Very town: mahg Townlean: Exo, Calix Not read at all: darth Bad but not thoroughly read:Foreman Nullish cuz neither town nor scum but bad: Rels Scum: TT, NU
I pushed mahg earlier, his respons I liked. His lists later on I liked. He's not overly spammy. He's the most town imo.
Exo's retaliation is a towntell from my perspective as he's been sr'd by almost everyone in the game, some of which for very bad reasons or no reasons at all. Its his right to retaliate. However not much arguments otherise, he's just been defending all game, I've been in this situation and can sympathise.
Calix is quite null actually this was hard to decide. His early game has been bad a he should know better by now after 3 games here that him vs NU just results in them filling filters and nothing else. He needs more thorough read for sure. I'm mostly townreading him on tone which I'm kinda confident after playing with him often in past few months, which i know is bad but its the best i can do atm.
Darth had that conspiracy about his opinion on me as a reason Rels and some others scumread, which doesn't mean anything imo but need to read him later on. I just got the feeling he's not been bad overall.
I don't like Foreman's over-aggressive tone. He didn't get much going against him but why so aggressive then? He most definitely needs a re-read, I think he's been flying under the radar.
Read above for opinions on Rels.
Read cases in filter for opinions on NU and TT.
On November 05 2016 01:25 Calix wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 01:21 Skynx wrote: I mean Exo did some bad stuff guys, as i quoted previous page.
However, can someone please give me some solid arguments that makes him objective scum like TT and NU? Other than him being defensive all the time which is not even a reason anymore and makes sense as everyone is scumreading him. How is NU objective scum? I saw nothing of the sort in your case. I also disagree that TT is 'objective scum'. I'm also not sure how you missed all of the ExO posts with regards to the early game/ TT's case/ Rels' post before he voted for ExO/ my posts prior to voting for ExO/ darthfoley's post before voting for ExO. I'm not saying that everything in those posts I've flagged up meets your criteria of 'objective scum' but there's definitely a better case for ExO compared to TT/ NU. I disagree. Can you bring up cases on Exo? I know Rels is voting Exo cuz of over defensiveness. I know NU is voting Exo for very very bad reasons which makes him scum, this is in my case. Same for TT. I have no idea why you, Foreman and mahg vote Exo.
On November 05 2016 01:43 Calix wrote: No. It's not my job to look for cases for you. That's on you. Town should be reaching out to the town, not vice versa.
With your reads, how is 'retaliation' a town tell?
I don't relate to your DF read.
How is an over-aggressive tone scum-indicative? What examples do you have? ok.
Retaliation is a town tell because he's getting attacked non-stop for bad reasons. Check vivax and me from Dota mafia, which I know you have been following which is completely the opposite.
I dunno who you're accounting to with the over-aggressive tone, Foreman? I'm not scum reading him, I got no material i specified I didn't read him much.
On November 05 2016 01:44 Rels wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 01:17 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 22:22 Rels wrote: Skynx is looking like Tumblewood when he was scum with me and tried to play as incoherently as possible to play the "too weird to be scum" card. Letme post a random thought about Skynx' emo posts to appear like I'm doing something. Nothing usefull. on Calix: On November 03 2016 22:52 Rels wrote: TT while I'm gone please explain why Calix is your top town after seeing her scum game The game he's talking about Calix got townread by almost everyone D1 for very casual play with just posting random reads and took a nosedive later on. Me and TT nailed him by role usage later on. So TT is aware of Calix can do random stuff and look very town with it. On November 04 2016 06:23 Rels wrote:On November 04 2016 02:39 Calix wrote: I feel like I am being overly generous with my town-reads though. As it stands, I'm town-reading Skynx, mahrgell, darthfoley, ExO, Foreman to varying degrees.
Unless the scum team is something like Rels/ NU or TT/ Rels or some shit then I've definitely fucked up somewhere. This is a townie post. Especially from someone with a strong scumgame who have 0 problem finding lynchbaits to push. I have to agree with this. In the game so far no one has been objectively towny and giving out townreads is kina hard at this point. Now this might be regarded completely vice versa as Calix giving easy reads cuz he's wifoming scum but I think Calix has been towny so far even after doing some bad stuff early on. I think re-read on his reasonings for townreads will tell a lot about both Rels and Calix' alignments but this stuff above will suggest they are either town together or scum together. On November 03 2016 22:32 Rels wrote:On November 03 2016 07:05 Tictock wrote: Calix and Marghal (or w/e) are my top town atm. Mostly everything they have done has been to push the game forward and have been looking at multiple people from multiple angles.
Skynx is a little shitter for trying to imply that this early game is NAI. This is prob the least jokey start of a game I have every seen. Kinda null on him despite his early posts seeming unlikely to come from scum imo.
I kinda think NU is town but I'm not really sure why, just feels natural and relaxed I guess. In the same vein I kinda liked Dark's one post too so they are both townleaning nulls. I really don't understand how these two can be your top town. Marghell is so soft in his stances to me it screams scuuuuuum. You played with me in a game where Calix played a very, very stgrong scumgame: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/mafia/513316-newbie-student-mafia-xxiii, so I don't understand how Calix can be top town in your mind when she has done nothing incredibly townie. I like this, TT's post was shit and he recognised it. On November 04 2016 07:32 Rels wrote:On November 04 2016 06:12 Rels wrote:On November 04 2016 01:39 NeverUnlucky wrote:for rels Well, this quote isn't as good as I remembered it to be. There are certain points which I still like, others make me uncertain. On November 03 2016 05:30 darthfoley wrote: Had a read through, albeit quick because I won't be on later until like 7pm and don't want to read through 40 pages in one sitting.
