Also i thought Tumble filter was longer. It is pretty scummy to me since all it is just him pushing scum reads and defend them and himself. It also been 10 hours since he last post.
I read more closely in the morning.
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
United States5184 Posts
Also i thought Tumble filter was longer. It is pretty scummy to me since all it is just him pushing scum reads and defend them and himself. It also been 10 hours since he last post. I read more closely in the morning. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 29 2016 11:38 darthfoley wrote: I want other people's takes on EoD Well Jesus and Ikido suppose to be on/working on catching up and doing crap. Wait for them i guess? | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 29 2016 11:42 Trfel wrote: Show nested quote + This is the last I'll say about this.On January 29 2016 11:37 Shapelog wrote: On January 29 2016 11:33 Trfel wrote: On January 29 2016 11:27 darthfoley wrote: I was scumreading him, so I'm not sure what you're saying?On January 29 2016 10:22 Trfel wrote: I mean, don't blame me that you didn't want to lynch mafia. That's on you. We didn't want to lynch mafia? Lol. If you were so adamant against him, why would you just say fuck it and join the wagon? It's just extremely frustrating that everyone is blaming me for the mislynch, when I'm pretty sure that Tumblewood is mafia. Yes, I messed up. But in addition to messing up, I wanted to lynch Tumblewood the entire time, and it was clear that people weren't willing to do so. And now, some of the same people are saying that I defended Tumblewood by lynching Kuragari42. It's not relevant, just very, very annoying. I am not blaming you for the mislynch, Nor do i think you defended Tumbleweed since he wasn't even getting voted by a lot of people. It is weird to me that a player of your skill and playstyle (question based) did not push Kura to give more info about his reads at the time. WHILE you apparently sat by waiting for the lynch. My playstyle is not a question based playstyle. My playstyle is non-interactive do analysis and post reads every night while no one else is awake. But that's not fun, so I've been trying to change it. I have been extremely busy all day. I don't have time to make reads on people and go around asking questions to gain information. This is why I spent additional time last night trying to figure things out (I stayed up until something like 4 or 5 am voluntarily last night just because I knew I wouldn't have much time at all afterwards). It's also extremely frustrating when I know that someone is mafia but I can't get anyone to listen, and everyone just calls me stupid instead. Which really kills my motivation to try and carefully figure things out, or try and force a lynch on my target through when everyone is just calling me stupid. Like that is basically what i was asking for in the bold. Also welcome to mafia, were no one will hear you screams because there is always a better lynch target (and don't tell me this isn't how most people do on this site. LS i think won a award for it i think). | ||
United States5184 Posts
Close read Tumble filter, Look at Eden (like someone said we let him be lazy) Investagte trofl scum Post reasons why i think Ikido is mafia (or town if by a miracle he convinces me) | ||
United States5184 Posts
I do not like how Trofl Crumbed last night when people started questioning/accusing him. He really started to act panicy. His Read on Eden about not caring about the lynch is wrong, as Eden was not only present at the lynch. But even was trying to assets Kura (see my General Voting Reasons) | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 29 2016 13:11 darthfoley wrote: You call me scum read and town in the same post. Like i said, I am going to focus on the cornerstone of why i think your mafia, Ikido. And until he flips you will be innocent until proven guilty. Unless you do something incredibly scummy. Does that not make sense to you? | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 29 2016 15:43 darthfoley wrote: Show nested quote + On January 29 2016 11:52 Shapelog wrote: Things to do tomorrow that i prob. won't end up doing: Close read Tumble filter, Look at Eden (like someone said we let him be lazy) Investagte trofl scum Post reasons why i think Ikido is mafia (or town if by a miracle he convinces me) fixed. Why do you feel the need to look at Eden when you just posted about how confident you were that his Kuragari vote was a town tell? He was #2 on your 6 person list in terms of towniness. This post is lol That list was not of terms of towniness, it was out of terms of most logical and townie reasons (and who had the most scummy reasons) for them to vote. I want to Look at Eden because of Trofl (I went back and typed "Investigate Trofl scum" after I posted Look at eden. | ||
