Newbie Student Mafia XIX - Page 18
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United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
Also I need to see if Kush has done my slight meta thing yet. | ||
United States5184 Posts
Food for thought. | ||
United States5184 Posts
I can understand pressuring for a response but this shit is another level. If you want/need something to do go, check Lonemeow and shining filters and color in all the VC's and spoiler it and post it in the thread. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On February 02 2016 00:15 Trfel wrote: Additional time for discussion is much more valuable than potentially a worse mafia night kill. Yes i know that. But there are much more better things we could be doing right now. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On February 02 2016 00:22 nooniansoong wrote: Shape, let's talk man to man. You know when you have a scumteam in mind, and you are SO sure of it. Except then you're usually wrong. That's how I feel, but I know I'm right. All my mafia experience and everything in this game is pointing to me being right. I try to recognize my own confirmation bias and eliminate it. But in this case I know I'm right more than I've ever known anything in mafia ever. I need your support in lynching scott or trfel. Scott might be an easier lynch, and it will implicate trfel due to how hard he's defended him. How dare you call me a man. I am a sexy man. Yes I know that feeling and you know i get those feelings (tinfoil is my game). you also know that i am trying to reduce it. In fact you just practically explain my (hopefully) old meta. Personally (I am going to spoil this part of my Behavior post), I think Tumbledore is more mafia. But i would not rule out S2S. However, from a behavior stand point. Tumble is more mafia. You could buy me over. But a lot of what i need to see is S2S posting. I going to have to do a follow up based off of interaction don't I? Oh well. I post Part 3 of this on day 3 (And if i do not live on the off chance i get NK. I trust people can find it.) | ||
United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
Also made a case. Unless you thought that that was succinct. | ||
United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
How sure are you in your feeling, or are they just stirings? Like on the scale of how much you like a person. with feelings being you want them to stirings being they are cute. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On February 02 2016 02:10 nooniansoong wrote: um what lol... I could not be more certain. And I have reasons. Tons and tons of reasons, which I've been sitting in the thread harping on since d2. THe biggest point against trfel though is the reasons behind his reads look fake. Let me go find your case against tumble so I can address it. One hand i want to help a tinfoil brother. On the other hand i want to win the game, so lynching my scum read is important. I think about it ok. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On February 02 2016 02:18 nooniansoong wrote: @shape where's your case on tumble Here: [QUOTE]On January 30 2016 02:57 Shapelog wrote: [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 11:30 Tumblewood wrote: Read over the thread, and these are my reads so far: Town: (none yet) Leaning Town: Alur, Trfel Null: PepperMintTea, nooniansong, Onegu Leaning Scum: darthfoley, _MexicanAlien Scum: Shapelog My reasoning on Shapelog: Shapelog has acted generally like a newbie scum player all game. He started the game off with about five jokes and no content. Given that this is day 1, that's not too important. I'm not sure how to feel on the weird read toward nooniansong, because it doesn't necessarily feel scummy or townie, just poorly informed. But the posts that really strike me are: [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 06:41 Shapelog wrote: [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 06:39 Onegu wrote: But serious Shape trying to meta read kush(nooninsong) before he even posts is weird as fuck.[/QUOTE] I am not trying to read him lol. I am just saying there is something he does and as the day(s) goes on I will look for it, if it is absent, I will comment on it. Unless your scum team kills me, in which case i can just use it later on ![]() and [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 07:55 Shapelog wrote: [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 07:48 _MexicanAlien wrote: So first shapelog suggests talking about blue roles, then he lists the reason for each blue role to not need help. Very good reasons.[/QUOTE] Yeah i was revising the logic on it after Deathfy posted about it. Also I am always Sus. on my D1's, Both as Blue and Vt due to my reactive, blah blah blah trolling playstyle ![]() Yet to roll mafia sadly, thought this would be the one =(.[/QUOTE] In both of them, he mentions something about not being scum. Why would a townie ever do that? Why would anyone ever do that? "Unless your scum team kills me," and, "Yet to roll mafia sadly," are things normal townies don't just drop. It just screams to me, "Oh boy, what a shame I'm not mafia!" Also, "I am always Sus. on my D1's" doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but I haven't played with Shapelog before.