I agree that a lot of the stuff so far is NAI. I think ExO vs. Calix could be TvT and was blown out of proportion based off a gif. Why does he think it could be tvt if most of the stuff is NAI? Also, saying that the Exo - Calix thingy was based off a gif is a mischaracterization of what happened I think. However, I don't like this post. Who spends 4 lines discussing why the claimed VT? This is a super waste of a post.On November 03 2016 03:29 ExO_ wrote: Also to clarify why I'm claiming my VT role right now:
I'm getting it out the open right now. I think in a game this size trying to fake claim to get scum to target me would be a waste of time. So I'm letting everyone know now I don't have any abilities I cannot do anything at night and can only vote. You can choose to either believe me or not, but I'm telling the truth I don't like this post. This comes off as scummy scummy buddy buddy On November 03 2016 04:32 mahrgell wrote:gosh Calix, can we please stop post synced? Also after what I read from you last game I'm afraid of myself, if I share your thoughts... I don't want to be like you  Sorry. I also don't think the theoretical discussion of anti-town vs. pro-scum has much use if it's kept theoretical. Mind meld. Foreman completely writing off Calix basically because of one push is helping town at all. Seems like uber tunneling that never actually helps town. Don't see any post so far that screams scum SO hard that I wouldn't entertain the possibility that my read on someone was wrong. Seems a bit scummy to me, especially D1. I agree with Skynx that the votes so far have been really dumb and useless drama Foreman did not write off Calix ._. He says that his reads could be wrong, but never stated his reads prior to this... zzz Obviously no post will scream scum. Calix is a slight town read to me currently. I agreed that Skynx's posts were useless until he posted about the votes. Bruh, that post he's referring to is Skynx saying "These posts are shit" and quotes Foreman and ExO's votes on Calix. How is that useful? How does he go from agreeing with Skynx in the previous paragraph to saying that his posts are useless? I'll be back in about three hours, keep posting away I can see why you hated it. Yeah that post was awful. And I don't understand why the fixation on Skynx on this post. He was mentioned three times: "I agree that a lot of the stuff so far is NAI" (Skynx was the one saying that) "I agree with Skynx that the votes so far have been really dumb and useless drama" "I agreed that Skynx's posts were useless until he posted about the votes." On November 04 2016 06:15 Rels wrote: LOL rereading the last two sentences it doesnt have match up DF WHY THE FUCK would you go from "YEAH SKYNX IS RIGHT ALMOST EVERYTHING IS USELESS" to "SKYNX POSTS WERE USELESS" ? You apparently agreed with Skynx that there was not much to talk about ? Why did you consider Skynx posts useless when you agreed with them ? On November 04 2016 07:05 Rels wrote:On November 04 2016 07:00 Calix wrote:On November 04 2016 06:12 Rels wrote:On November 04 2016 01:39 NeverUnlucky wrote:for rels Well, this quote isn't as good as I remembered it to be. There are certain points which I still like, others make me uncertain. On November 03 2016 05:30 darthfoley wrote: Had a read through, albeit quick because I won't be on later until like 7pm and don't want to read through 40 pages in one sitting.
I agree that a lot of the stuff so far is NAI. I think ExO vs. Calix could be TvT and was blown out of proportion based off a gif. Why does he think it could be tvt if most of the stuff is NAI? Also, saying that the Exo - Calix thingy was based off a gif is a mischaracterization of what happened I think. However, I don't like this post. Who spends 4 lines discussing why the claimed VT? This is a super waste of a post.On November 03 2016 03:29 ExO_ wrote: Also to clarify why I'm claiming my VT role right now:
I'm getting it out the open right now. I think in a game this size trying to fake claim to get scum to target me would be a waste of time. So I'm letting everyone know now I don't have any abilities I cannot do anything at night and can only vote. You can choose to either believe me or not, but I'm telling the truth I don't like this post. This comes off as scummy scummy buddy buddy On November 03 2016 04:32 mahrgell wrote:gosh Calix, can we please stop post synced? Also after what I read from you last game I'm afraid of myself, if I share your thoughts... I don't want to be like you  Sorry. I also don't think the theoretical discussion of anti-town vs. pro-scum has much use if it's kept theoretical. Mind meld. Foreman completely writing off Calix basically because of one push is helping town at all. Seems like uber tunneling that never actually helps town. Don't see any post so far that screams scum SO hard that I wouldn't entertain the possibility that my read on someone was wrong. Seems a bit scummy to me, especially D1. I agree with Skynx that the votes so far have been really dumb and useless drama Foreman did not write off Calix ._. He says that his reads could be wrong, but never stated his reads prior to this... zzz Obviously no post will scream scum. Calix is a slight town read to me currently. I agreed that Skynx's posts were useless until he posted about the votes. Bruh, that post he's referring to is Skynx saying "These posts are shit" and quotes Foreman and ExO's votes on Calix. How is that useful? How does he go from agreeing with Skynx in the previous paragraph to saying that his posts are useless? I'll be back in about three hours, keep posting away I can see why you hated it. Yeah that post was awful. And I don't understand why the fixation on Skynx on this post. He was mentioned three times: "I agree that a lot of the stuff so far is NAI" (Skynx was the one saying that) "I agree with Skynx that the votes so far have been really dumb and useless drama" "I agreed that Skynx's posts were useless until he posted about the votes." This is more directed at your next post, but I don't understand your argument. I'm assuming that you're talking about this, right? I agree with Skynx that the votes so far have been really dumb and useless drama
