Ok, just want to chip in on what happened with the nks.
I think it's safe to say the scum nk didn't go through for whatever reason.
WoS could be either SK or vig kill.
BH should be autolynched this cycle. The odds of having two survivors in a 15 player game is almost 0 to none. His role pm is not a role in the Golden Sun series. No one is called by "the captain" in the series (at least through my research). BH is not playing pro town at all, even during the night phase, which either means he thinks scum will win or he is scum (either way he won't help us). His crumb doesn't really make sense for just a survivor. Finally, lynching him clears up alot of confusion that could happen down the line at lylo.
While is he getting lynched today we should talk about the lynch candidates for day 3. My main candidate is zealos. Not sure about who the second would be at this point.
I really need you to answer this question for me, because it could clear up alot of confusion I have that makes me think you aren't town. There is a huge reason why I am asking you this.
On September 15 2013 06:35 Pandain wrote: It wasn't really calculating, and my memory is hazy because it happened last night and then someone woke me up at 4 am and really disrupted my memory of events before(basically something big happened), and I wasn't thinking I would have to defend myself.
Basically here: I paniced, didn't think we would get votes for OP. By my reasoning(which I forget how I did because I didn't think it would matter), OP was going to be lynched. Given that I didn't think he was scum or that we would get another vote, I voted blubber who was more likely.
Currently Old Partner is set to be lynched! Remember, voting is mandatory!
Next deadline: Deadline date: Friday, Sep 13 10:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
and then use addition and subtraction for the next three vote switches?
Like really, your game indicates you are town except for this damn vote on blubb over zealos. Please just answer completely with you thought process to figuring out how many votes OP, Blubb, and zealos had right before the lynch.
Oh and I would believe the SnB roleblock because of my slight town read on him. That doesn't necessarily mean it happened on him, seeing as I would think it's possible WoS would hide n1. But, I would think it did happen on him.
On September 15 2013 10:08 Pandain wrote: Zealos besides SnB who do you think is scum.
Why did you make this post and how can you justify it;
On September 15 2013 09:38 Zealos wrote:
On September 15 2013 07:41 Old Partner wrote: I'm not saying there's no reason to be suspicious of me-- there obviously is. 2 survivors in a game, especially a normal mini, is pretty rare. But it happens! ShiaoPi is crazy, he'd do it. I'm not confirmed scum. So given that there's a non-zero chance that I am who I say I am, all I ask is this: read what I have to say today. If you dismiss it, you dismiss it. But I will try to convince you to let me live.
yeahh... no.
Would still rather kill SnB tho.
When before you made this post.
On September 14 2013 07:18 Zealos wrote: I think OP/BH needs to die. Survivor = lynch I doubt he even is Survivor. His attempt to argue his way out of it is crummy, at best. Get it?
oh shit this is so on the money I take back my last statement and I +1, Like, and Give 2 Eprops to this statement
On September 15 2013 13:29 Pandain wrote: Here's what I did night one: It's Kush 4, OP 6, Blub 4.
I agree to help try and get Zealos lynched instead of OP, since you guys didn't want to lynch kush.
Grack changes from OP to Zealos. Kush 4, OP 5, Blub 4, Zealos 2 Blub changes from OP to Zealos Kush 4, OP 4, Blub 4, Zealos 3 I change from Kush to Zealos Kush 3, OP 4, Blub 4, Zealos 4 It is 6:59. I realize that no one else is online or going to change. OP was going to be lynched since he hit 4 first. Given the strange votes I had seen on OP I had believed he was town, so I would rather lynch Blub than OP.
So I change from Zealos to blub to ensure Blub is lynched instead as I thought it was the better choice.
On September 14 2013 06:58 Pandain wrote: ##Unvote: Old PArtner ##Vote: Zealos
Ok. This above vote gives me a wtf kind of moment (you apparently thought you were voting OP and not kush, which would make you think OP had one less vote than he actually did at that time, which in turn would let you think OP was safe)
On September 15 2013 14:33 kushm4sta wrote: fuck me. looks like im probably not going to get to do what i wanted with this game tonight. coworker has training so i'm alone at night and therefore there is more work to do.
On September 15 2013 13:29 Pandain wrote: Here's what I did night one: It's Kush 4, OP 6, Blub 4.
I agree to help try and get Zealos lynched instead of OP, since you guys didn't want to lynch kush.