United States5184 Posts
Big post picking apart Ikido reads. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 29 2016 20:11 Ikidomari wrote: Alright here's what I got regarding the votes Peppermint Tea Vote Kura, Vote Onegu, Vote Kura. Total Votes: 3 Nothing about PMT, nothing about how PMT practically voted Kura for no reasons other then a scum slip(?). How does he not commit on anything PMT did? I don't like the fact he practically ignore PMT. TumbleWood (I just now noticed it's wood, not weed) Vote Jesus Total Votes: 1 "Vote Jesus unless he posts something to convince me he's town"- Jesus posts nothing to convince anyone he's town, tumble is clean and followed through on what he said, didn't join in any other bandwagoning. This points to town based purely on voting patterns. This would be true if: He was actually here when Kura got accused. I can understand where you are calling him from, But you HAD (or at least saw) his former posts. Especially when you said: Tumbleweed looks like this is his first game, or one of his first, went very pro-active early, maybe a bit over-aggressive on the scum calls, but started making more town reads later on. I don't know, comes off as bad town trying too hard, or bad mafia to me, i'm not experienced enough to tell the difference. If I had to give a solid answer, I'd say he's bad town who changed his mind a bit too often in an attempt to get reactions out of people, falling over himself trying to avoid being mis-lynched. You then later put him on a "keep a close Eye on" list without actually following up on it. Maybe some how you got from there to suggesting/feeling now that he is town(or more townie). All he has done is vote with you and the point that he stayed on his wagon is moot because he wasn't even here. JesusIncarnate Didn't vote. Hasn't posted in over 15 hours, Last post was 300 posts earlier. He did say he would be busy with real life shit until Friday, he doesn't have a country associated with his TL account, so I don't know if Friday is today for him, or tomorrow. I still think he's scum, and I don't regret my vote on him. Unless he posts something really good in the next day, or someone else slips up real bad, my vote is staying with Jesus. Completely understandable. Alur Vote: Kuragi Total Votes: 1 Post 435, Alur says he disagrees with people townreading kuragi Post 504, Alur calls out kuragi for being scummy Post 533, Alur says his main scum reads are Kuragi and Trfel Post 538, Alur explains why he's scumreading Kuragi Post 545, Alur further explains scumreading Kuragi Post 573, Alur Votes for Kuragi Post 767, Alur Says he voted Kuragi because it was the only scumread that he personally thought of himself, and wasn't influenced by other players. Alur has stuck by his guns the entire time, he was confident in his read, and gave kuragi a chance to defend himself in later posts, which kuragi failed to do. Alur is TOWN Unoriginal vote analyzes is Unoriginal. I town Alur, but i can find questions to ask. Why can't you? Kuragari Seems pointless to read into him too much, but anyway here it is. Votes: Tumblewood Total Votes: 1 In one of his posts kuragari said tumble was "slight scum" then eventually voted for him. nothing really interesting that caught my eye, I think the guy just wasn't that invested in this game. Talking about who the person who gotten lynched isn't that amazing. But considering you did, lets look at the point you made. You, didn't see anything Interesting, yet you don't question why he ended up voting for a slight scum when late in the day he said that Alur was a scum lean? I am also seeing a lot of direct and indirect notations to Tumble. Maybe that is just because he was getting lynch. It is weird that you do not even raise a Eyebrow though. DarthFoley Votes: Kuragari, TumbleWood, Jesus, Kuragari. Total Votes: 4 Foley's scum read of Kuragari was highly influenced by Alur's reads - post 537 Foley says he's considering voting Kura - 551 "the only people I'm comfortable voting are tumble and kuragari" - 560 Votes Kura - 574 Kuragari does nothing to defend himself, Trfel posts a read on tumble, DarthFoley immediately loves it, votes for tumble shortly after - 627, 630 DarthFoley makes his own analysis on JesusIncarnate, Votes Jesus Shortly after - 662, 663 Kuragari "slips" as doc, Foley is on it, Revotes Kuragari, 798, 800 All of Darth's votes were relevant to what was going on in the thread at the time, he made his own reads multiple times, all of his flips were justified in my opinion, and he