apologies if i'm stream-of-consciousness-ing a bit.
The point is though that it wouldve been better for scum to claim survivor (especially WOS) rather than the very last blue because they are more likely to survive the day as survivor (hohohoho) and thats they're[sic] only objective, maintain 2 kp for just one last day.
This is interesting and has my cogs turning a bit. Because WoS did make some deal about their obviously being claims that were wrong when he made his claim. That's a bit of a show to put on and attention to draw to yourself as mafia.
So WoS and fuba were the last ones to claim. WoS 2nd to last (going by vivax's list). If WoS is mafia, then he knows that the last claimer WILL claim survivor when he claims vigilante. If the last player is actually the survivor (fuba) then fuba would have to claim survivor. So the hope there is his claim goes somewhat unnoticed, although that flies in the face of what was a very bad claim in the first place (shooting me, timing) If WoS is survivor, then I guess he knows the last claimer is likely to be mafia. He claims vigi and hopes to have the heat off him for the cycle, and that town will want to lynch the guy claiming survivor. This kinda makes sense. Would WoS claim survivor as survivor? He would have to know that town wouldn't like that.
ramble ramble ramble. no idea where i'm going actually.
On July 04 2013 05:52 marvellosity wrote: Why would we not believe him jailing Jarjar?
Because why would you jail Jar Jar when you have the power to make an actual difference(sorry Jar Jar, Rayne and co were better choices)? It's also a choice that draws more attention to him because hes specifically picking Jar Jar. If he stays neutral then the choice is far simpler. But how does that bring him closer to winning? Look at WOS's play and you see someone trying to survive both factions, look at Fubas and you see someone trying to survive the lynch. He hasn't even mentioned that scum might target him tonight.
rayn was a terrible choice of protect, really, because he was so far off base with his theories. Although fuba was one of his scumsuspects, but only on the basis I was protecting him. herp de derp.
I would also say that if WoS is scum he's not done anything to push any agenda.
I'm not gonna have the solid block of time I want to really check over both their filters until tomorrow, but what you say about WoS' mentality actually sounds right to me. I think I'm in.
On July 04 2013 06:14 marvellosity wrote: I can't tell which way I'm being played >.<
kinda enjoying it in a perverted kinda way though :>
That's the spirit. Embrace the fun.
Since I won't be able to do any big explanations until after Masterchef tonight (8 EST, 7 Central!) I'll drop some stuff here and there when I get the chance cuz fun.
lolol ok for reals. I like gumshoe's explanation. He's mostly got it I think aside from a few motivational things. I think I remember you asking marv that it would be dumb for mafia to target me/they should be killing town so why wouldI be afraid of them?
Remember that I do have a town-favoured role that could intensely fuck them over should I choose to side with you guys.
I'll leave it at that for now. I wonder if fuba is going to bother coming back to try to counter-counterclaim and tell 'his side of the story' or some shit or whether the scumteam is just gonna leave him up shit's creek without a paddle.
On July 04 2013 06:09 marvellosity wrote: hey gumshoe. So WoS claimed vigilante who tried to shoot me, right?
That means he's going to be exposed as a liar sooner rather than later, given he's not actually going to be able to shoot anyone.
This means two things a) he's going to be exposed as a liar b) by claiming vigilante he's making himself a night-target.
This is the mind fuck right here.
Assuming he cant know if hes was blocked by maifa. This is all encompassing play. Hes trying to give the impression he was blocked by actual survivor XD in order to try and convince mafia he has a guardian angel.
If mafia did block him. They still have to maybe come to terms with the idea that hes not survivor and that real survivor is out there, with the potential to protect him because hes supposedly blue.
If they didn't then they have to assume hes either lying or Landa protected him.
If they assume hes lying what do they care, hes casting doubt on the blues and throwing town into disarray. It's really quite brilliant. The problem as I mentioned is town itself not willing to accept his crazy story. I feel WOS thought he could swing it and didn't count on being chosen as scum over Lazer. He also probably counted on scums support persecuting Lazer and defending him... Which I feel he got. Oh and if they feel hes telling the truth then they have to role block him and target Landa.
He may also have powers we are unaware of. Point is they're is something going on here, even if we dont know what we have to accept that it exists. Comparatively they're is nothing happening over on Fubas side.
Also I dont think he believed that scum would take survivor.
Assuming he cant know if hes was blocked by maifa. This is all encompassing play. Hes trying to give the impression he was blocked by actual survivor XD in order to try and convince mafia he has a guardian angel.
god right, I hadn't understood that's what you were getting at. That makes sense now, wasn't getting it before.
On July 04 2013 06:09 marvellosity wrote: hey gumshoe. So WoS claimed vigilante who tried to shoot me, right?
That means he's going to be exposed as a liar sooner rather than later, given he's not actually going to be able to shoot anyone.
This means two things a) he's going to be exposed as a liar b) by claiming vigilante he's making himself a night-target.
This is the mind fuck right here.
Assuming he cant know if hes was blocked by maifa. This is all encompassing play. Hes trying to give the impression he was blocked by actual survivor XD in order to try and convince mafia he has a guardian angel.
If mafia did block him. They still have to maybe come to terms with the idea that hes not survivor and that real survivor is out there, with the potential to protect him because hes supposedly blue.
If they didn't then they have to assume hes either lying or Landa protected him.