Grack changes from OP to Zealos. Kush 4, OP 5, Blub 4, Zealos 2 Blub changes from OP to Zealos Kush 4, OP 4, Blub 4, Zealos 3 I change from Kush to Zealos Kush 3, OP 4, Blub 4, Zealos 4 It is 6:59. I realize that no one else is online or going to change. OP was going to be lynched since he hit 4 first. Given the strange votes I had seen on OP I had believed he was town, so I would rather lynch Blub than OP.
So I change from Zealos to blub to ensure Blub is lynched instead as I thought it was the better choice.
On September 14 2013 06:58 Pandain wrote: ##Unvote: Old PArtner ##Vote: Zealos
Ok. This above vote gives me a wtf kind of moment (you apparently thought you were voting OP and not kush, which would make you think OP had one less vote than he actually did at that time, which in turn would let you think OP was safe)
Oh yeah no I was probably copying the format of the people above me. Or just consistantly thinking about OP.
Alright. Seems geniune. Rest of your game is on par with being pretty town. Back to strong townread on you
On September 15 2013 14:49 kushm4sta wrote: well thurs - sun are my busiest days so I will have more time soon!
I don't see how you totally fail to mention this in pregame when the game starts on a thurs. Thats the first day and night, and half of the second day.
On September 15 2013 23:51 VayneAuthority wrote: dont have time to read this all right now, quick run down on why everyone is voting OP? cop check or something? I see that WoS was a survivor as well but don't think that really means anything. has OP been doing anything or just gave up?
On September 15 2013 22:59 kushm4sta wrote: also his cases this game have been overly simplistic and directed towards very easy targets. His scumread list atm is
OP - claimed survivor Me - afker everyone wants to kill with fire Zealos - classic lynch bait
It's like he's going for the most obvious shit and not even trying to find scum.
1) In terms of meta, town debears is levelheaded and logical. Scum debears is much louder and more emotional. Recall his bitchfit with rayne for no reason.
2) Another thing that scum debears loves to do is yell at people about how to play the game. This is scumdebears from NMXXIX:
I don't care about who hasn't posted right now. I want to know what info you were expecting to get by asking your question.
I was making that list because I wasn't even sure myself who/how many people hadn't spoken up.
I was trying to stir something up and you can also consider it a kind of "roleclaim-lite" (I hardly expect anyone to claim they enjoy playing scum when I ask ingame, but i think it could have been interesting to see if some people said they like a particular pro-town power-role.)
So, you admit you were rolefishing?
Yes, I am trying to get people to talk about roles without doing something as ridiculous as asking for a D1 mass claim. Also I am trying to get to know the other players in general.
No, No. No. No. No.
Talking about roles is stupid. It gives the mafia stuff to go on when looking for nk candidates. DON'T DO IT.
Here is this game (just one of the many times he has done something like this):
On September 14 2013 05:00 Koshi wrote: Pandain Oats plays solo as town. He never consolidates and picks his target. He ends up being the only one voting for a person a lot. I remember Titanic.
Kush you are seriously going to ask people to vote for you? Can I reveal who I think you are?
Please don't give scum extra info unless 1) you are certain the info you reveal will make him look town 2) He is the leading candidate 3) if 2 is not the scenario, but it's close and time is running short
On November 14 2012 12:39 Blazinghand wrote: anyone who would lynch a claimed blue D1 has serious issues
that sir is what's called "pushing your luck"
On November 14 2012 13:31 Blazinghand wrote: Thrawn is more right than he's wrong. More stalling, excuses, and mentioning other games in progress from DP.
##unvote ##vote: Darthpunk
BH posted this after reading exactly the same explanation from DP that I read, and exactly the same comments on DP's meta from marv as I read, and doing exactly the same amount of work looking into DP's actual scum/town meta as I did (none) - and yet he comes up with a vote? Without at all addressing the points from Marv and from himself about DP's meta? And without addressing the other game in progress issue - which isn't an "unverifiable irl excuse," we can go look at the thread - and yet he comes up with a vote?
guys what we have out of BH is not just a scummy and needless claim - we have a scummy and needless claim from a player who isn't playing up to his usual town standard in several ways - bad cases - trolling/fluff while taking the easy opportunity to gain points by attacking other people for fluff and most importantly - the huge mismatch in thread presence, thread control, and town organization between BH's last town game (whose line) and this game
And then we have
On November 14 2012 12:39 Blazinghand wrote: anyone who would lynch a claimed blue D1 has serious issues
BH psychology: he just saw me do well - not win, except for self-declaring victory, but do much better than I should have given how the game started out - he saw me do well by fakeclaiming blue and then really pushing that fakeclaim hard. He also just had what I assume must be a trollgasm from evoking ridiculous reactions from Keirathi in that same game. Now he's claimed blue for no good reason, and it's a blue role that he can "verify" easily by withholding KP, or that he can make unverifiable by claiming to be roleblocked.