Calix is a slight town read to me currently. I agreed that Skynx's posts were useless until he posted about the votes. I don't see the incongruency. Isn't he basically saying "Skynx was useless until he posted about the votes and I agree with him that the votes are dumb and useless"? Now that I've written it out like that, that's a pretty weird thing to say since it doesn't say much at all and the way it's worded makes it sound like he slight-town-read me because I agreed that Skynx was useless. But I don't think it's inconsistent. Nope. He didn't say "Skynx was useless until he posted about the votes and I agree with him that the votes are dumb and useless" He said "Skynx said everything was NAI and I agree with him", then "I agree Skynx' psots were useless until that very last one about the votes". Basically he both agrees that these posts are useless but also agree with them: + Show Spoiler +On November 03 2016 04:12 Skynx wrote: Man you guys are way too fun to read On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... On November 03 2016 04:54 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 04:53 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... Then do something that will make AI posts happen. What is the point of sitting around and complaining that people are making early reads exactly? What is the point of spamming bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than increasing postcount for people that are not here yet? On November 03 2016 04:58 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 04:56 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:54 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:53 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... Then do something that will make AI posts happen. What is the point of sitting around and complaining that people are making early reads exactly? What is the point of spamming bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than increasing postcount for people that are not here yet? To generate conversation so that the not-yet-here people have something constructive to add, of course. What is your strategy to find scum if we're doing a poor job of it? Add something constructive when i find opportunity to do so. Like I'm doing now, stopping you guys go overboard with surjective NAI stuff cuz it really means absolutely nothing what you guys accuse each other for in past few pages  On November 03 2016 05:05 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 05:00 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:58 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:56 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:54 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:53 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... Then do something that will make AI posts happen. What is the point of sitting around and complaining that people are making early reads exactly? What is the point of spamming bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than increasing postcount for people that are not here yet? To generate conversation so that the not-yet-here people have something constructive to add, of course. What is your strategy to find scum if we're doing a poor job of it? Add something constructive when i find opportunity to do so. Like I'm doing now, stopping you guys go overboard with surjective NAI stuff cuz it really means absolutely nothing what you guys accuse each other for in past few pages  Oh wonderful, that means that you can tell us how my case on NU doesn't show scum-indicative behaviour  Do you have any reads at all? I'm skeptical that you have no initial impressions at all. Here is what happened; Calix sr Exo (gif stuff) Exo sr Calix (doesn't like his push) Everyone sr Everyone (because all pushes are very surjective and doesn't mean anything and everyone is aware of that so might aswell sr the others) What you are asking right now makes sense in that regard as me suggesting you guys pushing NAI stuff on eachother means I should also sr you guys but its just not right and this is all really nothing productive in the end. On November 03 2016 05:10 Skynx wrote: I mean I really dunno what to add here, its just NAI guys.
Can we talk about like flowers and butterflies? On November 03 2016 05:14 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 05:10 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 05:05 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 05:00 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:58 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:56 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:54 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:53 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... Then do something that will make AI posts happen. What is the point of sitting around and complaining that people are making early reads exactly? What is the point of spamming bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than increasing postcount for people that are not here yet? To generate conversation so that the not-yet-here people have something constructive to add, of course. What is your strategy to find scum if we're doing a poor job of it? Add something constructive when i find opportunity to do so. Like I'm doing now, stopping you guys go overboard with surjective NAI stuff cuz it really means absolutely nothing what you guys accuse each other for in past few pages  Oh wonderful, that means that you can tell us how my case on NU doesn't show scum-indicative behaviour  Do you have any reads at all? I'm skeptical that you have no initial impressions at all. Here is what happened; Calix sr Exo (gif stuff) Exo sr Calix (doesn't like his push) Everyone sr Everyone (because all pushes are very surjective and doesn't mean anything and everyone is aware of that so might aswell sr the others) What you are asking right now makes sense in that regard as me suggesting you guys pushing NAI stuff on eachother means I should also sr you guys but its just not right and this is all really nothing productive in the end. Fact-check. I never stated a scum-read on ExO. "all pushes are very subjective" - It's Day 1. Of course they are going to be 'subjective'. In fact, almost every single push in the history of mafia is 'subjective'. That doesn't mean you just do nothing since town has to be proactive to gain information, etc etc. This is all very obvious stuff so I won't drone on. With that in mind, your approach is very hard to understand to me. Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 03:08 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 03:06 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:04 Calix wrote: NU's boring. Nothing new to see there.
