Day 1: Current Vote Count
Vivax (7): Holyflare, Artanis[Xp], Damdred, LightningStrike, sicklucker, Toadesstern, Trfel, ExO_, rsoultin, Palmar, Damdred Bill Murray (7): Holyflare, Eden1892, rsoultin, Superbia, Vivax, Breshke, raynpelikoneet LightningStrike (3): Bill Murray, Toadesstern, FecalFeast, raynpelikoneet, Vivax, Onegu Toadesstern (2): Palmar, Artanis[Xp], raynpelikoneet, Vivax, VisceraEyes, Palmar sicklucker (1): Eden1892, Holyflare, rsoultin, Alakaslam, Superbia, Alakaslam, Eden1892, Breshke raynpelikoneet (0): Holyflare, Damdred, rsoultin, Trfel, ExO_, Damdred Artanis[Xp] (0): Toadesstern, Eden1892, VisceraEyes, Eden1892 Eden1892 (0): Fecalfeast, Onegu, Bill Murray, ExO Damdred (0): raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, Artanis[Xp] Superbia (0): Eden1892 VisceraEyes (0): Artanis[Xp] Alakaslam (0): Holyflare, Artanis, sicklucker, Eden1892 ExO_ (0): Eden1892 Palmar (0): Toadesstern, Toadesstern, Bill Murray Trfel (0): Artanis, Superbia, Eden1892 Holyflare (0): Alakaslam
Not Voting (0):
Currently, Vivax is set to be executed. Day 1 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 1: Current Vote Count
Bill Murray (8): Holyflare, Eden1892, rsoultin, Superbia, Vivax, Breshke, raynpelikoneet, Palmar Vivax (7): Holyflare, Artanis[Xp], Damdred, LightningStrike, sicklucker, Toadesstern, Trfel, ExO_, rsoultin, Palmar, Damdred LightningStrike (3): Bill Murray, Toadesstern, FecalFeast, raynpelikoneet, Vivax, Onegu Toadesstern (1): Palmar, Artanis[Xp], raynpelikoneet, Vivax, VisceraEyes, Palmar sicklucker (1): Eden1892, Holyflare, rsoultin, Alakaslam, Superbia, Alakaslam, Eden1892, Breshke raynpelikoneet (0): Holyflare, Damdred, rsoultin, Trfel, ExO_, Damdred Artanis[Xp] (0): Toadesstern, Eden1892, VisceraEyes, Eden1892 Eden1892 (0): Fecalfeast, Onegu, Bill Murray, ExO Damdred (0): raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, Artanis[Xp] Superbia (0): Eden1892 VisceraEyes (0): Artanis[Xp] Alakaslam (0): Holyflare, Artanis, sicklucker, Eden1892 ExO_ (0): Eden1892 Palmar (0): Toadesstern, Toadesstern, Bill Murray Trfel (0): Artanis, Superbia, Eden1892 Holyflare (0): Alakaslam
Not Voting (0):
Currently, Bill Murray is set to be executed. Day 1 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Everyone please stop posting.
"They call me terrorist. Radical. Zealot. Because I obey the ancient laws of my people and creed. And punish those who do not. Because I do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him.
A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten.
Our government knows no such peace treaty.
The Xandarians and their culture are a disease!
Bill Murray, as a Nova Corpsman (Town Vanilla) has been executed.
It is now night time. Night 1 ends in 24 hours at 23:00 GMT (+00:00) Please forward all night actions to Blazinghand and myself at least 20 minutes prior to the daypost. Countdown to daypost:
Please stand by for the daypost.
Day 2
"If we're going to get out of here, we need to get into that watch tower.
I need one of those security bands that the watchguards use to get in and out. I need that guy's prosthetic leg. I need the battery alarm, and that should be the last thing we get...."
*Groot pulls the alarm*
(sirens wailing)
Holyflare, the Nova Corpsman (Town Vanilla) did not escape the Kyln. VisceraEyes, the Nova Corpsman (Town Vanilla) did not escape the Kyln.
Day 2 has begun.
