On July 03 2012 08:54 ghost_403 wrote: @drWiggles: That's a solid 'meh' response.
I had a quick read through his filter just now. He seems like an experienced player. He seems pretty helpful and actually cares about who he votes for. Not sure if he's scum or town exactly but has some good points to make and gives reasoning behind his decisions.
If you think something else about him I'd be interested to hear it.
On July 03 2012 07:56 Twelve wrote:I just honestly think im gonna get killed tonight because of how hard I was hounding BKE, who i still think is scum. NoSmurfsHere defends BKE multiple times, and ultimately is the one who started the foxtrotter bandwagon. His post seems EXTREMLY suspicious given what we know to be true now. Show nested quote +On July 02 2012 09:08 NoSmurfHere wrote: Alright, here's the thing:
If mK comes back to vote he's 100% scum. I'm banking on him getting modkilled to even consider this a decent idea. Probably a stupid idea, but w/e. I don't like the BKE lynch and the only reasonable alternative now is foxtrotter.
I say that (particularly if fox flips town) we need to get a vig to shoot mK.
##unvote ##vote Foxtrotter
NOW do things make sense?
United Kingdom36156 Posts
wbg, you're a bad person. That is all.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
kinda bad timing to out yourself, no?
anyway I was gonna post the reason I have that read on Katina (it's a meta read) and then I realized if I posted a meta read on katina it'd be kinda pointless unless you all knew who I was.
I posted under my actual account once to see if anybody would notice but no one did. Then I accidentally posted with this acct in the movie thread (lol) and someone not in this game noticed.
but anyway Katina's been jumping on wagons and not really been explaining her reads very thoroughly this game. This is very similar to what I saw in MTG (as opposed to her RB play in Emergency) so I'm inclined to believe she's scum.
As for VE the read isn't strong because I always find it hard to read VE but I'm getting the same vibe I got from him in LI. He's not directly pushing any of his reads and he's for the most part flowing with town sentiment. I kinda saw that in Emergency too but that's all kinda nebulous.
Then in terms of the lurkers there's a bunch of them who look terrible. I'm not greatly confident in any of them either (simply because there's so damn many) but honestly our best bet is to just start killing the scummiest of them first.
we seriously vote switched between townies again....
United Kingdom36156 Posts
I thought Katina's last post in particular was pretty fucking awful.
err not emergency but WoF. the game where he was mafia with ace and forumite
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Basically I was hoping to be alive long enough to get a good read on Katina. I think she's readable. Prelinarily I share some of your thoughts about her, but didn't find any reason to share them as yet.
omg finally some backup on Katina. I am all for her lynch.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
EBWOP: *Preliminarily. not sure if that's even a word to start with though.
Ghost is Scum.
On July 02 2012 09:44 ghost_403 wrote: Fine. If you guys won't tell me who to vote for, I'll vote for the guy in the lead.
Ghost's day one vote is very strange, fifteen mintutes before this vote he was bouncing off the wall looking for a person to tell him who to vote for (posts look for the ghost ones). His explanation of his vote leads me to believe he was a scum trying to act innocent/running out of time, instead of spending the fifteen minutes to skim through the lynch candidate's filters as a townie would. Maybe he used his town list to pick Fox O.O
On July 02 2012 09:57 ghost_403 wrote: I got a better idea. I could ask the people who started this bandwagon to see if they could actually give me a good reason for lynching a (probably town) newb. The guy has a filter that is four posts long. FOUR. The guy disappeared eight pages ago, and suddenly, it's a good idea to lynch him? That's completely absurd.
Unfortunately, it's too late for me to inject any reason into this thread, and save this scrubs life, so I'm going to let the town lynch him. Then, tomorrow, I'm going to go through the last 34 pages and find out exactly why he was lynched.
P.S.: The right answer to the question that I asked you above was "Foxtrotter, because he's scum".
He then turns on the leaders of the vote asking for a reason why they picked Fox. He clearly picked him for no reason, yet turns around and tries to get the rest of the wagoners lynched.
That's about the bulk of anything close to substantial he's even posted the rest are useless one-liners.
rastaban, NoSmurfHere, BillMurray
These are the people I'd like to lynch into tomorrow.
I think of the three, I'd be least comfortable lynching rasta, and I'd be most comfortable lynching NoSmurfHere.
The case on rasta is inactivity, so there's that. He should be more active, he is not. EZPZ. My weakest read.
The case on BM: he's not helping town at all. If you don't believe me, go look at his filter. It's chock full of terribleness and awfultude.
And now that NSH is Bugs, I'm gonna dedicate a FULL POST to why we should kill him tomorrow.
Catching up guys I was sick today and not available. Sorry for the lurking. Will post some actual content once caught up.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Alright, VE. But try to do it in a kinda non-ranty, overly emotional biased way <3