There's no way a town BH decides "there are 3 or 4 votes on me, like 30 hours before the lynch - time to claim!"
I just don't believe that thought process is real.
##vote: blazinghand
On November 15 2012 03:13 Hapahauli wrote: Geezus christ you actually buy that shit BH? Good lord you're better that.
Hapa is going after someone "scumhunting to hard' instead of not scumhunting, despite his list of rules. What's the #1 thing you look for Hapa? OH YEAH SCUMHUNTING DOH.
2) I pointed out 5 other players because it makes no sense for you to attack me for "scumhunting too hard" when we have 5 lurker-doodles who aren't contributing, at least up to that point
3) Check my meta on why i'm questioning you. I question people who vote me for dogshit reasons.
Honestly, I think Hapa and Hopeless are scum
I'm going after debears because he's NOT scum hunting. HE IS NOT VOTING FOR HIS TOP SCUMREAD
He half-assed pushed Hopeless, put his vote on him, then tunneled the hell out of iamperfection without ever making a commitment.
Where in the fuck do I even mention "scumhunting too hard?" That isn't the damn premise of my case. You're deflectionary, your voting makes no sense, and now you're voting for your attacker + lynch-bait.
Die scum.
The premise of your case is that you ASSUME that iamp was my top scumread when my top scumread was afk. Why wouldn't I fucking push someone else while he's all afk?
Hapa's way better than making a case off bad assumptions
It's not an assumption. I outline really clearly why that's not the case. You half-assed tunneled Hopeless, softballed him questions, and somehow are calling him your top scumread. You tunneled the motherfuck out of iamperfection and explicitly stated you saw no town motivation in his actions.
Yeah that's fucking town debears right there.
Yeah it is. lecturing brah is something I hate as town. Look at my last game ffs. your meta reads off on me. Or you don't have one. Idk which
What is with this meta read shit? None of this has to do with meta. All of this has to do with you not being able to keep your story straight.
Hell your two scumreads right now are a) the person attacking you and b) the top lynch-bait in the game. You made these two reads the second traction started forming on your lynch. Optimal scum strategy in this situation. Coincidence? Naw.
Hey guess who was first on hopeless <<<<<<This guy 1
Second, I find your reasons dogshit. You're a good town player. You aren't showing it right now. So I think you're scum 2
Hapa, you like using meta in your reads, yet you don't want to with me. What gives? Make a meta case that proves your point. 3
If you keep saying no, then that means you can't and you're wrong
1) So I'm going to give you townie points for being the first to jump on the easiest player to lynch in the game? Oh wait.
2) I'm not wrong. You're scum.
3) Rofl I have to use a meta read against you? GTFO. You really want a meta read? Your logic is terrible as scum. This is a prime example of it.
I'm off to class, be back in a few hours Lynch debears. His recent posting says it all.
Hey Hapa 1) I had a scumread on him before you started calling him an "easy player to lynch". You're full of shit. I saw him as scummy wayyyy early.
2) Yeah you must be. Cuz you refuse to show me one. Which means you don't have anything to back you up besides your lazy assumption of iamp being my top scumread
3) My logic is terrible?
On November 15 2012 07:12 iamperfection wrote: Debars-Post your thought on every person in the game theres a good chance that your going to be lynched so no reason to not put your thoughts out there
hapa before i put a ton of effort looking through you more closely what do you make of both me and bh weighing in positively on suspicions of you? You have not had as much thread presence that you usually have in my view and you said before that debars voting you was him claiming scum which i dont really buy and i thought it was really un hapa like for day 1?
You were suspicious of me? Since when? I obviously disagree with your suspicions, but I don't think you have sinister motives behind it.
Regarding BH - I have no idea what to make of it. On the one hand, I think his JK claim is completely non-sensical from a scum perspective. On the other hand, it's questionable from a town perspective as well, and if he's town, he's playing by far the worst game I've ever seen him play. His vote on me for "buddying" is just absolutely terrible. But I still just can't see him claiming JK as scum in his position. I think the JK claim makes him town, but every one of his actions makes me question it again and again.
