World Heavyweight Championship mafia - Page 2
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United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
On October 04 2013 03:31 Holyflare wrote: Why not contribute instead of pointing that out? Because as I said earlier I was afk. That was from my phone. | ||
United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
On October 04 2013 03:47 Holyflare wrote: So the first thing you do on your phone is to point that out rather than read and add/defend later? Rather you just didn't post at all, would look less incriminating I disagree. I see something off I'm going to point it out. That bolded portion is so scummy it hurts. | ||
United States7927 Posts
On October 04 2013 02:26 Blazinghand wrote: Phone postings. Consider my vote on rain. Are you going to follow this up anytime soon? I'm writing up my case now. I read through the game when I woke up before leaving, and there's no way town rayne thinks I'm town that hard and defends me like he has been. <---- sums up my case | ||
United States7927 Posts
On October 04 2013 03:53 Holyflare wrote: Really? You've come under suspicion from pretty much everyone in this thread. To return with a post addressing 0 of these posts is scummy, don't you think? I let my posting speak for me. I don't think defense posts do any good. Someone who's scum or town can come up with a myriad of reasons for their posting. Know what townies do? They hunt scum. | ||
United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
On October 04 2013 04:07 Holyflare wrote: Your posting is why people find you scummy in the first place? My lack of posting is what people find scummy about me, not my posting. Those are two entirely different things. | ||
United States7927 Posts
On October 04 2013 04:08 Clarity_nl wrote: Risen, case on me incoming or what? No. Case on rayn. | ||
United States7927 Posts
On October 04 2013 04:12 Clarity_nl wrote: Care to follow up on me at all or did you drop your read? Not right now, I have to make this case and then I'm leaving again. I've been really busy this week. It was a collection of things I found scummy, now I've found someone who is more scummy. My read on you has gone nowhere. On October 04 2013 04:13 Holyflare wrote: No that is wrong, what people want to know is why was your case on clarity not defended or enforced which is how your manner of posting usually is. Why did you become so timid after people criticised it and also it's not enough to just make a case, I want to know what you think of the other cases so far. What do you think of sloosh and his clairvoyanct nature, what about oats, what about dirkzor? Thats is why it's not enough so don't make it out to be. Not defending my case is still the same as being afk and not posting. You're arguing semantics. I'll get to the other cases when I have time, but people are going to lynch rayn after I make my case. | ||
United States7927 Posts
On October 02 2013 10:19 raynpelikoneet wrote: Iam protecting marv what? Opening post makes no sense. Literally 0 sense. I have no idea what to make of it. On October 02 2013 10:22 raynpelikoneet wrote: Hey let's lynch Oats, seems reasonable. dundundun. More nonsense. This could go either way. Is he being sarcastic with his dundundun, or does he actually think it's reasonable? He could argue either way, and I hate posts that hedge. On October 02 2013 10:31 raynpelikoneet wrote: Hey dudes. This seems so bad. Bad bad.....bdadadandanndanna... BATMAN" Trolling in a World Heavyweight Championship/useless filler. Makes total sense from a town perspective (it doesn't). It doesn't make too much sense from scum perspective either, HOWEVER, filler does make sense from a scum perspective. On October 03 2013 02:33 raynpelikoneet wrote: Okay i am here. Wassup guys? So I guess this is supposed to be his intro post? Wassup? A lot has happened in the thread at this point, how about saying something about it instead of asking a question to no one in particular. More filler. On October 03 2013 02:36 raynpelikoneet wrote: Why don't you look like usual town Oats? Meta posts are horrible, but it seems to me everyone else is saying this is town Oats. Why is rayn immediately coming into the thread with suspicion on Oats? Is it a hedge against a future oats flip? Is he just trying to take up space? (filler) Why don't you point out why he doesn't look like usual town oats? Oh. Sure. On October 03 2013 02:44 raynpelikoneet wrote: No i am not gonna vote for you. Does anyone have a clue what the hell is BH doing? More filler. It's not even a directed question. It's just a "Hey guys anyone know what BH is doing? I haven't read the thread." But wait... On October 03 2013 02:50 raynpelikoneet wrote: I am caught up, i am not posting if i am not caught up. Hey Blazinghand. Why exactly are you voting for Oats? I have read like 20 different reasoning for your vote and every time it's different. Like at least three time you say "it's not RNG", then "and also RNG", then "not RNG". I have a hard time figuring out why do you exactly think Oats is scum. He is caught up. He has read the thread. He knows as much as everyone else about what BH is doing. So why ask the question in the first place? In this same post we see he finally has something to say. Why didn't he just say that from the get