consistently voted on who he thought was scummiest at the time Foley is TOWN So wait. Trfel, who you think is scum, posts a read on tumble. And Darth jumping on it doesn't make you evening the remotely sus. of him? And later (your read on me) I do things remotely similar and I get a lesser Town reading? Because i do not make actual reads? Yet all game I been giving out scum and town reads that were original. (MA, and PMT come to my head) Hell I have done the same too come voting who i thought was scum. Doesn't make sense. nooniansoong Votes: PeppermintTea, Onegu, JesusIncarnate. Total Votes: 3 Noon votes for peppermint simply because "I can't understand her reads", even though she explained her reads fairly well, I believe that she believes her reads. Posts 258, 260, 262, 267. Vote happened on 272. very early on Unvotes because PMT made a good read, Is now very confident in her read, votes Onegu because of PMT Noon makes a slight scum read on Jesus, Simply because Jesus calls Eden "stupid" and then Jesus says "Eden is u[ in the Air"- 519, again in 623 Votes Jesus in 646 Even though I agree with Noon's read on Jesus, I think his reasoning is weak, and he was just looking for someone to vote for. Another thing I'd like to point out, Jesus points out that "FYI, Mafia doesn't know the setup" - 268, even though it is clarified in Post#2 by LoneMeow that Mafia WILL know the setup. I think this is scummy as hell, it would be SO easy for a Mafia player to pretend they don't know the setup, and then get townread for not knowing that mafia know the setup. this may be WIFOM but Noon seems scummy as hell for me. Nooniansoong: SCUM 1st Noon/Kush didn't just vote for PMT because he couldn't understand her reads. On January 27 2016 09:17 nooniansoong wrote: Show nested quote + On January 27 2016 08:41 PepperMintTea wrote: On January 27 2016 08:38 nooniansoong wrote: On January 27 2016 08:30 PepperMintTea wrote: Shapelogseems to strike me as overexcited or nervous. I also do not believe he is reading the game carefully enough and he just spouts whatever comes into his head. At first his read of "town lean on MexicanAlien" seems rather farfetched This seems contradictory. Nervous people don't spout whatever comes into their head. Many people talk too much or over explain to counter feeling nervous or anxious. It is a fairly common issue. Show nested quote + Ignoring the read therefore, I typically see the excessive posting of nonsense as a town trait where he isn't being too careful about anything. So I would have Shapelog leaning town for now. but don't these points contradict each other? (a) he's nervous, which makes him (b) talk a lot of nonsense. (b) talking a lot of nonsense makes him (c)townie. So then by the transitive relation, a=c, him being nervous makes him townie. Why would townies be nervous? On January 27 2016 09:23 nooniansoong wrote: Show nested quote + On January 27 2016 08:49 Alur wrote: 2. Slight townread on _MexicanAlien. He seems to have a genuine interest in solving the game. Didn't know that mafia knows the setup (could be WIFOM I guess, but whatevs). What could be wifom and why is it wifom? FYI mafia doesn't know the setup but they have a better idea of it because they know each other's roles. Show nested quote + 3. Slight mafiaread on Darthfoley I would've expected him to be more excited about rolling town considering his previous game. His posting also feels a little casual and uninvested at times: Why is it scummy to be casual? Show nested quote + Going forward: Talk about other players. On January 27 2016 07:34 _MexicanAlien wrote: Is anyone else here seeing a pattern? Not sure what you're referring to, very curious to hear what you've noticed. He already explained it I think. 2nd It is not that uncommon for a person to change their reads. The fact that Kush scummed PMT, and then after she made a case that he thought was good, Towned her is totally possible as a townie. It also, is complete possible, that he would take her view on as his own. Also how is it that he is scummy when you did the exact thing with Jesus? On January 28 2016 14:35 Ikidomari wrote: Show nested quote + On January 28 2016 14:31 _MexicanAlien wrote: 7. Voting is mandatory. You may NOT abstain. Whoops, My bad. I'm going to vote on my top scum / useless town read at the moment, I'm open to changing this if people sway my opinion. ##Vote JesusIncarnate "I am open to changing this if people sway my opinion." So you just put your vote on him because you couldn't find anyone else to lynch. OR you knew you could not convince people to lynch your scum reads. Just really a Slanderous read. Which is even more worse once i consider your early reads: nooniansoong