Regarding "presence" - I am really present when I'm around my computer, so I really don't know where you're getting this from. I'm in school in the mornings/afternoons and can't post much (weekdays only). At night though (5pm to 12pm) is when I get most of my posting done in all of my games. As for "debears claiming scum" - I'm very adamant about this. Look at his two main suspicions: an easy mislynch candidate, and his attacker (myself). Not to mention that his vote on me is a PURE OMGUS. This is the best way for scum not to give any information when they die (marv did this in GSL III, attacking me and drazak).
Also, he only got suspicious of me and Hopeless the second he came under serious suspicion and became one of the leading candidates.
On November 13 2012 09:41 Z-BosoN wrote: Hello, sirs. First of all I´d like to claim miller. There are two very viable options now, regarding my alignment on this game.
I am fakeclaiming as mafia. I am in fact a miller.
My claim here would be fairly risky as scum, and as town it makes more sense to claim so as to not waste detective checks on me, but of course this is WIFOM. I hope to show my alignment in this game through brilliant, stellar townie play, and hope town uses this factor and this factor alone when scouting my alignment. The only thing I hope to achieve with this claim is to not be checked by an eventual cop, as that check will be guaranteed to turn red.
That being said, I look forward to playing this game. Lot's of familiar faces around, and I am curious to hear more from people I haven't played yet.
Regarding DarthPunk, don't worry, if he's scum, I'll figure it out
HI ZB <3.
Yeah ZB will figure me out If I am scum, and Vice Versa. Hapa will figure marv out and marv will figure everyone out.
GG scummers
But what if me, ZB, and marv are all scum o_O
Oh, and ##unvote because I don't feel like continuing some half-assed thing early game.
And I asked before but no one seemed to respond/care:
Sooooo I'm fairly interested in hearing from players I don't know about. Particularly Crossfire and Kickstarter.
Btw, is Cross a smurf account? I noticed he's played a few recent games but don't know much about him.
Anyone anyone?
Who cares????? Even if it's a smurf, behavioral analysis triumphs
On November 13 2012 10:53 Hopeless1der wrote: What good did that question do for town?
I'm trying to figure out wtf you are doing coming in out of nowhere and lecturing someone early d1. In fact, lecturing everyone for their scumhunting.
What have you done?
##Unvote ##Vote Hopeless1der
DP calls out marv because multiple people were actively lurking and you singling out clarity was unfair. I was also lurking, and DP implies you were "trying your hardest", whereas you have said:
On November 13 2012 10:48 debears wrote:
On November 13 2012 10:46 Hopeless1der wrote: I think debears is just mucking up the thread hard, but that's apparently just what he does? pretty much what marv said again for myself on the active lurking.
Eh. It's early d1. Give me about 10 more hours before the good stuff comes out.
And yeah guys didn't realize it's only 2 hours at this point....
And yeah marv that's why my vote is still on u!
Did we catch the scums yet? Did 10 hours pass when I wasnt looking?
^^^^^Can someone tell me if this is how hopeless is?
aren't you the same dude who told hapa it didn't matter who crossfire was from before because all we need is behavioural analysis?
Because hapa's talk about was whether he is a smurf, which we cannot tell right now, due to his lack of posting
He was asking if anyone knew if he was a smurf. You didn't say "we don't know", you said "doesn't matter"
Yeah it doesn't matter since looking about behavior is usually a better indicator than meta.
We can't know unless he comes out and starts posting like someone the vets recognize.
On November 13 2012 11:01 Hopeless1der wrote: [quote] DP calls out marv because multiple people were actively lurking and you singling out clarity was unfair. I was also lurking, and DP implies you were "trying your hardest", whereas you have said:
[quote] Did we catch the scums yet? Did 10 hours pass when I wasnt looking?
^^^^^Can someone tell me if this is how hopeless is?
aren't you the same dude who told hapa it didn't matter who crossfire was from before because all we need is behavioural analysis?
Because hapa's talk about was whether he is a smurf, which we cannot tell right now, due to his lack of posting
He was asking if anyone knew if he was a smurf. You didn't say "we don't know", you said "doesn't matter"
Yeah it doesn't matter since looking about behavior is usually a better indicator than meta.
We can't know unless he comes out and starts posting like someone the vets recognize.
So why discuss it?
But you just made a post, with the only question being about someone's meta.
On November 13 2012 11:04 debears wrote:
On November 13 2012 11:01 Hopeless1der wrote:
On November 13 2012 10:55 debears wrote:
On November 13 2012 10:53 Hopeless1der wrote: What good did that question do for town?
I'm trying to figure out wtf you are doing coming in out of nowhere and lecturing someone early d1. In fact, lecturing everyone for their scumhunting.
What have you done?
