On July 20 2012 07:47 supersoft wrote:
syllo, sandro
zealos first because kurumi seems to have no powers today?
syllo, sandro
zealos first because kurumi seems to have no powers today?
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
United States21170 Posts
July 19 2012 22:48 GMT
On July 20 2012 07:47 supersoft wrote: syllo, sandro opinion: zealos first because kurumi seems to have no powers today? | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 19 2012 23:05 GMT
[QUOTE]On July 04 2012 10:29 VisceraEyes wrote: Will those at the top of the scum hierarchy know the powers of those at the bottom?[/QUOTE] They will know what exists, not who has what. | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 19 2012 23:06 GMT
On July 06 2012 09:28 Protactinium wrote: Show nested quote + On July 04 2012 10:29 VisceraEyes wrote: Will those at the top of the scum hierarchy know the powers of those at the bottom? They will know what exists, not who has what. | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 19 2012 23:56 GMT
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United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 00:01 GMT
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United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 00:19 GMT
Also he doesn't appear to be doing anything to look for scum. It's possible he is and just hasn't shared or whatever...but that seems pretty anti-productive in this setup. EVERYONE has a vested interest in establishing their innocence. I don't like it. Think it stinks. I think he might be scuuuum. | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 00:24 GMT
On July 20 2012 09:18 marvellosity wrote: Show nested quote + On July 20 2012 09:12 Probulous wrote: Ok since you guys are here, thoughts on QBertz? Note to self: QBertz is acusing people of lurking whilst being useless himself. Your note is good enough. I have a hatred for people who post like that anyway. If I were offered right now for him to be dead or alive, I'd choose dead. Why? WHY? ARGH this is like the third game you've said this in! I LOVE it! Like, yeah okay - it makes reading him harder. But I mean - so? That's the point of the game! I have my own strategy for making myself harder to read (trying to post the same way as Town/Scum and post A LOT)...why the hate for Chez' strategy? And do you think he's scum? Or is that like, a Policy Lynch? Because your phrasing leaves that pretty ambiguous doesn't it? | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 00:38 GMT
On July 20 2012 09:37 Zealos wrote: Right now people are starting to talk about you, but I suspect that if you put in a little bit of time soon they will forget. Town has a lot to go through in terms of lynch, so if you shape up even a little bit I'm sure they will soon forget. If you have any useful abilities from your role please try to crumb it subtly during the next day so in the next message I can suggest you how to use it. Hopefully this communication problem will be gone by tomorrow. sigh That's clearly designed to look like a scum message Zeal. :/ | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 01:07 GMT
WAH WAH WAAAAAH ![]() | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 01:18 GMT
![]() Unless you're scum, then keep the hits coming bro. ![]() | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 01:35 GMT
Not working. YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!!? ![]() | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 01:41 GMT
Also, your whole accusation is contradictory now...you said he's "putting in a lot of effort" and now you say "sounds like lazy scum". Have you fooled me to now BH? ARE you scum like people keep saying? | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 01:45 GMT
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United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 02:17 GMT
On July 20 2012 11:10 Katina wrote: This thread is so messy it's not even funny. Here's what needs to happen: Keep your votes on Kurumi. We are not going to spend the last day bringing up new candidates (Like Zealos) and throw the thread into complete chaos again then end up with another no lynch. There's hard evidence on Kurumi right now, let's not forget that. We will see what his flip is then go from therw. When D3 hits THEN will we start voting for other people who are Mafia. (Mattchew, Palmar, Foolishness, Blazinghand, etc) There has been roughly ten pages since I looked at the thread this morning and all the content in those pages say close to nothing about anything. It's all a bunch of derp and twerp that is continuing to keep the thread horrible cluttered and disorganized. I'm surprised to see that the veteran players (who are usually good at keep direction for the town) are sitting around doing nothing or contributing to the chaos as well. If this continues then this game will be fast and resulting in a for sure Mafia victory. There's "hard evidence" on Zeal too sweetie, read those 10 pages before reprimanding us. The question of whether we lynch Zeal or Kurumi isn't an arbitrary one, if they're both scum (likely) then it becomes a question of whether it's prudent to kill the one who might still have a power or kill the one who lived when he should have died. I tend to agree that Kurumi needs to die first, but I don't fault anyone for thinking Zeal is a better target at this point...who knows what other powers scum have? | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 03:50 GMT
TBH if we're switching I'd want to switch to Foolishness anyway. Skidoosh? So....I'm gonna go read WBG's posts right now. I want someone else to do the same. Anyone can, but I'm doing it too. Hypothesis: WBG was killed for a reason. | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 03:56 GMT
On July 17 2012 11:00 wherebugsgo wrote: Show nested quote + On July 17 2012 10:53 VisceraEyes wrote: I'm considering Prob...here's the thing. BH is known to use questionable logic regardless of alignment (like someone else I know). Yourself? I missed this post. <3 I was literally talking about myself. | ||
