an explanation for what was going on. Enigma stood up and proclaimed "why we're here to rid the world of good, because we're the only ones who can". Empyrean got up from his desk, thirsty, went to the break room for a cup of coffee. Along the way he noticed Enigma writing a note, perhaps with the intention to replace Empyreans findings with false ones to throw the town off. Empyrean noted the features of the man and quickly linked him to a murder just the previous day. "Stop right there, you're under arrest for suspicion of murder" he called out, knowing he didn't really have the means to detain the man but would certainly try his best. Enigma grinned back at him and motioned someone to come to him. Eddie and Taipan Snake walked around the corner. "Oh I see you have friends" said Empyrean, now realized how screwed he was. "Yeah they're pretty cool guys, always ready to help" said Enigma and with that he and Eddie charged at Empyrean and proceeded to hold him to the ground. - Righteous - Eager to to what he sees is right --- Perhaps the clue changing relates to actions in the thread Enigma is proving to be an enigma for me... he is a difficult character to pin down exactly and this is really annoying. There are two candidates for enigma as i see it, MTF and MidnightGladius. For MTF; The self-righteously ignorant are the only ones who ever truly believe they've got everything figured out. Pertains quite well to Enigma's personality and therefore is strong evidence connecting the twoWhile for MidnightGladius; "It's time to acknowledge the inevitable. Stifle your pride and embrace the glory of change." - Volrath Ishnikar, the Faithless General Also connects quite wellI need more evidence to pursue either any further + Show Spoiler [California Mountain Snake] + the closer man bowed with his hat in hand and referred to himself as California Mountain Snake. He peered over his shoulder to see that California Mountain Snake had thrown something at him. Unfortunately Dinmsab had no time to react as his head was sliced clean off by the object and he fell to the ground dead. - Respectful - Accurate to an insane degree (- Possibly asian) The game is up SoMuchBetter + Show Spoiler + ![]() You are the only person in this game with any sort of reference to a hat. This small clue (as with the case of queasy) is enough evidence to suggest SMB is guilty. + Show Spoiler [King Brown Snake] + King Brown Snake stepped up to him as DapperDan started getting up. He met him face to face halfway and pushed King Brown Snake out of the way as he proceeded to the door again. New104 was cringing in pain but he knew he had to defend himself, he started getting up but met gaze with a strange man on his way up. King Brown Snake slapped him back to the ground and started beating him as he lay there. New104 wasn't anywhere near dead at this point, but his adrenaline was flowing and he used the sudden surge in strength to knock King Brown Snake to the ground and get up himself - Blockade - Thematic meeting of faces/gazes - Gets pushed out of the way regualarly This thematic meeting of faces is really pushing me towards nemY as a suspect. + Show Spoiler + ![]() Also im 99% sure that Mr Blue is Mandalor, just waiting for one more night to confirm this | ||
Canada12499 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
I'm trying to bring up thread activity, btw. | ||
Canada1214 Posts
The Wolf and Taipan Snake had followed his near suicidal jump and were on him quick. Taipan Snake automatically knocked him to the ground and proceeded to kick him, being unarmed at the time. The Wolf approached "Sorry Chuiu, I gotta do this I hope you understand" as he pulled out a gun and made his mark on Chuiu's head. The Wolf interrupted him. "You just need to hit the right spot" he said as he threw the nail down the hallway, it landed square in the back of New104's head and he convulsed as he dropped to the ground, dying less then a minute later. - One shot kill - targets the head HotZhot is my primary suspect here. Notably because he has such good aim and whatnot. However, i am hesitant to convict him at this stage because of this; ![]() His profile image looks like a wolf person - this means (imo) that he cannot be the character "The Wolf" with such a strong connection to the name. Up to the town i guess! More on the picture Its a crop from this wallpaper ![]() | ||
New Zealand2765 Posts
I quote, from the Ten Commandments: "And please don't try to be Freud or Jung. Don't second-guess the motives for why someone wrote something... ...Avoid responding with comments filled with half-baked psychoanalytical presumptions about the poster's imputed agenda or their psych profile... ...Stop psychoanalyzing - you don't have a license to practice. " I rest my case ![]() ------------------ Nice find GranDim! A hentai series you say? Hmmm... I won't ask... Looking at the full picture, the girl looks less like a wolf than in the small cut from the profile. It could still be a valid clue, because it's unlikely Chuiu knew of the larger picture. The strength of the clue is of course diminished however. | ||