My read is good-town, asks some good questions, spots inconsistencies, doesn't hop on other people's scum reads and back them up, tries to dissect them and point out any flaws, good for getting more information. Which is just funny considering how you just read him. Especially when you look at the "doesn't hop on other people's scum reads" part. Shows you either didn't read the thread at the time or you are just lazy. Trfel Votes: Onegu, Kuraragi, TumbleWood Total Votes: 3 Trfel jokingly calls Onegu Mafia - 184 Trfel questions Onegu heavily throughout the thread, explains that He thinks Onegu is scum because Onegu isn't interested in finding scum, only in 'appearing useful' Trfel says he was mistaken about Onegu, needs to reevaluate Trfel Jumps on the Tumblewood Bandwagon, Unvotes Onegu, "embarrassed about newbies getting better scum reads than him" - 563, 571 This screams scummy as hell to me. I not only think that Trfel is Scum, I think that Trfel and Onegu are scum together, and this is a case of "I'm going to put some light pressure on you so people don't think we're teamed up, and then I'm going to jump off your case when there's a better target to reduce suspicion of us" Trfel slightly defends kuragari in 540 Alur slightly sways Trfel towards Kuragari Scum in 546 Trfel thinks Alur is slightly scummy, at the same time that Alur read Himself (Trfel) as scum, and Onegu as slightly scummy - 722 Trfel says to not lynch kuragari - 866 Trfel realizes that Kuragari is most likely going to be lynched, jumps on the bandwagon for weak reasons- "I was misinterpreting the situation" - 869 Trfel is one of my top SCUM reads. Onegu is up there too, I'll get to that soon. I am going to assume that you didn't just read the VCAs before you wrote this and tried to remain as unbiased as possible. Sure, I can understand your reasons to scum read Trofl. Hell his play is shaddy at best if it is townie. Actually when I looked at your filter you had Trolf as a scum read so points to you i guess. Onegu Votes: No-one Total Votes: 0 Onegu called out Trfel Scum for only asking questions, confirms it a couple times- 341, 396, 461, 511, 520, Onegu continues to talk to Trfel but doesn't give any more evidence on why he's reading scum so strongly, just keeps saying "you are scum" this serves purpose to make it seem like onegu and trfel aren't scum together, without actually putting any dirt on Trfel. this is scummy as hell. Onegu is SCUM. Unfortunately his kid's in hospital, so he's been a lot less active, and I don't have much else to read into. He's been very short and defensive with other players. Onegu didn't vote because of his kid in hospital, so I can't read into his votes unfortunately, I assume he would have voted Trfel since there was basically zero chance of Trfel getting lynched anyway, and it would make his story seem more solid. I genuinely hope his kid is okay, and he's able to rejoin the game soon, but for now I reinforce ONEGU IS SCUM I like your decapitation to your Trofl and Onegu scum team tinfoil. But all your read is on is Trofl Vs Onegu. Not once do you look at his other interactions. Therefore, you biasly read Onegu. Bias = Mafia Agenda. MexicanAlien Votes: Ikidomari, Tumblewood Total Votes: 2 Mexican's read on me had a lot of good points, he came up with most of those points himself. He's doing a good job as town, 711, 712 he also calls me out for poor plays in 694, 698 Mexican gets more interested in tumblewood than me, agrees with other player's analysis, swaps his vote to tumble 693, 751, 752, 766, finally votes tumble on 768 Mexican Correctly chose to not lynch town, and voted on who he thought was most scummy at the time, while I don't agree with his reads (obviously), his posts scream town. Mexican is TOWN Again a focus on tumble. Agree that Mex is town Eden Votes: Onegu, Trfel, Ikidomari, Unvote / Revote Ikidomari, Total Votes: 4 Eden has been one of the most active towns throughout the game, I sincerely believe that he is town due to the sheer amount of content he's posted. I'm not going to list it all here, but if you ask me I'll put in the effort and pick out posts. His first vote for Onegu seemed to be in a joking manner, telling onegu to drop his tough guy act and play mafia (encouraging town to be more active, or forcing mafia to put in more effort) in post #589 Eden posts his own reasoning and a good analysis on why he's going to vote for Trfel, then promptly does so, this is a good post and a solid read / vote in my opinion. Then there's the whole debacle with me appearing scum as hell, eden is very fast to call me out for being scummy, and put on a lot of pressure. Eden is playing extremely town, and deserves credit for it. Eden is TOWN. SO a town read based of activity and good analysises. You strongly Town read him which i do not see you doing if you are scum and partners with you b/c of my tinfoil. Shapelog Votes: PMT, Onegu, Ikidomari, Kuragari Total Votes: 4 Posts a very large post on PMT, several original ideas regarding her being scum, promptly votes- 278 Onegu pushes shape, shape pushes back, calls out onegu for not wanting to solve the game (a fair analysis in my opinion), says he considers onegu more scummy than PMT, votes Onegu.