United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 04:49 GMT
VisceraEyes Attempt At Night-Kill Analysis First, the reason I've done this: the mafia kill mechanic. On July 02 2012 16:07 Protactinium wrote: Extra Information: The mafia kill process goes like this: Every day, all mafia members except for the CEO send in a name on who they wish to kill. Then, the CEO must choose to kill one player on the list by the night deadline. So, here's my theory: this night-kill holds significance because A) I haven't done this analysis yet ![]() The information that the CEO has, as I understand it, is the names of his two Executives. And the information that the Executives have are the names of the minions. But all mafia but the CEO must submit a name for the night-kill. So this means 2 things. 1) that the night-kills will more likely have an actual reason other than "to throw town off" or "blue snipe" and 2) that the CEO gets information on who his minions are by who they want to kill. Given all of this, my assumption is that Blazinghand is Mafia. First of all, just so we're clear, I do NOT have the ability to block nukes. Nothing stops a nuke. It's a nuke. I guess it's possible, but I very seriously doubt it for two reasons. 1) because RoL had a dud nuke. It never had a chance of exploding, ever. And 2) Because as Bugs commented earlier - if BH was town and had a block available, he would have blocked Kurumi's nuke the moment he found out that Kurumi was scum. Regardless of the fact that scum minions don't know who each other are, it is a net gain for town to prevent mafia from achieving their objectives. Period. Kurumi could have been under direct orders to fire that nuke for all we know. So right now I'm looking at something like... Kurumi, Zealos, Foolishness, Blazinghand ...if we're talking about my like...really heavy strong scum reads. Layabout is still up there, and here's something else I found that was interesting: On July 17 2012 10:04 wherebugsgo wrote: Show nested quote + On July 17 2012 07:52 Katina wrote: On July 17 2012 07:48 wherebugsgo wrote: Lol @ Kurumi trying to insinuate that mafia know who town are in this setup (hint: they don't) The desperate flailings and failings of a caught scum, too funny. Also marv is a good scumhunter, an honorable scumhunter, let no harm befall him. Marv if you're town don't go afk, just ignore Kurumi. You can help me and sandro and whoever else is on town side. I'm still reading, but thoughts to come in a few hours after my lab. Barring Kurumi I'd like to hear who Katina, Palmar, sandro, and syllo would kill right now. Palmar mostly. Wouldn't mind syllo, or Mattchew. <3 I believe you're the only one who even acknowledged my question. I agree with all three kills but I'd rank them differently. Wouldn't mind killing Blazingscum and layabout too, they're all scum. All scum, god damn them. Oh and Wiggles is AFK. Just thought I'd throw that out there, he hasn't posted yet. Possibly rolled scum again, the bastard. OH and BM is afk too. Wtf? Well hell, half the players are afk. W/e. Let's focus on one player first: Shit that makes layabout scummy: Read his filter first, it's not long at all. Keep that in mind for a second. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=349678&user=233798 He does nothing but shed doubt on sandro's claim. He instantly disbelieves it without considering other evidence. He knows the caliber of sandro's town play yet he doesn't even acknowledge the possibility that sandro could be town. In addition he's stayed toward the back of the discussion, as he does when he is scum. When he is town he is out in front if he thinks people are being stupid. He will kick and scream and call people retarded if they're doing something he disagrees with. Clearly he disagrees with us sheeping sandro on his catch of Kurumi (otherwise why else would he shed doubt on it?) but notice that he actually doesn't do anything to stop the wagon. i.e. his doubt is unfounded and he wants to undermine sandro without taking heat for the action itself. Scum tactic. Kurumi is going to die at the end of the day. Thus, we should kill someone else. Let's kill this guy for now. Make the bad man fly. ##unvote ##vote layabout Which further makes me question my read on marvellosity to be honest. Starting to think marvellosity is scum too, because layabout goes unnoticed by marvellosity in spite of On July 19 2012 21:01 marvellosity wrote: Show nested quote + On July 19 2012 18:06 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: Alright guys let’s talk rastaban. The first thing that caught my eye was, conveniently, his first post so let’s start there. On July 16 2012 23:32 rastaban wrote: Caught up now, thoughts so far: First off the random vote is a bad idea, normally the reason it is used is to eliminate mafia influence, but guess what the mafia don't know who each other are so this lynch will be without their influence anyway. We have a golden opportunity to have a lynch today with mafia having to base their judgments on reads, and make hard choices while not able to communicate. Fellow employees do not squander this opportunity! This leads to my second point, Lynching scum doesn't put someone in the clear, especially this early in the game. They don't know who each other is so they can lynch themselves, so look for sound reasoning not just who they voted for. @ HiroPro Third yes mafia only has 1 KP see: Extra Information: The mafia kill process goes like this: Every day, all mafia members except for the CEO send in a name on who they wish to kill. Then, the CEO must choose to kill one player on the list by the night deadline. Fourth, While I think a Policy lynch on claiming blues is bad, I do think you bring up a very valid point. As you mention 1 for 1 may not be a bad trade for them so I think we should certainly be extra wary of any claimants and possibly lynch