On August 25 2016 03:21 kitaman27 wrote:
lol disfo I'm not talking about trfel there and trfel was not in the QT with me.
The quote there is in reference to HolyFlare.
HolyFlare, GB, and I all share a secondary win condition to get ourselves elected.
HF died on day one so I made a joke about whether or not we could get him elected as a dead man.
Besides, it's obviously not the mafia QT because GB has already flipped.
lol disfo I'm not talking about trfel there and trfel was not in the QT with me.
The quote there is in reference to HolyFlare.
HolyFlare, GB, and I all share a secondary win condition to get ourselves elected.
HF died on day one so I made a joke about whether or not we could get him elected as a dead man.
Besides, it's obviously not the mafia QT because GB has already flipped.
On August 16 2016 23:14 kitaman27 wrote:
lol I swear we always have really similar reads every game we play, but then are always are suspicious of each other at the same time XD
lol I swear we always have really similar reads every game we play, but then are always are suspicious of each other at the same time XD
On August 17 2016 07:43 kitaman27 wrote:
lol those results XD
Makes sense to compile an american vote count for the sake of knowing what we are dealing with.
GB and chez should be as transparent as possible with their powers.....assuming they received any.
lol those results XD
Makes sense to compile an american vote count for the sake of knowing what we are dealing with.
GB and chez should be as transparent as possible with their powers.....assuming they received any.
so it is not a trfel only thing.
But werent you just suggesting that the flips have been altered? Now you are 100% that GB is town.
Paranoia level rising.
Time for some filters
Once had a problem with him over the QT stuff, but that was probably just me being paranoid. Didn't have much impact this game, but other than that I like his filter. Decent reads,
Scum rating: low
Questions @ Tumblewood:
You seem to to have TR on Rels or at least believe his 3P claim. Can you elaborate on that read?
Does nothing and claims 3P survivor when questioned about doing nothing. Does not directly claim, but needs a little push here, too. That was D2. Why no claim 3P survivor D1?
Bunch of bleh posts and sheeping the same wrong reads as everyone D2.
Suddenly starts playing D3 in the factory game.
OMGUSES on SL, but that kinda makes sense as survivor. Then there is this:
Which worries me a bit... could he be scum knowing that a lot of town will die and trying to win more here? On the other hand that also kinda makes sense as 3P survivor.
On the other hand holding the door makes no sense as a 3P survivor or scum for that matter.
Has a few reads/posts I kinda like D3 though.
Not sure if I want to trust him, we should make him use his RB for something D4.
Scum rating: medium
Pretty mehish lists D1. A few strange tinfoils about the game. I actually like those, kinda think it is hard to come up with such stuff as scum. E.g. space invasions, hillary being in the game etc. Him really not liking nukes also makes me more inclined to think he is town favoured. Transparent with his Soviet gains. Has a few "strange" posts, but I think that is NAI for him.
That being said, I don't think I am very good at reading this guy, so other opinions are greatly appreciated.
Though I am pretty confused about his role and powers. Like he seems to have a fuckton of gold, know stuff about the environment and was able to invade russia?
Scum rating: low-medium
Questions @ Luna:
Who of the town leaders is in your opinion most likely to be scum? Why?
Has some anti-american and revolutionist talk at the start of the game:
On August 17 2016 11:32 Kurumi wrote:
I hate Americans more than you do, mate, so take a chill gulp of vodka. How about a round of friendly blackjack, huh? We might have a revolution or two to talk over.
I hate Americans more than you do, mate, so take a chill gulp of vodka. How about a round of friendly blackjack, huh? We might have a revolution or two to talk over.
Page one of his filter has basically nothing. He has a fairly brash tone to him, slightly less like to be scum for that.
D3 he gets into a little argument with me, continuing with the brash tone. Also brings up a decent point about his actions:
On August 24 2016 00:37 Kurumi wrote:
so let me get this straight
you believe im mafia
and i shot a guy who was getting nuked
reason being?
explain it to me
in case you dont believe me, the post clearly says Onegu was strangled
guess what, I strangle people
so let me get this straight
you believe im mafia
and i shot a guy who was getting nuked
reason being?
explain it to me
in case you dont believe me, the post clearly says Onegu was strangled
guess what, I strangle people
I have a hard time figuring out how the stuck in space and (not) blowing up the moon stuff fits with the anti-american stuff he posted D1. He also never even once responds to the gulag break-in, break-out.
On August 18 2016 05:39 Damdred wrote:
A rogue kgb agent has just emailed me the footage of the breakout (which seems to be successful)
Shape was rescued by someone who was identified as dickbutt mcdick
Upon further studies it seems to be kurumi
A rogue kgb agent has just emailed me the footage of the breakout (which seems to be successful)
Shape was rescued by someone who was identified as dickbutt mcdick
Upon further studies it seems to be kurumi
Also not many reads and figuring out stuff.
Like it does not make incredible sense for him to be scum, but there are a lot of points that make it difficult for me to trust him.
Scum rating: Medium
Questions @ Kurumi:
Can you tell us more about the role?
WTF happend with the gulag break-in, break-out?
Current reads?
See first part of this post for some recent stuff.
So. I am on page 3 of his filter and it is a lot of questions leading not far and mechanic/organization talk. Then this list appears (colors added by me):
On August 17 2016 11:13 kitaman27 wrote:
Haven't bothered with filter dives yet, but aside from maybe 1 afk straggler, the mafias are in here.
Dandel Ion
I'll see if I can narrow this down a bit more and come up with a top 3 or something.
Haven't bothered with filter dives yet, but aside from maybe 1 afk straggler, the mafias are in here.