go? On October 03 2013 02:52 raynpelikoneet wrote: I dunno yet. I am not going to vote for marv or clarity, that's for sure. Why not? Any reason? No reason given, no explanation. It's just filler and we're supposed to just take his reads. This is where it first seems to me that rayn knows too much. Does he know they're town? Or is he defending one of his scum team mates. Those are both bad. On October 03 2013 02:57 raynpelikoneet wrote: Like, for example, this is probably the worst post in this game. Sure, but why is it scummy? What about that post makes it scummy? What are you thinking? On October 03 2013 03:02 raynpelikoneet wrote: I dunno, maybe it's just BH making him mad. He's kinda... over-analyzing stuff in non-Oats' manner. I'll look into Dirkzor, gimme a sec. But you don't make posts unless you've read the thread already. So why do you need to look into him? This is just him taking time to think through his post instead of just giving his thoughts on Dirk. That's scummy. On October 03 2013 03:49 raynpelikoneet wrote: So what do people think about Risen's post. I'm kinda sure he is town. Bullshit. I'm the only one who knows I'm town. I HATE META POSTS. Why are you kinda sure? Why are you waiting for other people to ask you why I'm town, or to explain why I'm town? Why don't you just say why I'm town? Why are you holding these things back? Because you're scum. On October 03 2013 04:08 raynpelikoneet wrote: So BH, you don't know if Oats is scummy or not, you want to policy lynch him right? Or is it RNG? Or wtf is it. Why are you still droning on about this? Filler. This isn't pressuring at all. On October 03 2013 05:14 raynpelikoneet wrote: I am trying to understand what's going on with BH and Oats, but it's really hard. Everything else has been said pretty much so no need to repeat it. What's the point here? On October 03 2013 05:18 raynpelikoneet wrote: No there isn't. You use many words and your posts are for some reason hard to understand to me, so i need to read them over and over again. I am going to go through the interaction with you and Oats again to see what i think about it. What do you think it means? It's pretty straightforwards. Filler. Holy shit it's a list post. For real? + Show Spoiler + On October 03 2013 21:00 raynpelikoneet wrote: Okay so. First my response to BH: My activity is not alignment indicative. I know i have not done much, because i have not had time to do stuff. That doesn't make me scum. BH's RNG bullshit (which i am going to go into next) has taken basically all my time in this game. I can't let go of something i don't understand, and everything else has been easily understandable in this game. Also BH saying i have been here is wrong. It's just wrong, because it is not true. I have been here when i have been posting, when i have not been posting i have not been here. Then the RNG bullshit: First of all, how this shit started. In his first posts BH proposes Oats RNG lynch. Guess what. After this it's not a random lynch any more. It's "lynch Oatsmaster who Blazinghand randomized". I can't believe that shit went on and on for pages and i can't believe BH really somehow got a scumread on Oats for it. Oats was being totally reasonable in my opinion, called out bad stuff (HF's post and BH's behaviour). There was nothing wrong with it. Yet Blazinghand kept going on and on with that. So what do we have here: Blazinghand: Proposing random lynch the way he did is bad. Could town!BH do it? Probably yes. Would town!BH go on with it and then call Oats scum for flimsy reasons? I have no fucking idea. I especially didn't like his response to Oats when Oats said "i do this all the time as town and never as scum". I even pointed out the post by BH earlier on in thread. That to me seems like "even if people come and say this is what Oats does as town i still have my reasons to lynch him". Being bad =/= being scum. Also Oats was not being bad, he was being reasonable. Oats: Comes out looking best from that shitfest. HolyFlare: That's not a randomlynch for him. It's not, there is no reason to vote for Oats because it's random. No. Risen: His comments were reasonable and his vote was perfectly fine. As for my reads (from towniest to scummiest): marv: This is the marv i like. He's taken the leader position in town and is doing a good job. Pointing out stuff that's bad and having clear stances on things. I would still love to hear his read on BH (i mean, a read with reasoning), because i have not seen much of content from BH. Risen: I liked his stance on the RNG thingy. I liked his vote on HolyFlare. I dunno why he unvoted HF, could you explain that Risen? I liked some things in his case on Clarity, and the case itself to me tells much more about Risen than it tells about Clarity. It mirrors the mindset Risen had in GoT, almost perfectly. There is a lot of stuff he looks form different angle than anyone else. Oatsmaster: Seems like towny!Oats to me. I found his posting during the RNG shitfest weird, as i pointed out before. But all in all he's having a clear thought process and putting his thoughts out there when pressured (marv -- Oats a while ago). If Oats was scum it would be easy to hide behind his playstyle (where he just calls people scum or town and never explains anything for real), this game he needs to be made explain