##Unvote ##Vote Hopeless1der
DP calls out marv because multiple people were actively lurking and you singling out clarity was unfair. I was also lurking, and DP implies you were "trying your hardest", whereas you have said:
On November 13 2012 10:48 debears wrote:
On November 13 2012 10:46 Hopeless1der wrote: I think debears is just mucking up the thread hard, but that's apparently just what he does? pretty much what marv said again for myself on the active lurking.
Eh. It's early d1. Give me about 10 more hours before the good stuff comes out.
And yeah guys didn't realize it's only 2 hours at this point....
And yeah marv that's why my vote is still on u!
Did we catch the scums yet? Did 10 hours pass when I wasnt looking?
^^^^^Can someone tell me if this is how hopeless is?
Because the question hapa asked was if cross was a smurf. Ffs. That came before Marv's "crossfire is just crossfire"
Please keep my posts in context
Yes I realize he asked before marv answered. How are your quotes not in context? You answer Hapa by saying it doesn't matter who he is, because reads within the current game are more important. But just now you asked about someone's meta, contradicting yourself.
Please tell me where I am wrong.
Alright, let me spell it out for you 1) Hapa asked if cross was smurf 2) I said there was nothing to discuss about him being smurf, since he hadn't posted much 3) Marv says cross is cross
So, my point was that you can't make a basis whether he is indeed a smurf until he posts enough so that vet's recognize him. That makes discussing it early irrelevant.
Now, 1) Hopeless comes in lecturing (anti-town) 2) I ask whether it fits his meta 3) You jump on me saying it's a contradiction to what I said
It isn't a contradiction. Behavior > meta, especially if players are aware of their meta. Now, if behavior is totally against a player's town meta, and that behavior is scummy, then there are alarms that go off
Me lecturing people on why behavior is greater than meta, and why we shouldn't worry who a smurf is in mario mini.
On September 15 2013 23:51 VayneAuthority wrote: dont have time to read this all right now, quick run down on why everyone is voting OP? cop check or something? I see that WoS was a survivor as well but don't think that really means anything. has OP been doing anything or just gave up?
OP has failed to do anything at all
So if OP flips survivor Papa smurf, will you be really sad?
On September 15 2013 22:16 kushm4sta wrote: oats did you or anyone else write why you think he's scum?
not really. Uh. blubb thinks hes scum. Hes generally not actually been useful although it looks like it. But not really.
Terrible reasoning.
1) You don't say "he thought he was scum" for a scumread. What was blubb's reasoning? Why is it indicative of me playing scum? 2) How have I not been useful?
On September 15 2013 22:58 raynpelikoneet wrote: Yeah debears is not giving any fucks about anything. He wanted to scumhunt even as third faction. That's what i have been saying..
1) How am I not giving a fuck about anything? How am I not scumhunting?
On September 15 2013 22:48 kushm4sta wrote: @koshi I am looking at hero mafia towngame and nmmxxix scumgame and this is defintely debears scummeta
1) So you took one towngame and one scumgame and call that meta? Meta is a trend, not one fucking game from each side.
Also one more thing, Kushi is looking more scum as time goes by.
On September 15 2013 22:59 kushm4sta wrote: also his cases this game have been overly simplistic and directed towards very easy targets. His scumread list atm is
OP - claimed survivor Me - afker everyone wants to kill with fire Zealos - classic lynch bait
It's like he's going for the most obvious shit and not even trying to find scum.
In terms of meta, town debears is levelheaded and logical. Scum debears is much louder and more emotional. Recall his bitchfit with rayne for no reason.
Another thing that scum debears loves to do is yell at people about how to play the game. This is scumdebears from NMXXIX:
I don't care about who hasn't posted right now. I want to know what info you were expecting to get by asking your question.
I was making that list because I wasn't even sure myself who/how many people hadn't spoken up.
I was trying to stir something up and you can also consider it a kind of "roleclaim-lite" (I hardly expect anyone to claim they enjoy playing scum when I ask ingame, but i think it could have been interesting to see if some people said they like a particular pro-town power-role.)
So, you admit you were rolefishing?
Yes, I am trying to get people to talk about roles without doing something as ridiculous as asking for a D1 mass claim. Also I am trying to get to know the other players in general.
No, No. No. No. No.
Talking about roles is stupid. It gives the mafia stuff to go on when looking for nk candidates. DON'T DO IT.
Here is this game (just one of the many times he has done something like this):
On September 14 2013 05:00 Koshi wrote: Pandain Oats plays solo as town. He never consolidates and picks his target. He ends up being the only one voting for a person a lot. I remember Titanic.
