All role PMs and Coach QTs should have been distributed. If you have not received a role PM or coach QT, please PM me If you have the information, sit tight, and prepare for warp.
You may make one popcorn post before Alakaslam posts, if you wish. Posting popcorn is an important tradition to teamliquid mafia and I am proud to bestow it onto you.
Stardate -308531.6383 Each dot of light from the window is another world to explore, and I can't help but feel content knowing I will seek out every one I can. I still don't know whether it is humanity's final frontier, but I am sure it will be mine - these bones simply don't have enough years in them to explore . Though, with the brazenness of our captain, I wonder if we might meet our ends in weeks, not years.
Captain Alakaslam received a strange transmission only a few minutes ago, followed by strange readings from a nearby planet. He had been pondering the transmission in his chambers for what seemed like hours and given me full command.
We had scanned the planet earlier - a colony, still primitive, but not so far from our own. Yet, something had... changed.
The crew had began gossiping immediately, with the fervor they usually retained for stories about the captain's latest romantic triumphs. Could it be an anomaly? The thought had filled us all with momentary dread, but it was quickly dispelled by a surge of curiosity. I knew the crew would be as eager as I was. With the captain still in his chambers, I rounded up a crew to go beam down to the planet and see what we could learn.
(Please be aware that for canon purposes, this may all be a dream and Alakaslam may post the true events of D1 at a later time :D)
Day 1 has begun - you may post and vote in this thread.
As a reminder for video players, there is no night zero.
Hello, I'm Haru. This is my third official mafia game on tl.
I know templar since I was one of those who laughed at how scarlett called him out. I know nydus too, I remember your time as clg's sub. I felt sad that rainbows isn't playing here after I saw his popcorn post I also know jabberwockzerg from the last newbie mafia.
Well, anyways. This is my third online mafia game. I've been a D1 lynch bandwagon x2, while being x2 vanilla town. clearly if i dont appear scummy d1 i ain't vanilla town huehue
Ok seriously, I will hopefully be able to not do that again
I frequent TLLLOLOTGD nowadays, and I followed Nydus' LoL career back when I was closely watching the NA amateur scene (I didn't expect him to be on TL :o, but I was rooting for you).
We have noticed some crewmembers have begun to exhibit strange behavior, along with some of our visitors. Please be on your guard; they may be impostors, or worse. Consider us at yellow alert.
Thank you for your time aboard The Starship Enterprise, your service has been greatly appreciated. Those of you in security are advised to set your phasers to stun, and use them at your own discretion. As soon as any suspicious activity is observed, be aware that Mr. Sulu will use the ship's onboard detention capabilities to hold all suspects in a given area. Do not panic if this befalls you; The best advice in this situation is to simply be yourself.
In the event that the ship's onboard mechanisms fail or experience malfunction, Mr. Scott may ask you to accompany his team to the detention block. As insulting as it may seem, be sure to comply immediately and without question, as any resistance will be interpreted as subterfuge.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I will get in contact with my commanding officer, Mr. Spock, who may or may not relay them to the Captain, if not simply answering them himself.
All suspects will face a space jury. All members of the crew associated with the suspects must vote.
Attention! A suspect has been found! Amiko has logged a highly unusual entry in his crewmember's log, referring to Alakaslam as Captain!
Please report as your supervisors have advised, and those under their command will enter the common room and aid with investigation of these individuals. Thank you.
Any and all visitors must also attend. The commanding officers will oversee proceedings and possibly participate.
Ok. Well I am headed to the detention block. Let's hope we got lucky. Frankly I really don't know if that was Amiko.
Hello I am meatpudding. I play SC2 sometimes. This is the first time playing mafia for me. Some of you might know me from the mapmaking forum. Sometimes I make updates to the map analyser. Sometimes technology is too much for me. I am in the middle of exams, but the last one is coming up. At 8am on monday, wtf? My name comes from this and this.