ExO, should I be asking why you're not 'largely communicating in gifs'? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're not, but I'm curious as to what made you change your mind. ![[image loading]](http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq303/neko_riddles/Fighting_Over_Marisa_From_Touhou_Pr.gif) So if you ARE mainly communicating in gifs then why claim a role first thing before doing that? Seems illogical for town to do. On November 03 2016 05:15 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 05:11 Foreman wrote:On November 03 2016 05:05 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 05:00 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:58 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:56 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:54 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:53 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... Then do something that will make AI posts happen. What is the point of sitting around and complaining that people are making early reads exactly? What is the point of spamming bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than increasing postcount for people that are not here yet? To generate conversation so that the not-yet-here people have something constructive to add, of course. What is your strategy to find scum if we're doing a poor job of it? Add something constructive when i find opportunity to do so. Like I'm doing now, stopping you guys go overboard with surjective NAI stuff cuz it really means absolutely nothing what you guys accuse each other for in past few pages  Oh wonderful, that means that you can tell us how my case on NU doesn't show scum-indicative behaviour  Do you have any reads at all? I'm skeptical that you have no initial impressions at all. Here is what happened; Calix sr Exo (gif stuff) Exo sr Calix (doesn't like his push) Everyone sr Everyone (because all pushes are very surjective and doesn't mean anything and everyone is aware of that so might aswell sr the others) What you are asking right now makes sense in that regard as me suggesting you guys pushing NAI stuff on eachother means I should also sr you guys but its just not right and this is all really nothing productive in the end. Here is what happened: Skynx entered thread Skynx complained about unproductive content Skynx provided unproductive content What you are doing right now is worse than anything you've complained about, because you should be of the mindset that providing even more unproductive content would only make our situation worse, given your remarks. Well, Calix is the one to make me explain how NAI stuff is NAI you can blame him for that if you really want to. I'm just here to drink milk and fuck bitches. The posta bout the votes is: + Show Spoiler +On November 03 2016 05:18 Skynx wrote:Bah fine; Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 03:19 Foreman wrote:On November 03 2016 03:08 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 03:06 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:04 Calix wrote: NU's boring. Nothing new to see there.
ExO, should I be asking why you're not 'largely communicating in gifs'? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're not, but I'm curious as to what made you change your mind. ![[image loading]](http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq303/neko_riddles/Fighting_Over_Marisa_From_Touhou_Pr.gif) So if you ARE mainly communicating in gifs then why claim a role first thing before doing that? Seems illogical for town to do. Way to overanalyze. So tryhard that it makes me think I should ##Vote Calix Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 03:15 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:12 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 03:11 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:08 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 03:06 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:04 Calix wrote: NU's boring. Nothing new to see there.
ExO, should I be asking why you're not 'largely communicating in gifs'? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're not, but I'm curious as to what made you change your mind. ![[image loading]](http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq303/neko_riddles/Fighting_Over_Marisa_From_Touhou_Pr.gif) So if you ARE mainly communicating in gifs then why claim a role first thing before doing that? Seems illogical for town to do. You think it's illogical for me to immediate claim VT before posting a gif? Give me a break. If anything your attempt to get me to revert to gif posting only and now trying to throw shade on me is indicative of your scum alignment Please point me to where I 'attempted to get you to revert to gif posting only' if you'd be so kind. You'll note that I specifically said 'I'm glad you are not posting in gifs' (which you then responded to...with a gif...instead of a response) And yes, it's illogical for town to claim a role and then post a gif in lieu of a coherent response. If you were actually happy I wasn't posting gifs, why would you bring up the fact that I said I would post primarily gifs? I think any reasonable person realizes that's much more likely to get me to post gifs, than to offer an explanation that will ultimately be irrelevant to the game. You brought it up in the hopes that I would stick to my word and posts only gifs, instead of helping town. You are scum ##vote Calix These are absolutely terrible votes. I dunno what to think about this whole mess. So he thinks darth has slipped? Imo its a very minor thing, even more when considered people said so so many bad stuff in first few hours of the game. Why there is so much emphasis on this one read and not others? On November 04 2016 20:54 Rels wrote:Skynx has a real shot at being scum too. A lot of his posts just look like fake to me, faking a "not-caring" tone. To compare with Foreman, it looks like Skynx is trying to appear not caring, while Foreman just doesn't care and wite stuff that he thinks. And I know weaker scums tend to do that after losing scumgames 'cause it's easier to play. And I know Skynx is not a very good scum player. These posts make me think that: + Show Spoiler +On November 03 2016 04:12 Skynx wrote: Man you guys are way too fun to read On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... On November 03 2016 04:54 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 04:53 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... Then do something that will make AI posts happen. What is the point of sitting around and complaining that people are making early reads exactly? What is the point of spamming bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than increasing postcount for people that are not here yet? On November 03 2016 04:58 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 04:56 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:54 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:53 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... Then do something that will make AI posts happen. What is the point of sitting around and complaining that people are making early reads exactly? What is the point of spamming bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than increasing postcount for people that are not here yet? To generate conversation so that the not-yet-here people have something constructive to add, of course. What is your strategy to find scum if we're doing a poor job of it? Add something constructive when i find opportunity to do so. Like I'm doing now, stopping you guys go overboard with surjective NAI stuff cuz it really means absolutely nothing what you guys accuse each other for in past few pages  On November 03 2016 05:10 Skynx wrote: I mean I really dunno what to add here, its just NAI guys.