If they assume hes lying what do they care, hes casting doubt on the blues and throwing town into disarray. It's really quite brilliant. The problem as I mentioned is town itself not willing to accept his crazy story. I feel WOS thought he could swing it and didn't count on being chosen as scum over Lazer. He also probably counted on scums support persecuting Lazer and defending him... Which I feel he got. Oh and if they feel hes telling the truth then they have to role block him and target Landa.
He may also have powers we are unaware of. Point is they're is something going on here, even if we dont know what we have to accept that it exists. Comparatively they're is nothing happening over on Fubas side.
Also I dont think he believed that scum would take survivor.
Pretty much right aside from some (important) minor details. The survivor claim blindsided me as you can see, my posting during the claims indicated I assumed fuba would simply be fucked because he'd be forced to grab the last miller spot. Instead mafia decided to pit me against him since he was under suspicion anyway on a gamble that I'd be more suspicious and they'd keep the extra KP.
They gambled poorly in my opinion. Essentially they lose fuba one day early and lose the extra KP making it easier for you guys now; had you lynched me THEN lynched fuba you'd be lost at LYLO because you have no idea where to go next.
I'd like to think them losing a KP means I'm safe, but yeah....JK is a good role toi have.
On July 04 2013 06:33 marvellosity wrote: gumshoe I've not seen thinking like this in ages, I hope to god you're both right and town because this has all been rather refreshing ^_^
Congratulate WOS not me XD Either way hes the one making dem plays. Unless were both scum, in which case...
On July 04 2013 06:09 marvellosity wrote: hey gumshoe. So WoS claimed vigilante who tried to shoot me, right?
That means he's going to be exposed as a liar sooner rather than later, given he's not actually going to be able to shoot anyone.
This means two things a) he's going to be exposed as a liar b) by claiming vigilante he's making himself a night-target.
This is the mind fuck right here.
Assuming he cant know if hes was blocked by maifa. This is all encompassing play. Hes trying to give the impression he was blocked by actual survivor XD in order to try and convince mafia he has a guardian angel.
If mafia did block him. They still have to maybe come to terms with the idea that hes not survivor and that real survivor is out there, with the potential to protect him because hes supposedly blue.
If they didn't then they have to assume hes either lying or Landa protected him.
If they assume hes lying what do they care, hes casting doubt on the blues and throwing town into disarray. It's really quite brilliant. The problem as I mentioned is town itself not willing to accept his crazy story. I feel WOS thought he could swing it and didn't count on being chosen as scum over Lazer. He also probably counted on scums support persecuting Lazer and defending him... Which I feel he got. Oh and if they feel hes telling the truth then they have to role block him and target Landa.
He may also have powers we are unaware of. Point is they're is something going on here, even if we dont know what we have to accept that it exists. Comparatively they're is nothing happening over on Fubas side.
Also I dont think he believed that scum would take survivor.
Pretty much right aside from some (important) minor details. The survivor claim blindsided me as you can see, my posting during the claims indicated I assumed fuba would simply be fucked because he'd be forced to grab the last miller spot. Instead mafia decided to pit me against him since he was under suspicion anyway on a gamble that I'd be more suspicious and they'd keep the extra KP.
They gambled poorly in my opinion. Essentially they lose fuba one day early and lose the extra KP making it easier for you guys now; had you lynched me THEN lynched fuba you'd be lost at LYLO because you have no idea where to go next.
I'd like to think them losing a KP means I'm safe, but yeah....JK is a good role toi have.
On July 04 2013 06:43 marvellosity wrote: WoS play was just selfish (and riddled with various errors), you're the one that thought it through.
We'll see. I wonder what fuba will have to say about all this.
See you'd think so, but I'm pretty sure my situation is nearly impossible from the start. You're missing some crucial info as to why I did what I did. Again, explanations later and you can tell me where I went wrong if you want then.
On July 04 2013 06:43 marvellosity wrote: WoS play was just selfish (and riddled with various errors), you're the one that thought it through.
We'll see. I wonder what fuba will have to say about all this.
See you'd think so, but I'm pretty sure my situation is nearly impossible from the start. You're missing some crucial info as to why I did what I did. Again, explanations later and you can tell me where I went wrong if you want then.
This tallies with your attitude the whole game, which is a point in your favour too. I'll wait for your explanation later.
I think I'm done for today seeing as theres not much more to say until dat flip. In fact if I had a brain I would shut up right about now... but... Marv, seeing as there are likely no fake claims (since why would Fuba take survivor and why would WOS take blue and If scum had fake claims why wouldn't survivor? Which seems doubly true to me considering it was pretty much a scum slip from Fuba) how do you feel about Oats taking the very last townie spot?
Also Interesting to note he defended WOS and Fuba early on in the day and then advocated no lynch. (worst possible choice for town in my opinion, scum just shoots confirmed townies and were back to the same problem as before) But when WOS openly said he was going after mafia and claimed survivor, Oats immediately abandoned him, and didn't even consider Fuba...
In other words Oats defended WOS along with Fuba because the ideal scum agenda was mislynch, when he saw mislynch was unlikely to happen he advocated no lynch. Finally when Fuba came under threat he said we should lynch WOS for sure , he said that because there was no other choice for scum... How is it that his agenda just happens to so perfectly line up with mafias (Assuming Fuba is scum, pretty darn certain, which well know by the end of the day.)?