The way I interpreted it was that initially he said that you and kush posted badly. You guys weren't afraid to just post whatever, and he initially thought that was scummy or w/e but now he reads that sort of posting means you're comfortable.
PYP: League of Legends Mafia - Page 6
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United States15977 Posts
The way I interpreted it was that initially he said that you and kush posted badly. You guys weren't afraid to just post whatever, and he initially thought that was scummy or w/e but now he reads that sort of posting means you're comfortable. | ||
United States15977 Posts
I also hope I'm not dead by then. :x | ||
United States15977 Posts
Updated role list. Things we know that Mafia has: Kassadin + roleblocker | ||
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United States15977 Posts
The thing about jlaw was me sarcastically quoting him where he said "I dont think revealing my role will help town". It's a load of poop. | ||
United States15977 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
On December 10 2013 04:08 justanothertownie wrote: Maybe but that's a generic and useless statement. Knowing the players surrounding him you could give more a detailed comment than that. Pls enlighten us with more insightful statements | ||
United States15977 Posts
Assuming I'm mafia, would I really be dumb enough to hit someone with my massive nuke if one of their given abilities was to reflect damage? Why wouldn't I just, idunno, kill mkfuba, Koshi or someone else? Come on now. | ||
United States15977 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
On December 10 2013 04:35 justanothertownie wrote: Well, you could have at least added your read on Koshi and me if you say something like that. I don't know about Koshi. I guess leaning town a bit but not very much because he hasn't done that much and because of rayns point about his role. Woops, I swear I posted a thread with my thoughts on most players right above the one I put down roleclaims. I'm working with lots of tabs open, so I must have closed that particular one before I hit post. From top to bottom most townie to least townie roughly (not including myself). + Show Spoiler + Koshi Mkfuba Mocsta VE Oats LSB Sandro Onegu Mig Supersoft Jcarl JAT Gtrsrs Kush Rayn Risen Rean Meap Roffles Coag JBrunage JLaw Koshi and you are right next to mkfuba, followed by Sandro and LSB. I lean town on most of you guys if that makes you happy. | ||
United States15977 Posts
On December 10 2013 04:47 jcarlsoniv wrote: Except that Riposte is published for everyone to see. Sandro has been claimed as Fiora for a while, so anyone shooting a big ability would know that there are potential reflections coming from him. That is not a valid defense. He was dealt 1 damage night 1, correct? This could supposedly leave him with 849 life (I'm not sure if he's claimed how much health he actually has, but 850 seems like a logical health total for Fiora to have based off of the flips we've had so far). I find it very odd that an ability would deal 849 damage to you. This is what doesn't sit right with me, and I don't know how to explain it. I know Taric doesn't have a huge damage ability, but his ult increases damages. It's some speculation on my part, and I hate it. Also, confirming what Sandro's remaining life is would make him an easier/more accurate target to finish off I suppose. So you're saying I would attack Sandro with what is probably one of the biggest nukes in the game (not to mention likely one shot) KNOWING that it could be reflected back to me instead of choosing an easier target. That seems incredibly stupid to do. I can only use one ability per night (I also posted about it) and announced that I healed VE both nights. I also said it was odd that I took 849 dmg N2, and I linked it to the 1 damage Sando took from N1. I posted TWICE about it, and VE was the only one to even acknowledge the connection. Furthermore, I stated that I had taken 849 before the ambulance radio announced I had taken 749, with me explaining the difference as Taric's self heal. Also, didn't VE say he was going to use his secondary ability and we were going to get a notification about it? | ||
United States15977 Posts
On December 10 2013 00:28 sandroba wrote: I did use the reflect today, but I don't even know if it reflects kp. Mafia could have hit me with 1 kp again, in which case it does cause I took no dmg, but if they did, whoever got hit with one kp is not gonna say it. Or mafia could have hit me with any other amount of dmg which got reflected back, but again, they prob won't claim that dmg either. Ticklish prob got hit by mafia because, ???, he is the medic? Also I'm not going to be of great use today, coag is guaranteed mafia and I've decided to give myself 2 days off. I'll pick it up again at night, because I'm not guaranteed to live to the next day. | ||
United States15977 Posts
1. I knew that Sandro had Fiora 2. I knew he used Riposte that night 3. Despite that, I attacked him so I could get a bajillion damage reflected back at me because of super scummy mafia reasons that you don't understand Maybe supersoft knows this because, Idunno, he reads the thread. | ||
United States15977 Posts
I'll take back the passive aggressive post now. | ||
United States15977 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
Or hey, maybe you could even save me from dying! Yay! Oh this reminds me, JBrunage claimed Ezreal. Don't ask me how I was reminded of that. | ||
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United States15977 Posts
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