Aotearoa39261 Posts
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Last Romantic
United States20661 Posts
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United States5625 Posts
On April 04 2008 12:53 Alethios wrote: It's come to my attention that this thread must be closed, and a majority of the town's inhabitants banned. I quote, from the Ten Commandments: "And please don't try to be Freud or Jung. Don't second-guess the motives for why someone wrote something... ...Avoid responding with comments filled with half-baked psychoanalytical presumptions about the poster's imputed agenda or their psych profile... ...Stop psychoanalyzing - you don't have a license to practice. " I rest my case ![]() Ah, crap we're screwed ;-) | ||
Mexico4793 Posts
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Armenia1590 Posts
On April 04 2008 08:24 qrs wrote: Waiting on Ace, but so far, araav seems at least suspicious, given what we know: viz, he got into a chatroom and had a chance to see the names of people who had roles. He's never really addressed what happened there. Araav, I think it's time for you to explain yourself. How did you find it, why did you go there, what did you see there? And why did two detectives die last night? qrs, you were more attentive to what happened at the beginning... I already answered the accusations "several pages ago" (c). On March 28 2008 16:21 araav wrote: Guys, I kindly ask everybody - please do not use bad words when referring to me - even with "if". Remember - this is a game - a good game thanks to Chuiu, please do not ruin it for us. Also, remmeber the nature of the game for the future. You do not necessarily believe to ideas thrown here by random people, unless you are 100% sure they are townies. Sometimes dumb towneis can ruin the game by really stupid moves. Now, for stupid moves. Throwing in this idea was really stupid of Showtime (or Ace, if he stands after this). if Showtime's a townie: come on - mafia already knows this is false, so whom you are fucking with - with townies? want to lure some dumb mafia into this and find him out? do you really think mafia members would be so dumb? if Showtime's a mafia: this is somewhat logical for a mafia member to distract the town's usual day-flow of smart guys' analyzing the clues, making good points, etc. But still dumb enough. Do you think Ace is stupid to collect the "blues" together? Even if there was 1% chance of haveing a fake blue there that must not happned. <-> (like Tracil did ![]() overall...... something is not right out here... from one hand it seems that Showtime is green, as the killed mafia member was panicing and Ace brought some info in... form the other hand - what the hell is he doing? Now, let's analyze the situation and try to understand what really happened with hindsight. if Showtime's a townie: come on - mafia already knows this is false, so whom you are fucking with - with townies? want to lure some dumb mafia into this and find him out? do you really think mafia members would be so dumb? it turned out Showtime is a green. so why on earth was he talking about? Why Ace supported him saying "at that moment, when araav entered there were at most 5-6 blues"? Why on earth was Showtime in the "channel of clues"? What really happened? I think these are the questions that Ace can answer only. What I did? I proposed rolechecking wurm and only then lynch him... I proposed to cast my vote for Ace or randombum to check it... still it can be checked coz i voted for Ghar. and Ace must already have the number. the check will be a bit harder, because some mess happened with the voting there... but that mess can still narrow down the list... I also proposed randombum was checked... it was an easy check - he would simply vote for Ace. that's a very easy way to verify him. I explained already how so many blues - especially detectives could get killed. I also proposed to save Empy... I wrote lots of words with explanations and implications why should he be voted for pardoner... still... randombum was elected. now I propose - Ace to tell us EVERY single thing he knows (except the blue names) - the others - follow what Plexa does - this guy analyzes... we have to rely to that only from now on... we can't make any stupid moves anymore. Mafia did a very good job. they removed obstacles - few at a tim - but steadily. so from one point they will have 9 kills a night. we need to reduce this number with every lynch... | ||
Aotearoa39261 Posts
For now lets focus on killing more mafia and get this kill count down! Let's check out d.arkive, fanatacist and SMB where we've got one good link to them | ||
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