Kush you are seriously going to ask people to vote for you? Can I reveal who I think you are?
Please don't give scum extra info unless 1) you are certain the info you reveal will make him look town 2) He is the leading candidate 3) if 2 is not the scenario, but it's close and time is running short
On September 15 2013 23:17 Koshi wrote: Kush so town.
In a highly misrepresentative "meta" case, kush shows one quote from one of each game, then calls that "meta". How does Koshi, someone who isn't a total newbie, actually find this a legitimate meta case, at all? Then, how does he get a town read on kush off a god awful "meta" case?
Also, his continuous flipflop on his attitude towards me without any comment or reasoning is very scummy.
Here is an earlier mention of me by Koshi before I start arguing with Raynp
On September 13 2013 23:21 Koshi wrote: PS: I am traveling home in 35 mins. Who would you like me to investigate? And should I give my opinion out the top of my head or read his filter?
rayn tests so much fun!
Note the attitude. Warm and friendly. Like I"m a town read to him
On September 14 2013 01:37 Papa_Smurf wrote: I dont see why you are pushing a 4th wagon at this point in the day oats
Kush is town btw. Get your vote off him.
Next post on me. Not calling me scum. Just telling me to move my vote off a town read (attitude that he thinks I'm town).
On September 14 2013 01:53 Koshi wrote: Blubb and Papa_smurf might be scummers together. VA is town right guys? If we have a townread on him I might want to lynch blubbers. But if we are uncertain about VA I want to lynch SnB.
Suddenly, I'm scum with blubbs for pushing and voting blubbs. An association case day 1, and a terrible one at that.
On September 14 2013 01:57 Koshi wrote: PS: because VA has a good % on initial reads. But my own reads say SnB better than blubbers.
Nobody is saving this blubbers guy or at least try to defend him. Or something.
Another warm and friendly post against me, despite him thinking I'm scum
On September 15 2013 03:02 Papa_Smurf wrote: Grack's analysis on Pandains vote on blubb over zealos is very correct and very certainly a lynchable offense.
Lynch someone who you think you can read later over someone you think is scum. And the person you voted for ended up being town, when you said you didn't want to lynch them earlier.
That's very contradictive in a scum oriented way
Join us in the lynch Zealos/Pandain/OP/SnB train tomorrow!
Not his attitude towards me in his post. "join us!". That's a very warm, inviting attitude, the type of attitude you have with a town read
On September 15 2013 22:37 Koshi wrote: Pandain recent posting kinda make me think he is town. So my scumteam is gone D:
I believe Oats & kush that PS is scum.
But I don't want to move off OP yet.
This is Koshi's next mention of me. Suddenly, I'm scum despite the difference of attitude in the last post and no reasoning changing that attitude.
This is similar to a case of scum forgetting who their "scumreads" are. I had a similar case to Adam10whatever in Hero Mini I believe. He kept accusing me of scum, yet his attitude said he thought I was town in multiple posts, leading to flipflopping and inconsistency in his read on me.
On September 15 2013 22:48 kushm4sta wrote: @koshi I am looking at hero mafia towngame and nmmxxix scumgame and this is defintely debears scummeta
Now there is a chance for BH to prove he is survivor.
gogo proof the red smurf is an evil scummer!
Why in the hell, if he thinks I am scum, is he waiting on proof from someone else that I am scum? Why does he not want to do any work to build his scumread? That's something scum do, not town.
Koshi is scum.
On September 15 2013 23:46 Koshi wrote: Its win-win tbh. If you are scum you are bussing the red hatted smurf.
Now we just wait on OP.
Another thing. A "PS is scum no matter what he thinks of Kush" post. How did he come to this conclusion? Why is he even admitting that he thinks kush could be scum and using that to justify his read on me if he thinks kush is so town and I am so scum?
1) Koshi is constantly flipfloping with his attitude on me. He keeps saying I'm scum, yet talks to me like a town read (scum do that often because they have bias since they know who is town). 2) Koshi still has not offered his own case or reasoning on why I am scum 3) Koshi is waiting for other people to show I'm scum, rather than himself 4) Koshi finds kush town off an incredibly bad and misrepresentative meta cased that has 1 quote from 2 different games each, and thinks its a damning case against me.
On September 16 2013 01:20 raynpelikoneet wrote: I like the wortd misrepresentive meta-case and how that makes kush scum. I remember someone thinking the opposite on last time when there was a misrepresentive meta-case. hmm..