[/QUOTE] First post Tumble makes is a List roughly 3-5 hours of the game starting. Nothing inherently bad with making the list, though with it being early in the game it would bond to change in a few hour or two. Still can see someone who comes back to the thread for the 1st doing it. Next thing he does is scum me, Which is actually NAI to me. As mafia would done it since i was the easiest person to scum and would be a good way enter the thread. And as Town since my plays were Anti-Townie. His reasons though behind scumming me though is where I have problems with. It felt like when I first read it that he seemed desperate to scum read me. It is very board, as He says it just like how he thought a newbie player would play. But also very nicpicky at the same time, as he questions why i would ever say something about not being scum and why does a towny do that. And that is the problem, he is all over in the read. He isn't concern about one problem, more like listing all the possible things that could me scum in order to purhapes mislynch me? Also it is funny that his little caption thingy is "Being bad isn't suspicious if that's how I always am" and he scum reads me for saying i am always sus. D1. I know this is unrelated, but it is very funny to me. Then he says he would switch Onegu and Trofl around. Nothing goes off in my head. Then: [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 12:50 Tumblewood wrote: [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 10:03 darthfoley wrote: Kush, i'm pretty sure that this wording indicates that mafia does know the specific setup, given that every mafia setup is the same. [quote]The mafia will be informed as to which setup is chosen, but the town will not![/quote] Could be wrong, but that seems pretty explicit, no? [quote]3. Slight mafiaread on Darthfoley I would've expected him to be more excited about rolling town considering his previous game. His posting also feels a little casual and uninvested at times:[/quote] I am excited. To be fair, it's hard to be invested when only ~4 of 13 players have posted (when my quote you've used was written). I feel no pressure in terms of slip ups and stuff like that because i'm town, so I think it makes perfect sense that I come off as casual, especially on D1. I like what Noon has thought up so far regarding PeppermintTea; I don't think it makes much sense to read someone's nervousness as a newbie town read. WIFOM but I was super stressed out and had no idea how to get my footing when I played mafia as my first game. If you're going to read someone as nervous, I think the right lean would naturally be scum. [/QUOTE] and [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 07:06 darthfoley wrote: [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 07:03 Eden1892 wrote: [QUOTE]On January 27 2016 06:39 Onegu wrote: But serious Shape trying to meta read kush(nooninsong) before he even posts is weird as fuck.[/QUOTE] What exactly is weird about anything Shapelog did? Specifics please.[/QUOTE] The infamous Eden. Thankfully in this game I can answer your queries without having to worry about scum slipping[/QUOTE] are the relevant posts. I noted these-- the reason for my slight scum read on him-- because of this too. Especially the second one: It's such a nothing post (says nothing of value) and directly alludes to himself being town. The wording is also really weird, too; it almost looks like breadcrumbing but it doesn't say anything. "I can answer your queries without having to worry about scum slipping" is such a weird and unhelpful thing to say that it sounds like an eight-year-old with a good vocabulary was saying it.[/QUOTE] I do not like the fact he read it on a level on which it he got a "breadcrumbing" feeling from it. That really is sus. to me, Like why is he even considering Bread Crumbs? Also he is scum leaning Darth for the same crap he is scum reading me basically, but I am Scum and Darth is scum lean? Also a lot of his reasoning to lean Darth came from him being a unhelpful town, just sounds opportunistic to me. [QUOTE]On January 28 2016 01:31 Tumblewood wrote: TL;DR I was gone for a while and now I'm trying to catch up. Shapelog still reads scum to me, Onegu and Trfel also look scum to me, Eden, Alur, MexicanAlien look town. I need to read through this again and see what everyone else did because it's sort of lame having null / very weak reads on 6/12 other players.[/QUOTE] Great at expanding on why he things people are mafia in this post. But 2 sentences max about reasons to town read people he didn't scum. He also has 1/2 of the other people in the game as Null/weak reads. I think a Townie would of been able to have more reads. While a Scum (specially a newbie) would have a harder time reading people. Then Trofl asked for a more detailed read and he responds with his post and this pop out: [QUOTE] which reaffirms Alur as town. He's the only one I see in this game making a concerted effort to find scum, besides my other two townreads. I'll be gone for about an hour, stay tuned for my explanation on Eden and darthfoley as town.