well lol >> now i see what you mean be "poe'd herself" hts
xP i don't have as accurate a read on slam as prp thinks i do. he just remembers down under
at the same time i was townreading a scum slam in joat and i also townread 3p slam in aperture so...:/
according to his understanding he should have lynched me. he definitely should have lynched me over slam/yam who was not tracked to anyone n1 (i actually had that in my back pocket in case i had to quickly switch to prp xP)
it's kinda funny though that people in obs thought that meant slam should have lynched me over prp? i should be lynched on principle in 3-man lylo probably (first time i've made it that far as any alignment @.@)
my d3 play was flat-out bad...i didn't straight-up buss the shit out of bunnies (though i made it clear i was very suspicious of her on purpose) when i should have, and that sudden wagon switch onto ff really caught us all flat-footed. i think we woulda been okayish had bunnies not posted right after the flip or at least voted ff, but some of that i think was failed communication on my part (i wanted to switch to her before she voted ff so he didn't flip)
in all honesty, if you read the scum qt, i was playing with the pre-supposition that ff would have to be our carry. i fully expect to not make it to lylo as scum @.@ for exactly the reason hts mentioned in obs...i'm usually a n1/n2 nk barring extraneous circumstances...maybe n3. it was never my intention to be around if we started losing teammates fast like we did...so i was actively pushing scum agenda lol ><
i didn't really shift into a survival playstyle until after bunnies and ff were pinned, and even then i was trying to push ff to try to make a comeback, but i don't think he had it in him, and i don't really blame him for that. getting sandy to go for a va scum was a huge bonus i'm not gonna lie lol >< sandy had tons of cred at that time