Day 2 ends in 48 hours at 23:00 GMT (+00:00) At that time, the player with the most votes gets lynched. The voting thread is located here. Countdown:
Day 2: Current Vote Count
LightningStrike (3): Artanis[Xp], Trfel, Toadesstern
Not Voting (14): sicklucker, Vivax, rsoultin, LightningStrike, Alakaslam, ExO, Onegu, Breshke, Superbia, Fecalfeast, Palmar, raynpelikoneet, Damdred, Eden1892
Currently, LightningStrike is set to be executed. Day 2 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 2: Current Vote Count
LightningStrike (12): Artanis[Xp], Trfel, Toadesstern, rsoultin, Damdred, Fecalfeast, Eden1892, Alakaslam, raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, sicklucker, Palmar, ExO rsoultin (1): Alakaslam, LightningStrike Toadesstern (0): sicklucker
Not Voting (4): Vivax, Onegu, Breshke, Superbia
Currently, LightningStrike is set to be executed. Day 2 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 2: Current Vote Count
LightningStrike (15): Artanis[Xp], Trfel, Toadesstern, rsoultin, Damdred, Fecalfeast, Eden1892, Alakaslam, raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, sicklucker, Palmar, ExO_, Onegu, Breshke, Vivax, Breshke rsoultin (1): Alakaslam, LightningStrike Toadesstern (0): sicklucker
Not Voting (1): Superbia
Currently, LightningStrike is set to be executed. Day 2 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 2: Current Vote Count
LightningStrike (15): Artanis[Xp], Trfel, Toadesstern, rsoultin, Damdred, Fecalfeast, Eden1892, Alakaslam, raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, sicklucker, Palmar, ExO_, Onegu, Breshke, Vivax, Breshke rsoultin (1): Alakaslam, LightningStrike Toadesstern (0): sicklucker
Not Voting (1): Superbia
Currently, LightningStrike is set to be executed. Day 2 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 2: Current Vote Count
LightningStrike (16): Artanis[Xp], Trfel, Toadesstern, rsoultin, Damdred, Fecalfeast, Eden1892, Alakaslam, raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, sicklucker, Palmar, ExO_, Onegu, Breshke, Vivax, Breshke, Superbia rsoultin (1): Alakaslam, LightningStrike Toadesstern (0): sicklucker
Currently, LightningStrike is set to be executed. Day 2 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 2: Current Vote Count
LightningStrike (16): Artanis[Xp], Trfel, Toadesstern, rsoultin, Damdred, Fecalfeast, Eden1892, Alakaslam, raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, sicklucker, Palmar, ExO_, Onegu, Breshke, Vivax, Breshke, Superbia rsoultin (1): Alakaslam, LightningStrike Toadesstern (0): sicklucker
Currently, LightningStrike is set to be executed. Day 2 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Effective immediately, raynpelikoneet has been replaced by ritoky.
Everyone please stop posting.
Day 2: Current Vote Count
LightningStrike (16): Artanis[Xp], Trfel, Toadesstern, rsoultin, Damdred, Fecalfeast, Eden1892, Alakaslam, raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, sicklucker, Palmar, ExO_, Onegu, Breshke, Vivax, Breshke, Superbia rsoultin (1): Alakaslam, LightningStrike Toadesstern (0): sicklucker
LightningStrike will be executed. Day 2 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
"These pods are industrial grade and nearly indestructible."
"Not against necroblasts they're not!"
"That's not what I'm saying."
LightningStrike, as a Kree footsoldier (Mafia Vanilla) was blown up in outer space.
It is now night time. Night 2 ends in 24 hours at 23:00 GMT (+00:00) Please forward all night actions to Blazinghand and myself at least 20 minutes prior to the daypost. Countdown to daypost:
The sun is rising. Please stand by for the daypost.
Day 3
"I have a plan. It's not that unique of a thing to say."
And we've already established that you Drax destroying the ship that I was on IS NOT SAVING ME...like three seconds ago!"
"What percentage?" asked Rocket.
"I don't know. Twelve percent."
"Twelve percent? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is not a plan! So what if it's better than eleven percent? What the hell does that have to do with anything?"
ExO, as Peter Quill, the Star Lord (Alignment Cop) was caught without a plan. rsoultin, as Gamora Zen-Whoberi (Town Jailer) was caught without a plan. Palmar, the Kree footsoldier (Mafia Vanilla) was caught without a plan.
Day 3 has begun.
Day 3 ends in 48 hours at 23:00 GMT (+00:00) At that time, the player with the most votes gets lynched. The voting thread is located here. Countdown:
Day 3: Current Vote Count
Onegu (4): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast
Not Voting (9): sicklucker, Vivax, Toadesstern, Alakaslam, Onegu, Breshke, Superbia, ritoky, Damdred
Currently, Onegu is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 3: Current Vote Count
Onegu (2): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast, Toadesstern Alakaslam (2): Vivax, Trfel, Eden1892, sicklucker, Toadesstern Artanis[Xp] (1): Superbia
Not Voting (8): sicklucker, Alakaslam, Onegu, Breshke, ritoky, Damdred, Trfel, Artanis[Xp]
Currently, Onegu is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.