[/QUOTE] I just don't like how he didn't post at least a small little reason why he is towning them (like maybe a paragraph?) This might be me just nickpicking but he could of done something more. (Tinfoil power says he went with the most popular people as town and easy mislynch bait for scum. Without really being able to town them and he needed time.) So he comes back and whats the first thing he posts? the reads? No, a reason to scum read me. And it is Just like the first one, Board and nickpicky. And i have the same problem with it. Then the rest is him leading up to lynch Jesus basically. [QUOTE]On January 28 2016 14:50 Tumblewood wrote: @Ikidomari: That was not the reasoning behind my changes of opinion. I read too much into the early, early posts and found myself having to backtrack to have opinions that made sense later in the game. I agree for the most part on your other reads, but I'm not quite following what you said on Trfel; it seems like you're saying he both jumped on and started the lynch bandwagon. Could you clarify? ##Vote JesusIncarnate unless I see something that convinces me he's town.[/QUOTE] Hell he never directly says he isn't scum reading me or anything So WHY, if i was his main suspect, did he end up voting for jesus? That makes no logical fucking sense what so ever. It clearly shows him being opportunistic on his scum reads. How does end up voting for jesus when I am his scum read. And he allows himself to get out of the vote because of the bolded line. Let say jesus posts something towny, then Tumble has a way out and can just push me or another person. Or just hop on a wagon. The only reason why he wasn't opportunist for Kura was because he wasn't here b/4 the slip. He prob. would of jumped on it. I think he is a opportunistic scum. [/QUOTE] | ||
United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
On January 30 2016 03:00 Shapelog wrote: Here TD LR or what ever (just the last thing i said before the end of my post). Hell he never directly says he isn't scum reading me or anything So WHY, if i was his main suspect, did he end up voting for jesus? That makes no logical fucking sense what so ever. It clearly shows him being opportunistic on his scum reads. How does end up voting for jesus when I am his scum read. And he allows himself to get out of the vote because of the bolded line. Let say jesus posts something towny, then Tumble has a way out and can just push me or another person. Or just hop on a wagon. The only reason why he wasn't opportunist for Kura was because he wasn't here b/4 the slip. He prob. would of jumped on it. I think he is a opportunistic scum. | ||
United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
On February 02 2016 02:38 nooniansoong wrote: @shapelog, preview before posting with lots of quotes? I have a couple of points against this case" 1. What if he thought Jesus was a better d1 lynch due to lack of activity? 2. What if he didn't scumread you as much anymore but didn't feel the need to communicate that? 3. What if he thought Jesus had a better chance of getting lynched than you, so he thought his vote would be more effective there? Or a combination of the above 3. Later he reiterates his belief that inactive people should be lynched: And apart from all of that, what would be the scum motivation for voting for jesus rather than you? You say it's opportunistic, but provided both you and jesus are town (jesus is scum, but for your reasoning to work he has to be town), what does scum gain from switching from one town to another? 1. He was absent from last few hours (before the scum slip) so he could not take adverseness of it 2. Him scumming me after i made a case proves he is paying attention to the thread. And it would make sense for him to do things to counter act this. Normal newbie behavior 3.Again was absent. I would think he would move personally onto the kura lynch but hey who cares. Well for day 1, there was no reason to vote me, as i was not getting lynched. Jesus was. Day 2, both cases were made and it would make sense for scum to play around the reasons he is being scum read. Ikido also voted for Jesus train too. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On February 02 2016 02:46 nooniansoong wrote: @shape, regarding the other points on your venn diagram: broad and nitpicking scumreads: I think this is referring to him calling you scum for calling yourself town. That's not broad, it's very specific. Tumble believes in that scumtell. He's a newbie so I can believe that he believes that. repeats the thread's big name scumreads: I think he brought those people up in the beginning of the game because that's who people were talking about. He didn't scumread them all though. Also the thread's bigname scumreads are scumreads for a reason, so it's natural that people share them. I don't think he does that to an extent that is suspicious. It is not that he is one or the other. It is the fact that he is both. It reminds me of GiygaS Khan Contributions case on me. That was very nickpicky and it made sense that he later flip town. Broad reasons are usually a mix. But both, At least from what i've seen. Only comes from scum. Eh to me it is sus. since one flipped and the other he has ignore for the most part (i think) You might be right on that point. | ||
United States5184 Posts
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