On June 30 2016 05:57 Jean Valjean wrote: Chez is 100% gonna flip afk blue and I'm going to eat a fuckton of m&ms without chewing them so much I'm about to explode and then jump off a building and commit glorious rainbow suicide because literally fuck everything.
And honestly idk how you can forget about damdred when
1) since night I have been the most talked about person 2) Been in jeans Lynch pool for awhile but when he was explaining. His reads again he forgot to put me in. Which is weird. 3) led the vote for a good portion of the day 4) talked the living hell out of the thread
On June 30 2016 05:58 Damdred wrote: And honestly idk how you can forget about damdred when
1) since night I have been the most talked about person 2) Been in jeans Lynch pool for awhile but when he was explaining. His reads again he forgot to put me in. Which is weird. 3) led the vote for a good portion of the day 4) talked the living hell out of the thread Sometimes I just forget things.
Also, I've been busy with real life and defending myself against baddies, so there's that.
Day 2 Final Votecount
Chezinu (7): Jean Valjean (x2), Jean Valjean (x2), Artanis[Xp], Superbia, GlowingBear, Damdred, Skynx, Tumblewood, Jean Valjean (x2), Artanis[Xp] Jean Valjean (2): Tictock, Artanis[Xp], Damdred, Damdred Damdred (1): Tictock, Skynx, Tumblewood, Jealous, GlowingBear, Jean Valjean (x2) Jealous (0): Artanis[Xp], Superbia, Damdred, Tumblewood Artanis[Xp] (0): Jean Valjean (x2) Tictock (0): Superbia, Artanis[Xp], Skynx, Jean Valjean (x2), Tumblewood, Jealous, Damdred
Not Voting (1): Chezinu
Chezinu is the lynch!
Day 2 ends Wednesday, Jun 29 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00).
Night 2
Chezinu a Vanilla Townie has been lynched!
Night ends Thursday, Jun 30 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) in .
At least he wasn't blue. Goodnight.
On June 30 2016 06:00 Rels wrote: Silence. I'm in the middle on a forest with no network so you all might wait a while. Do not post until I or shape do
Not posting till Mods post, but I'm pretty sure this means Chez is/was town.
Pre-flip prepared prediction post! (which I will now and forever-more abbreviate with 4P)
My intention is to not play at all until daybreak, mostly because I don't want to.
No idea if I'll follow through on it.
I'm gunna still call Jean the scum here.
Esp after that last min "Hope Chez isn't afk blue..." post. Kinda screams TMI that chez was gunna flip town to me.
I'm also seriously contemplating just saying fuck it and playing like a normal person
Well, uhh. A thought came to mind. Tumblewood made a tonne of sense during the game and made lots of observations that I didn't think scum would make.
Them I remembered Tumblewood in the game he played with Tina as town made absolutely no sense. Kept forgetting his own reads and forged stuff that he only found later.
Clearly he must be scum because he's making too much sense and is playing too well.
On June 30 2016 06:09 Jean Valjean wrote: I'm also seriously contemplating just saying fuck it and playing like a normal person About time you started behaving like a propah brit.