I say we orb him
TL Mafia LXX: Guardians of the Galaxy - Page 28
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United States5866 Posts
I say we orb him | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 08:43 Artanis[Xp] wrote: With the speed he claimed that it might actually be true, though he probably already looked it up at the time he claimed vt. He had time to look it up, the fact that he stalled and called it a "random" green name makes me think he did. Orb him | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 08:43 ritoky wrote: so artanis from that list it looks like exo and toad are confirmed town pretty much? the rest seem like reinforced reads. Hella interesting that you picked out one vig but not the other. Elaborate | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 08:59 ritoky wrote: could you please separate this a bit for me? could you tell me which ones are from claims/checks and which ones are from vote logic/reads. cuz i think you're town as of now, but i don't really know shit about this game yet or give credence to your reads This is what you need to know bro. No one is actually confirmed town. But: - Trfel claimed with the orb d2, after having used it to track LightningStrike to Holyflare's body. No one cc'd orb, Holyflare was indeed killed n1, LS flipped goon when he was lynched d2. Trfel is almost certainly town in any conceivable universe. - I am The Rock this game. You can trust The Rock. - rsoultin is town because (a) I said so and I'm never wrong on her, (b) she claimed jailer and (c) ExO_ scanned her town. - ExO_ is town because he claimed cop in a way that basically has to make him town. He thought he was a role cop and outed with a "role" scan on rsoultin of "Nova Corps," when in fact he got an alignment scan on rsoultin of "Nova Corps." He outed because he believed rsoultin was lying about her claim and put forth the theory that she was the godfather. He was under no real pressure in the thread to claim. So he's probably town. - Vivax and Toadesstern both claimed vig. Vivax was the original claimant and has been very townie, with something close to 30 pg filter after 2 days, most of it full of game-solving. Toadesstern cc'd Vivax when he didn't have to, tried hard (but unsuccessfully) to get Vivax lynched, and has also been trying to solve things when he's been around (albeit he's been a little underwhelming in this respect compared to his partner). Both of them are very likely town. - Damdred has been working hard and making big, good analysis posts so he's town. - Fecalfeast's only really large effort this game was busing the hell out of LS if FF is mafia, so FF is likely town. - Artanis is just pretty townie man I'm tired at the end of this list and not feeling like explaining more lol | ||
United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 09:12 sicklucker wrote: Most are just there reads tbh. Its kind of absurd to say tref/toad/vivax/dandred/exo/eden area all confirmed with sketchy claims or no claims at all. I would bet my left nut 1 or 2 of them are acualy mafia you have to be a mason with onegu and can't actually believe this | ||
United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
but i want sicklucker's nut? i have a display case somewhere...that or i can just have it stuffed and give it to the cat to play with ^^ -poofing again bad rsoul-[/QUOTE[QUOTE]On March 24 2015 09:15 Artanis[Xp] wrote: [QUOTE]On March 24 2015 09:12 sicklucker wrote: [QUOTE]On March 24 2015 08:59 ritoky wrote: [QUOTE]On March 24 2015 08:46 Artanis[Xp] wrote: [QUOTE]On March 24 2015 08:43 ritoky wrote: so artanis from that list it looks like exo and toad are confirmed town pretty much? the rest seem like reinforced reads.[/QUOTE] There's no one that's "confirmed" as in greenchecked or anything like that. Here's where I'm at. 100% Confirmed Town Me. 99.99% Confirmed Town Vivax Toadesstern Trfel Eden1892 Rsoultin 99% Confirmed Town Exo Damdred 95% Confirmed Town FecalFeast[/QUOTE] could you please separate this a bit for me? could you tell me which ones are from claims/checks and which ones are from vote logic/reads. cuz i think you're town as of now, but i don't really know shit about this game yet or give credence to your reads[/QUOTE] Most are just there reads tbh. Its kind of absurd to say tref/toad/vivax/dandred/exo/eden area all confirmed with sketchy claims or no claims at all. I would bet my left nut 1 or 2 of them are acualy mafia[/QUOTE] Call.[/QUOTE] congrats to both of you for claiming dibs to a middle schooler's left nut | ||
United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 09:16 rsoultin wrote: but i want sicklucker's nut? i have a display case somewhere...that or i can just have it stuffed and give it to the cat to play with ^^ -poofing again bad rsoul- congrats to both of you for claiming dibs to a middle schooler's left nut | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 11:44 rsoultin wrote: oh btw...the measure i was using to read rayn by in XXX when i caught him day 1 is the same one i was using here... i just couldn't say that till the game was over lol >< that or you know my read is wrong and he just happened to be scum that game...regardless... -slips back into the fade- well since it might have worked, elaborate for me. i didn't think ray was suspicious at all d1 like you or marv did so it might help here | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 12:12 Damdred wrote: No clue onegu.... Anyway Eden, part of it was how BM rayn was when he was here compared to his most recent mafia showing. And his most recent town showing (mini mafia by fecal feast) he was much more balanced in that game than in XXX or in this game. He also started fights for no reason with Palmar here and myself in XXX. And his read progression in this one and XXX was hard to follow at points as well. I can see it I also felt like ritoky's opening was really suspicious tbh. He's hella uptight this game. When he's town he's a total bro this game not so much thus far. And I really think the way he said "randomly named green role" betrays him not actually having the name of the VT role in his role PM. I dunno how convincingly I can argue this but it's just a weird way to say he's VT On March 24 2015 08:41 ritoky wrote: i already claimed? it was colored green, i didn't get a list of actions or results, and no description. i am assuming that on those grounds it is VT, regardless of the random name it was given. I can't 100% confirm this or anything obviously but this just screams "I'm fakeclaiming but I haven't read the OP yet so I don't know the name of the VT role." Like if you were actually a green role and people were telling you to claim and you didn't know whether it was VT or not, you'd just say the name and go from there. Yeah? | ||