- 416 votes me for obvious reasons, posts a few ideas on why he thinks i'm scummy / teamed up with darth / eden (who gave me a backdoor out) - 769, 782 Shape then reads other people's reasoning behind Kuragai Scum, and sides with them, trusting that if I'm scum I'll slip up and get lynched a day or 2 later. My honest opinion is that shape is a weak town, his posting is all over the place, he seems to trust other's opinions more than his own, but I don't think he's mafia because of that. Shape is TOWN, But i'll be paying a lot closer attention to his posts in future, I could easily switch between scum or town on this one. Good job leaving a option to OMGUS me if you ever need. You basically haven't changed your read on my since your list of reads earlier. TLDR: So in Summary: He slandered Kush, and even contradicted himself. Calls Darth Town even though he jumped on his Top scum read's case (Trefl). Lots of mentions to town Tumble, Even gives Tumble Town Cred for Not changing vote. Even though he wasn't there to change it. Focused only on Onegu actions with Trofl to pushed his own agenda. And a bunch of other scummy crap. Ikido is mafia | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 30 2016 00:48 nooniansoong wrote: Show nested quote + I got him to recant his slander.Why can't a town agree with a scum's case?On January 30 2016 00:15 Shapelog wrote: TLDR: So in Summary: He slandered Kush, and even contradicted himself. Show nested quote + To be fair I don't think he realized that. When you come into the thread after the fact and start filtering people, it's hard to know when people are saying things.Lots of mentions to town Tumble, Even gives Tumble Town Cred for Not changing vote. Even though he wasn't there to change it. Tumble didn't vote for somone we now know is town. I can see why ikid would think that was town.onegu doesn't have much else to look at no 1. Ok, I read the interaction. 2. I mean i guess a town could. Idk to me it is weird 3. I disagree, then again i guess he could be explain by the fact he is a newbie. 4. He could of looked at Onegu interacting with me and or anything really from early d1 5. Yes.(i can play this game too) | ||
United States5184 Posts
It might just be a conrisdience that i found. | ||
United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
On January 29 2016 11:52 Shapelog wrote: Things to do tomorrow that i prob. won't end up doing: Close read Tumble filter, Look at Eden (like someone said we let him be lazy) Investagte trofl scum [Strike]Post reasons why i think Ikido is mafia (or town if by a miracle he convinces me)[/Strike] Going to move on (since Ikido is asleep) and close read Tumble's filter. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 27 2016 11:30 Tumblewood wrote: Read over the thread, and these are my reads so far: Town: (none yet) Leaning Town: Alur, Trfel Null: PepperMintTea, nooniansong, Onegu Leaning Scum: darthfoley, _MexicanAlien Scum: Shapelog My reasoning on Shapelog: Shapelog has acted generally like a newbie scum player all game. He started the game off with about five jokes and no content. Given that this is day 1, that's not too important. I'm not sure how to feel on the weird read toward nooniansong, because it doesn't necessarily feel scummy or townie, just poorly informed. But the posts that really strike me are: Show nested quote + On January 27 2016 06:41 Shapelog wrote: On January 27 2016 06:39 Onegu wrote: But serious Shape trying to meta read kush(nooninsong) before he even posts is weird as fuck. I am not trying to read him lol. I am just saying there is something he does and as the day(s) goes on I will look for it, if it is absent, I will comment on it. Unless your scum team kills me, in which case i can just use it later on ![]() and Show nested quote + On January 27 2016 07:55 Shapelog wrote: On January 27 2016 07:48 _MexicanAlien wrote: So first shapelog suggests talking about blue roles, then he lists the reason for each blue role to not need help. Very good reasons. Yeah i was revising the logic on it after Deathfy posted about it. Also I am always Sus. on my D1's, Both as Blue and Vt due to my reactive, blah blah blah