On August 15 2015 07:16 ruXxar wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2015 07:10 Chezinu wrote:On August 15 2015 06:59 Artanis[Xp] wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I'm actually not that sure about Chez being mafia but everyone else looks a lot townier so meh I honestly think Chezinu is town. rayn's sig doesn't tell the truth.. he is still raging. + Show Spoiler + What is this I see. Chez actually talking with a normal voice? Keep talking like this chez. The game is over. The troll is over. We have a drunken rage as a leader who can be cured with love or hugs.
On August 15 2015 07:17 ruXxar wrote:I believe you rayn. Let everyone bear witness that me and rayn were the first to vote for chezinu LOL!!!!
Well, I'm going to get some work done. Let me know if yall want to actually play serious.. I'm growing quite impatient with all you trolls. You think you guys would scum hunt instead just making jokes all the time.
Like seriously... You guys really think I'm some sort of genius that would have solved the game by Day 2 while half reading the thread sheeping my good friend VE who also was half reading the thread. You guys have unrealistic expectations.
Just so you guys know. I am person. Yes a human being. I have feelings. I've lived a life where I have experienced minimal hardships compared to my peers. Through lack of suffering to produce endurance and perseverance - I have developed little character. But you know what!? My name is Chezinu Isunizehc and I don't concede as either alignment.
Yes, I am hard to read. I don't even know what I'm doing myself most of the time. That is why it is called research.. oh geez NOOO NOOO you guys got it wrong, I'm not experimenting on you guys.. .ummz I mean... I start the game off like most players. I have no idea who is who. Is that a sin? Is that what makes me scum? No. We all know why I am being lynched here today. It is because rayn didn't like my puns. That is the bottomline. Is this justification to get me lynched? I really did think that hopeless was going to get lynched day 1. I was wrong.. I'm sorry for being wrong. I really thought the lynch was hopeless but it wasn't it was decon instead.
Before you kill reflect please. Think about what you are doing. Is me providing more reads than Palmar wrong? Is me telling the truth more than rayn wrong? Is going after people that are different from you when in the inside they have the same color blood as you? I believe we should lynch based on the color of ones role and not on the style in which one posts.
Let me know when you guys want to scumhunt cause all I see is people sheep an angry man with a grudge against a rebel for not bowing down. But if you are brave, You will think like those who chose a different path. VE died for this cause. He went where no mere sheep went. Yes he may have chosen the wrong path, but by golly he was true to his colors!!! So if you believe I'm perfect, awesome, the bestest town player that has ever crossed the horizontal of the teamliquidia landscape, then please say so cause I like me compliments!
On August 15 2015 08:01 Vivax wrote: ...he has actually talked more with the wagon on him already.
I still need to know what Chez was talking about when he mentioned that rolename and Damdred afterwards,
I was thinking it would be cool if we kill tropical storm Henri and if that person was mafia. Anyways, This two man mob of shouters is tough to break. We need more townies!
On August 15 2015 09:07 Damdred wrote: Chez how did you even know that role,name is in game?
Cause I have powers.
On August 15 2015 09:13 Palmar wrote: I don't see any reason to do more today. Imma sleep. Sweet dreams, Larry
First our dear leader gets drunk and rage votes me... THEN his followers get drunk while voting me. The showing of love and hugs didn't work...
I've lost count of the number of lies rayn told about me this game. If you read his filter and then my filter, you would think we were playing two separate games. Cause his references to my posts without quotes are usually false.
Unofficial Vote Count
Chezinu (7): ruXxar, raynpelikoneet, prplhz, Artanis[Xp], Palmar, rsoultin, Damdred
raynpelikoneet (2): Chezinu, Vivax
Not Voting (1): Trfel
Currently Chezinu is set to be lynched. Day 2 ends on August 16 02:00 GMT (+00:00) in Unofficial Vote Count...I Warned you all!!!TWICE!
"PMs are not allowed in this game unless your role specifically allows it. Engaging in communication by players who are not specifically allowed to communicate by role will be severely punished. Do not talk about the game or strategy with anyone inside or outside the game"
Dear town,
I really don't know what to do. When I look at the last few games I played as town, I just see Caller. I see myself playing like Caller before he disappeared. I've been playing mafia since game 2. Nearly 7 years. I first play relatively sanely in the thread in those game and goofed off in pms. Back then I wasn't as talented. I was nothing compared to players such as Showtime! and Ace in comparison to style. I was just an admirer. There were great name, big names, that would play in these mafia game, Ace, Plexa, BloodyClobber, L, Caller, Ver...etc. I was not a big name back then. I would cheer them on. I would love interacting with these individuals, mostly through pms in games that people would never see. Then as I learned from them, I began to flourish. The first success was the first time being mafia. Plexa's summer game. I was the GF and in that game, only the GF could send in the kills. I made all the final decisions. I became known as a blue sniper and known for my GOSU kills, which the host leaked knowledge of to BC, one of the players in the game. Host were greatly involve unintentional back there. I have seen a lot over the years...