Can we talk about like flowers and butterflies? On November 03 2016 05:15 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 05:11 Foreman wrote:On November 03 2016 05:05 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 05:00 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:58 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:56 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:54 Skynx wrote:On November 03 2016 04:53 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 04:50 Skynx wrote: None of what happened so far is AI guys please... Then do something that will make AI posts happen. What is the point of sitting around and complaining that people are making early reads exactly? What is the point of spamming bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with anything other than increasing postcount for people that are not here yet? To generate conversation so that the not-yet-here people have something constructive to add, of course. What is your strategy to find scum if we're doing a poor job of it? Add something constructive when i find opportunity to do so. Like I'm doing now, stopping you guys go overboard with surjective NAI stuff cuz it really means absolutely nothing what you guys accuse each other for in past few pages  Oh wonderful, that means that you can tell us how my case on NU doesn't show scum-indicative behaviour  Do you have any reads at all? I'm skeptical that you have no initial impressions at all. Here is what happened; Calix sr Exo (gif stuff) Exo sr Calix (doesn't like his push) Everyone sr Everyone (because all pushes are very surjective and doesn't mean anything and everyone is aware of that so might aswell sr the others) What you are asking right now makes sense in that regard as me suggesting you guys pushing NAI stuff on eachother means I should also sr you guys but its just not right and this is all really nothing productive in the end. Here is what happened: Skynx entered thread Skynx complained about unproductive content Skynx provided unproductive content What you are doing right now is worse than anything you've complained about, because you should be of the mindset that providing even more unproductive content would only make our situation worse, given your remarks. Well, Calix is the one to make me explain how NAI stuff is NAI you can blame him for that if you really want to. I'm just here to drink milk and fuck bitches. On November 03 2016 22:17 Skynx wrote: I only like darth so far for making sense with his posts while keeping it short and meaningfull.
I hate TT's reads in p15 or something they are literally the worst. He deserves a vote but I'll touch on this a bit later on.
Exo's reads are quite bad aswell but less bad than TT.
Haven't read Rels yet.
Rest is bad and should feel bad for being able to spam this much and actually say nothing of worth. I'm gona vote for a stfu lynch on the biggest filter for now before i actually get a time to read in detail cuz this shit is unacceptable. Actually, his only real content were in his 2 huge wall posts. I disagree with pretty much everything he's said in it. A lot of it is just logical mistakes that are not scum tells. So this is like the most biased read ever. Suggesting me wifoming scum by raging is very biased as he knows I did it in my btdt game as doctor D1 which later on decided the game. He blatantly ignores that and uses my previous scum game to suggest meta. Then there is the case on Exo, with only argument being Exo is overly defensive which has been used over and over and over again since the minute the game started. All in all I'm not liking Rels but not sure what to do with him either. He is in no way town yet but none of above makes him objectively scummy compared to TT and NU. I'm not saying you're raging, you're not raging, I'm saying your tone at the beginning of the game seems forced. Weird that you liked so many posts but you ended up with a "not liking" read ? Negatives takes out positives. You're quite null when all things are added up, I'm yet to make up my mind on you i think its yet early in the game so I'm gona need more material.
On November 05 2016 01:53 Calix wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 01:49 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 01:43 Calix wrote: No. It's not my job to look for cases for you. That's on you. Town should be reaching out to the town, not vice versa.
With your reads, how is 'retaliation' a town tell?
I don't relate to your DF read.
How is an over-aggressive tone scum-indicative? What examples do you have? ok. Retaliation is a town tell because he's getting attacked non-stop for bad reasons. Check vivax and me from Dota mafia, which I know you have been following which is completely the opposite. I dunno who you're accounting to with the over-aggressive tone, Foreman? I'm not scum reading him, I got no material i specified I didn't read him much. Yes I have been following it. I still don't follow your point though. If you think ExO is town then what are your thoughts on how the trains have formed? In terms of your cases, I'm really not convinced by your NU case and I didn't find anything damning when I filtered TT earlier unless I go full tinfoil and I didn't like DF's case. Yeah, Foreman. If something is 'over-aggressive' then does that not imply that it's scummy? I'll build up on both TT and NU cases in the night to convince more people i guess. I feel like Exo lynch will only strengthen my point.
On November 05 2016 01:53 Rels wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 01:21 Skynx wrote: I mean Exo did some bad stuff guys, as i quoted previous page.
However, can someone please give me some solid arguments that makes him objective scum like TT and NU? Other than him being defensive all the time which is not even a reason anymore and makes sense as everyone is scumreading him. - has claimed that his aggression towards Calix at the beginning of the game was fake and just here to provoke reaction, which is something scum always say to explain themselves out of a bad push - has forgotten that he wanted to attack NU and foreman during his sleep and went to attack TT with no reasonning - has forgotten he liked Skynx and listed him as potential scum - has only posted to defend himself yesterday, when Calix intervened to give him some breathing room, he just disappeared instead of doing stuff - martyring, admitting the OMGUS was bad, then OMGUSING some more in the next paragraph (TT and Rels should know better!)
On November 04 2016 08:18 ExO_ wrote:reason?
On November 04 2016 08:55 ExO_ wrote:Show nested quote +On November 04 2016 08:53 Foreman wrote:On November 04 2016 08:51 ExO_ wrote:On November 04 2016 08:48 Foreman wrote:On November 04 2016 08:42 ExO_ wrote: NU is actively borrowing his reads for rels in an attempt to push me, with Marhgwell being 3rd on a wagon.
Marhgwell is scum, and probably NU I disagree with both of your scumreads. Mahrgell's flip on me looked like an honest reassessment. If he was scum, he could have accused me of AtE and used my reach out as grounds to double down on me. NU... I don't get why you think he's scum. What do you think of Mahgrell voting me without giving his reasoning just now? What about NU literally taking the words out of rels mouth as a reason to push me, even though rels didn't see it as a reason to scum read me. foreman read the damn thread. And do something to help town. What did this post accomplish here? What did you disagreeing with me (in a bad way) accomplish? N O T H I N G My bad, let me be more productive, then. ##Vote: ExO_ for what reason? Why do you think I'm scum? You guys see what I mean tho? He's got a point here, he's being tunneled with shitty votes.