Dandel Ion
I'll see if I can narrow this down a bit more and come up with a top 3 or something.
For some weird reason I have a feeling that this list does not contain a single scummer, but only town and 3P.
On August 17 2016 12:23 kitaman27 wrote:
We should probably use the Fox News power on Onegu.[...]
We should probably use the Fox News power on Onegu.[...]
Suggests using Fox on Onegu.
On August 19 2016 07:50 kitaman27 wrote:
##I announce my candidacy for the Chancellor of Europe
I promise to be completely transparent with all my actions as Chancellor. If I'm able to share my election choices with the thread before choosing, I'll definitely do so. Otherwise I'll go with the most pro-town option like a lynch or public dt check.
I also get a bonus power if elected, similar to Obama's NSA quicktopic spy bonus power, so that would swell to obtain.
Vote for Kita ^_^
##I announce my candidacy for the Chancellor of Europe
I promise to be completely transparent with all my actions as Chancellor. If I'm able to share my election choices with the thread before choosing, I'll definitely do so. Otherwise I'll go with the most pro-town option like a lynch or public dt check.
I also get a bonus power if elected, similar to Obama's NSA quicktopic spy bonus power, so that would swell to obtain.
Vote for Kita ^_^
What was that bonus again? He never explained it. He was open with the choices and chose a pro town mechanic, but at this point he kinda had to, after seeing how much shit GB got for his choice.
Than a huge lot of D3 mechanics and organizing. He also came up with the kill list.
I am def. getting a lot of paranoia vibes here. We also know jack about kita's role. We only know that he has role that is German, but only from the QT.
A lot of his filter looks like doing stuff. But in the end his lists kinda come outta nowhere and it is hard to see how most of his reads evolve. Like I am not sure how he got from the previous read list I posted to:
On August 19 2016 06:39 kitaman27 wrote:
Here is where I'm at right now.
Really Town
Half the Sky
Mostly Townie
Dandel Ion
No Clue
Kinda scummy, but less so than group below
Probably Mafia
Here is where I'm at right now.
Really Town
Half the Sky
Mostly Townie
Dandel Ion
No Clue
Kinda scummy, but less so than group below
Probably Mafia
E.g. no clue how/why dandel moved from the scum to mostly town.
Yeah. There are a bunch of points that look real sketch here. It is a bit of tinfoil/paranoia. But I think town needs paranoia.
Kita suggesting that there is a janitor and we actually got scum is exactly trying to prevent that. It is pure mechanically WIFOM trying to prevent town from being to paranoid. But my reads flow like water.
Scum rating: High
His filter looks super hard like 3P survivor. Like the only contribution in his filter is the thing with GB's birth certificate. Other than that he only agrees with Damdy on shooting GB and meekly agrees with Kita just after I post the QT thing. Interesting timing there. Ask yourself: what is he trying to achieve this game? Well, he is def. not solving anything here.
The bits about his role being as good dead: Scum will 100% never shoot him here, so who is he trying to convince that he should survive? Town obv...
Scum rating: High
Wow. That filter is surprisingly lame. Damdy also didn't do the town thing he does when he is town and I instantly townread him for this game. Like he starts out with some decent stuff after being a bit late to the game into nothing.
Then he buys the info about the gulag break-in break-out:
On August 18 2016 05:39 Damdred wrote:
A rogue kgb agent has just emailed me the footage of the breakout (which seems to be successful)
Shape was rescued by someone who was identified as dickbutt mcdick
Upon further studies it seems to be kurumi
A rogue kgb agent has just emailed me the footage of the breakout (which seems to be successful)
Shape was rescued by someone who was identified as dickbutt mcdick
Upon further studies it seems to be kurumi
But just doesn't go anywhere with it, don't think town damdy would just drop that like he did here.
Also while he was very suspicious of me at the start of the game, he changes his tone/attitude to me to buddy buddy real fast, after I get uni. townread.
No solving the game past D1 and I have no idea about his reads.
On August 21 2016 06:47 Damdred wrote:
I have selected GB as my target this day.
I would suggest one of Shape, Trfel, Prp
I have selected GB as my target this day.
I would suggest one of Shape, Trfel, Prp
That is the only mention of Trfel in his filter. It was well after the ikea chase announcement. Was he trying to get town to waste kp on a dead man?
Also around to ##Get to safety but not to ##Hold the Door.
Also promises to read Arts filter, never does so. Though I do the not delivering thing as both alignments.
Scum rating: high
Questions @ Damdy:
Any reason you didn't press Kurumi about the gulag thing? What are your current reads like?
Tone is really town. Koshi has apparently some sort of check or insight on him. There were actually a few reads thrown in there.
Scum rating: low
If supreme leader Koshi is scum we are supremely fucked anyway. Skipping this one. Really looking forward to his powers and updated reads.
Scum rating: nope
Well, okay the guy is def. not town and that shouldn't surprise anyone. Him bitching about there being no lynches a lot makes sense if that is his true wincon. He also had a decent, somewhat natural read on GB, after GB did that chaos thing. On the other hand that is basically his whole filter and he is pretty anti-town. Still think it makes slightly more sense for him to be 3P.
Scum rating: low-medium
SL, M_Z and Hats:
Will do those tomorrow, currently too tired to continue. Should maybe read Koshis filter for real, too. Will prolly not be around at deadline, about to fall over.
Kitaman, Stutters, Damdred
How many scummers are in games of this size? 4 seems a bit meager. 5? 6? 7?
Maybe I am cutting FF too much slack here. Prolly some of my medium guys or the ones I haven't reread yet.