trolling playstyle ![]() Yet to roll mafia sadly, thought this would be the one =(. In both of them, he mentions something about not being scum. Why would a townie ever do that? Why would anyone ever do that? "Unless your scum team kills me," and, "Yet to roll mafia sadly," are things normal townies don't just drop. It just screams to me, "Oh boy, what a shame I'm not mafia!" Also, "I am always Sus. on my D1's" doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but I haven't played with Shapelog before. First post Tumble makes is a List roughly 3-5 hours of the game starting. Nothing inherently bad with making the list, though with it being early in the game it would bond to change in a few hour or two. Still can see someone who comes back to the thread for the 1st doing it. Next thing he does is scum me, Which is actually NAI to me. As mafia would done it since i was the easiest person to scum and would be a good way enter the thread. And as Town since my plays were Anti-Townie. His reasons though behind scumming me though is where I have problems with. It felt like when I first read it that he seemed desperate to scum read me. It is very board, as He says it just like how he thought a newbie player would play. But also very nicpicky at the same time, as he questions why i would ever say something about not being scum and why does a towny do that. And that is the problem, he is all over in the read. He isn't concern about one problem, more like listing all the possible things that could me scum in order to purhapes mislynch me? Also it is funny that his little caption thingy is "Being bad isn't suspicious if that's how I always am" and he scum reads me for saying i am always sus. D1. I know this is unrelated, but it is very funny to me. Then he says he would switch Onegu and Trofl around. Nothing goes off in my head. Then: On January 27 2016 12:50 Tumblewood wrote: Show nested quote + On January 27 2016 10:03 darthfoley wrote: Kush, i'm pretty sure that this wording indicates that mafia does know the specific setup, given that every mafia setup is the same. The mafia will be informed as to which setup is chosen, but the town will not! Could be wrong, but that seems pretty explicit, no? 3. Slight mafiaread on Darthfoley I would've expected him to be more excited about rolling town considering his previous game. His posting also feels a little casual and uninvested at times: I am excited. To be fair, it's hard to be invested when only ~4 of 13 players have posted (when my quote you've used was written). I feel no pressure in terms of slip ups and stuff like that because i'm town, so I think it makes perfect sense that I come off as casual, especially on D1. I like what Noon has thought up so far regarding PeppermintTea; I don't think it makes much sense to read someone's nervousness as a newbie town read. WIFOM but I was super stressed out and had no idea how to get my footing when I played mafia as my first game. If you're going to read someone as nervous, I think the right lean would naturally be scum. and Show nested quote + On January 27 2016 07:06 darthfoley wrote: On January 27 2016 07:03 Eden1892 wrote: On January 27 2016 06:39 Onegu wrote: But serious Shape trying to meta read kush(nooninsong) before he even posts is weird as fuck. What exactly is weird about anything Shapelog did? Specifics please. The infamous Eden. Thankfully in this game I can answer your queries without having to worry about scum slipping are the relevant posts. I noted these-- the reason for my slight scum read on him-- because of this too. Especially the second one: It's such a nothing post (says nothing of value) and directly alludes to himself being town. The wording is also really weird, too; it almost looks like breadcrumbing but it doesn't say anything. "I can answer your queries without having to worry about scum slipping" is such a weird and unhelpful thing to say that it sounds like an eight-year-old with a good vocabulary was saying it. I do not like the fact he read it on a level on which it he got a "breadcrumbing" feeling from it. That really is sus. to me, Like why is he even considering Bread Crumbs? Also he is scum leaning Darth for the same crap he is scum reading me basically, but I am Scum and Darth is scum lean? Also a lot of his reasoning to lean Darth came from him being a unhelpful town, just sounds opportunistic to me. [QUOTE]On January 28 2016 01:31 Tumblewood wrote: TL;DR I was gone for a while and now I'm trying to catch up. Shapelog still reads scum to me, Onegu and Trfel also look scum to me, Eden, Alur, MexicanAlien look town. I need to read through this again and see what everyone else did because it's sort of lame having null / very weak reads on 6/12 other players.