In account to your post + Magh's case, I have to agree he looks kinda worse than I originally thought, you guys are convincing. Altho I dunno why you didn't present these in your original case.
However, I still think he's town. Some reasons magh bring up in case regarding Dota mafia. Now I played mafia with him in that game so i have some insight to his mindset and altho i agree what I'm saying here is weak but his play here is different.
All in all tho, what I hate most is the wagon being formed soo easily with no other candidates. Some people are getting a free pass today without adding much content. Now we don't have enough time so I can't properly defend Exo and convince you guys on TT/NU. Anyway we'll see soon.
On November 05 2016 02:02 NeverUnlucky wrote: Skynx's play this game reminds me of this quote from disformation on how to play as mafia: "just posts tons of words. dump a wot in thread now and then, nobody will read them and think you are town for the effort. " Your irony is overflowing any logic presentable. All you did all game is troll and discredit others. I dunno why is anyone townreading you at this point.
On November 05 2016 01:59 Calix wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 01:56 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 01:53 Calix wrote:On November 05 2016 01:49 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 01:43 Calix wrote: No. It's not my job to look for cases for you. That's on you. Town should be reaching out to the town, not vice versa.
With your reads, how is 'retaliation' a town tell?
I don't relate to your DF read.
How is an over-aggressive tone scum-indicative? What examples do you have? ok. Retaliation is a town tell because he's getting attacked non-stop for bad reasons. Check vivax and me from Dota mafia, which I know you have been following which is completely the opposite. I dunno who you're accounting to with the over-aggressive tone, Foreman? I'm not scum reading him, I got no material i specified I didn't read him much. Yes I have been following it. I still don't follow your point though. If you think ExO is town then what are your thoughts on how the trains have formed? In terms of your cases, I'm really not convinced by your NU case and I didn't find anything damning when I filtered TT earlier unless I go full tinfoil and I didn't like DF's case. Yeah, Foreman. If something is 'over-aggressive' then does that not imply that it's scummy? I'll build up on both TT and NU cases in the night to convince more people i guess. I feel like Exo lynch will only strengthen my point. I find it quite odd that you're saying that you have this town-lean on ExO (one of your few town-reads/ leans/ whatever) yet you're not really trying to oppose his lynch or convince us how NU/ TT are mafia. (your NU case still makes zero sense, not a single bit) You just don't seem to care that much at all. I do care. But town is tunneled for whatever reason.
I did present what is wrong with the lynch. Some votes have justifications. Some votes are terrible, yet they are being ignored by everyone else somehow.
Altho you are right. In the end i spent too much time on mafia today and I have other obligations so there is a laziness factor if you want to see it that way. In addition tho, I think this mislynch will strengthen my point about NU/TT on which I will hopefully be able to convince you guys later on.
On November 05 2016 02:16 NeverUnlucky wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 02:13 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:02 NeverUnlucky wrote: Skynx's play this game reminds me of this quote from disformation on how to play as mafia: "just posts tons of words. dump a wot in thread now and then, nobody will read them and think you are town for the effort. " Your irony is overflowing any logic presentable. All you did all game is troll and discredit others. I dunno why is anyone townreading you at this point. I trolled this game, eh? "Discredit others": I've only discredited Calix. I can count me, Exo, Foreman by memory even without going through your filter.
Anyway while you're here, why do you think Exo is mafia other than this shitty post?
On November 04 2016 08:24 NeverUnlucky wrote: I do not think like you are trying to go somewhere, I cannot see much progression in your interactions with others (ie static reads other than the 180 on Calix) and your whole "I was tunneling Calix to reaction-test those who would pressure low hanging fruit" narrative looks really phony and unsincere.
On November 05 2016 02:15 NeverUnlucky wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 01:35 Skynx wrote: Summary
Very town: mahg Townlean: Exo, Calix Not read at all: darth Bad but not thoroughly read:Foreman Nullish cuz neither town nor scum but bad: Rels Scum: TT, NU
I pushed mahg earlier, his respons I liked. His lists later on I liked. He's not overly spammy. He's the most town imo.
Exo's retaliation is a towntell from my perspective as he's been sr'd by almost everyone in the game, some of which for very bad reasons or no reasons at all. Its his right to retaliate. However not much arguments otherise, he's just been defending all game, I've been in this situation and can sympathise.
This to me looks like white-knighting. He gives a reason that I don't think warrants a town-read. I'm inclined to think that ExO is town and Skynx is scum with both their latest posts in mind.
On November 05 2016 02:19 NeverUnlucky wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 02:17 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 01:59 Calix wrote:On November 05 2016 01:56 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 01:53 Calix wrote:On November 05 2016 01:49 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 01:43 Calix wrote: No. It's not my job to look for cases for you. That's on you. Town should be reaching out to the town, not vice versa.
With your reads, how is 'retaliation' a town tell?
I don't relate to your DF read.