his thoughts, and so far he has succeeded. Clarity: Clarity looked good early on in the game. I can see where he is coming from with his comment on BH being a cool guy (although i don't agree with it - gamewise :p). Clarity now that i have actually understood the early game could you tell me what was good in the RNG discussion? Yes it did produce content, but imo it did produce content that was based on false premises. After this Clarity asks a lot of questions and does not provide conclusions. I can somehow see what he concludes but still, he's not explaining it. I don't like his stance on BH, i like his case on Dirk. HolyFlare: I don't like his vote still being on Oats. Afaik i understand it's because of RNG, which is not in fact rng for him. Other than that he has made some good observations, then nothing. BlazingHand: This guy is pretty much impossible to read for me. Basically he does whatever he does and to me it feels like all the important stuff he tries to say is hidden in a big pile of words. I don't know where his head is at (besides him voting for me, but that's another thing). I don't know why he finds Risen/HF scummy, and his reasons for Oats being scummy are bad. As for now, he apparently doesn't like anyone besides marv... Sloosh: Scummy. I don't understand his townread on Dirk. Says he will get to Risen & HF when he has time. Never follows that up. Then votes for Clarity with his -- apparenly -- scumread Risen. Dirkzor: Horrible opening post. Horrible follow up. Then he says he wants to lynch me or Sloosh, i don't see any reasons from him. When the thread sentiment turns into "Sloosh looks bad" (Clarity voting for him etc.), THEN he places his vote on Sloosh. Best lynch. ##Vote: Dirkzor My comments were reasonable and perfectly fine? No they weren't. I bitched out of the thread because, as usual, no one wants to listen to me except marv who listens to everybody. Where the hell does this Dirk thing come from? Why does it take you this long to finally want to vote Dirk? You talked about him way earlier. Nothing has changed except Sloosh stuff. The person you find scummy. You find him SO SCUMMY, in fact, that he's a scum read for you, but wtf? He voted sloosh. So he's bussing his teammate d1? You find him scummy for voting sloosh who is also a scum read for you? I can't wrap my head around it, it makes no sense. Back to his defense of me now. This is so scummy. On October 03 2013 21:12 raynpelikoneet wrote: It's weird, but coming from Risen, that's what he does. What do you find scummy in it? Like, is it more likely to come from scum "oh no, i made a bad case, when people do not comment on it i instantly go emo". Do you think Risen would do that as scum? This is what I do. You know how I play. Fair enough, I've played quit a few games of TL mafia both as scum and as town. On October 03 2013 21:18 raynpelikoneet wrote: Yeah i agree that he's not surely town and i would like to see more from him, especially considering what marv said about him being in Noir obs QT and not posting here. I have never seen Risen as scum but his behaviour in this game is imo similar to his towngames i have played with him. I need to look at Aperture where he said (if i remember correcty) that he was trying to help scum so he would win (as 3p). Hedging now. Before you were pretty sure, now I'm not surely town. And in the post directly after saying you know how I play, you say you have never seen any of my scum games. You haven't read anything of me as scum, but you just said you know how I play. That is a huge contradiction. Now you need to look into my recent 3P game (what happened with that?) On October 03 2013 21:32 raynpelikoneet wrote: Afaik Risen has some "best mafia play award", correct? Does anyone know from which game was that? + Show Spoiler + ![]() Sea of grillz where rayn starts asking a million questions instead of just analyzing posts. There are times when someone should question, and you know what? You can probably throw out as many questions as you want as long as you've done your own work to answer the questions you are asking. Rayn doesn't do that, though. He asks for everyone's opinion on everything, but doesn't give the answers to his own questions. So instead of analysis, we see rayn filling the thread with spammed questions and he grills people. I think this post is especially telling. When I read it I couldn't believe someone actually said this. On October 03 2013 22:03 raynpelikoneet wrote: Because i tend to interact with people who are in thread. I'm impatient to wait for answers for hours, i have a train of thought and i want to disclose it with quick back and forth discussion. That's what i always do. Impatience? This game has 48 hour days. Patience is a required trait. Beyond that, someone who is town will raise their questions when they come to them. They don't wait to see that the person is in the thread and then ask them. And maybe town players occasionally do this thing called scum hunting. Where is yours? A list post is not scum hunting. Grilling people and asking a million questions is not scum hunting. Scum hunting requirtes analysis of people's posts, and Rayn is not doing that. He's posting largely filler, largely defenses of people he shouldn't be dfending, and a list post. On October 03 2013 22:11 raynpelikoneet