[/QUOTE] Great at expanding on why he things people are mafia in this post. But 2 sentences max about reasons to town read people he didn't scum. He also has 1/2 of the other people in the game as Null/weak reads. I think a Townie would of been able to have more reads. While a Scum (specially a newbie) would have a harder time reading people. Then Trofl asked for a more detailed read and he responds with his post and this pop out: [QUOTE] which reaffirms Alur as town. He's the only one I see in this game making a concerted effort to find scum, besides my other two townreads. I'll be gone for about an hour, stay tuned for my explanation on Eden and darthfoley as town.[/QUOTE] I just don't like how he didn't post at least a small little reason why he is towning them (like maybe a paragraph?) This might be me just nickpicking but he could of done something more. (Tinfoil power says he went with the most popular people as town and easy mislynch bait for scum. Without really being able to town them and he needed time.) So he comes back and whats the first thing he posts? the reads? No, a reason to scum read me. And it is Just like the first one, Board and nickpicky. And i have the same problem with it. Then the rest is him leading up to lynch Jesus basically. [QUOTE]On January 28 2016 14:50 Tumblewood wrote: @Ikidomari: That was not the reasoning behind my changes of opinion. I read too much into the early, early posts and found myself having to backtrack to have opinions that made sense later in the game. I agree for the most part on your other reads, but I'm not quite following what you said on Trfel; it seems like you're saying he both jumped on and started the lynch bandwagon. Could you clarify? ##Vote JesusIncarnate unless I see something that convinces me he's town.[/QUOTE] Hell he never directly says he isn't scum reading me or anything So WHY, if i was his main suspect, did he end up voting for jesus? That makes no logical fucking sense what so ever. It clearly shows him being opportunistic on his scum reads. How does end up voting for jesus when I am his scum read. And he allows himself to get out of the vote because of the bolded line. Let say jesus posts something towny, then Tumble has a way out and can just push me or another person. Or just hop on a wagon. The only reason why he wasn't opportunist for Kura was because he wasn't here b/4 the slip. He prob. would of jumped on it. I think he is a opportunistic scum. | ||
United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
On January 28 2016 14:50 Tumblewood wrote: @Ikidomari: That was not the reasoning behind my changes of opinion. I read too much into the early, early posts and found myself having to backtrack to have opinions that made sense later in the game. I agree for the most part on your other reads, but I'm not quite following what you said on Trfel; it seems like you're saying he both jumped on and started the lynch bandwagon. Could you clarify? ##Vote JesusIncarnate unless I see something that convinces me he's town. Hell he never directly says he isn't scum reading me or anything So WHY, if i was his main suspect, did he end up voting for jesus? That makes no logical fucking sense what so ever. It clearly shows him being opportunistic on his scum reads. How does end up voting for jesus when I am his scum read. And he allows himself to get out of the vote because of the bolded line. Let say jesus posts something towny, then Tumble has a way out and can just push me or another person. Or just hop on a wagon. The only reason why he wasn't opportunist for Kura was because he wasn't here b/4 the slip. He prob. would of jumped on it. I think he is a opportunistic scum. | ||
United States5184 Posts
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United States5184 Posts
On January 30 2016 03:13 Trfel wrote: Anyway, are we so sure that PepperMintTea is town? I had a very strong town read early, but I worry that they have fallen off and have been in the background. Despite pointing out interesting things. I'll be filter diving. She never answer/explain why she voted for Kura. She even came on afterwards of my VCA. | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 29 2016 11:52 Shapelog wrote: Things to do tomorrow that i prob. won't end up doing: Look at Eden (like someone said we let him be lazy) Investigate trofl scum Moving thru my list pretty well I think | ||
United States5184 Posts
On January 30 2016 04:15 Alur wrote: Also, isn't there a chance that talking about this helps mafia? Doesn't it open nutty WIFOM options? Yup, and for once i didn't cause it. | ||
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