the claimant if it seems fishy, but I think a Policy is going a bit too far. OK so thats my setup review / plans post, I am now working on locating scum so I will follow up in a bit with my thoughts on who to lynch. This post is a whole lot of fluff. The game has been going on for a while when he makes this and there’s plenty to discuss however rastaban is more comfortable discussing the setup. This is a red flag, this type of post is something you make right after the game starts, not when the game has been going on and there are actual issues that can be addressed. To continue with this theme we have posts like this: On July 17 2012 00:19 rastaban wrote: Wait I just realized it said "one" of them in those posts. I had thought they sent out a message to all their followers at once, but it means instead of the above example, at most the high up, could tell one other person to try and save him. That means only 2 scum detractors at most from any lynch today Again, it’s just talking about the setup instead of actually scumhunting. Let’s look at the next two posts together: On July 17 2012 01:37 rastaban wrote: @BH What is this??? the only way someone could vote you is if they are scum, do you really believe you are that town? Your latest post is so crazy I almost think it is a joke. On July 17 2012 03:54 rastaban wrote: VE both games I have played with you you pushed someone incredibly hard day 1, why do you want to do a random lynch, cant you find any scum this time? Both these posts serve no purpose. Does rastaban think either of these two are scummy? Who knows. He says that BH is so crazy he almost thinks it’s a joke but gives us no read. Similarly with VE, he mentions how VE’s behavior is different than what he’s observed but gives no read. After a nice little wagon has built up on BH, rastaban finally feels confident calling for someone’s death: On July 17 2012 05:18 rastaban wrote: I like the case on BH better than the on Mz right. I feel GGQ is right in his assessment that mafia will use the lack of ties to make them more bold in their case rather than second guessing. Look at my play as Serial Killer, I decided to try and play as pro town as possible, I ended up going overboard and tunneling risk.nuke in my effort. I feel like MZ's caution is the sign of town who wants to get things right rather than scum who wants to get the day over with. Think about it we still have more than 24 hours of discussion to go. As others have also pointed out, he is also trying too hard to find reasons for his votes, it makes them seem fake. ##vote blazinghand He like the case on BH better than the one on me but spends most of the post talking about something other than his reasons for voting BH. Ultimately, rastaban’s vote seems like it is available to whichever candidate is currently the flavor of the hour: On July 17 2012 13:29 rastaban wrote: Sylo also looks like a good target, and while his actions are Scummy I recommend the Ace method, when two people both look like scum start by lynching the player you have more content on. We can give Sylo till tomorrow to improve if need be, and lynch this scum BH he has so much content and it all points one way On July 18 2012 11:33 rastaban wrote: I like the BH LYnch better but I could go for lymching Austin as well mainly because the only defense for him is it's so scummy scum wouldn't do it. I have mis-lynched gonzaw before and this case on him doesn't seem that strong. That said his reaction is quite different than in bang bang so I would take over a nolynch if we can't get BH or Austin stung up. On July 18 2012 12:32 rastaban wrote: On July 18 2012 12:26 Mattchew wrote: I think Gonzaw is overwhelmed (not enough time) and that very much plays into why his meta would seem off. His confidence seems to be gone without being able to be the most dominant (usually by sheer volume) poster in the thread. I think this is the first time I have ever seen this little filter out of him and I think this all stems from not having enough time. I think his reactions and posts are sincere and truthful I see u are on MZ. Gonzaw and mh are our leading candidates and it looks like I agree to give gonzaw a bit more time. Will u switch to MH? On July 18 2012 12:57 rastaban wrote: Sorry guys but I have to head to bed. I think the momentum is swinging back to BH so I will leave my vote where it is. The last post really betrays rastaban’s strategy. He “agrees” with the every case that was brought up d1 however he sticks with BH because that’s where the momentum is. This just screams scum trying to fit in. He’s not going to argue hard for the BH lynch, he won’t stick his neck out by switching to another candidate but he’ll agree with the argument against that person just to be in agreement. Finally, he chooses to go with BH because it’s the one that seems the least controversial. This may not be a very elegant post but it should get the point across and I need sleep. I’ll be happy to answer any questions when I wake up. tl;dr rastaban needs to die at some point. I'd like to give this some love. I started off reading it sceptically but at the end I was down with it. Meapak demonstrates in rastaban what I would classify as the classic mafia mindset in this setup - not rocking the boat, going with the flow, not drawing attention to yourself with dissent. rastaban this game is classic mafia. ...being the reason marv gave for agreeing with MZ's case. Considering marv's high regard for Bugs as a player, I'd expect a town marv to be all up on layabout after Bugs post on him. But Bugs must have been killed for a reason. tl:dr -
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United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 04:54 GMT
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United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 04:55 GMT
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United States21170 Posts
July 20 2012 04:58 GMT
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