wrote: shh.. marv. You'll hear the conclusions when i am done. Will he/we? You've come to no conclusions in the past, why should you now? On October 03 2013 22:11 raynpelikoneet wrote: It's also good that if you can't see what i am doing it makes this even better. Because transparency is a bad thing. This is you openly saying, "I'm laying a trap, the trap doesn't work if I tell you guys how I'm laying it." So what's the point of your trap now? On October 03 2013 22:22 raynpelikoneet wrote: Hey Holyflare where did you go? Why do you feel like i am talking about Oats when i am clearly not? Also do you think your case on him was good or not? Nit picking aimlessly. On October 03 2013 22:24 raynpelikoneet wrote: I really don't like Holyflare trying to flush my argument away with made up reasons.. Don't like the response to your nit pick and get called on it? Just say the person is making up their reasons. On October 03 2013 22:54 raynpelikoneet wrote: Can you just directly answer my question Holyflare, instead of flip-flopping around it? This is so slimy. I don't see Holyflare as flip-flopping here. When I woke up and was reading through the thread in one go I caught this. Why are you trying to paint his changing of his mind as flip-flopping? Why is changing your mind a bvad thing? See new evidence? Change your mind. Worried about looking like scum? Don't be. It's in town's best interests for you to be as honest as possible. The only people who concern themselves with changing their mind are scum. On October 03 2013 23:13 raynpelikoneet wrote: What does Holyflare voting for Sloosh have to do with anything? Probably because this is the second person you've voted on that you think is potentially bussing their team mate without voting sloosh. Are you bouncing around everyone BUT sloosh because he's your team mate? On October 04 2013 00:08 raynpelikoneet wrote: Holyflare, incorrect. Why do people try to incorrectly meta me lately? How about you call him on what the actual problem with his post was? Holyflare is new and doesn't know everyone's meta, but he's making a meta read on you. Why is your first concern that he's not seeing your meta correctly? This hyper-self-awareness is scummy as hell. Regardless, I'm so tired of this HF/rayn battle, I hope something new comes up. Rayn does seem pretty convinced about his HF read now, though. On October 04 2013 00:34 raynpelikoneet wrote: ##Unvote: ##Vote: Dirkzor Oh. Just kidding. Reasoning? On October 04 2013 00:36 raynpelikoneet wrote: Yes i can see that. I am voting for Dirkzor because of what i said before. What? So you are going back to your earlier reads and dropping the HF entirely while still managing to completely avoid the person in the lead right now who is sloosh and who you have already found scummy. Is the game really this easy? On October 04 2013 01:53 raynpelikoneet wrote: Okay so, i need to decide my vote now. I prefer Dirkzor. Clarity you are bad or scum. I guess my other options are Risen and Sloosh? If i should switch marv tell me now who to switch on. I trust you the most. I don't wanna lynch Risen, i don't wanna lynch Sloosh either.. because they have not been here, and i can't tell what they are gonna say when they come back (if they do). I don't accept Oats or marv as lynch. Whaaaa?! Where the hell did I come into this? Now your defense of me is that I haven't been around and you don't want to lynch me because of that? What happened to your town read on me? We're supposed to believe that you're just giving up your vote and potentially moving it to a town read because you're leaving? I get having to be away, I've been away from the thread a LOT. I'm becoming very busy. That doesn't mean I'm willing to lynch a town read, though. On October 04 2013 02:00 raynpelikoneet wrote: Well i do not think Sloosh is necessarily mafia. I do not think Risen is mafia. I think Dirkzor is mafia. I hope i am gonna be back before the deadline. cya fuckers! Just confirming I'm a town read here... that you are willing to lynch... I had to rush this a bit because I have to leave, but raynpelikoneet knows too much about me without actually knowing anything about my play, his filter is filled with filler, he's willing to lynch a town read, and he's been dodging a sloosh lynch the entire game in spite of sloosh being a scum read earlier and sloosh leading in votes. | ||
United States7927 Posts
On October 04 2013 05:00 Clarity_nl wrote: So is it just me that does all the reading and analyzing BEFORE making a case? Let alone announcing that I have this great case in the works? Like this brimming with confidence thing doesn't sit right with me. There's a difference between having a feeling when you start a case and finding the evidence to back your feelings as you build the case. I've started to write cases in the past and come to the conclusion whilst writing it that someone else is scum. Sorry I forgot to spoiler that. I'm leaving again, I'll be keeping up on my phone, though | ||
United States7927 Posts
##vote: raynpelikoneet | ||
United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
What is your problem I just said it means he's willing to vote a town read. He didn't qualify his statement | ||
United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
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