How is an over-aggressive tone scum-indicative? What examples do you have? ok. Retaliation is a town tell because he's getting attacked non-stop for bad reasons. Check vivax and me from Dota mafia, which I know you have been following which is completely the opposite. I dunno who you're accounting to with the over-aggressive tone, Foreman? I'm not scum reading him, I got no material i specified I didn't read him much. Yes I have been following it. I still don't follow your point though. If you think ExO is town then what are your thoughts on how the trains have formed? In terms of your cases, I'm really not convinced by your NU case and I didn't find anything damning when I filtered TT earlier unless I go full tinfoil and I didn't like DF's case. Yeah, Foreman. If something is 'over-aggressive' then does that not imply that it's scummy? I'll build up on both TT and NU cases in the night to convince more people i guess. I feel like Exo lynch will only strengthen my point. I find it quite odd that you're saying that you have this town-lean on ExO (one of your few town-reads/ leans/ whatever) yet you're not really trying to oppose his lynch or convince us how NU/ TT are mafia. (your NU case still makes zero sense, not a single bit) You just don't seem to care that much at all. I do care. But town is tunneled for whatever reason. I did present what is wrong with the lynch. Some votes have justifications. Some votes are terrible, yet they are being ignored by everyone else somehow. Altho you are right. In the end i spent too much time on mafia today and I have other obligations so there is a laziness factor if you want to see it that way. In addition tho, I think this mislynch will strengthen my point about NU/TT on which I will hopefully be able to convince you guys later on. You're already using the "I told you so" argument and ExO has not yet flipped. I also have no idea how his flip would lead to me being scum. The plot thickens.
On November 05 2016 02:23 Rels wrote:Skynx: Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 01:59 Rels wrote:On November 05 2016 01:35 Skynx wrote: Exo's retaliation is a towntell from my perspective as he's been sr'd by almost everyone in the game, some of which for very bad reasons or no reasons at all. Its his right to retaliate. However not much arguments otherise, he's just been defending all game, I've been in this situation and can sympathise.
Why is it a towntell ? If you think he would do that as town, what would he do as scum ? Blatant ridiculing of pushes cuz they are weak as fuck. He cannot instantly push them back as scum cuz he already has the information and he doesn't know yet how those people gona turn out later on so he cannot aford to take heat on himself early on.
On November 05 2016 02:24 NeverUnlucky wrote: ##Unvote ##Vote Skynx This is the 4th blank vote he casted in this thread with absolutely no case behind it.
You are doing nothing but exposing yourself more and more to my arguments.
On November 05 2016 02:27 Rels wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 02:25 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:23 Rels wrote:Skynx: On November 05 2016 01:59 Rels wrote:On November 05 2016 01:35 Skynx wrote: Exo's retaliation is a towntell from my perspective as he's been sr'd by almost everyone in the game, some of which for very bad reasons or no reasons at all. Its his right to retaliate. However not much arguments otherise, he's just been defending all game, I've been in this situation and can sympathise.
Why is it a towntell ? If you think he would do that as town, what would he do as scum ? Blatant ridiculing of pushes cuz they are weak as fuck. He cannot instantly push them back as scum cuz he already has the information and he doesn't know yet how those people gona turn out later on so he cannot aford to take heat on himself early on. That doesn't make sense. How he was extremely defensive for nothing and attacking his pushers instead of their arguments is why he got heat in the first place. Not for nothing. Pushes were bad so he counter pushed. That makes sense.
He cannot do that as scum less than an hour into the game cuz those ppl can turn out townie and that would look bad on him.
I can't actually believe whats going on. Calix you are getting played.
On November 05 2016 02:32 Rels wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 02:29 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:27 Rels wrote:On November 05 2016 02:25 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:23 Rels wrote:Skynx: On November 05 2016 01:59 Rels wrote:On November 05 2016 01:35 Skynx wrote: Exo's retaliation is a towntell from my perspective as he's been sr'd by almost everyone in the game, some of which for very bad reasons or no reasons at all. Its his right to retaliate. However not much arguments otherise, he's just been defending all game, I've been in this situation and can sympathise.
Why is it a towntell ? If you think he would do that as town, what would he do as scum ? Blatant ridiculing of pushes cuz they are weak as fuck. He cannot instantly push them back as scum cuz he already has the information and he doesn't know yet how those people gona turn out later on so he cannot aford to take heat on himself early on. That doesn't make sense. How he was extremely defensive for nothing and attacking his pushers instead of their arguments is why he got heat in the first place. Not for nothing. Pushes were bad so he counter pushed. That makes sense. He cannot do that as scum less than an hour into the game cuz those ppl can turn out townie and that would look bad on him. You're saying these posts are townie ? Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 03:11 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:08 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 03:06 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:04 Calix wrote: NU's boring. Nothing new to see there.
ExO, should I be asking why you're not 'largely communicating in gifs'? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're not, but I'm curious as to what made you change your mind. ![[image loading]](http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq303/neko_riddles/Fighting_Over_Marisa_From_Touhou_Pr.gif) So if you ARE mainly communicating in gifs then why claim a role first thing before doing that? Seems illogical for town to do. You think it's illogical for me to immediate claim VT before posting a gif? Give me a break. If anything y our attempt to get me to revert to gif posting only and now trying to throw shade on me is indicative of your scum alignment Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 03:15 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:12 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 03:11 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:08 Calix wrote:On November 03 2016 03:06 ExO_ wrote:On November 03 2016 03:04 Calix wrote: NU's boring. Nothing new to see there.