United States5866 Posts
1a) ritoky 1b) Superbia 3a) Alakaslam 3b) Palmar 3c) Onegu Depending on Onegu's mason claim and whatnot. This feels too easy somehow though :/ | ||
United States5866 Posts
Here's LightningStrike's mondo reads list from d1. I've taken the liberty of including line breaks because seriously LS bro get your shit together ![]() Also went ahead and colored in the flips. Feel free to color code your version as you wish. Go through this with me and figure out some weird shit that points to mafia. On March 19 2015 23:35 LightningStrike wrote: Town: Exo: He seemed to be his normal self some questions but I waiting for him to case someone at some point in the game after playing with him in Newbie LX. rsoultin: She seems to happy to roll Mafia this game I would think she would be Mad at rolling Mafia again esp with me in the game but she seems to be having fun with her posts so far (She rolled Mafia in Horns of Africa and Titanic) Also she died way to early in JOAT because of mean HTS wanting to get rid of her so she wouldn't figure HTS out in JOAT ![]() Holyflare: Some decent questions and plays similar to how he did in Horns when I played with him plus answering a meta point to me about Mafia!Rayn is more useless than Town!Rayn but idk what Rayn post would indicate that he's useless tbh :| Vivax: Vivax is Vivax and that means he just crazy but I think he's trying hard this game and more likely Town than Mafia upon the fact he's trying so hard but he's crazy so meh. Trfel: I finding his entrance odd but who the hell claims Mafia Day 1 except for Damdred in Imperial lol..... He got some decent questions and also can't wait for him to case someone even if he case the hosts (For those who didn't check Mini Mafia Down Under 2 he cased the host and it was funny as hell 10/10 would want him to case a host again). Bill Murray: Asking some decent questions and my first time playing with him and seems to engage with his Mafiaread of Eden and noticing some stuff I don't think others did at the time. Eden1892: Had some trolling stuff early on which I kinda expect from him as Town compared to Mafia with some decent questioning regarding me to rsoultin. Also his filter is much bigger than his filter as Mafia from experience playing with him. Superbia: Much more serious already and already down to business which I think makes him more Town than Mafia knowing in Campus was kinda trolling in Day 1 and was useless in Imperial. Breshke: Short filter but some of his questions ande thoughts to be something I would think he would do as Town more so than Mafia esp his little thing on sicklucker. Null: Damdred: Seems to be a his townie self but I remember he looked so townie yet he was Mafia in Titanic so I need another Day of him being alive to make a good read. Artanis: As I said earlier he looked so Townie in Imperial yet he was Mafia but he also had a bad game as Mafia in Student VI so idk I need some more time to figure him out prob by Day 2 since I know he's a player by reputation being one of the best players in TL Mafia. raynpelikoneet: Seems much angrier than normal idk if it's truely alignment indicative about him but HF says he's useless as Mafia compared to Town but his filter seems Palmar centric with some side tracks O_o Palmar: Trolling a good amount I don't think it's alignment indicative for him since he loves to troll as both alignment from my experience with him cept for Metal Mini when he was super serious. Alakaslam: Slam is Slam and I can't really read him and I know he's the true king of WIFOM as either alignemnt so meh. Onegu: Very short filter and not really doing much but I remember him being kinda meh as town compared to Mafia but I need some more posts from him. sicklucker: I can't read him anymore after Linux when he was Mafia and he always bounces off the walls as either alignment and did make some incorrect statements about self meta but he done that as either alignment. I think he becomes obvious Mafia at Day 2/3 area from my experience with him and seeing him playing as Mafia so I waiting for Day 2 to make my read on him. Fecalfeast: He not raging about his role with time and idk if it's alignment indicative for him from my experience with him being town :| Sorry for the long wait for my post I was updating it while checking the thread so I wouldn't be so lost and added in info while making the post! | ||
United States5866 Posts
Plus the fact that he had no scumreads probably means he wasn't feeling safe calling somebody mafia yet. That mindset would also seem to favor overestimating how townie townies look. I'll be honest I'm really hoping Onegu and sicklucker are actually masons together. Pretty sure you can just lynch all of LS's nulls that haven't absolutely bled town all over the thread after we burn Superbia and call it a day. | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 13:32 Toadesstern wrote: sup I'm back o/ What did I miss except for obvious mafia flipping mafia? Congrats on your sleep schedule ray ragequit after dropping a tight game in XXX Mini (despite a brilliant performance, seriously), ritoky replaced in and is pretty much mafia IMO. Go read my stuff on ritoky and decide for yourself though, I'm at my best when people are showing me where I'm wrong. | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 24 2015 13:35 ritoky wrote: is it weird that I don't like either damdred or eden as town and everyone is telling me they are confirmed? your team is about 120 hours too late on the disruption strategy a for effort tho | ||
United States5866 Posts
why don't you share your findings with the class first | ||
United States5866 Posts
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