There is a history of going from clues -> no clues which changed the game of TL Mafia forever. At the time it was experimental, most didn't believe you could analyze and find mafia without clues. How can you read people by text alone?!? This was soon disproven by great analyst such as Ver (and some later discovered cheaters)..
There is a history of going from pm game -> pure thread. people wanted observers to understand what was going on in the game. (I was a talented pm game player, big game changer for me as this is how I had gotten most of my reads in the past. After this.. the insane chez in thread emerged)
There is a history of big game -> smaller games. Inactivity was a problem.. I personally love the 30 player games the best or short mini's.
There is a history of calmness -> insanity. I'm sorry, I am one of the big reasons game became chaotic...
There is a history of game mechanics. This never really had a direction. Normal games became to simple.
I believe I hit my competitive prime in 2010. After which, I got busier in RL and played less often. I started having less and less vacation time to play games. My trolls have since become more routine and less adventuresome.. My analysis skill have decreased. I am not what I use to be. I'm an old player. I start to think of players such as Caller and Ace. They were great players.. but in the end... especially Caller... they became less... and some disappeared and never finishing hosting a game that still holds the record of the longest "mafiaish" game hosted on the TL Mafia forums. I see myself as them.. they played less to win and more to relax and have fun.. I see BC... He use to control the threads and dominated just like Ace, Caller, and L... He was mayor on more than one occasion... He grew up and lurked the shadows as a smart player and a poet... I see a pattern... we all become trolls and disappear... Playing the journey and not the end... But there is a difference! Hosts have placed a rule to prevent such things from happening... that is... a rule that states that one should PLAY TO WIN! With this, though I am deteriorating as a player and people like marv ask me "what happened to chez?" I will fight this because one thing about Chez has not changed. CHEZINU DOES NOT CONCEDE!!! + Show Spoiler +unless it's God of course
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT! I'm horrible now and don't have any good reads. My sheeping of good players to hide my fallacies has failed me. I was never talented at making cases which you can see in my history... But I won't give up!
So, I stand here before you all about to be condemned as scum for my lack of reads and my abundance of trolliness. I confess to having trolled all of Day 1 and more than half of Day 2. Yes, guilty. As for being scum, I am not and will not confess. So, to prove my innocence I will do what Chezinu as mafia has never done nor do I foresee doing in the future...
Yes I did it. I confessed that I am town in green colors and all!! Now, to find the remaining mafia... I'm going to pray. And if Henri is mafia... We can lynch him. If not, I hope to God that the mafia will be revealed. For this old rusty player needs assistance from on high.
And there is one more thing I must confess.... This week is no ordinary week.... This is my 1337 week!
On August 12 2015 04:17 ruXxar wrote: It's like opposite magnets.
You want to hunt scum, I play like trash. Bam, instant attraction. I don't blame you for it. It's a good trait to have. If we lived in a world where shitty play = scum then you'd be the #1 scum hunter of all time.
Except we don't and town a lot of times look a lot worse than scum who actually take care to not mess shit like this up.
Anyway.. I'll get back to playing the game *shrug*
same reason he doesn't think ruXxar is mafia... ruXxar of all people should understand.
On August 15 2015 14:56 Trfel wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2015 14:49 Trfel wrote:On August 15 2015 08:48 ruXxar wrote: Chez is mafia. It's undeiniable. I gave him the chance to clear himself bny giving me names of his 2 scumreads.
Unfortunately such things above chezinu,
I know, and rayn knows that chezini is mafia.
Anyone else disagreeing is goin to have to prove why they're right,
Sorry chez but I gave you the chance to claim yoursself as the one try town guy, You didn't take the chance, and now it's too late And why does this make him mafia? I still need to read his filter, but of all the reasons to scumread Chezinu, this seems like the worst one... Bleh, never mind about this, on second thought it's entirely within Chezinu's character as mafia ##vote Chezinu You and ruxxar... HOW DO YOU GUYS KNOW ME!??! I'm a that much of a legend these days?
On August 16 2015 05:30 raynpelikoneet wrote: He did vote for me and I did get that green bag of truffle chips the other day...
Am I being too superstitious?
On August 16 2015 09:34 ruXxar wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2015 09:31 Artanis[Xp] wrote: I'm off to bed. Honestly, lynch whomever between prplhz and Trfel, I really dunno. I wish we could just put chez, trfel and prpl in a cage and let them fight it out. Do I get guns?
Hmm.. so I need to unvote right?
Should we do the Truffle Shuffle?
On August 16 2015 09:39 ruXxar wrote: Vivax do you prefer a no-lynch over lynching prpl? we have and hour and 20 minutes and Chezinu is in the game.
What is better... a green troll check or... an almost valid Chezinu Rule?