ExO, should I be asking why you're not 'largely communicating in gifs'? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're not, but I'm curious as to what made you change your mind. ![[image loading]](http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq303/neko_riddles/Fighting_Over_Marisa_From_Touhou_Pr.gif) So if you ARE mainly communicating in gifs then why claim a role first thing before doing that? Seems illogical for town to do. You think it's illogical for me to immediate claim VT before posting a gif? Give me a break. If anything your attempt to get me to revert to gif posting only and now trying to throw shade on me is indicative of your scum alignment Please point me to where I 'attempted to get you to revert to gif posting only' if you'd be so kind. You'll note that I specifically said 'I'm glad you are not posting in gifs' (which you then responded to...with a gif...instead of a response) And yes, it's illogical for town to claim a role and then post a gif in lieu of a coherent response. If you were actually happy I wasn't posting gifs, why would you bring up the fact that I said I would post primarily gifs? I think any reasonable person realizes that's much more likely to get me to post gifs, than to offer an explanation that will ultimately be irrelevant to the game. You brought it up in the hopes that I would stick to my word and posts only gifs, instead of helping town. You are scum ##vote Calix Show nested quote +On November 03 2016 03:25 ExO_ wrote: What about my response is overly defensive? I'm pointing out that essentially reminding me I promised to "post gifs" Isn't going to help town in any way. Furthermore, its not something a reasonable person would think would help town.
Assuming for a second I took the time to answer Calix's question about why I didn't just post gifs: How does that help town? My explanation doesn't help town at all, nor would it be expected to help town. However a reasonably expectable reaction to Calix's question would be for me to start posting gifs again.
So long story short, I think Calix posted that in the hopes I would post gifs more and not help town
bolded is town. rest is bad but I can't really do anything about it. Its the same with him saying he did it to get reactions out.
On November 05 2016 02:21 Skynx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 02:16 NeverUnlucky wrote:On November 05 2016 02:13 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:02 NeverUnlucky wrote: Skynx's play this game reminds me of this quote from disformation on how to play as mafia: "just posts tons of words. dump a wot in thread now and then, nobody will read them and think you are town for the effort. " Your irony is overflowing any logic presentable. All you did all game is troll and discredit others. I dunno why is anyone townreading you at this point. I trolled this game, eh? "Discredit others": I've only discredited Calix. I can count me, Exo, Foreman by memory even without going through your filter. Anyway while you're here, why do you think Exo is mafia other than this shitty post? Show nested quote +On November 04 2016 08:24 NeverUnlucky wrote: I do not think like you are trying to go somewhere, I cannot see much progression in your interactions with others (ie static reads other than the 180 on Calix) and your whole "I was tunneling Calix to reaction-test those who would pressure low hanging fruit" narrative looks really phony and unsincere. Still awaiting a response on this NU.
On November 05 2016 02:38 NeverUnlucky wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 02:37 Tictock wrote:On November 05 2016 02:35 NeverUnlucky wrote:On November 05 2016 02:34 Tictock wrote:On November 05 2016 02:29 NeverUnlucky wrote:On November 05 2016 02:27 ExO_ wrote: God I hope I can make it back home before EoD. In short do NOT let the people hard pushing me saying it reveals nothing about alignment if I flip town, get away with it.
They're covering their asses now because they know im about to flip town. I genuinely think this is a very town response... ... which reinforces my Skynx scum-read. CFD Skynx imo. I disagree. Exo is still the best lynch. Every single one of his posts has just been him trying to survive the day, this one included. That's not scum AI. I would not want to be lynched either if I had this many votes. So then it's NAI. Why would you townread him then? His tone feels right. What a hero distancing himself from the lynch. Guys please wake the fuck up.
On November 05 2016 02:39 NeverUnlucky wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 02:39 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:38 NeverUnlucky wrote:On November 05 2016 02:37 Tictock wrote:On November 05 2016 02:35 NeverUnlucky wrote:On November 05 2016 02:34 Tictock wrote:On November 05 2016 02:29 NeverUnlucky wrote:On November 05 2016 02:27 ExO_ wrote: God I hope I can make it back home before EoD. In short do NOT let the people hard pushing me saying it reveals nothing about alignment if I flip town, get away with it.
They're covering their asses now because they know im about to flip town. I genuinely think this is a very town response... ... which reinforces my Skynx scum-read. CFD Skynx imo. I disagree. Exo is still the best lynch. Every single one of his posts has just been him trying to survive the day, this one included. That's not scum AI. I would not want to be lynched either if I had this many votes. So then it's NAI. Why would you townread him then? His tone feels right. What a hero distancing himself from the lynch. Guys please wake the fuck up. What are you doing atm? lmao Yeah I almost forgot, thank you for reminding.
##Unvote ##Vote: NeverUnlucky
On November 05 2016 02:39 NeverUnlucky wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2016 02:37 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:21 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:16 NeverUnlucky wrote:On November 05 2016 02:13 Skynx wrote:On November 05 2016 02:02 NeverUnlucky wrote: Skynx's play this game reminds me of this quote from disformation on how to play as mafia: "just posts tons of words. dump a wot in thread now and then, nobody will read them and think you are town for the effort. " Your irony is overflowing any logic presentable. All you did all game is troll and discredit others. I dunno why is anyone townreading you at this point. I trolled this game, eh? "Discredit others": I've only discredited Calix. I can count me, Exo, Foreman by memory even without going through your filter. Anyway while you're here, why do you think Exo is mafia other than this shitty post? On November 04 2016 08:24 NeverUnlucky wrote: I do not think like you are trying to go somewhere, I cannot see much progression in your interactions with others (ie static reads other than the 180 on Calix) and your whole "I was tunneling Calix to reaction-test those who would pressure low hanging fruit" narrative looks really phony and unsincere. Still awaiting a response on this NU. I never discredited any of the dudes you listed. The post you quoted has all your answers. So tone makes him scum.
But also tone now makes him town.
I'm never ever moving away from NU unless kush comes down from the clouds with all his almighty convincing powers and tell me he is town or someone here can defend him to an equal measure.